
Incremental Progress Quotes

There are 428 quotes

"If you can give yourself dopamine rewards in small increments, you start rewarding incremental steps."
"Small simple steps. Little by little, a little becomes a lot."
"You can't swallow an elephant in one bite, so we devour it one bite at a time."
"By the end of the year, you will have 24 habit changes... like snowflakes on a mountainside, you don't notice the accumulation until one day you have what I call an avalanche of success."
"If you want to achieve any amount of success in life, what are your two, three, four, five, six-mile goals for whatever big goal you have? Don't just go after the twenty-six point four mile goal because if you try to go for it, chances are you're gonna fail and be discouraged and never want to try again."
"Little victories add up, and that is what gives you then ultimately confidence."
"Baby steps and pace are so important because you're going to really value all the pieces and they'll spark a memory."
"Success comes step by step, little by little."
"If you're going to change things, go slowly. Choose the incremental over the immediate."
"Start with one push-up and every day, add a push-up. If you couldn't add a push-up, do the numbers that you'd done the day before."
"All scientific discoveries, great or small, can be boiled down to a very small, little step."
"Victories are won incrementally. The pro-life movement defeated Roe versus Wade over the course of 50 years of building up an entire legal movement."
"Most actual good news is boring and incremental."
"It's the idea that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results through the compounding effect of little decisions and little actions."
"Do not undermine the little things that you do for yourself because they do add up."
"Don't be stressed. I know this sounds like a lot, but just take it one step at a time."
"Great victory is the sum total of small victories. Defense procurement is like a tree; the ultimate product, the stump of the tree that you see, depends on the root system."
"Drop-by-drop. 'Little drops of water make a mighty ocean'."
"Small steps are the easiest and the most powerful ones."
"Take your time, one step at a time, one bite at a time."
"Take all the time in the world to professional craft reflect your passion and just take small steps every little step towards your goal will get you there."
"Start small and then build a success spiral."
"Just start right where you're at and then you just add on more from there."
"Look to those little tiny things to improve the scales just a little bit."
"Take small steps toward improving your life."
"You got this buddy, one bear step at a time."
"You need to do the small incremental steps. I mean, that's really where it's at."
"Focus on small little wins as you build that confidence."
"It's these little bite-sized pieces that I can easily chip away at every single day."
"Let's all take our goal of Financial Freedom, let's chop it up into little tiny pieces and let's just take one piece at a time."
"We have to keep this sought that we can make a change even though it might be baby steps."
"Setting small, measurable goals leads to progress."
"We just need to try to make one more today even if we're kind of fine today..."
"Just doing a little bit at a time really makes the difference."
"There is no perfect or imperfect, there is adjusting when necessary and taking the next little step along the way."
"Sometimes I think you just gotta put one foot in front of the other and see where it takes you."
"Pay attention to what's working even when it only gives you inches. With focus, the inches add up to miles."
"All the little stuff, that's where success comes from."
"Start with one and keep building. Don't start with how do I get a lot of income."
"You actually have to treat it just one step at a time."
"Even if it's just 1% better than what you were yesterday, that's what you're looking for."
"Many small things contribute to the sum of it."
"Growth isn't like a ski hill it's like stair steps."
"Start where you are. You build a house brick by brick."
"Just start with whatever you have, whatever you can manage, you know, just go one step at a time."
"Enormous things are just the culmination of small things, little decisions."
"To move a mountain, one must begin by carrying away small stones."
"He emphasized the need to build a nest egg and take baby steps in financial planning."
"Dog training is all about stacking successes."
"Do what God tells you to do. Do it now and trust him because he's got a plan. But he's not going to give it all to you at one time. He doesn't work that way for you or me or anybody I've ever met or know. One step at a time, trusting the Lord."
"Tonight we took a baby step forward in the right direction."
"We're gonna become guppy one slap at a time."
"With enough motivation and inspiration, we will get there one block at a time."
"Consistently taking small steps leads towards big results."
"Teach your kids how to visualize their goals and break it off a little piece at a time."
"When you have focused for enough days and weeks and months on the little things, you will look back and observe that the large things have taken care of themselves."
"The fastest way to win the race is one step in front of the other."
"Small steps lead to great changes... focus on quality over quantity."
"Even if you have some less productive days or if you don't make a super insane amount of progress every day, if you just make some progress every day, you can still build those really big features."
"Something is better than nothing and you can start out small and build something big."
"Little actions add up over time and compound into big results."
"Just one step at a time, what's your next step? Go do it."
"Every little bit sums in, adds up to the finished product."
"It's these little incremental steps over time that build up to eventual progression."
"A great change is a series of small gestures."
"Don't beat yourself up for not getting something on the first try; it's about repetition and slow little baby steps."
"Baby steps is the way to go. You can't do everything all at the same time cuz you could get exhausted too so I just try to clean most of the house."
"The path of course is not always smooth, but small steps can make a world of difference."
"Everything great is never achieved in one moment, it's achieved through the small consistent efforts."
"It's just a matter of taking a little piece at a time... a sprinkle of a little bit more patience... a dash of some self-value."
"The success of crypto is step by step, building your way up the ladder."
"So finally let's see who set up this entire journey and challenge by breaking this little by little."
"Traditional mainstream approaches tend to imagine the history of policy as a series of incremental steps leading gradually toward improved attainments and ever greater degrees of equity and social inclusion."
"Progress is progress, even if it's just a little bit."
"Small victories pave the way for bigger ones."
"Little by little, baby steps, there is hope."
"As you add a little bit, it hints to what you still need."
"Even small incremental increases in weight can lead to significant progress over time."
"Success is relative. Celebrate those small victories because they add up."
"Strive to get one percent better every time."
"Start small, don't get overwhelmed, and take baby steps."
"You have to prove it to yourself with small wins."
"That's the thing, like at what point do we stop? So far, we'll just do one more thing."
"Real success happens actually in increments and they make it from zero to two to three percent. Actually, it's progress."
"We're out here affecting change little by little."
"You always want to achieve big goals with small steps."
"Extreme programming and continuous delivery are deeply rooted in this idea of making progress incrementally in tiny steps."
"There isn't a Panacea, there isn't what everybody talks about, a silver bullet, but the longest journey begins with but a single step."
"You don't have to do everything. Make small incremental progress because little by little, a little becomes a lot."
"It is important to face the fears that plague us and take it all one step at a time."
"I would strongly suggest to keep going hunting and just take baby steps."
"You don't have to see the entire staircase, just take that first step."
"Trying to do a big thing all at once all in one go... leads to all sorts of other problems."
"Every time, hundreds of letters from you, so much work from Katrina's team and the sponsor Assemblymember Garcia's office, and you can't help but feel like it's all going to waste. But we chip away, one letter, one law, one cat GIF at a time."
"You just have to take the incremental steps to make it happen."
"Come on, you know you gotta aim it, you gotta aim short, you have to set small goals first."
"We're human beings, and we want to be the best version of ourselves. It's not about doing stuff overnight. It's about moving mountains with one drop of water at a time over time."
"If you get a lot of small victories, they add up."
"Stop looking for a quick fix to your problem. You can't do everything at once, but you can do something at once."
"We've done that in bits and bobs but we haven't done it enough throughout."
"I think you gotta start small and get any percentage. That's progress."
"I truly believe that we can remake the world we can remake the wall by taking very little steps but we can remake it."
"It's the little things that really add up in the end."
"We just have to keep talking about and keep putting the little pieces together."
"If we all make incremental changes, maybe we make the world significantly better overall."
"It's about winning that battle, you know, a little bit slowly. Yes, there's a cost to winning this battle or losing the battle."
"Those small victories, those tiny, seemingly insignificant victories, add up to improving yourself."
"Some change is better than no change at all."
"It shouldn't be overwhelming if you start and take baby steps, read the rules, figure out what the base stuff you need is, build off of that."
"Every single little thing failing along the way contributed to where I am now. It's a result of never giving up, never being afraid to show my ignorance."
"Milestone planning: slowly get used to bigger numbers until you become more numb to them."
"Methodical, steady, incremental Russian advance in the North."
"Take those little steps along the way and be proud of each accomplishment."
"It takes steps one step at a time, one action of faithfulness at a time."
"The incremental failure is how we get success."
"This might be a small victory in a long War."
"Take the step towards your dream... it's still a step in the right direction."
"Small victories add up; in a couple of weeks, it really adds up."
"The secret to getting big things done is making little progress every day."
"Can you make an inch of progress every single day? Because that adds up to the miles."
"You can't change this overnight, but you can start to cobble together 50 bucks here, 100 bucks there, and really change the picture over a long period of time."
"Going seemingly slow and putting a bunch of little tiny steps in there can get you to where you want to be faster."
"Progressively build your like a staircase. Don't go straight up."
"Conquer what's like right in front of you... one step at a time, one breath at a time."
"Everything you want is at the top of that staircase... with every rep, you're climbing one stair up."
"Every step is not equivalent... the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step."
"A little progress every day will go a very long way."
"If you want to change your life, works, it works, it works, small little steps."
"All of these activities reward you with small incremental increases to your stats or a Cosmetic."
"I'm just gonna take baby steps you can do it."
"Peace by peace, that's how the little things get huge. Just keep on moving."
"Don't forget every donation you get in brings you one step closer."
"The act of taking small steps each day and trying will open your life up to all kinds of unexpected connections and possibilities."
"One step at a time, it's all going to be fine."
"A baby step is always the first step, and a small change is still a change."
"Getting out of despair, it's got to be this big rainbow, it doesn't, it's got to be one step and then another one and then another one."
"You don't set out to build a wall, you don't start there, you say I'm gonna lay this brick, you do that every single day, soon you have a wall."
"Remember if you have a big goal in mind and it's intimidating along the way, it's just a bunch of little things. You know, um, just do the little things first and you'll find yourself at your destination."
"You gotta take little steps and then you'll end up getting to your final goal."
"One step at a time, one day at a time, one song at a time, one album at a time, one tour at a time." - GZ
"Embracing the chaos of 2b2t: One block, one step, one adventure at a time."
"Arsenal team...embracing the challenge and getting better week by week."
"When God tells you something, he might only show you one step at a time, but you take that step in faith and he will always provide a way."
"Take small steps, believe in yourself more and more."
"Every little bit of action does add up in the end."
"Positive reinforcement. Give yourself a pat on the back every time you make a baby step. Think and make progress because before you know it, you'll see all those cool things you can do that used to be the 'I can'ts'."
"Take the small victories. No, we're not at all-time highs. No, we're not gonna go like there in a second or a day or in a week. But hey, this is a long time coming. We've been getting our teeth kicked in for a while so I'll take it."
"If you cannot do 80%, let's do 5, 5, 5, 5. Do something."
"Every run you do get a little bit of permanent support and the game seems to be balanced with that in mind so it's not just like eventually you come in with a nuclear bomb and drop it on them and win every level instantly."
"How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. If I look at the big picture I will get totally overwhelmed so you do one thing at a time."
"Heaven is not reached by a single bound but we build the ladder by which we rise."
"I didn't get here by luck or by chance. I made little adjustments here and there and fought my way to my spot here."
"Start small, resist the temptation to create everything."
"Just taking the little steps and you never know where it might lead you."
"The most important thing you could do is make a plan and then take baby steps towards that plan."
"We don't become great in one giant leap, it's the tiny consistent steps that carve our path to excellence."
"Small steps every single day... it's just small steps every day."
"The battle is not going to be won instantly. This is a battle that's going to be won in increments and degrees and we need to stay on the line and look to the horizon."
"No one becomes a seasoned artist overnight, and in order to achieve the big and seemingly impossible, we have to focus on the small and possible things that are right in front of us."
"Give me those one ups, 61. one step closer to meme potential."
"Starting small, building big - just like my toolbox."
"Small wins build up to big wins over time, so it's kind of like a really exciting card."
"Just like one step a day, get there you know."
"If you keep stacking up three of wands you'll get to the six of wands if you keep stacking up the small wins you'll build up to this big six of wands win and I think that's the direction here that you are headed."
"Small steps build up to big wins over time, and you may not know where you're going yet, but just know that you're going somewhere."
"Think about the tiniest next physical action to make progress."
"Ukraine must keep this offensive going, success can even be counted in the form of incremental gains."
"You need these incremental gains to get this plan off the ground."
"Start small and build your way up so it becomes a more consistent thing."
"What's the next small thing? And then once you do that thing, it's like, 'Okay, now what is the next small thing?'"
"Little Steps at a time... will lead to your success long term."
"It's like just focus on the next step. I mean it's kind of reminiscent of the one of the most prolific lessons that we learn at BUDS which is you know one evolution at a time."
"You need to praise God for baby steps, praise God for progress, praise God for improvement."
"Anything is possible, so I'm just going at this step by step."
"Small progress is still progress so I guess that's exciting."
"Little actions add up tremendously, progress is happening."
"Never think that you have to build the whole house, start by chipping away at the small stuff."
"It's all about the little progress you make every day."
"An elephant a bite at a time. Exactly. That's it. Way to go, y'all. Thank you. So proud of you."
"If you just commit to 10 minutes... that was more than what you were going to do."
"Start small, cultivate self-trust through consistent actions."
"You can do anything if you do it a baby step at a time, one little baby step at a time."
"Everything that leaves is a little tiny bit of progress."
"Start small and do things right piece by piece."
"Focus on the little baby steps every day and I think that's going to surprise you."
"Trying is how things begin, take little steps."
"Take baby steps in order to mitigate the risk."
"It's about one plus one plus one plus one plus one equals five or I can be like three, can't do it, can't do it, can't do it, you can't do it, I only got three."
"It's all little steps, little management steps."
"Little progress is significantly better than no progress."
"Gentle baby steps in the right direction is the way to go."
"It's these little steps accumulated every day that actually make the biggest difference."
"You slowly develop, the massive Beauty about sculpting and training, it's you get to take things one step at a time."
"You've got to focus on taking just one step a day."
"Baby steps are infinitely superior to no steps at all... have faith and keep moving forward."
"Small improvements, tiny habits, little choices are not just a cherry on top of our performance, not just like a nice thing to have but actually can be the key that unlocks significant success."
"You can't swallow a bear whole. You have to eat it bite by bite."
"The answer is in repetition of the Tiny Steps that stack up again and again and again."
"Success comes from taking small steps towards your dreams."
"Progress over time is what builds a beautiful life, not having to do it all at once."