
Psychological Insight Quotes

There are 906 quotes

"It's very hard to control the mind with the mind."
"If you create a demon, only you can chase it away."
"The majority of addiction is stemming from a trauma."
"Emotions are the primary driver of our behavior."
"That people tend to report feeling lower levels of happiness, believe it or not, on their birthday."
"Anger is not an emotion; it simply masks the real emotion."
"Sometimes what happens amongst people is that they have different kinds of complexes... when I see someone hurting, I want to make them better."
"Fundamentally, we are most of our happiness is driven by our relationships."
"To see a psychopath, you have to learn to see in the dark."
"You are never feeling an emotion for no reason."
"The notion of the difference between pain and suffering, I thought, was very useful. Pain is physiological. It's there. If there was no pain, most people would not even know how to protect themselves."
"The biggest calamity is not what happened to you as a child but that as a result of what happened, you lost the connection to yourself."
"The most dangerous of narcissist is a covert narcissist, one that does not really truly show his or her hand."
"Emotions and feelings, even when they're ugly, even when they're inconvenient and scary and like a lot, they're part of being human."
"The notion of synthetic happiness is not simply about imagining happiness, or thinking about happiness or anticipating happiness."
"Narcissists don't worry about being narcissists. People who are not narcissists worry that they might be narcissists."
"Navamsha can show the mental aspect and spiritual journey of a person."
"You need to know that about guys: some guys, when they've been with you so long, even when they're not with you, it feels like you're cheating."
"You can't prevent the trauma from happening, because it's already happened, I guess is what I'm saying. So the experience will never change, but the way that you respond and react to it, can."
"The emotional durability and psychological insight that we can attain from said experiences are invaluable."
"It's about not taking it personally. It's like the difference between a house and my house is a world of difference and it's the 'my' that's the problem."
"If you need to make an important decision, you flip a coin on it... your gut tells you what you're actually wishing for."
"People will do anything no matter how absurd in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious."
"But it's just this wanting so badly to be liked."
"We are built to figure out how to move between modes of being."
"The problem isn't in the head, the problem's in the heart."
"If the voice in your own head says you suck, somebody put it in there."
"What motivates the types' behavior is more important than the behavior itself."
"Adopt the right attitude towards the dragon, it transforms into gold."
"Mankind has always feared and worshiped the same thing."
"Himmler's delusions demonstrate his ruthlessness and lack of empathy."
"It was a nice experience and I'm thankful for that."
"When girls have pictures of themselves as a lock screen, something's wrong."
"I'm a psychologist. I've watched people flip things all the time. I get it."
"If you're fearing your future you're stuck in the past somewhere because we don't have a dominant fear of our future unless traumatic events from our past are holding us hostage."
"The mind is the biggest and most powerful pharmacy in the world."
"Emotion itself turns out to be the way in which we can enhance memories."
"It's hard, it's hard, it's easy to have the negativity bias of Doom."
"Torture can't force a broken mind to repair itself."
"What is the addiction doing for you? What is the purpose it serves? What is the advantage that you gain from engaging in this addiction?"
"It's impossible to be scared and creative in the same moment."
"Did it take years before you suspected that someone in your life might be a covert narcissist? If so, don't feel bad, that's actually really common."
"If somebody calls somebody else lazy, I just believe that's projecting, that's just projection."
"It wasn't only wickedness and scheming that made people unhappy; it was confusion and misunderstanding above all."
"It's actually quite a tragic glimpse into the psyche of a man who doesn't feel like he has all that much to live for."
"Who doesn't like to hear nice things about themselves, but it is pathological when you absolutely need it and can't live without it."
"You always remember the bad more than you ever remember the good."
"The unique power of psychedelics is that for almost everyone, something is guaranteed to happen."
"Self-sabotage is going to come up if you never get to the root of your core stories."
"Fear lives deeper in the brain than memory." - Scarecrow
"I bite my tongue every thirty seconds because I'm not a psychopath."
"Emotions want to be felt. You really can't surrender to something to truly deeply feel it."
"I feel and I imagine a lot of other people feel the same way that there's a lot of sort of trapped creativity in your mind."
"Your whole universe is in between your ears."
"We stopped looking for monsters under the bed when we realized they're inside of us."
"Fear, when it runs out of control, is like a fire. It consumes you."
"Happiness is a deep thing because... you lift the lid and there's all sorts of stuff going on underneath."
"Abuse comes from a place of darkness, from unhappiness."
"Desire requires... a basic sense of self-worth."
"He captures childhood very well just in the little observations that kids make."
"Maybe there's something to that of course, but there's a deeper level of activity that we're just barely conscious of."
"By resolving those blockages which are nothing more than limiting thoughts and beliefs... I found that they tend to resolve themselves."
"Remembering that Nora was just a lonely girl and bought them Chinese food. This is a textbook case of Stockholm Syndrome."
"You put that task aside, and you've just regulated your mood. Now you feel better." - Fuschia Sirois
"Guilt is I made a mistake, shame is I am a mistake."
"The dream is now revealing the root causes of the things happening in your life."
"The more extremist someone becomes, the less self-aware they become."
"Question the meaning you're adding to each experience."
"We respond to our map of reality, not reality itself."
"If you can't learn how to receive love and give love, that's hell."
"You can't laugh and be afraid at the same time."
"That should thinking is actually a cognitive distortion."
"Fear is not the core of the response to trauma... the critical element is not fear, it's the violation of trust, it's a betrayal."
"Integration is the only way a person is ever healed."
"Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lies comes to a point if he cannot distinguish the truth within him or around him and so loses all respect for himself and for others."
"Rosy retrospection is more about how we remember past events and our brain's manipulation of those memories."
"The highs only seem high if you've got the lows to contrast with."
"Combat in my opinion is the most important thing that anything can have, it is the most important I think."
"Empathy is simply an output for the input that is trauma."
"She shines light on our shadow so that we can look at it."
"It's just psychotic how abused this person was and if you understand that you can understand how to help people and save them from this."
"He's black and he's not black because he's from Detroit or Wakanda. He doesn't need to be black, but he is. Not every movie with a minority needs to be a comedy drama about diaspora."
"Having the courage to go into situations is something that many people don't have."
"Fear is actually a gift; it tells you you're in need of something."
"Loneliness is often the byproduct of a gifted mind."
"If it’s personal to you, you’ll remember it."
"There is more to be gained from having high morale."
"Our emotions serve us... they do not control us."
"But my problem is that a lot of the time when people have gender dysphoria, there's a root cause. It's not just born out of nothing. A lot of the time, it has to do with trauma and child abuse."
"Triggers show us the shortcomings and flaws within us that we have denied and suppressed... Triggers are our friend."
"I did things I willingly chose to do things to hurt other people and myself because it caused them pain not because I didn't know it was wrong but because I wanted to cause them pain."
"Nonverbal communication is at best 70 to 80 accurate with some leeway on either side you can push that up to 90 to 100 accurate at times."
"Behavioral analysis is probably one of the best indicators of forward-looking predictions that you can get."
"Awareness of one's dark side allows one to more appropriately manage and recognize it when it sneaks up the stairs uninvited."
"He was particularly good at reading people and knowing what made people tick."
"Jung's recognition of... the idea that we don't understand human psychology unless we understand that psyche is soul..."
"Human personality has far more abilities than those usually ascribed to it."
"The fear of the unknown is the basis for a lot of hatred in the world."
"Depression is nothing more than dissatisfaction with life."
"Trauma does not excuse behavior, but it does explain behavior."
"I only win when I actually don't think about it. That's the problem."
"Attachment means I am somehow related to that. Attachment means it will be the narrative of my days. It will be the place I go to determine if I am worthy. That never pays off."
"Romantic love is not an emotion, it's a drive." - Helen Fisher
"I would be completely all those people who are just... blind with rage."
"Escaping the moment is another way of saying distraction, isn't it?"
"You cannot out love somebody's unrecognized trauma."
"This book is a function of her guilty conscience."
"They attack you right away because they're trying to hide the fact that they are deeply flawed deeply insecure people."
"Our story gives a teaching that says where a man's wound is that is where his genius will be."
"That's a good deck when you can only lose to yourself."
"There's almost an irony or a paradox in the fact that your pain caused disconnection but then the pain caused connection deep."
"Are men’s passion for sports revealing a desire to connect more deeply?"
"This is a really good example of how the narcissist believes that other people are ready to feel sorry for them at a moment's notice."
"Empathy requires experience. It's a flaw in human thinking."
"You want to put things right you want to put the scales of justice back in balance."
"All my greatest ideas were conceived in dreams." - Carl Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections
"The more you try to bury away sadness, the more damage it does."
"Acting out is a window... into the patient's unconscious... When you observe the patient's out of control behaviors..."
"Acting out is actually a strategy to resolve internal conflicts... it teaches us about the person who is acting out."
"Self-love is the ability to perceive ourselves with acceptance."
"Evolutionarily, why there's an endorphin rush from understanding this is fascinating."
"Dreams prepare, announce, or warn about certain situations." - Carl Jung, The Symbolic Life
"It is far better to be an object of fear than of respect, for one is a truth of the soul and the other an illusion of the mind."
"The number one thing a hater hates is themselves. It's got to be something in them, somewhere in their head."
"It would probably be naive to say that he wasn't deriving at least a little bit of motivation."
"Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves: regret for the past and fear of the future."
"I mean, when your point of view, like, you hold your point of view, whether you realize it or not, in part because you're taking pleasure in the suffering of the person you disagree with."
"I think we're all one bad day away from becoming a mass murdering psychopath."
"The more you try to control your life, the more out of control you will feel."
"Sensei lit a cigarette and chuckled saying that people were able to be driven by despair by clinging onto the thread of Hope which was something that her mother and Leon gave to her."
"If you are miserable, you have to know that novelty lights up our brain."
"What School Live is really good at is delving into the psychology of its characters."
"My definition of game really is just an understanding of human behavior pattern."
"It seems legit logic if you got a song stuck in your head you play it till you're sick of it same kind of thing."
"The more emotions you're wrapped up in, the more difficult it is to decipher what feels right."
"The knowledge that one is to be hanged in the morning concentrates the Mind wonderfully."
"She thinks she's winning. She thinks this is winning. She doesn't know this is losing."
"A hypocrite can be someone who actually believes something."
"Humans seem to have a somewhat innate preference for female voices, quite specifically mothers' voices."
"Nipsey was just on a different level psychologically you know I mean just in so many ways he was a remarkable person in that regard and he deserves a lot of props for that."
"Love is a universal, deeply rooted human experience."
"To think about it as a personality is a much more intelligent way to look at it."
"Those are the desperate lies of a lonely child."
"Victimizing yourself is a form of bullying sometimes."
"Your fear is gonna lead you down a path that's going to show you nightmares."
"Emotions aren't scary and aren't going to hurt you; they provide vital information."
"Almost everybody has a number everybody does."
"I do think there's a spiritual component... fear is profoundly powerful." - Dr. Joseph Latapo
"We know that when times get rough those barriers get thin and it is easier for Monica to get in to the brain good luck getting it took this brain just like completely separating from it just gave me this like power that I didn't know I had."
"How do you continue to desire that which you already have?" - Esther Perel
"The reason that it's hard to gain confidence and the reason that going out there and gaining confidence works for some people and is traumatic for others is because you can't really gain it all you can do is lose it."
"Sometimes it doesn't seem to work and I completely understand why it doesn't seem to work because bizarrely you can't actually gain confidence."
"You're under the impression that you're not going to be okay, but which you, the you that you perceive yourself to be?"
"You are not what you've done and you are not what you've thought."
"Behind it is a very sad soul a very pathetic individual."
"Most addictions thrive in secrecy. It's the secret that's the killer."
"People hate losing more than they love winning."
"It's not willpower, it's not force, it's not distraction, it's awareness."
"A lot of times, the person you're with is just fulfilling something that's an insecurity of yours."
"I don't think it's successful, I think it's all in people's head."
"It's so important to understand the shadow so that we can... witness it and go wow that's really something and then wow that's really something wonderful."
"This constant chaotic whirlwind of emotions happening in our brain instantly, that all I just said could happen in a minute."
"Literature and fiction... can allow a reader to leap over the wall of self and to imagine himself being not just somewhere else but someone else." - David Foster Wallace
"Anxiety may be compared with dizziness... it is the dizziness of freedom."
"The key to drive is to deprive. If you are lacking drive in your life, the problem is that you're not deprived enough."
"Never settle for a psychologically reduced version of spirituality."
"Nobody is actually afraid of the truth any more than they're afraid of the unknown. They're afraid of what they think they know."
"He always spoke about the power, to see the consciousness go away from the eyes. This was his attraction."
"Dreams are most profound when they seem the most crazy."
"Innocent people get truly angry, and real anger or emotion doesn't flip back and forth like a switch."
"You shouldn't be worried about if someone's trying to take something from you that's not discernment, that's actually operating in fear."
"Every situation... it's really to get us closer to loving ourself."
"If someone taught you to treat yourself like someone you are responsible for, that's really deep."
"The genetics loads the gun, the personality and psychology aims the gun, and the experiences pull the trigger."
"The hardest part is to remove our biases it's mostly in us we create all these indicators and all these things because we want the narrative to match what our bias is."
"When a person reveals their shadow, you're actually seeing their real self."
"Wouldn't a crooked mind see the world in a crooked way and create problems for itself without knowing it?"
"Your dreams can give you an intriguing glimpse into your psyche and offer you a great opportunity to amend the areas in your life that need a bit of TLC."
"Fear is not a physical thing; fear only exists because I accept it, like superstition."
"Anger is a secondary emotion usually there's sadness or fear that's underlying the anger."
"Understanding human behavior and body language gets closer to what the truth and lies might be."
"You need to be optimistically objective. Look at how a problem might work, not how it might not work."
"The best liars take a grain of truth, and that's kind of what she was doing."
"Some of you guys may feel fearful of losing something in a place where there never was a win at in the first place."
"The only damage that's happening is in your mind; you're hurting yourself."
"Anger is so underrated as an emotion and undervalued."
"What's the beautiful part of an obsession? Honestly, it's purpose."
"Happiness is just one part of how we experience existence... It's vitally important to experience other emotions and to value them."
"Your ego is your own worst enemy, the biggest thing holding you back."
"I think fear is a good thing now why because it increases our need to overcome that fear."
"The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight."
"I can't begin to have the mindset of a killer."
"One person's trauma is not another person's trauma."
"The mind loves to be attracted. It's not that the mind is distracted; the mind is attracted at all times."
"Mars in the eighth house in its own sign: sudden healings, psychological breakthroughs, realizations."
"The first sign of a sick mind is sick stuff coming out of their mouth."
"Anger is a secondary emotion; get to the root of it."
"Whether you experience emotions sadness unhappiness happiness alignment all of those things are fluctuations within the mind but the experiencer stays the same."
"You can't be scared by something when you are expecting it to happen."
"It gets you to understand the psychology of people right... so when I'm speaking I, I know what it's doing to people."