
Caregiving Quotes

There are 1429 quotes

"Don't forget to take care of yourself as you care for someone else."
"All of us should prepare for parts of being a caregiver in our lives, just to be able to support who we are and who we may be providing care for."
"It creates such a unique special bond that I don't think would be there otherwise."
"If you really care for them, God'll say to you what to say."
"Your mere presence for someone who you care about, who's distressed, does something inside their body which is healthful."
"It gives my partner Lisa more time to do the things that she needs to do instead of being a caregiver 24-7."
"I think it's important because they're former family caregivers so they have been there and they can understand what that person may be experiencing."
"By the way, it's not uncommon to find them together either snuggling or one doing a major cleaning of the other's ear, which is a beautiful service on the part of each of them."
"I want to say a heartfelt thanks to each and every carer, whether paid or unpaid, for all the work that they're doing to support family and friends and loved ones, especially in this time of crisis."
"It's an honor to take care of your mother in her old age."
"My caregiving started when my 17-year-old son was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor, and I cared for him for 27 months until he sadly passed. It was a very overwhelming, stressful situation, and I am using that experience to help other patients and family caregivers better navigate their own injuries and illnesses."
"I would massively support infants and children and the people who take care of them."
"Cheesecake has never had her own young, but being a capybara, she knows exactly what to do with this lot."
"I am raising my grandson with medical needs. I am four thousand dollars behind on utilities. We need electricity to run his medical equipment."
"If our caregivers are emotionally attuned with us, they're attentive to our needs, they give us love, attention, change us, feed us, play with us, we learn a healthy secure attachment."
"A good caregiver is someone who is available, consistent, and responsive, and the child wants to know that the caregiver is close and connected."
"Caregivers are one of the most hidden and vulnerable communities in the United States."
"For a caregiver, there is no break. They love taking care of their loved one, they wouldn't trade it for the world, but it's also very hard."
"Prepping is not just taking care of yourself, but it's also taking care of your loved ones."
"I've always been a helper, a giver, a caretaker."
"The only way to sustainably and scalably bend the trend... is to respect and care for that unpaid caregiver who is responsible for the health and well-being of these people that they're caring for."
"Caregiving unlike any other profession... because you do have that emotional connection, the psychological connection, and the physical connection."
"I identify myself as the mom of the group. I always have everything everyone needs."
"The fact is, Alzheimer's is not just a disease of the individual who has it. It is a burden on also individuals who are caregivers as well."
"Being a cancer, she's very loving, yes, and she's very sensitive...she always thinks she can clean things up, fix things."
"My mother, bless her soul, had moved in while all this was happening to help me."
"My end goal five years from now is to ensure no caregiver is left alone."
"Finding joy and living in the moment was a big focus on my caregiving journey."
"I want to empower other caregivers to boldly advocate for their loved ones."
"You're not alone on your care journey, you're not alone on the journey after your loved one passes either."
"None of us get into caregiving because we're gonna make a ton of money, right? We get into it because we love the person we're caring for."
"It built my relationship with my mom closer, and we enjoyed our time together."
"The hardest thing I'm running into is trying to figure out how to add to my income... You live for the moment where you're not that caregiver; you just want to go somewhere, outside, alone."
"I'm a sandwich generation caregiver who cares for her young daughter and an elderly adult."
"Caregiving is noble but also very beautiful in the sense that you're bonding with a person in a way unlike any other healthcare professionals can."
"Being a caregiver can be overwhelming, but you are not alone."
"Caregiving brings people together from diverse backgrounds, and it's through that story sharing that allows us all to be better caregivers."
"The trajectory of my life changed dramatically beyond my wildest dreams when all of a sudden now...I was there providing literally 24/7 care for my father."
"But it is something that we do need to talk about because there are a lot of people who are caregivers for their spouses and it is a lot to handle."
"It’s definitely worth addressing because it’s a very big part of our life being in an interabled relationship."
"Caregivers in general don't share their story, and what happens is it just keeps bottling up. They have something to say, they have an experience to be shared."
"Most caregivers have those moments when they're very grateful for being a caregiver; they're those 'wow' moments."
"Caregivers are known for their compassion, dedication, generosity, and helpfulness."
"Caregiving, or any type of giving, signifies a one-way relationship; you're always giving and never getting anything out of it, which even with caregiving, you are getting a lot out of it. The rewards and the benefits of shared memories, shared moments, and experiences."
"My Care Friends was born out of the experiences I've had with most recently my parents, since 2018 both fight life-threatening diseases and previous experience I've had with my uncle, my sister, and my grandparents. It's a community for connecting caregivers and advocates where caregivers and patient advocates can go on, connect with each other, share, and support each other."
"Find time for yourself some way somehow. You need the break. I've burned out twice in the first three years, and you don't want to get to that point."
"We can't care well for other people if we don't take care of ourselves."
"You need to make sure you get your time in the morning for yourself or in the evening or whenever you find it because if something happens to you, what happens to your loved one?"
"Every caregiver has a story that we're going through, and when we share our story with the community, they can see parts of themselves within it."
"Being a caretaker for somebody with profound needs is like sacrificing your life for another person."
"The longer we cared for her, the more I realized that this is a massive opportunity, right, to make or to build something that not only is necessary but can really have an impact in people's lives who are going through something similar."
"The biggest challenge people are having is just financial; it is super expensive to care for a loved one."
"Caregivers, and the end person that needs that care, are both going through a harder time than just dining."
"You know, a caregiver right, 20% of Americans are caregivers, you know one, ask them how you can help."
"You take care of the babies, they need you, and they are the only thing that matters. I'll take care of myself, I'm good at it."
"Having Abigail having autism, you know, she's like our forever baby in a lot of ways. We have that cuddly little girl all the time."
"It's important for caregivers to know when an individual with dementia is close to the end of their life because it helps ensure they receive the right amount of care at the right time."
"It feels amazing to care for someone else, to have purpose, to serve other than myself."
"She's been working hard, taking care of her son; she cooks meals for him every night."
"Congratulations, you take care of so many people."
"If sharing the burden of care of children and of parents is key to closing the gender gap then that suggests accepting the traditional roles of men and women are a thing of the past."
"At the end of the day, I love my parents and I chose to be with them and if I wanted to I could have just left but I didn't, I wanted to stay with them and take care of them."
"Your partner is going to desire to take care of you, they want to provide for you."
"Just let whatever happens happens and be there when your 'autistic' needs some picking up and some cuddling and some comfort and safety."
"Looking after your loved ones is a key factor for maintaining mental stability."
"Girl, let me change your diaper, get over here and let me change you."
"A woman with a clear and concise green flag takes care of a dude if he's sick."
"A green flag is if she takes care of you when you're sick, doesn't abandon you."
"She's been taking care of me all by herself, she says it's exhausting."
"I highly recommend every single human being on this planet to eat in and out."
"The most rewarding aspect... is to have the privilege and honor to care for people at end of life."
"Caregivers were completely forgotten in the pandemic."
"So, how do we keep people well as they're aging? In terms of healthy aging as well as supporting their families as they help them navigate aging as well."
"I might have to go and make sure that they're awake so that they don't miss the bus and so that they can go to school."
"The most important thing is always going to be taking care of your family."
"Bad nannies are supposed to be the better caretaker. They're the ones that have all the answers, the super nanny."
"Who's been saving her own nanny? It's been Kamala all along."
"People start when they can't take care of themselves."
"You cannot take care of other people if you are not taking care of yourself."
"A house designed and built in the small village of Zimbark, Poland, has become a local tourist mecca."
"Saving your life, staying with you whilst you're unconscious, making you comfortable, and healing your wounds is considered a normal favor."
"Choosing the right hospice for your loved one and yourself gives you many things: care, support, the backing of an expert team, respite care, grief support, help with planning, less stress, better health, and peace of mind."
"Our job is to share our calm with them and to provide them with skills and tools."
"It's time to make the revolution that is really making room for care."
"The hardest thing to do is to just be there for somebody, even if you can't do anything."
"That's her job right whatever granny need whatever time of the night whatever it is hey you there you handle that and for that you'll never have to work a day in your life."
"That's the least we could do to take care of you."
"Family and friends need to do everything they can to get their loved ones to put the pressure on them to get the care that they need."
"The real problem here is that this girl is being forced to be a fucking caregiver at such a young age and I don't think that's okay..."
"Who in the world wants to live with their mom? Not me. Now don't get me wrong, if my mom ever wants to move in with me, my mom will have access to everything I own, every property, my home."
"When you think of a mother, what words come to mind to describe her? Loving, caring, protector."
"But if you love the people who are around you, you'll be there for them. Who's gonna walk your daughter down the aisle? Who's gonna keep your wife company when she gets frail? Because she's gonna need you."
"He's got to look after his ailing dad, dad brick dad Rick."
"If you're caring for somebody with COVID, you need to understand the course of the disease."
"People who get into this field, any kind of mental health professional, do it because we want to help people. And want to be there for you."
"You always want to be able to protect them and and save them from the worst case scenario right."
"If I'm needed by everyone I care about, I want to keep playing that role."
"She removes slivers from his finger, helps him run for school president, and teaches him all about the world."
"Looking after a toddler is like looking after a drunk mate all the time."
"When family members over 50 take on unpaid caregiving roles, they'll lose on average over $300,000 in Lost income and benefits."
"It really is about not providing something... a safe nurturing environment in which to grow and develop."
"Child care, animal care, personal assistant duties, security, and transportation."
"I've essentially become his caregiver, which I'm happy to do, but somebody still has to pay the bills, right?"
"Our job as human beings, as creation, is to show care and to attempt to alleviate suffering."
"A real man don't even see that, they're gonna take care of theirs."
"If you can, try to carve more time for yourself to be there for them too. You won't regret it."
"You take care of your heart, I'll take care of your basket."
"We never wanted closure, even if there was such a thing. We only wanted Christina."
"The father held authority over the child, but it would be the mother who would be the primary caregiver."
"I care for them and I care for the families that are involved."
"It's one of the most gentle, empathetic, and honest displays of care."
"The abuse and neglect of children is undoubtedly one of the most difficult issues to address especially because children are often at the mercy of their own caretakers who make all of the decisions for them."
"We're not CEOs, we're not generals in an army. We're given a high and a holy responsibility to care for those entrusted to our care."
"I even quit my job during covid because so many distraught caregivers were calling me every day."
"Boys progress the most when they have a responsibility to take care of somebody else."
"I didn't get started in this to sell books... it really started for me with a very sick loved one."
"You gotta look after yourself before you can care for others."
"These babies are well taken care of I could say that yes ma'am."
"They are very protective, caring, and nurturing."
"If you're not prioritizing your health and you're not showing discipline, you can't take care of the people around you."
"The fundamentals of caring: break out the tissues, folks."
"So I got to her house took her to the emergency room but she had like a fever of like 102 the night before she couldn't keep food down she was throwing up it was really bad and she looked like a ghost like her face was like super pale."
"Try feeding a child and tell me that doesn't give you a greater sense of joy."
"Be with them and keep them clean and keep them safe and keep them comfortable."
"Logan is stuck in this position where he has to take care of a child and an old man."
"I handed her a bottle, and she cradled my daughter in her arms as she swayed back and forth, singing sweet lullabies."
"I want to personally raise kids that are in unfortunate situations and put them into a better environment."
"It's exactly the same and he knows how to look after you like you know what I mean he's a home bird he loves it at home."
"It's really admirable what you're doing and I thank you and the people that took care of my friend's mom and we're working around the clock to make sure that she's okay."
"Your hero cared for you, now you care for her."
"Taking care of a living thing is a big responsibility, and she has also taken on the responsibility of caring for her kids, for reality, Vision, for this entire reality."
"Sometimes there's other emotions other than laughter."
"It's so unorthodox, even though fee and foo are technically not Miriam and Irving's offspring, they do take care of them."
"Absolutely my best day since I started worrying about him."
"Make sure if you have a caretaker in your life, be appreciative when they take care of you."
"Kane promised to take care of Jinn and thanked them for looking after him."
"This is his first proper big boy bed... okay I'll tuck you in there."
"She was a nurse, and I feel like, you know, if your husband is wounded, you're going to try to keep him alive as much as you can."
"She held him in her arms as he took his last breath."
"She just wants to protect him from the Scary Monsters."
"An orangutan takes on the role of babysitter to baby tigers, showing us the beauty of interspecies friendships."
"A mama cat's compassion knows no bounds: adopting orphaned squirrels into her litter."
"Whatever makes their life better, exactly do that."
"The point is to do what you feel is best for them."
"Human beings are social creatures, we are designed from the ground up to be pro-social, to take care of each other."
"Most people do not know this but they both looked after him and were his closest associates."
"Isaac is like a family man, alright? He's a family man, probably. He likes to take care of people."
"We just spent the last few days not feeling great and so we are now getting back out. But when you have animals it doesn't matter how sick you feel, you still have some responsibilities."
"Helping your loved ones that are struggling and getting them access to support and services is critical."
"I have one job: my one job is to take care of this human. How am I doing in that job today?"
"Because we're established and we know each other, nurturing, loving quality care is here."
"I totally accept it and I would absolutely stay with Oliver I would love to push myself to you know step even into the role of also taking care of it it's absolutely possible."
"Your duty is to physically protect them but you're also there to shield them from many things."
"The baby only wants to be with the mom. That is their food supply."
"He needs so many hugs and a safe place to be."
"She's holding her up, she's holding her up, and it's, you know, my I'm watching this thing and it's like crazy."
"Attraction so many caregivers are taught to redirect when someone is either depressed or they just need to get that uh spark when someone is alive inside because they have been attracted it's a totally different brain effort."
"We have stood by our grandson's side every day since 2016."
"I want to do everything in my power to take care of her."
"If you're that passionate about your job, with time, you will become a very successful person at your job."
"When you get something living, you have to take care of it, especially something that can't take care of itself."
"You really start to appreciate people who treat you like you are like anybody who says they love you and goes out of the way to take care of you."
"Holy [__] I can take care of her, I can like actually look after her now, like she doesn't have to worry about anything."
"Take care of yourself first so you can take care of those you love."
"I will be looking after you for the next two days, okay Lily?"
"My mother was my best friend. That's the one thing I wanted to do was take care of my mother, and now I can't."
"If I can provide comfort and engagement for those who need it, then I'm a very, very happy Robert."
"Do you need a tampon? Do you need a pad, mommy? I'll go in the drawer and get it for you."
"In the summer of 2019, a grandmother named Barbara was looking after her grandkids for the weekend."
"Wowser, yeah big one on two quick for questions."
"The energy was like a little lulling and she's like, 'I just got to smooth out the ringles in this rug or else someone I love is going to die.'"
"That moment where she says 'take care of the aunt'... oh my god."
"As a species we wouldn't survive if we were not able to hold babies - you know, be like, 'Oh, it's so precious, don't drop it.'"
"Because it would be a sad ending where the average age becomes very high and really the youth are effectively de facto enslaved to take care of the old people."
"That's just called a father. As you should be able to look after your kids."
"That one, it's slow tempos and fast, and you know, it's amazing when I get a student's mind that are 14, 15 in the school bands and they're saying 'wow I got to play samba'."
"Nida took care of Esther, the daughter, as her own."
"I wake up at 6:30 a.m., I go to bed at 9:30 p.m., and it's wiping asses and stuff."
"Your wife's tired, she's struggling, and she needs your help. She does need your help."
"He was taking care of his wife, and it was unbelievable to see."
"DL is just sort of ready to pick run food, no I need to protect her."
"The caregiving in our relationship makes it so much stronger... It immediately ends the fight."
"I will open doors for you, I will assist you, I will take care of you."
"I am in awe of caregivers, mothers, fathers, whoever who feed their families."
"I take care of him and health, and that's great in a relationship."
"Because she was home, I don't think emotionally that girl could have handled it, or physically."
"I'm just trying to do whatever I can to support her and make things easier on her."
"I tell my caregivers, let's take care of the care, and the money will come."
"If you let me, I'll take care of you. Even more than that, I want to spoil you, give you more than just what you need. I want to give you everything you want too."
"When you marry a woman you live long because we do stuff like that, we will go and research and find out what's wrong with you and help you fix it."
"You're willing to nurture them and take care of them to fulfill that potential."
"I take a lot of pride in how good I've been able to take care of my parents."
"I made you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich."
"What makes me happy is being able to take care of them."
"Caregiving routines like diapering, feeding, bathing a child, all of these are to be viewed as opportunities for connection times to be together and to enjoy it, not as a chore."
"The most important thing is to take care of yourself. And I know that your loved one knows everything that you're going through. So, if you're not taking care of yourself, that's even more pressure on your loved one."
"I learned how to take care of multiple people, not just a brother or a sister but like a family."
"We need to value those people that look after our most vulnerable."
"You can give a human baby to another human for the same reason."
"Finally, a beautiful baby that I can take care of."