
Psychological Advice Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Agitation and stress were designed to get us up and move us."
"The problem of your anxiety, disappointment, or pain is a thought-based delusion that needs to be unraveled."
"Don't listen to what your brain is telling you."
"Avoidance is a great short-term strategy to find comfort but avoidance is also a great long-term strategy to guarantee misery."
"Trust your gut. Psychologist Marsha Reynolds says to make the best choices, observe your sensations as well as our thoughts."
"Feel it to heal it... Brain 2. If you want to heal it, you need to feel it."
"Stress is not what happens to you but it's how you respond to it."
"Control your desires, or they'll control you."
"Everything is emotional, so whatever issue you're having, it's some type of emotion that's blocking you."
"Fear will lead you to what you're really afraid of."
"Don't be a prisoner of your past experiences."
"Repressing your emotions, ignoring them, denying them, does not make you strong."
"Overconfidence is bad but confidence is great."
"A person can't bring closure to you, but your perception and beliefs are what closes the cycle out."
"You have to gauge human emotion... and go opposite this."
"Guilt arises to make us pay attention to a mistake we've made and to make up for it, but in the context you're describing, this guilt is misplaced."
"Act as if you're happy, then you'll feel happy."
"Accept fear as a normal reaction; you cannot avoid fear by denying the danger."
"The fear itself is not your enemy; it's your friend."
"There's no such thing as a negative emotion."
"Don't be exceptionally fearful because ultimately you could end up attaching that fearful energy onto yourself and doing yourself more harm than good."
"The goal is to recognize these narcissists for who they are and maintain a disconnected, healthy position in that relationship."
"The only way to beat your nightmares is to face them."
"This is just a story you're telling yourself, so I invite you to stop now, please."
"Casting down imaginations... take every thought captive."
"We're damaged people, don't activate that, don't activate that, don't, 'cause that's gonna take you backwards. Don't activate that."
"The only real way to completely eliminate a narcissist manipulation, gaslighting and abuse is to go completely no contact."
"Don't let anyone live rent-free in your mind. That is toxic behavior."
"Bring those two sides of yourself that have been separated, bring them back together."
"Let's make one thing clear, your only rivals in the mirror. We don't beat you, you beat yourself. Pathetic, go and get some help."
"If you want anxiety, think about your future. If you want depression, think about your past. But if you want a present, live in the present."
"Focus on the good... don't focus on the bad because then you're only going to see the bad."
"In order for someone to insult you, you have to validate their opinion."
"The third noble truth: that's not who you are. You're simply holding onto a traumatic story."
"The double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. It's time to make a decision."
"Act like you believe in yourself before you do believe in yourself."
"Have all of your grounds that matter to you, your emotions, have them all go to one central point."
"Let go of baseless self-fulfilling prophecies."
"There's no reason to dwell on it, it's only going to make you feel worse."
"There's no other hope there's no psychiatrist no psychologist nobody you have to come to that conclusion and some of you need to hear this now."
"Feelings fluctuate constantly and that's okay."
"The secret to self-love is demonstrating to yourself through your own actions toward yourself that you love yourself."
"You look at your past, you're gonna get depressed and you're going to get stuck."
"It's better to say your emotions out than to keep it inside, right? I wouldn't do that."
"Emotional control is not a solution. Resolution is."
"Do not let her idealize and devalue you or anyone else. Integrate splitting, maintain the entire picture."
"The first thing: I don't care how violent, vengeful, hateful, stuck, victim-like or anything else a part is, you cannot do good parts work while you're in resistance to that part at the very same time."
"Forget all of that, but don't actually forget it. Put it away in a corner of your mind."
"Smashing your brain to smithereens is not necessarily a great idea depending who you are."
"Treat yourself well. Careful what you say to yourself, because you are listening."
"For many of you, that's going to start with healing."
"You don't need to remove emotions; in fact, you need to embrace them."
"You have to be willing to let go of all that emotional baggage."
"Disidentify with the voice. It's not you; it's a parasite attached to you."
"If it is crippling you to the point that, again, in the fear of death you are no longer living a life, that's something you need to work on."
"The key to letting go is understanding that attachment is what keeps us in lower vibrational emotions."
"Be the master of your mind, not the victim of it."
"If someone says hey man I just kind of want you to treat me like a human and your response is then I should be able to punch you you need to go to therapy you need help."
"Fear can become heavy if we refuse to release what we don't need."
"There's something that you need to let go of or work through."
"Choose not to feel harmed and you haven't been."
"If you do those three things, I guarantee your trading psychology will improve dramatically."
"Reframe your negative thoughts about the past."
"After the first Willow came out, I was on fire."
"The answer always is exposure. In fact, I would argue the answer for most anxiety is at some level exposure."
"Disrupt your thought pattern; it's the thinking that got you here but won't get you there."
"Letting go is the secret and the key to letting in."
"Use your power of thought and feeling positively to attain positive results."
"Don't hold it in, baby. The more you hold it in, the worse you feel."
"You can literally, I know it sounds silly, but you can just tell it to leave. I don't need you anymore, leave."
"This list can be a psychological splash of cold water on your face to help you avoid getting pulled back in and repeating the same Cycles again."
"Detach, because attachment can cause suffering. Detachment can create a new cycle, lessening the burden."
"Stop focusing on the cause and start focusing on the effect that your past has had on you."
"You have to feel the feeling. You don't repress it. You don't tell stories about it. You don't ignore it."
"Do not let them get inside your brain. Ignorance is bliss."
"Avoidance behaviors are actually an effective and very necessary part of overcoming your pain."
"If you deal with the feelings, most of the time they will go away."
"The myth is a preview of what is to come, and it contains sage advice for coping with the psychological elements of the time."