
Motivational Insight Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"The success is not guaranteed, but the struggle is."
"Everyone can relate to being an underdog at some point in their lives."
"You survived for a reason, you survived for a purpose."
"We grew up listening to black music and we love it."
"If you take it serious, you're going to find a way."
"You've survived 100% of the things you've ever encountered in life. You're undefeated."
"People change when the cost of not changing becomes too great."
"Most people had a graveyard of failures before they had their actual first success."
"People don't change because they're forced to; they change because they want to."
"Your answer is inspiration. That is how you will free yourself."
"I would much rather have chased success and not attained it."
"Start off with very basic movements and then progressed... nice slow and steady wins the race."
"Vision means looking further than you can see. If all you see is what you see, you do not see all there is to be seen."
"Rock Bottom is a great place to begin rebuilding your life."
"If you want what you don't have, you're gonna have to do what you haven't done."
"Effort and sacrifice: two sides of the same point."
"Not the key to happiness, happiness is the key to success, yeah sure it is."
"Every time life gets harder it means you leveled up!"
"This was never really about profits was it... it was about power."
"Losing is also something to be valued. It's the fuel that propels you to growth."
"Remember, there's no such thing as failure, only a learning curve."
"You know life can take you to some incredible places if you're really, really good at it."
"When you think you're broken and couldn't possibly go another step, you're only forty percent of the way there."
"Isn't it amazing how it's easier for us to believe in somebody else than it is for us to believe in ourselves?"
"When you feel like quitting, that is when your breakthrough starts."
"Everything that you want in your heart's desire is on the other side of fear."
"Worth is what you believe worth is. That's it. That's how people who are total jerks pull off amazing things."
"Your fears serve a purpose. Your fears highlight to you how important something is and what needs to change."
"If broke people are making fun of your financial plan, you're on track."
"Every bad day that you've had, you have a 100% survival rate of those bad days."
"Your critic is simply an obnoxious, ignorant sage poking you where you need to grow."
"The universe cannot say no to a determined man."
"If you can turn your pain into your purpose, then you're doing something right."
"Slow progress is progress, even if it's slow. Hard to see it when you're muddling through, right?"
"The way out of apathy is to remind ourselves of our intention, which is to get higher and freer."
"Just think if he was that committed to his job, that's a good point. All that energy towards work would have been the employee of the month."
"Successful people see failure as a temporary setback; unsuccessful people see it as a mark on their character."
"You're never gonna be Iron Man... it's a metaphor."
"I think sometimes when the money comes too early, your fire goes away. I'm an 18-year-old kid, okay? I've been lifting weights, I get on a cycle, and I start looking good."
"The most important thing you can have is a Purpose-Driven Life."
"I think when you learn the secret... greatness starts chasing you."
"Once people get that first taste of success..."
"The work is always harder than you want it to be but it is easier than you fear and it is something that we can do."
"I think now is the time when women realize that they should have went even harder."
"Every successful journey begins with a vision!"
"Perhaps that should be your biggest motivation at all to move forward understanding that you can't or that it'd be a waste of time."
"You have to have something stronger than your fear."
"Doing well is a lot harder than doing poorly. That's pretty easy to achieve most of the time."
"Make failure your teacher, not your undertaker."
"Honestly, what motivates me is perfecting my craft. I might never reach it, I probably will never reach perfection, never-ending, but you know, see, you know already, man."
"I was never aware at home that what I could do was extraordinary and to this day I never approach a piece of work whether it's writing thinking whether it's science or this evening in any other spirit then that sounds interesting let's do it."
"Winners focus on the task at hand, losers focus on winners."
"Even if you get five views for this video but the next video you get six views, that one view is progression."
"It's the passion that's how I knew my time was coming."
"Man is at his best when he's in the process of accomplishment."
"People will doubt you in the beginning and then they switch up, you know how it is, so it's like I'm always very clear about."
"Life without destination is life under death."
"For every step forward, there's two steps back in my eyes."
"Once you find one thing, it's like you are set up for success because it gives you confidence that you can find more things."
"If you guys like the content we put out, please hit that like button and consider subscribing."
"When our goals stop seeming as though they are down the street or around the corner or in the other opposite end of the world or the galaxy when they seem attainable that is when we know."
"If you are not impacted by a problem, you're not going to be released into purpose."
"Some people can just fuel... that's real life."
"When somebody feels respect, you get the best out of the person."
"Life can't just be about solving problems; there's got to be reasons to get up in the morning."
"Discipline is freedom... it's the one thing that Jaco Willink got correct."
"Greatness is whatever the hell you've dreamed of in your own mind."
"Hopefully, you learn from those moments like, now [ __ ] that instead of staying there, and that's the difference between people like you and me."
"There's nothing sadder than people who think they have no obligation to themselves to improve their own lives."
"Instruction does much but encouragement everything."
"Hope is only a mistake if you just sit there idly in your hope and don't take action to fix it."
"Helping people realize that like things aren't impossible that you can do stuff."
"Ryan Prince: show me the incentive and I'll show you the outcome."
"99% of people don't do anything about the free information."
"As rough as you think it is, it can always be worse."
"When you put your mind to something, it's amazing what you could do."
"Everybody has an expiration date whether you talking about Nipsey Hussle, Boyce Watkins, John Doe, Jane Doe, Bren—everybody's got an expiration date."
"Motivation doesn't mean you enjoy it. Have a purpose, tap into your reasons."
"The challenge makes you go higher, at least for my personality." - Dave Ramsey
"People don't change until the pain of remaining the same exceeds the pain of change."
"The common denominator of success was quite simple: successful people make a habit of doing what unsuccessful people don't like to do."
"When life gets hard, it means you just leveled up."
"We have a lot of talkers but we don't have a lot of doers."
"Whenever you look at somebody and say, why are they more successful than anybody else, it's always because... they've raised their standard."
"Courage isn't the absence of fear, but the will to act despite it."
"A lot of [] got a breakthrough coming, it's just that you ain't been through enough [] in life for you to actually hit it."
"Some of you are going through some pretty dark times right now some struggles some of you are further along than others that's okay you will all get there but from one Scorpio to another just know it's all an illusion keep pushing."
"Comfort is what causes depression... it's like you forget what's important in your life."
"Failure brings success; losing makes winners."
"Opportunity is very rare, many wish they had the same chance you do."
"Fear is faith in the enemy. Fear is false evidence appearing real."
"It just makes so much sense, like I have to do this."
"Clarity can come in and this can be overcome. You can find success even if it looks like the end or it looks difficult or it looks bad. You can still find success to move forward with this and be confident in a fresh start."
"Life is a series of events played in the correct order." - A reminder to stay focused and navigate life's challenges systematically.
"Self-reflection becomes not only doable or achievable, it can become kind of exciting."
"Heaven is not reached by a single bound but we build the ladder by which we rise."
"Success in life is like a mountain. As long as you can see the top, you know where you're headed."
"You're not going to make a million dollars and think to yourself, yep I'm done making money now. You're gonna make that step to make two million dollars, five million dollars, ten million dollars."
"It's about the war, and if you don't know what your war is, what the fuck you losing or winning battles for?"
"When you're not growing personally or professionally, when you're not really continuing to push yourself and you get to that place where I've arrived, you're not just coasting right there, you're actually taking steps backwards."
"All the stuff that hurt you, all the stuff that made you cry is also the stuff that might make you brilliant."
"The idea that you could be way more than you are, incomparably more than you are, and I do believe that."
"Passion is the number one predictor of performance."
"You guys are headed towards a lot of success."
"It's much bigger than just coming on stage and winning a title, is that overcoming that voice that we all have in our head that tells us to quit."
"If you really want to do something, you're gonna discipline yourself and find a way to do it."
"The greatest revenge you can have in any situation is success."
"Sometimes there's like this societal pressure... if everyone can reach the bar then there's no real standard."
"I feel like you're accomplishing a lot... I feel like you're very successful especially if you're doing something that involves attention."
"Winners are the people that actually end up losing the most. They just keep trying, they get better, perfect their craft, and I'm a freaking winner just like you guys are."
"I just think this is such a tremendous example of what perseverance really can achieve."
"There's a reason you are where you're at." - Glenn
"It's like a very different team. This looks like a team that knows, 'Shit, we gotta hustle. We've actually got to go out there and beat teams.' It's not gonna happen."
"Never wish away the privilege of struggle because that's the barometer you need."
"Grit is the single most valuable determining factor for success."
"You are on target with your purpose and your passion."
"We have to settle the Stars before we run out of natural resources on Earth."
"You know, if you think that your life can't change within a matter of years, that's definitely wrong."
"The more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it."
"When you start to believe in yourself and we can actually acquire it, I think it's gonna help you launch through your dream whatever you dream of, it's gonna come true."
"Even if we only do that one percent of the time or three percent of the time it's enough to start shifting the direction."
"If you have no haters, you ain't doing nothing."
"It's all interconnected and it's always getting you out of a rut."
"Ending a cycle Lessons Learned Fresh Start yup y'all are going into a new cycle a new start I'm talking about a brand new beginning like the butterfly that's beautiful."
"There's always people with less that are doing more... that alone should be all the evidence you need."
"You have one life... the most scary thing for me in the world is the look of regret."
"Failure and success... even success itself is not final."
"In order to see the light, you have to walk through your darkness."
"Nobody's promise, so you gotta appreciate every day, it's a blessing."
"A person's life runs uphill or downhill depending on whether he fails forward or backward."
"We still have clarity in a confused world, we still have direction in a place where a lot of people are directionless."
"Nothing worth doing ever, ever, ever came easy."
"I feel like I have a purpose now, even though I'm not 100% sure what it is."
"Bad the loss is no disaster. It's part of your elevation, part of how you continue to evolve."
"So if I didn't stand up the first time, I would have never fallen again, you know? Instead of focusing on how I've been falling, maybe I can focus on how much I've been standing up, right? That means something, that means I'm tough."
"Libra in October you will feel very much like you have a purpose it's like people who have kids I don't have kids but I always admire people who have kids because they have so much more to work for right."
"Whether we think we can do something or whether we think we can't, we're 100% right."
"It's never too late to come back to what's in your heart."
"Understand that... offended by wealth will never attain it."
"Most people don't quit during the race, they quit on the chair."
"For every dip that the process requires, there will be an elevation."
"It would show that her life was worth something."
"Success has a price and it's something you pay in advance."
"If everything around seems dark, look again. You may be the light."
"You're not where you want to be but you can get to where you need to be."
"Whenever Nintendo experiments with their classic plumber, it's always fun to see what ends up happening."
"People can work a lot harder than they even think they can."
"I guarantee that a lot of you guys are skeptical in fact most people who are skeptical never have success."
"Sometimes being able to get back up and stand tall after taking the punishment matters more than anything else."
"There's a reason for it, and to see how passionate they are."
"The real battle isn't getting to the Finish Line; the real battle is getting to the start line."
"Progress is progress, and any of you guys would know that you are going to have days like this where you feel like you've done so much but very little to show for it."
"So think again, and you'll realize subconsciously you want me to win."
"The hard places lead to high places."
"If you don't actually enjoy the process, you probably shouldn't be doing it."
"Recognizing that it was working for other people helped me overcome self-doubt in my work."
"I feel like fear is like what you need before success."