
Health Routine Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"The fundamental step that everybody should be taking every day for many aspects of their health, mental, physical, digestive, immune, all of that, is to get two to ten minutes of bright light first thing in the morning."
"You're only going to see proper results with reducing your dehydration by being consistent with your skincare routine."
"Treat your sleep like you would your job. Try to go to bed and rise at the same time every day."
"So when I go out for my walk, come back, and probably by the end of the day."
"AG1 is really seamless and an easy daily habit for me to maintain."
"A morning routine has become the foundation of any health and wellness routine."
"We just want to open up the body, it's simple."
"Sometimes training, a decent diet, and a strict health regime are key."
"I swear between drinking this smoothie and doing 10 to 15 minute workouts every morning, I am slowly getting back into shape after just having a baby."
"I love it beyond the brush, Quip has everything you need to build a complete routine."
"When I see this physique I do not think huge amounts of suffering I think like a reasonable adherence to a calorie deficit getting your 10 000 steps in hitting the [__] weights."
"Meal prepping...meal prepping at least one meal a day...so you will be nourished."
"I start every day with a COVID test now. It's just part of my routine."
"The body craves routine and performs its best when you can stick to a consistent sleep schedule."
"Fasting becomes easier the more you do it; the more you practice, the better you adapt."
"Waking up early is so important... you get on a better sleeping and eating schedule."
"Set up bedtime feature in the Clock app for a healthier sleep routine."
"You don't need to have some extreme routine to look fit or healthy."
"Just one scoop from here into the water bottle, shake it up, and I know I am covered for the day."
"Ag-1 by Athletic Greens is a daily supplement that has incredibly simplified my daily health routine."
"Simplifying health routine with Athletic Greens: Mental clarity, energy, and convenience."
"Do you think that Coach Greg only had these meals now or do you think I've been eating this way for a long freaking time?" - Coach Greg
"Checking blood sugar four times a day at least is important."
"Stimulate collagen, decrease pigmentation, increase hydration, decrease oil production, exfoliate the surface of the skin."
"Develop an optimal sleep routine; measure your sleep and connect its correlation with your performance."
"Something as simple as this has made my supplement routine so much easier."
"Make applying sunscreen not feel like a chore, but actually enjoyable instead."
"Taking a 20-minute walk after dinner is crucial for sleep and blood sugar regulation."
"You can use it in the morning before a workout. Good for you."
"Set a timer for every 50 minutes to an hour and then when that timer goes off I'll just get up and move around a bit."
"Thirty minutes per day are a great and effective start."
"It's going to make your body feel healthier and more mobile each and every time you do it."
"The most important part of the routine, if your goal is the brain drain, is allowing your brain to drain those toxins into that lymphatic watershed and get it out of your body."
"I just finished up my morning health routine and uh, feeling blooming good for it."
"The amount you need is 2.4 micrograms, but it's good to... make sure that it's part of your routine."
"You ready? Have better sleep, put some focus on your sleep, have a sleep routine, sleep in a room that is effective for sleep."
"It's been super easy to add this into my daily routine and it's just nice knowing that I'm doing something good for my body."
"30330 routine: 30 grams of protein, 30 minutes of walking."
"With the seasons changing, now is the perfect time to get into a routine that empowers you to feel your healthiest."
"I must take care of the vehicle I have, providing it with regular tune-ups, daily stretching, regular exercise, and occasional chiropractor visits."
"Start your day with a glass of warm lemon water to cleanse your system and improve digestion."
"The psychological burden of just jamming that lancing device into your hand 15 times a day day after day... it just takes a toll."
"This is a great one to repeat every day if you want to feel more flexible and open in your hips."
"I've been loving these athletic greens packets."
"Sunscreens are such an important part of your skincare routine."
"Every quarter make sure my liver is clean, keep my cardio levels up, don't eat too many sweets."
"No food 3 hours before sleep, no water 2 hours before sleep, and then no devices 1 hour before sleep."
"Count your blessings, drink your protein."
"Drink one before 9 AM to kick start your day, drink water throughout the day, and then before 7 PM set up your body for optimized sleep and repair with a caffeine-free one."
"Sleep is a huge part of my regiment routine."
"If you get up every day and drink a glass of lemon water, you'll be a whole different person."
"Every day, every time, like brushing your teeth, you don't leave all that stuff in, so before you go to bed, you brush your spine, get your spine clean."
"I'm really trying to get back in the habit of taking more vitamins."
"Cold showers is a big deal for me both neurologically, psychologically, emotionally, and just physiologically."
"Start the day with a liter of water. It's going to increase your blood plasma, it's going to increase your metabolism, it's going to increase your muscle glycogen."
"I love that I can just take two capsules in the morning and I don't have to worry about whether I'm getting enough Vitamin D, enough Omega-3, or anything like that."
"Sleep has definitely been a big routine for me, especially the recovery coming back onto the field."
"Got to sweat once a day, whether it's ten minutes, twenty minutes, an hour, something is better than nothing."
"Every morning you take your shower, the end of the shower, turn the water all the way to cold and let it hit you in the face and chest."
"After I made that video, I never stopped drinking a gallon of water. I have been drinking a gallon of water every single day for a year."
"Every single morning, warm lemon water; it's antibacterial, antiviral, it has immune-boosting properties."