
Personal Habit Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"One of the best things I ever did for my sleep was to keep my phone out of the room."
"I'm doing this whole thing where I don't look at my phone at night so that I can sleep better."
"If I don't read my Bible daily and if I don't fill my mind with that then I know that I'll be less positive."
"Porridge for me is my go-to breakfast and I have to have it to start my day off correctly."
"I do use VR intermittently, I don't use VR as much as I used to."
"Ice coffee every morning. If I have regular coffee, I start sweating. Day's ruined."
"Every time that I eat there I've been going there a lot lately so it helps out a ton too."
"Nothing good happens in the morning. I just couldn't. I'm not a morning person. I hate the mornings."
"I believe in documentation and I practice it vigorously." - Ann Nelson
"Normally I wait until November to start rereading Tolkien's books, but I'm just going to start now because I desperately need it."
"I'm trying to be like what are you talking about that's why I wear the same thing I'm like I just I don't feel like changing clothes anymore."
"I usually just keep a few of these in my fridge."
"It's important to drink and hydrate yourself, hydrate at all times. Some of that H2O. And I'm also British, so I drink a lot of tea."
"I never used line paper underneath but I will always have in my hand when I'm making notes a ruler."
"Oh my God, bro, that's how much soda I drink in like a week."
"I get up every morning and have tea with milk on an octagonal tray I bought it at the thrift store many years ago and like that has to happen fairly early."
"He always said 'I love you'... before hanging up any phone call."
"He probably works out by boxing recreational."
"Every day when Sean wakes up he can look out the window and he's someone who does wake up quite early."
"I love farting in bed, but it's so much like something to do."
"I really feel as though I'm not fully dressed until I put on a watch you know if I leave the house and uh you know I don't have a watch on I'll turn back and put a watch on."
"I think it's genuinely extremely good coffee like I drink it every morning."
"Oh, I love buying two cords, my standard compliment. I don't even know if you know this, but I have six cables with me at all times."
"I don't function properly when I don't have meat."
"I definitely need a cup in the morning to keep going throughout the day. I feel so much better if I have a cup."
"The most consistent relationship that I've had in my life is with coffee."
"I just wake up and I just have my coffee in the morning, it's like what I do."
"I finally actually carry a purse."
"You know how I do, I gotta bring my action figures with me on every single event that I go to and every single activity that I do."
"I love smoking cigarettes, I love the relaxation behind it, I love the stress relief behind it, I love feeling like myself."
"Walking out of the house without a watch on is very rough for me."
"I'm a coffee person in the morning."
"I sleep with my hands behind my head too."
"This is what I tune into at night because I don't watch TV."
"I always sleep in a satin bonnet."
"I'm not like a clean person, I'm a tidy person. Like, I like everything having a home, I can't have anything sitting out, it needs to be put away."
"I love drinking coffee, I actually cannot get through my morning without drinking coffee."
"I don't like having my wallet in my back pocket"
"I have turned into one of those people that has lived in Germany... and now I am the person that brings tea with me to the United States for comfort."
"I like to brush my teeth before the show, I like to go on stage with fresh prep."
"I look forward to cleaning my room; I don't know if that's weird, but I just like cleaning my room."
"I always have at least a water, sometimes coffee, sometimes two waters, so this makes it perfect."
"Honestly, I add hot sauce to everything."
"I try to get eight hours a night myself."
"It's now 10 a.m., so I do have my Coke Zero."
"One of my habits is to write down almost every idea that I have."
"Typical bedtime? Oh my, like midnight or 1:00 a.m."
"I don't know how you survive without sunglasses. I wear sunglasses every day."
"I love coffee, I drink it every day."
"I'm a big flosser, like if you don't be flossing once a day, that's gross."
"This is so wholesome, I literally do this."
"I love being up really early in the morning; I don't know what it is, but I do get up very early."
"I'm constantly writing notes. I guess for me, I'm a person who, if I write it down, I retain it."
"I am a night owl. I am never asleep before 2 A.M."
"I don't let my phone die, that's just not me, it's not in my DNA."
"Plain water is always a huge priority of mine."
"I am a breakfast person, no matter how early it is."
"I don't really drink a lot of coffee."
"I always watch Clueless or Mean Girls."
"The most important habit that has the biggest impact in our lives is being kind to yourself."
"I haven't had a burger in a long time."
"Not always in practice, but anyway, I like always keeping a copy there."
"I like to wear hoodies on the plane because I kind of like to cover my head while we're taking off and zone out all of the noise."
"My favorite thing to do ever, look what I've before bed, I'm doing this for my future self."
"I'll have ramen for breakfast, just throw some eggs in, and that's what I used to do."
"I like things to be very neat and I like things to be very organized."
"Four hours a night, that's all I need."
"I find that mulled wine helps me sleep."
"I eat breakfast all day long; I'm a breakfast girl."
"One thing about me, I'ma back into a parking spot every time."
"I've grown up my whole life shopping at the Salvation Army, and I love thrifting."
"My obsession, I'll eat blueberries every single day."
"I've been wearing this for like three days straight."
"I actually eat cheese a lot, and for like cheese omelets and stuff, I like to grate the cheese."
"I'm a coffee guy, start my day Starbucks instant Via."
"I've been on some crazy boba binge, I don't know what it is, but I've been getting this like every other day."
"She was known to put ice in her beer."
"I love floss, like that's a new thing for me in the last year, 18 months."
"I drink a lot of tea, especially in the fall and the winter months when it's cooler outside."
"I have trouble leaving home without a puffy; I guess that's my big thing is I don't like to be cold."
"I feel like a peanut butter sandwich to me is my go-to if I'm struggling to sleep and I've become hungry again."
"I've been wearing these every single day since I finished."
"I haven't had my coffee before I start my vlog, and if you know me, you know I like to do that because my brain doesn't function very well until I have awakened my body with food and coffee."
"I'm doing great, I'm having some tea, I love my tea, and uh, I put honey in it now for the winter."
"I had to stop laying my edges every day because I was like, you know what, if it's getting to the point where I can't even walk out of my house without laying my edges, then I know that I have a problem."
"I drink coffee out of this Daft Punk mug I have done for years and I expect I will for always."
"I hate staying up late; to me, 10 p.m. is pushing it already."
"I've just always been a night owl. That's my clock ever since I was a kid."
"I listen to this every day; I feel like my whole day is not complete without this song."
"I'm always in need of a cup of tea. I'm so English."
"I've watched that movie probably 20 times."
"I'm actually a morning person, I just never wanted to wake up early."
"It's something that Gene and I watch annually."
"I always start off my morning with tea."
"What the high five habit has taught her is that she can have her own back."
"It really helps me read more and sleep well."