
Relatability Quotes

There are 4567 quotes

"Everyone can relate to being an underdog at some point in their lives."
"We're not actually that unique... Our life experiences aren't that unique because people relate to us."
"I think that people want a leader that is relatable, not somebody that props themselves up on a pedestal but a real person."
"I've never related to Peter Parker more in my life than I did with him in this story."
"Everyone knows a Tammy. If you don't know a Tammy, then you are the Tammy."
"When something is personal, you're able to relate or make it relatable to the people that you're trying to show this to because you're speaking from firsthand knowledge, not hearsay."
"They were just so relatable, and kids felt like they could be them."
"The character's performance and overall emotion have to be sound...creating that sense of clear relatability so the scene feels more impactful with the audience."
"When you're young and you're different in some way, we can all probably relate to being different in some way when we're younger."
"Tien is iconic in Dragon Ball, a more relatable character than Goku and Vegeta ever could be."
"Guts remains one of the most strangely relatable fictional characters ever."
"Guts is the most relatable protagonist to me of all time because he's the most human main character I've ever seen in any story ever."
"Vulnerability really makes you relatable with people."
"Making mistakes actually is not only not bad, but it's what makes you more human and relatable."
"Being able to relate to the millions of people who are going through the same process... It's not just about living but thriving in that moment."
"I'm also a type 1 diabetic who's become a massive nutrition nerd, but not a fitness or exercise nut, and I hope that makes me more relatable because I want to help people."
"Adam's comedic persona was the everyman who makes relatable jokes enhanced with silly voices."
"I'm the most disorganized person in the world, and I'm sure that a lot of people can identify with that."
"Tom Holland's Spider-Man has finally become relatable and real, just how we like him."
"Relatability plays a large role in who we are drawn to in terms of seeking advice or counsel."
"The lizards are actually very relatable, spending 90% of their lives relaxing inside of their homes and only coming out to eat."
"The characters are highly relatable, and their chemistry with each other is insane."
"Putting humans on top just adds that extra element that we can all relate to, makes it a lot more exciting."
"I think more people can relate to the struggles than anything."
"We're all flawed, more so than we'd like to admit, and that's what makes the character relatable."
"There's just something about certain characters that makes them both extremely relatable and aspirational."
"All the amazing, rich, powerful, brilliant people... they're all human. They're not much different from you and I."
"Ichigo's desire is also a relatable one; people would like to protect their loved ones."
"We can all agree that Ichigo is a down-to-earth character who had to deal with considerable internal conflict in order to grow as a person."
"Ichigo isn't overly optimistic and cheerful; he is that angsty, misunderstood teenager that we all were at one point in our lives."
"A world that pulls you in. This is about having a story you can relate to; it's about having characters you want to hang out with."
"The best thing about you is you're so relatable... Never change that ever in your life."
"I think everyone can sort of relate to that, to not wanting your job to consume your life."
"You see me and you look on YouTube, you see me rapping on a curb at 13, that's breezy, dusty, and then you see me [now]... The average mind says, 'Damn, I could do that.'"
"You shouldn't see somebody and think, 'Oh, they don't look like they're doing too great right now,' and then go and say, 'But they're probably trying to be relatable.'"
"Comedy is the most relatable format because it's based on the idea of 'I've got a gripe and I'm going to tell you about it'."
"It's a relatable shoe; when something's relatable, it's like, 'Hey, we're one in the same.'"
"Relatability is the biggest key to any content."
"If you relate to a song and it has a double meaning to it or has a story attached to it, that's what sells."
"A character's relatability is how well consumers of the fiction might see their own experiences conveyed through the experiences of the character."
"Spider-Man was a dude who was just struggling day in and day out."
"The relatability of struggling financially, trying to find a good job, the relatability of not knowing when bills are gonna get paid... that's the reason why Spider-Man will always be one of the most iconic superheroes in the history of comic books."
"Relatability is arguably the most important thing for getting people to follow you."
"A relatable character, as redundant as this sounds, is simply any character that people can relate to."
"Season six made everything about Diane from her surroundings to her conflict much more down-to-earth and relatable."
"Relatability is important on all social media, but I think specifically YouTube."
"His self-deprecating humor, his insecurities, his jokes, it's relatable."
"Diana's approach to royalty was refreshing, relatable, and revolutionary."
"Create a relationship and a connection with your community. Be someone who is relatable."
"People like imperfections... it's connective tissue it makes you a little bit more accessible and human."
"Nothing that is easy is relatable. If something is easy, you cannot have an emotional connection with it."
"People like to see you even if you are imperfect... they like to see that you're human."
"When the whole point of a quest is to hear the stories of people who you slowly learn you've hurt and damaged in the past, then figure out how to make amends to them, then this is something more immediately relatable and vivid."
"That's going to take him to different places because when the fight fans can relate to you in that way, that's what made Chavez special."
"He is the ordinary guy...you can feel he means what he says."
"Winning is generally fun; everybody can kind of relate to that. But winning while having fun is even more fun."
"People like real, man. Especially when you show the ups and the downs. I got no image to uphold, and people like it."
"Most of the time, the stories that inspire you the most are ones that you can directly relate to."
"It's not just the tragedy that happened to them; it's mistakes he made that caused them, which is part of what made this character so relatable." - DJ Woolridge on Spider-Man's origin
"Sharing your pain helps others relate; if people are just watching happy people all the time, they wonder what's wrong with me."
"I like to relate more to just regular people and their come up and the things that they do."
"The concept of putting up a front and acting a certain way to hide genuine and more complex internal feelings is one that so many of us can relate to."
"A testament to the power of relatability and shared experiences."
"Spider-Man was good because he was relatable."
"Toby Maguire's Spider-Man was relatable; he was a struggling college student who was having like no luck in life."
"He knew how to make songs that were for people even though he had nothing to do with it."
"It's a really fun and smart movie that we can all relate to."
"Lonely at the top, it does sound kind of miserable and relatable."
"People would have related to that, with COVID right now and people being out."
"Kate has that rare ability possessed by very few people of being able to talk to, speak to, relate to those of utterly different ages, backgrounds, ethnicities."
"There's no point in having a monarchy unless your public can relate to you and actually can love you."
"She's so successful because she is so relatable and she literally has an album for every stage of your life."
"Having no powers is one of Batman's key character traits, and it makes his character more relatable and more compelling."
"It's powerful to have a video from somebody that you relate to because you're going to listen to it more. You might not listen to scientists... but you might listen to somebody on YouTube that you've been watching and you relate to."
"Marvel tries to make them more like relatable and kind of grounded. It's not as fun."
"I still hope that everyone watching can find some sort of relatability in your own personal story."
"In actuality, Superman is a chill-ass dude. He grew up as a normal kid on this planet."
"Perfect characters are dull, but flawed characters are relatable."
"It was more relatable, that's what brought us into this Marvel Age."
"Guts truly does it all. He is a character that I think anybody could connect with on whether a small level or a big level."
"I think people relate to the dream of being able to spend time doing something you love."
"She has such a fun, quirky little personality. She's not perfect, and I feel like she's superduper freaking relatable."
"I feel like he's the most relatable of heroes... Peter makes mistakes; he has ups and downs in his career, his relationships, his family. I think we can all relate to that."
"The best villains are the most relatable villains because we all have that darkness in us."
"Life is hard, and at the end of the day, we can all relate to that."
"Quentin and his co-producer Caleb had good chemistry in that teenagers calling each other gay way that almost anyone can relate to."
"I say some random weird nonsense and then people relate to that or like they have the same experience and you feel less alone."
"It's a stupid lamp, Oscar. Fix a stupid tire."
"It's a proven vertical on YouTube, it's something that everyone can relate to and everyone kind of needs a smarter approach to the way they look."
"We're still living this life like all of you are as well."
"That's the guy we all root for. That's who we all feel like we are. That's our hero story."
"It's more relatable to that person. In this backlash because people are just like, 'Oh Jim's, like, actually they're so impressive, so all this and all that, it's like whoa, okay.'"
"It's just stories like that that people can relate to that I think win most folks over."
"Her personal experience helps her to relate and identify with others."
"It's a real-life mystery, and I believe that people are following it because Gabby could be anybody's friend, sister, brother."
"It's a good one. This book is definitely Peak dark Academia with insufferable characters that sometimes make you think, 'Why is this insufferable character saying something relatable and what does that say about me?'"
"Relatable equals sales in any aspect of life."
"Best friend, girl! That's me relating to that person viewing the website."
"You need your strong female character to have flaws and weaknesses. That's what makes us empathize with her and that's what makes us connect with her humanity."
"I'm just a normal regular Average Joe like you."
"They presented themselves as a middle-class family, and you could be like them."
"I feel like all of us who fell in love with Morgan on YouTube love her because she's not like any of these other influencers."
"If Joel and Ellie can get through that, I can get through Tuesday."
"It's not just because I have a connection to it, but also because I wanted it to feel like anywhere, anytime America."
"Something about these waddling Birds just seems to resonate with so many people. Maybe we see ourselves in them just a bit."
"The Marvel Universe nails it when it comes to regular people in tough spots."
"The show is noted for its proper storytelling, depicting profound, relatable stories."
"Despite all of his powers he is still a human being he still makes human mistakes and that is the thing that makes him so compelling."
"Peter Parker is probably one of the most relatable and instantly likable characters in all of the Marvel canon."
"If you start faking, nobody can relate to you. Facts. So if you are being, they can relate to you because what you do in your hidden place or you do it only to yourself, the world does not know what you do. But me, everything I do, the world knows."
"Austin's story works so well because it's that rags to riches story that everyone can relate to in some capacity."
"Not all heroes wear capes, some of us wear sweatpants five days a week."
"Whether you're 5 year 85 you can relate to these films and that's what I took away from it." - Rachel Evan Wood
"The immigrant experience is relatable to everyone."
"Television gives us characters who actually are a lot more like us in real life."
"Celebrities who needs them we all have them they're just like us."
"The reason this case was so traumatic for so many people is that so many could identify with them."
"Jennifer Aniston is one of the biggest names in the entertainment industry today, rising to fame in the 1990s and maintaining her popularity with fans. She is still as relatable as the girl next door."
"Are you working for the President, or are you working for the United States of America?"
"Vulnerability and weakness is what makes characters human and relatable... if Kratos the god of war can doubt his own abilities, powers, and strength when facing a mortal foe, I think Aloy can do it too."
"Composed and confident, she's still the accessible face of royalty."
"In times of stress, I think people are instinctively drawn to the safety of people they can relate to."
"Not only is this motivation relatable it's also insanely effective."
"This is a song that anybody can relate to, you know, whether it was a bully or a hater."
"Dave is kind of a schmuck, he's relatable, we like him."
"I want you to hear my music and go, damn, I relate to this."
"Haley really does have this sort of natural way of just speaking to the camera like she would talk to a friend."
"It felt like a personal call out for anyone who's ever worked a dead-end job."
"What I loved about Ant-Man is this character that just seems like a good, normal guy."
"But if we see them going through struggles if we see them kind of messing up and picking themself up and I think that's really relatable and I think we like to you know see stories that mirror ourselves."
"Our heroes are so relatable... they have families like Peter's Aunt May."
"He thought he was being an everyman person. Relating to everyone. Cause everyone cares about the number on their paycheck."
"People crave originality, people crave a real story, something they can relate to."
"I think readers see themselves in Naruto and that's what appeals to them."
"I think we will all relate to Edmond Dantes at some point in our life."
"Roblox is life, he actually said Roblox is life, even more relatable."
"Piece very, very well. These over-the-top and outlandish designs fit the hilarious over-the-top and outlandish world of One."
"With Tears of the Kingdom as a foundation to build upon, I think the future of the series is incredibly bright."
"Sometimes you just don't feel it, and I think that happens a lot."
"Audiences almost never react well to this explanation because the celebrity's mistakes are typically unrelatable to the average person."
"You cannot just convince people with facts alone; it has to be relatable, tangible, and engaging."
"Her thing is still dependent on relatability in a sense."
"The more detail you add to the smiley face, the less it looks relatable. It's no longer your face, it becomes someone else's face."
"Everybody picks their nose, okay? We're all human, it happens."
"YouTube was a logical choice, but the messaging is what's been shifted because people started to feel like they couldn't relate to me anymore."
"I'm five foot five I weigh 130 pounds... people see me and they're like oh my gosh I guess if you can do it I can do it too."
"Real science with it but I'm going to make it relatable too."
"These are not perfect people, they're human beings."
"Kitty is relatable, as close as the X-Men have to an everyman."
"It was something that the reader could relate to even while cosmic events could be unfolding."
"I feel like everyone can resonate with just putting things off and off and off."
"It's a theme that runs in many of his works. We can all relate to the idea of home, many of us are moving around constantly from one environment to another."
"Jack Grealish... everyone loves him... like every geezer down the pub now sits and goes, 'That's how I'd react.'"
"He’s not just sympathetic, but he’s very complex with justified and relatable motivations."
"Having Hop here also makes Leon more relatable as the Hub. He isn't just The Undefeated Champion, that's his big brother."
"Great lyrics are great lyrics because there are some talk about the most relatable."
"There's a human quality at work with Messi that makes him relatable."
"Everybody likes Hangman right now. Everybody can relate to Hangman."
"Beer is not just highly replayable, it's effortlessly relatable."
"They made these characters feel relatable despite the superpowers. That's why these stories have lasted as long as they have."
"He's constantly just fucking up and that's part of what makes his character so great, he's a fucking dweeb, he's a dork, you know, he's a loser but he's also a superhero, you know, and like that's what makes him incredibly relatable."
"Spider-Man stood out among the other superheroes because audiences had never seen a seemingly average kid like Peter Parker suit up and become a superhero before."
"What spoke to me as a little bit of an older reader was I really related to the characters I think you came up with some really grounded issues that people today can relate to."
"Neo is the perfect protagonist because he is the everyday man who gets swept up into the Matrix."
"The more that it's out there and the more people that are out there speaking, the better it is, because someone may relate to a Aon and not relate to me, and think I'm an idiot."
"America doesn't relate to Perfect People. America relates to Broken People."
"Her whole internal conflict that she was having with her major and with her whole life goal was very relatable."
"I feel like a lot of people can relate to that as well, I mean, a lot of things, opportunities come from like the most surprising places, so I feel like just keep doing you, keep grinding."
"Hollywood is just more and more digging themselves into this pit where they are not accessible or relatable to regular people."
"It's taken the concept of a celebrity and brought it down to our level."
"Bruce Wayne doesn't have superpowers other than extraordinary wealth, making him relatable and human."
"I'm enjoying it myself, I don't get to a masterpiece like IGN exactly the same boat here."
"Ron Weasley is like a regular guy amongst these wizards... I can relate."
"Children obviously relate to the young characters, but the series' grounded approach, everyday setting, and universal themes certainly resonate with adults as well."
"People are contrasting... who they think is real and relatable."
"Anytime you can talk about a poop Geyser. Right everybody likes that."
"There's at least one character you'll find yourself connected to no matter who you are."
"I talk about myself... so that people can kind of relate to my journey."
"The best forms of prog have been music that people find immediately relatable yet sounds like nothing they've ever heard before."
"That's just so, so scary because that could literally be anyone you know."
"Even though he's one of the best in the world at what he does... at the end of the day, he's just like all the rest of us."
"People need to see people that they can relate to, not people who are screaming at them ready to bite their heads off because that's not going to make us like anybody."
"Specificity is universality, so the more specific the character is, the better the art is."
"Abortion rights are extremely important and they do largely affect women but that's not the only group of people they affect."
"Athletes die twice... You have to live that to relate to that."
"It's like he still had that connection with the regular people."
"I had so much fun watching it, I was laughing, I was smiling, I was identifying with the characters."
"When you can relate to something and it's personal, and you know that life better than most people."
"It's the characters' reaction to the situation that's relatable."
"Star-Lord is someone that we relate to greatly."
"Because you felt like she was still like you I think a lot of especially young women felt like she was they were just like her."
"We all at one point definitely called the teacher mom gotta be done."
"Sometimes, yeah, sometimes I can find myself like not tapping out of it. Like I'm like, wait, wait, I'm not Emmett today. I'm Jacob."
"We making superstars outta these shows and they super relatable."
"I think Drake's the popularity, the success has came from of course musical talent but of relatability that never was really accepted before."
"But flaws make characters relatable, three-dimensional, and interesting."
"Six's journey is a metaphor that many can relate to."
"We love anti-heroes because they tell us that we too can be heroes even with our flaws."
"Write in your own voice that's true to your personality. That's going to build relatability, trust, and credibility with your audience."
"Short people will understand the struggle of having to step onto chairs to reach the elusive top shelf."