
Consciousness Expansion Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"I've never felt more alive ever. It feels like my consciousness has expanded. I can experience more, and feel more, and think more."
"The more you spend putting your attention on your awareness and doing the self-inquiry, your consciousness will grow and expand."
"I'm just an artist that wants to make the world more beautiful and expand our consciousnesses in a productive way."
"The after-effects of that [psychedelic] experience were in the same register, I felt more expanded and with a greater purchase on a heightened sense of beauty and that would last for quite some time."
"Major Consciousness expansion, a lot of soul Evolution."
"Life is all about raising your consciousness and finding out these incredible truths of the universe."
"This perception of self is the first step of shifting your operating system from a third dimensional to a fourth dimensional operating system."
"Once your consciousness expands beyond the confines of third dimensional time and into the now of the fifth dimension, you will flash into your light body."
"It's time to start healing and expanding our consciousness from our travels and all we've been through."
"2024 might be the year for radical changes, from diet to consciousness."
"Imagination allows us to expand our awareness."
"Remember, as your body starts to hold higher states of consciousness, you will feel more, you will be more energetic. It's part of the process."
"The sacredness of all life will be intimately recognized and appreciated, an open-ended consciousness will feel its connections with all other living beings."
"The pursuit of all the spiritual practices is only one: expanding consciousness."
"The deeper the pain, the bigger the growth, the greater the expansion to your consciousness."
"There's a lot of power in what you say and sometimes it takes these seeds quite a bit of time to actually sprout and it's just whenever somebody is finally ready and open to awaken to expand their consciousness."
"Personal empowerment means making your own personal connection with source and when you go with them you make that connection you start expanding in consciousness."
"Human consciousness and the human mind are going to expand."
"With this expansion of our Consciousness, we can start to see things we couldn't see before."
"Your consciousness is expanding, you're going into that new version of yourself."
"You're good as you are. We are all working from a level of consciousness, and, you know, as you focus on that and it becomes your intention to really expand your consciousness, that's when you really start to see."
"Doing psychedelics has kind of unlocked that part where I could... it's like... like imagine being in the Psychedelic temple with the beings that you're like, these are not humans but talking to you, you know?"
"We're moving into a higher Dimension higher Consciousness with love."
"There's a lot of reward coming in, a lot of understanding, clarity, and expansion of consciousness for you guys."
"Meditation and releasing resistance help move up the spiral of consciousness."
"Extending the Psychedelic counterculture's explicit reach into Cinema was critical in their mission of expanding Consciousness to challenge conventional ways of seeing and being."
"We live in a time now where that veil is coming off and people are starting to wake up and see more of that picture."
"Spreading this new consciousness is how we wake up the world."
"The foundation of My Philosophy is expansion of the scope and scale of Consciousness such that we are better able to understand nature of reality."
"Be the bridge, expand your Consciousness to behold Both Worlds."
"I think maybe it's because it opened a person's consciousness."
"We're gonna see the Consciousness piece pick up more... Consciousness, the psychic piece, the experiencer piece."
"Building a conceptual model of the self ties into breaking past the limits of ordinary human consciousness and reaching a higher understanding."
"The next step in our evolution is not a physical step in evolution it's an evolution of the mind and evolution of Consciousness."
"How can I open up my consciousness to release what I think I need and get grounded in what is possible and what is of the highest good?"
"Hyperianism is all about giving humanity the tools to reach hyper awareness... into hyper awareness."
"Conflict is both the invitation to expand our consciousness and the potential cause of complete destruction."
"Ascension is the collective expansion of a state of consciousness... into a new reality."
"If I can restrain, contain, and control my lower animal nature, I may reach States Of Consciousness that are higher, wider, and clearer."
"The only way to go to heaven, those aliens are very clear. The only way is to expand your consciousness."
"The moment you become conscious of what you're unconscious to, it means you're no longer the program; now you're the consciousness observing the program."
"Speaking your truth is always going to promote you into a more expanded state of consciousness."
"Let's work together, raise the consciousness of your Consciousness, expand your Consciousness, raise your vibrational frequencies, expand your manifestation powers and let's all unite together in this powerful force."
"Remove the ego, embrace limitless consciousness."
"Accessing the Fifth Dimension involves a significant expansion of consciousness and a change in perception of how we see and interact with the world."
"Everything that is happening on this planet is for a greater good, is for the expansion of consciousness, is for the furthering of Humanity's Ascension."
"He had entered but one dimension on this occasion. He extended beyond comprehension into realms of pure thought and consciousness."
"The enormity of human creativity that would issue if we got more conscious and respectful and better at being partners with those energies."
"And as the pieces start to come back together in your life, whether it takes days, weeks, months, or years, because you will go through this trial and tribulation for as long as it requires you to see what you need to see to expand your consciousness."
"His aim was not to acquire but to realize, to enlarge his consciousness by growing with and growing into his surroundings."
"If you can expand that consciousness upwards enough, then it starts to become something that is its own cure."
"Human beings have been endowed with an inconceivable ability to expand his consciousness to an unlimited extent."
"By pressuring into this space, we begin to radiate an awareness from this point."
"You're going to be physically uncomfortable, but your mind is going to be surfing and dancing in a way that you've never thought possible."
"The essential thing about yoga is to expand your Consciousness in such a way you become nothing but a blessing for this Earth."
"It's helped to expand my consciousness because I'm forced to question my beliefs."
"Our awareness is expanding beyond the limitations of the five senses."
"The mightiest of these is learning and the use of the mind, the expansion of consciousness and insight into the realities of the universe and the hidden mysteries of Almighty God."
"Those who use the forces of their soul and through its attributes and its virtues wind power to other statements beyond the scope of their intellectual consciousness."
"Empower one another, love one another, that is the expansive force of consciousness."