
Life Journey Quotes

There are 5687 quotes

"Every man is born as many men and dies as one."
"Not just appreciate but also to learn the lessons and take the L's on the way there. All of it is a part of where you're at now."
"Everything that's happened in your life has brought you to this point."
"You'll get to where you want in life, just not in the way you imagined."
"I think life is about trusting your process, not comparing to other people but trusting the process of your life unfolding."
"Your current situation is not your final destination."
"You need to develop the skill of endurance as this is a lifelong journey."
"Feeling and knowing that you've used your life in a way that makes yourself proud. That you're proud of you, you felt like, what a journey, and I just left it all out on the field."
"Enjoy the process of learning and growing, no matter where you are in life."
"Life is a journey; we are all still learning. Anyone that tells you they've got it figured out is a liar."
"You have this appreciation and gratitude, like you look at your life and everything you've been through, and you realize not everybody could have walked that journey."
"May you achieve your highest destiny and the highest potential of success that you have set forth for this life journey."
"I can definitely window shop. I know where I'm going in my life, but I've also got to say, this is the checkpoint, and if I don't get past this, there is no future."
"I was going to write a letter to tell you how proud I am of all of our life together."
"True love, this is the romance of a lifetime."
"There is a divine order to everything in life; it is for this reason that exactly where you are at any given time in life is exactly where you should be according to the divine unfolding of your consciousness and life."
"You've got to stop and ponder where you've been and where you're going."
"The wonder is that you could start life with nothing, end with nothing, and lose so much in between."
"We have this idea that you board this train and the train goes straight, but the truth is, life is the scenic route."
"Figuring out what makes you happy in life is something you gotta figure out; it requires experimentation."
"You could spend your entire life chasing others and still never feel fulfilled."
"You get to where you want in life, just not in the way you imagined."
"I think that's the journey of life is like the self-knowing journey, self-acceptance journey."
"The journey over the next year is really some deep learning and cutting away the things that you've been really wanting to cut out and reaching fulfillment."
"When time comes up, it indicates that you are exactly where you're meant to be."
"The life you were meant to have is one of passion and discovery, an exciting journey of adventure and revelation."
"Perhaps it is God's way of reminding you of your own life's journey, to reprioritize the impact of the world that we will all inevitably leave behind."
"You are the main character of your own movie."
"All these small moments with Ellie growing old together... was a beautiful journey and a beautiful adventure."
"The book of your life is supposed to be a masterpiece, and you can get to writing the best chapters now."
"God sees my ways and counts every step I take."
"Embrace this creative power within, which attracted to you the life that you now experience."
"Your faith is going to be your GPS, your guidance, and your tour guide to where you need to be."
"Find joy in the process. It is not about the process; fall in love with the process. It's life you're living."
"Money is important because it is a symbol of your mastery and comprehension of life's great journey."
"Take steps at your own pace because everybody goes at their own pace."
"As we travel trips around the Sun, your risk for heart diseases is present."
"My 35 years on this planet has gone into this, and it has been quite possibly one of the most beautiful and cathartic and moving and amazing journeys that I've been on."
"I think the whole of life is a spiritual journey."
"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life."
"We're all in search of the apex and the other side of the mountain, but we are still headed up the mountain."
"The dynamic way to think about life purpose is not as a static thing, but as something that keeps evolving over the course of your life."
"You're somebody who's going to find a lot of success in the amount of knowledge that you end up attaining through your life."
"I married my husband when I was only 19 years old, and he served me well until his passing."
"I want to drive through the summer night and when we are old and grey, we'll look back at this, the summer night."
"We are not physical beings on a spiritual journey, but we're spiritual beings on a physical journey."
"The default position when you're born is ignorant, which means no understanding. You start off with life with zero understanding and then you build it up."
"You're navigating the high seas... finding your place in the world."
"You have a big mission this lifetime; embrace and accept it fully."
"Life is not a sprint, it's a marathon, yeah, an ultra marathon, if I may add."
"Without truth, you don't have the adventure of your life."
"Life's an interesting journey, isn't it? You get all these twists and turns, and just when you think it's all over, something resurrects you."
"Follow your own path. Listening to your inner voice, each one of us has our own path in life to follow."
"Our life is just one big journey. Follow your heart, and your dreams will follow."
"We're not human beings on a spiritual journey; we're spiritual beings on a human journey."
"We give ourselves over to her now, into the today of our lives, and our trust broadens further, already at the present moment, to surrender the hour of our death wholly to her care."
"Emotions are the compass guiding you through your life."
"For me, I left at 16. I still had my whole life ahead of me."
"When you become a parent, you realize that you weren't just sent here just as that. It is part of your journey, part of your story, but it's not all of it."
"Eventually, you're going to come to a point in your life where finding your purpose, figuring it out, that's not optional anymore. It's a need to self-actualize."
"It builds a solidity into your life and a reality into your life to have someone who's along with you on this very long voyage."
"This is not the end of your story. This is not the final chapter of your life."
"Astrology provides a microscopic view into the subtle variations of each individual's life, offering a unique and profound understanding of their personal journey."
"Don't compare your chapter one to somebody else's chapter twenty."
"The game that is your life still isn't over yet, and there's no telling how far you might be able to get, what you might discover, or who you might meet when you get there."
"Authentic power is the ability to move through your life with an empowered heart without attachment to the outcome."
"Throughout your life, you'll have rotating guides that come in when you need their particular energy or wisdom."
"We're not very good at reflecting on where we are in our life arc."
"The bonds we form along the way are the true treasures of life."
"You are just taking an incarnated day trip, shall we say."
"You don't have to have everything figured out right now; you're in this process of self-discovery."
"Surrender to the journey of life, trusting in your strength and inner calm to guide you."
"Trust that everything is happening the way it is supposed to unfold."
"Make sure to build some memories and enjoy yourself along the journey."
"Adulthood is not some...station that you arrived at. You sit here until you die. Adulthood is interesting."
"YouTube and you guys gave me was a reassurance that everything in life is gonna work out the way it's supposed to."
"Life is about learning as you go, and that's what's important."
"Be gentle with yourself because life is about the journey, not the destination."
"In the end, the point is to enjoy the process of building yourself up to who you want to be in life. That should be an enjoyable process for the most part."
"You are right where you need to be; you're on your path."
"Your birth, my birth, our birth was like being born and then being kidnapped and then sold into slavery."
"I didn't have a clue where I was gonna end up, but I did know where I wanted to go."
"The journey of life is similar to riding a bike; it requires balance, a forward motion, and the courage to navigate unexpected turns."
"Navigating through the highs and lows is the most important part."
"I've lived a life that's full. I traveled each and every highway; and more, much more than this, I did it my way."
"There's people that you meet that they could take you off your journey somewhere else and you'll end up with a different outcome."
"The quest for understanding and companionship is a journey fraught with challenges, yet rich with the promise of genuine connections."
"Chase down that person you were destined to be so at the end of your life you're not strangers."
"In today's video, things are going to get a little bit serious. We are going to be taking the journey of life from birth to death."
"It's not about where you come from, it's where you're going at in life."
"My life is a strange ride, but I'm so glad you're all here to join me with it."
"We all travel through time, slowly and ever forward."
"Just as those people whom you met by chance became effective agents in the structuring of your life, so you have been an agent in the structuring of other lives."
"You will overestimate what you can do in the short run, but you'll vastly underestimate what God can do through a lifetime of faithfulness."
"Just because you might be good at something or you might like things doesn't mean you know where you're going to go or what life will bring."
"You might not end up where you think you'll arrive, but if you'll stay humble, then you will be happy when you get there."
"Most people spend their whole life on a quest for truth."
"Intuition really is the compass of your life experience; it is your perfect guide."
"We are not all running the same race here on earth. The starting points vary, and we shouldn't be judging people without understanding the distance they've traveled from their starting point."
"Imagine how far I could go, imagine the life that I could live, which is comprised almost by like a hundred mini lives in one. That could be a beautiful existence."
"I'm a big believer that things happen in our lives for a reason because it leads us to where we're sitting right now."
"God is weaving together a beautiful story in our lives."
"There are no mistakes. There really aren't any, because you have a supreme destiny."
"I have no regrets about this. I have no second thoughts or doubts. It's not even bittersweet because, in fact, there is no bitterness at all, only gratefulness for this journey that God has orchestrated as this beautiful musical score in my life."
"Embrace the ups and downs; they make the journey worthwhile."
"Happily ever after is not a destination, it's a journey."
"Who you are today is just the result of the thousands of choices that you've made throughout your life."
"We aren't supposed to know those things. It's part of our journey having a life experience to not know the answers to those things."
"If you feel early or late, or if you feel ahead or behind, or if you feel like you're first or last, chances are you're exactly where you need to be."
"Life is an adventure; make sure you're ready for the ride."
"It's not about where you start but where you end up."
"We are sojourners, we're passing through, we're going to go home."
"The great adventure of life is to be struggling uphill with our burdens towards the highest possible ideal."
"You are completely exactly where you need to be and where you're supposed to be as you move through life."
"This always will lead to you yielding inevitably to this new energy, as foreign as it might be, and it will reveal to you exactly why all these things happened the way they did."
"If you live your life properly, then you've maybe exhausted it in some sense."
"Yesterday, I drove out a little bit into North Carolina, parked the car, found a path, and went on a long hike to take in some scenery, think about life holistically, kind of contemplate where I'd go from here and why it matters."
"You reach a point in life where the only way forward is not around, it's not below, it's not above, it's through."
"We're attracting what we need in this lifetime, not what others are doing. Again, focus on you."
"Don't spend your life worrying that you're missing out on something greater than yourself because, according to the final understanding, you're right where you're supposed to be."
"I'm 100% living the questions right now and hoping that I might one day live my way to the answers."
"I know where I'm from, I know where I'm going, and more importantly, I know that I'm known by the knower of all."
"I'm 92. I'm not going backwards; I'm going forward, and forward is leading me only in one direction."
"We are the leading characters in our own lives."
"Love is the ballast you want in your ship's hold as you set out over the abyss."
"I'm hanging in the balance of a perfect finished plan, like every sparrow fallen, like every grain of sand."
"Embrace your path, embrace the journey, the past, the present, and what is up ahead."
"Your life did not begin when the divorce happened, your life did not begin when the abortion occurred, your life did not begin when the addiction happened, nor did it end."
"I feel really, really lucky that this is my life, and I feel really, really lucky to have you guys here for the ride. So thank you for being here."
"Your life's journey has been perfectly designed for your soul's growth."
"Wisdom should be cherished as a means of traveling from youth to old age, for it is more lasting than any other possession."
"You're very unique, and they like this journey. It's worth writing a book. Think about it."
"Cherish the journey, for it shapes you more than the destination ever will."
"We are a culmination of all of our experiences, good and bad."
"In order to get to our destiny, we're going to have to have a combination of moving forward and also retreating and relaxing. There needs to be a balance of that."
"We're all just human beings experiencing our own life, our own path, our own journey."
"Grace means you're going to go, God's going to bless you. He's had an incredible life."
"Thank you for being with me on this journey called life." #RHOA #GrandFinale
"You are meant to be a living, walking, breathing miracle. You're meant to leave this earth completely different from how you came into this earth."
"Prayer is not a religious routine, nor is it an obligation you carry out to please God. Prayer is engaging God so that you can make your way in life."
"Rather than finding your place in the world, first find yourself, and there will be your place."
"Goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life."
"What's important in life, I think, is the journey and the people you know and you spend your time with."
"You are the savior of your own life. You're the hero, you're the protagonist. Make something of it."
"I never really saw it going this way. And yet, here we are."
"We sometimes do have a wisdom when we're really, really young, but yet we have to go through often the whole forgetting it, forgetting what we know."
"I never thought I'd be doing some of the things that I'm doing. It's been incredible."
"You don't have to chase it; your goodness and mercy will follow you back."
"A life that began in the discomfort of a coup d'etat in Greece, a life that involved warfare and service."
"Merrily, merrily, merrily, honor the process in the full spectrum of life. That's what we're here to be and do as humans. It is beautiful when we embrace the full spectrum journey of life."
"Only through God can you walk the bright, right road through life; only through God can you know the meaning of life; only through God can you live out a real life, possess the truth, know the truth."
"In this dream, I meet a boy, fall in love with him, start a family, and live happily ever after."
"When you get to where you want to go in life, you finally get there, you finally reach that point and you're there and you're happy as hell, realize this, you're not there yet."
"The greatest wisdom often comes from the journey, not the destination."
"It's been years, but I can still smell the air. It was thick with aspirations as your father and I started our journey across the vast ocean."
"Every single twist and turn that you've had has brought you right here."
"Vinland Saga is not about finding the mystical land of Vinland; it's the story about building your own personal Vinland."
"It never stops, right? We're just continuing to grow into our next version of our more like ourselves."
"Every year you will come closer to Allah as you come closer to death, and that is exactly the purpose of this month."
"I want to remind you of this truth that it is the truth that you are enough. Okay, you are enough for the things that are meant to be in your life."
"Trust the process. It is leading you where you're meant to go."
"The moral of the story here, thank you guys for coming on this lifetime adventure."
"Every moment in my life has worked together for my good."
"My heart breaks for you. You've got your whole life ahead of you."
"You haven't even hit the runway of what God is about to do in your life."
"It was a derailment of what I wanted to do but I think it was a productive use of the last 35 years."
"Here's to the journey, the unforgettable adventures, the epic quests, the decades of discoveries."
"You are home inside yourself and you will stay here until the day this body of yours passes over."
"Your life is about the joyous Journey not about the product."
"No one can take the adventure of life away from you; it's your destiny."
"The Hajj journey is a microcosm of life's journey back to the divine source and the heart."
"It's truly your intuition that is the compass of your soul that is leading the way through your life."
"The worthwhile road always has its adversity."
"It's not about holding onto possessions but just using what we need to get where we need to go."
"Every single one of us has a completely unique and deeply personal journey that we take on this thing called life."
"Give it your all and never give up, but don't forget to have some fun on your journey as well."
"You haven't reached the pinnacle of everything. There's still more life to live, more experiences to be had."
"It's just life kind of what's that expression you know, sometimes life's just putting you on the path you're meant to be on."
"You are never lost. You're exactly where you're supposed to be."
"You are so on your path. Everything, the disability, the school, all of it. There is a very deep significance of you finishing this school."
"Enjoy the journey and really appreciate the achievements that are coming."
"Our journey through life and beyond is far more intricate and interconnected than we have ever imagined."
"With me by your side, I'll turn life's path into a journey brimming with joy and remarkable triumphs."
"Soul growth is never easy, have faith and trust in the journey."
"Death is about transition. When you're walking through the terminal of an airport it means the start point of your journey."
"You are now responsible for your own destiny."
"Being present in my life through my entire life."
"Relax, surrender to the path laid out for you."
"When you realize you have put it in your life, you have created it, you have done it."
"You can't really fail, all roads eventually lead to the same path."
"You came into this great world alone and you will leave it alone."
"What lies at the end of the path? The path leads you to functional fulfillment."
"Anyone doing anything awesome always ends up in the same river."
"You are exactly where you're supposed to be at this time in life."
"The minute that journey stops you stop being a human being."
"You can only know the path you have walked when looking back."
"The journey can be really [ __ ] stressful or very, very dark and hard, or it could be beautiful and you could be enjoying every step of the way."
"You've made it this far from where you were... that chapter of life was very unique and fascinating."
"Your life is not an open book for all to read but a series of unfolding chapters."
"And whatever you do, remember to enjoy the journey along the way."