
Effort Reward Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Growth mindset, in its purest form, is the attachment of these reward systems to the effort process, to the friction process, and not just to obtaining a reward."
"You get what you work for, not what you wish for."
"By going through a little bit of work, imagine that, people are like, 'Oh look, Kevin, you have to deal with fixing up your rental properties or re-renting them when they come vacant.' Yeah, it just happens to also pay very well."
"This job is what you put into it, you'll definitely reap what you sow here."
"Hollow Knight makes you earn a lot of things that other games just give you."
"But if you're willing to put the work into it and think creatively about the editing process, you can come out with a really amazing video."
"All that hard work, end result: brilliant. Absolutely brilliant."
"Life works in a beautiful way where you will get what you put into it."
"Fortune does not favor the lazy and it does not favor the slow in crypto."
"Your hard work is going to pay off with this person."
"Recognizing that you've had a lot of confidence and you've actually required to put in... things pay off."
"Shorts are like the easiest way to see return on your efforts."
"Stay dedicated to your goals. Efforts will reap success."
"If you invest your time in this, you will reap rewards."
"But in exchange for our blood and our sweat and our tears and our effort, we need your support."
"This is a time where any work projects you put your efforts into will generate success."
"If you put in 100%, you get 100% results back."
"The effort that you put in will be rewarded. It's like a boomerang."
"There's always a payment... and what you get back is gains."
"You will never regret the burn the next day."
"The ability to access this pleasure from effort aspect of our dopaminergic circuitry is without question the most powerful aspect of dopamine."
"Returning players are getting so much for doing nothing whereas we are grinding day in and day out."
"You will be recognized and rewarded for your efforts."
"It's a gradual process... but once you do the work, the grass is greener on the other side."
"This weapon is amazing. It's 100% worth the grind."
"When you strive for it and it surprises you, that's the glorious part."
"It's all about the amount of determination and the input you put into it is what you're gonna get back from it."
"When you've done enough work, the universe starts working for you."
"But it all comes to like this, this moment right here. This is where we earn the downhill. This is the best part of the bike ride."
"That's how it is sometimes in life, but if you do all the time everything, you will get a lot for it."
"The more you put in, the more you get out. So stop making excuses."
"Your success is directly dependent on what you put in."
"If you go out with the intention to be the best that you can be, then you're going to have the best returns regardless of the outcome."
"If you bust loose and grind, grind, grind, grind, and let the juice out, you're gonna get the juice."
"You get what you put in, you know, and people get what they deserve."
"It's your time to shine, success from what you pour your heart into."
"It's only gonna be worth it if you put in the work."
"Your hard work is definitely going to pay off."
"Effort reward heuristic which is we enjoy things more and appreciate them more if we put a little effort upfront."
"You're gonna get as much back from this as you put into it."
"Something that you've been working hard on is going to pay off."
"Reward the harder steps... find the wall and push a little bit further."
"When you put a lot of time, effort, and energy back into yourself, you're gonna see change."
"Saturn just doesn't give anything without any hard work."
"Your hard work will pay off but it doesn't always have to be hard work."
"If you're willing to do things that other people aren't willing to do, you're going to get results that other people aren't going to get."
"He certainly did get rewarded for his effort there."
"Whatever you touch now turns to Gold, you put the effort though."
"Your wealth is not about trading, it's a physical representation of your hard effort."
"You do have the magician's touch, you are able to manifest. Keep up your hard work, I see recognition coming to you."
"After investing blood, sweat, and tears throughout the last 6 hours, I could finally claim my prize."
"Hardcore mobilization takes work, but it's worth it because after we work, we win."
"If you're willing to put in the time, effort, and energy, you can get a reward."
"If you want something in life, if you want something in FIFA 18, you gotta work for it, man. Nothing's given. You've gotta go out there, you've gotta search for it, you've gotta beat it, you've gotta feed it."
"I like mechanics where you have to put effort in in order to get reward and I don't like mechanics where you put no effort in and get massive rewards. I feel like the cheat codes just don't do it for me."
"Put in the effort, the hard work will pay off."
"We're wrapping up this thing that we've been putting all this effort into, you're getting the results that you wanted."
"Everybody can get it if you put in the time and effort."
"Writing in a journal...the outcome is worth 10 times the effort."
"If you keep trying, you could still succeed and succeed over and over."
"As long as you put in the effort, it can be very successful."
"No pain, no gain. We've had pain and we've therefore had gain."
"It just feels like all that energy you put into whatever it is that you're doing is gonna pay off like dividends."
"If you go hard, I think you can expect some gains."
"If you put the work in, the wheel can turn, you know, portals can be places where the wheel really turns."
"The rewards you get for the effort you put in, you just can't go wrong."
"There is no payoff if there's no effort being put forward in anything, that's just how energy works."
"No matter what you do in life, it's going to pay dividends."
"Nothing in life worth having will ever come easy."
"Friends, it smells! The corn on this smells so good, I think it was definitely worth the effort."
"The harder I work, the luckier I get."
"Wahoo fishing is one of those things that you get out of it what you put into it."
"Anything when you put your all to it, you get."
"You often get back what you put in."
"From zero to one thousand is really, really hard, but one thousand to ten thousand is not."
"The moment when everything comes together just right is worth all the effort."
"All the energy that you put into this is going to pay off once you get that certification in your hand."
"Well, I'd say that was well worth all the climbing I've done today."
"A practical gift is always good and it's when you put in the effort to make something too, it always is very rewarding."
"Dr Venus, the juice is well worth the squeeze."
"More is always more. The more you put into anything, the more you're going to get out of it."
"You get out of life what you put in."
"Everything is proportional to the amount of work you put into it."
"Every effort that produced some results was celebrated in a very public way."
"If you put in time, you put in the effort, the rewards are huge."
"You get what you put into it, so keep giving it all you got."
"All of your efforts are paying off. Abundance is yours to live and experience."
"With consistency, you're obviously going to have more good than bad."
"All your efforts are paying off; abundance is yours to live and experience."