
Cultural Shift Quotes

There are 857 quotes

"It's nice that smart women are being celebrated."
"To address climate change, we would have to change our entire way of life. There would have to be a cultural and political sea change."
"That's not an easy model to make look cool, and he did it."
"I think I'm Dustin Hoffman, and this is like a virus outbreak. A huge cultural shift is taking place right under our noses, and this could end badly for a lot of people."
"80% of what shifted [the cultural view on gay marriage] was a single network television show called 'Will and Grace.'"
"As a culture, we need to focus more on being a good steward of money and understanding how to manage it."
"Gaming culture has become the new pop culture."
"Rather than a marginalized subculture that parents refuse to understand, eSports is the newest part of mainstream culture."
"Black female sexuality... for so long was controlled by other people, and it still is, but what I'm saying is City Girls and Megan Thee Stallion show a shift."
"The allure of youth has culturally shifted from being about innocence to being about achievement."
"When I was growing up, the worst thing you could call somebody in America was not a racial slur; it was a racist."
"They acquired the right to personality, something alien to the highly patriarchal family structures of the old country."
"We're going to develop. I mean, when did this craze for Dubai start? At some point, Nigeria was not crazy about Dubai. It's because they developed Dubai to an extent."
"Nietzsche's new alternative to Christianity will be a resuscitation of the war-like values of the ancient world."
"For decades, anime was an obscure and difficult to find form of art, but now it was being brought into the light. Everyone rejoiced."
"There's a trend in modern entertainment. We used to see a lot of optimistic movies and TV shows where the future was depicted as bright, happy, and peaceful. These days, that's no longer the case."
"With the rise of social media, flex culture actually began to change."
"I think one of the interesting things that seems to be happening is that we had this last new atheist moment... and it seems like that moment has broken. It's broken and there's something about the zeitgeist which makes it possible for a lot of atheists who perceive even what it is we're talking about."
"For pot, it's an example of a state inadequately understanding the cultural change happening around weed."
"We seem to have exited the around time and have arrived squarely in the find out era."
"They were once viewed as criminals. Many graffiti artists now make considerable money for their work, gaining the attention of major brands."
"We need to move from a me-centric culture to a we-centric culture."
"Grunge is dead in our house here in Silver Lake. It's just a bedroom studio, but it's kind of guerilla style."
"Our whole culture has shifted... masculinity has become a toxic word."
"Life will change drastically with the return of the king. Puritan repression was lifted almost at once, a new age of liberty and even debauchery took hold."
"It does feel like there is a cultural shift back to freedom, back to the Constitution."
"Body ideals constantly shift through time. They shift between cultures."
"A society becomes modern when it swaps this for this, essentially when it stops going to church on a Sunday and starts reading the newspaper instead."
"They're really saying biblical values. What they're trying to say is they're going to try to break by 2030 biblical values."
"We're moving from modernism to post-modernism."
"Demographics are changing. It's not a traditional America anymore."
"We've gone from a movie to a movement that people can't deny."
"As we drift further away from Traditional Values, it's no secret that we're becoming more and more lost."
"His mainstream is undoubtedly pushing back against gatekeeping."
"I think it's a new time. It's a new time for Asian people in America."
"When you've spent 30 years honing your instrument, your voice is comparable to a masterwork instrument."
"But it's my intention to make scientific thinking just so commonplace that the demons of our past lose their grip, and darkness gives way to a little bit of hope."
"Chickens had accounted for only one percent of British meat consumption in 1950 but now its moment had arrived."
"The line between celebrity and influencer just continues to get blurrier."
"Being a 'girl boss' shifted from being a girl who is the boss to whining and moaning about how your boyfriend sent you texts you didn't like four years ago."
"The mainstream media is done with, it's over with."
"People do like that, I think people needed something that wasn't covety."
"People are realizing that weddings aren't essential."
"I think fortnight has gone away from being a global phenomenon which it once was with everyone and their literal mother playing it too far and away the number one game."
"Yesterday showed that Donald Trump and Steve Bannon are clinging to a way of life that was dying 50 years ago."
"We love you, Trey. It really has [changed] language use on Wall Street. We're living through a paradigm shift. Apes together strong."
"We are living through the greatest shift of attention that the human race has gone through since the printing press."
"Changing not just politically and economically, but also moving away from Pagan superstitions into the modern era of technology, medicine, and science."
"Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z together helped usher in the era of anime being a popular thing to watch."
"The internet was gonna take over TV, and it's really happening now."
"It's cultural victory, the counterculture displacing the mainstream culture."
"In terms of freedom of expression, we were significantly more free at least culturally 20 years ago than we are now."
"It's funny to think in such a short span of time just how omnipresent the genre has gotten."
"For women who had just lived through the 1950s, holly represented a new path forward."
"It was almost as if they'd all gained a newfound respect for Western Jesus and his mission..."
"It's always weird when your subculture goes mainstream."
"The 2010s really were a decade where we flipped the table on the status quo."
"Moving from a family culture to a team culture."
"People were still not taking rap seriously until about 2014-2015. That was pretty much the year when everything changed."
"Woodstock 99 was kind of the end of an era, in the worst way possible."
"The first generation died away. The children, in large measure, weren't circumcised."
"Maybe culture is shifting... feminism is a detriment to women's mental health."
"A fundamental changing of the gods seems to be at work right now."
"Cultural libertarianism is on the rise because people are sick of political correctness."
"The Pirates franchise is becoming woken, it's seemingly gonna make a lady reboot version."
"Wicca continued its march into the mainstream."
"Abandoning wokeness in favor of strong stories."
"The ascendancy of Chalamet and the qualities he represents—artistry, softness, femininity—mark a broader change in what Hollywood wants from its male stars."
"Eating plant-based foods is not a new idea, but a transforming one."
"The whole world is moving away from this stuff."
"These interests used to belong only to nerd culture and now they're the pillars of the mainstream."
"Culture is shifting. Is it for the better or for the worse?"
"Agility and culture shift are crucial for innovation."
"It just makes some sense, like everybody does online dating now, come on, please."
"Rev Reformation is not just societal, it's economical, that's how we turn the culture, that's how we shift the culture."
"I believe this film is gonna do that for, I think, yes I do. I think your film is helping toward a tipping point."
"With his death, I believe that SoundCloud rap as a whole passed away with him."
"the end of girl bosses is actually a pretty good thing."
"In recent years, the sport of pigeon racing has transformed, with rising popularity in China and a huge surge in wealth there leading people to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in the birds."
"They hadn’t restored the Ming dynasty perhaps, but the Manchus had been overthrown, and native Han rule had returned to China."
"Civilizations go up and down. The progression of science from Europe to United States may move to China."
"The speed with which this is happening, the Maoist speed with which things just become unsalable in a very short period of time, it should always get people's alarm bells ringing."
"The collective loss of the Christian faith in the West contributes to the embrace of leftist ideals."
"The humble old backflip was tossed to the side like an old toy at Christmas. However, that wouldn't be the end for the trusty old backflip."
"The culture is definitely shifting, there's been lots of conversation. Nobody is safe."
"But now I feel like with all of these brand activations and influencers who get invited to basically just like work, it's rewired what Coachella means to a lot of us."
"A legitimate cultural shift: Anime is not just acceptable, but cool."
"Kissinger represents a moment when American society opens up to cosmopolitan figures."
"My love of Hannah Montana and love of Miley Cyrus, when I got into middle school, definitely got locked inside a box and became my own torrid, little, guilty pleasure because I was desperately trying to be cool."
"Being clean became an obsession, seen in the explosion of new antiseptic hygiene products flooding the markets."
"You can't ask people to go back to restrictive norms when they have freedoms sitting right in front of them."
"Now you've made culture an investment, this was not possible."
"Beavis and Butthead created the entire category of cartoons for adults."
"Bob Dylan's electric performance at Newport signaled the decline of folk and the rise of rock and roll."
"We need a society-wide culture change where attention is the currency."
"The more people that have that attitude, the less the cancel culture people will fade into the background."
"People need a new reality to live in, with a new rationality to understand it, with new values to be interjected into the biological foundation of who they are so that they adopt a new sensibility about how life should be."
"For a platform as large as YouTube to be actively D incentivizing controversial material I think that's going to affect the flow of history."
"The shift that we are on the precipice of experiencing as a culture, as a species, is more significant than any shift we have ever experienced, ever experienced."
"Things are obviously drastically changing in this genre."
"The popularity of anti-heroes represents a shift in our Collective thinking."
"If you've been a fan of comedy, especially stand-up comedy for a long time, you've most likely noticed the changes taking place in recent years."
"The decline of Western pop groups is not just a trend; it's a shift into a new era dominated by K-pop."
"The era of boy bands and girl groups in the West might be over, but K-pop is here to stay."
"There will come a time when the whole world will be woke SJWs, and you will be the legend."
"What we're living through is a counter Enlightenment, a reversal of Enlightenment values themselves, an assault on reason and truth and freedom."
"Desserts were a treat, now breakfast cereal is a dessert."
"The growth of the left is the single biggest reason. But even that doesn't fully answer your question. Parents after World War II did not teach their children the value of freedom."
"Wave hood might be leading to fundamental change in the way we think about love and partnership."
"Black Friday is something that no longer makes sense to me in almost every instance."
"Isn't it nice to see people waking up, being redpilled?"
"We celebrate alleged victimhood and oppression; it's a bizarre reversal of how societies used to run themselves."
"Victoria’s Secret ditching its angels for ambassadors."
"Marvel has created their own genre now, totally."
"It saddens me that everybody woke up because of Harvey Weinstein. On the other hand, thank God we've woken up."
"Is there any show more perfectly suited for a gay '90s romp than Frasier?"
"Isn't it funny how now they're like being honest about UFOs when we were kids oh it's fake there's no such thing as little green man there's no such thing as UFOs."
"I'm not the type of person who's like I liked it when it was an indie band and then it became a mainstream band and now it sucks."
"Kids don't get to experience the excitement of running into Toys R Us anymore."
"We stand at the precipice of great cultural revolution."
"Superheroes went from authority figures to relatable everyday people."
"Wokeness moved from being a challenge to the system to tyranny."
"Long gone is the era of people crowding a diner for the latest pinball machine or mall Goths swarming the DDR cabinets looking like a boss fight from Kingdom Hearts."
"Music is going to a new place, it's just something else now."
"We need a spiritual and cultural revolution."
"Consumerism is becoming a bit taboo in the West."
"I can't wait for us to emerge into the post CalArts Steven Universe Western."
"In the 80's, sex became 'scary' again instead of liberating."
"We're talking about moving the cultural goal post."
"Our institutions, not just politics but media, creative industries, cultural institutions, universities, schools, are now in the hands of a new middle class graduate Elite."
"The change of the table represents a huge shift in the way that we the Muslim Ummah thinks."
"I think the next anti-sjw wave is on the way."
"People dancing to records detaching from heterosexual courtship rituals."
"1973 heralded a new awareness of the phenomenon and would mark a new increase in UFO popularity."
"This is a PSA for all the men out there and all the boys who think they're men but they're actually boys. This is going to be the summer of cancelling boys."
"This is a good representation of what Star Wars fandom is now."
"Indie games, as a concept, as a medium, as a movement, and as a commercial viability, have become so big that we can't really justifiably use the term indie games anymore."
"One generation finds ridiculous, the next accepts, and the third shudders when looks back with the first dead."
"No longer will we ask do you remember reality before the internet now the next question will be do you remember reality before AI."
"Then comes along the movie that's the anti-commercial child's play when this came out nobody ever thought about dolls the same way again."
"The marketplace of ideas did not emerge in the enlightenment, the second enlightenment is upon us."
"It's a perfect example of a disconnect between the Old Guard media and the New Media."
"This is not the era of Mr. and Mrs. Nice Christian. This is the era of aggressive takeover."
"I think we're on the other side of it, everything that channels like ours have been pushing back against the last couple of years, I think it's over. I think it's done."
"Out with the old, in with the new. New religions are likely to emerge."
"We are watching a repossession of the ancient gods."
"Trump really did change everything which is that it was a collection of increasingly downwardly mobile people in rural parts of the country and people who are also culturally downwardly mobile."
"It's so hard for me to imagine that an entire generation of people who grew their audiences by making content that was edgy are now encouraging someone else to have their livelihood taken away."
"A shift to the negative world has had dramatic repercussions inside the church."
"The 2001 launch of Grand Theft Auto 3 similarly shifted popular culture, birthing the open world genre whose potential knows no limits."
"Gen Z was shaped by the fact that they were the first people in human history to get onto social media middle school."
"The apocalypse isn't the end of the world but the end of a particular formation of the world."
"This is the shift that is unfolding in front of our eyes."
"What makes this year's event so special is that Bitcoin is now a part of mainstream consciousness and that the current macroeconomic environment is primed for Bitcoin."
"Twitter is dying, not because Elon Musk broke the machine, but because he broke the drug addiction that is social media."
"We need a real cultural revolution, like we had in the 60s."
"I think what happens is there'll be a cultural break and people will just say I don't care anymore I'm tired of working so hard I just want to relax with my family."
"That's the kind of superstardom that almost wipes away what went on with Conor McGregor..."
"We've raised a generation of people that think the world has to bend to them."
"This movie gets at the cultural shift when nerds became cool."
"Aliens are mainstream. I never expected that."
"This transformation of human society has to come from a transformation of human perception."
"He saw Islam as a way to get white Americans to be cured from this cancer of racism."
"We are living through a time that is a creativity revolution."
"After being strangled so hard on diss tracks by 50 cent and Eminem, it's not just what they said on the tracks but it was that sentiment in rap had shifted."
"In a culture that has largely rejected the Bible, many people claim there is no absolute truth and morals are relative."
"We're witnessing a shift in culture, making once impossible things possible."
"Rave culture really took over in the '90s. It was a phenomena in Britain and it was so different to what culture was doing prior."
"By slowly pushing the envelope of degeneracy, they have made things more and more acceptable."
"Turning right, like I don't even think people understand the unprecedented paradigm shift and change and where we're all being led. This is a dynamic upheaval of western civilization and sovereign governments, not just America."
"Gen Z and Millennials are starting to push back on this stuff."
"Football has become America's favorite sport, surpassing baseball."
"The beauty standard has switched from the white woman to the black woman."
"Odd Future was able to think ahead to a time when access to music, crafting an online audience, lifestyle branding, and the world of content creation would be just as, if not more, than making music and culture itself."
"A victory of the little guy against the goliath that is comic book movies."
"Get woke, go broke, or in the case of Twitter and Warner Brothers, get woke, get taken over."
"That's why woke Hollywood failing is a good thing."
"You need to leave your local identity and you need to be graduating up and growing up into your global identity."
"We seem to be getting closer, at least in the mainstream context, to really taking serious some of these considerations and starting to try and understand them."
"A snapshot at a changing world, a shift in cultural dynamics that is on display in these final moments."
"The unveiling of the Pentagon's evidence wasn't just a turning point in government policy or international diplomacy, it reverberated profoundly within the societal fabric touching every nuance of popular culture and deeply held beliefs."
"Magic and sorcery has been normalized in society today."
"You don't have to tear down the cathedrals... religion can naturally fade away."
"The absence of religion has created space for people to embrace woke policy as a replacement."
"Once gangster rap came out, no-holds were barred." - Anthony Fantano
"As the 1970s went on the spaghetti western craze had fizzled out probably due to the release of Star Wars Where The Wild Wild West days were over and spaceship movies were Now The Craze."
"The theaters become amusement parks, that's a different experience. It's like I was saying earlier, it's not cinema, it's something else."
"Moving to Africa is more like a movement right now."
"Moving away from cancellation culture into conversation culture."
"The more liberal secularism takes over society, the more marriage becomes a contract and not a covenant."
"The rise of relatability overtaking aspirational as the linchpin word for creators."
"I know nowadays it probably wouldn't even be that big of a deal, but back in like 2000 what two, three, when this happened, it was like a national tragedy that an American audience saw a nipple on television."
"The long march of the institutions: a change in cultural revolution."
"1969: the end of an era, the final split and spiritual possession of a generation."
"It is time to begin the journey back from a culture of AI to a culture of we."
"Hip-hop is bigger than rock and roll at this time."
"Time to do away with all that because it's almost 2022 and we want to do a little ass kicking."
"It's turned Generation Z into metal heads literally overnight."
"Typing is becoming so ubiquitous in the modern world it's in danger of killing off handwriting altogether."