
Success Strategy Quotes

There are 250 quotes

"The story about Jim Carrey... he would drive up Mulholland Drive here in Los Angeles and visualize himself acting in the main movies."
"Massive action: take more action, and it will work for you."
"Consistency means doing the same thing or something similar again and again and again every day, every week, every month, every year. Consistency is not exciting, but it's super effective."
"For every four days I'd be failing, I'd have one day of success, but that one day of success would get me slightly ahead of where I was at the start of the week."
"The most successful men and women on earth have had to correct certain weak spots in their personalities before they began to succeed."
"You have to pick something, put your time in, get competent at it, stay in the fight long enough to make the money."
"The only way you're going to push past the mountain of obstacles... is to have extraordinary focus."
"If you want to be successful in whatever you set your minds to, it's a matter of conveying the right message to the right person with the right resources at the right time."
"Pick one book per month... after six months... combined with gaining so much knowledge from reading, I really think that you can be set up for success."
"Winning requires you to be different, and different scares people."
"Focused intensity over time. That's what we've been teaching for 30 years now, and that is what works."
"The people that are truly successful when it comes to making passive income are those that can be patient enough to ride out the early months or maybe even the early year when you're not making much money at all, because you see the big picture."
"Sometimes, if you really want to have something that everyone else doesn't, you've got to do what everyone else is not willing to do."
"Compounding is the key to financial success, life success. Everything that we're doing is all about compounding."
"To achieve a great life what you really need is you need massive experience with life."
"All failure is, is a tool for success. It shows you how to get there if you're willing to stay in the fight."
"At the end of the day, the really the greatest way to be a huge success on Amazon is not just to private label the same product that's already out there."
"The most important key to success is to start and complete one important task first thing in the morning."
"A different approach is more about pursuing success through lots of singles and doubles over time."
"The solution to everything is winning, really."
"It's important to know how to lose because if you know how to lose, you know how to understand why you lost, you know how to correct the reason you lost, and then you know how to win."
"The trick? Persistence. Don't ever be afraid."
"Content is the gateway drug to success in our society."
"You don't have to reinvent the wheel, the formula is there, you just keep using it."
"The real win is just doing 10 times more of that thing."
"Focus, commit, take action, and follow that course until success."
"The secret to getting everything you want is to help other people get what they want."
"People can not want you to succeed all they want, but if you out invest them, they can't stop you."
"These vision boards work, guys. That's how I've been doing vision boards since 2009, they've been awesome."
"Choosing a niche on YouTube is like planting seeds for success - pick the right ones, and you'll reap a bountiful harvest."
"If you understand what you're gonna do, you could always win the jackpot."
"The most certain way to succeed is to always try one more time."
"You gotta look at someone who's done it before, emulate what they've done, and then do it better."
"Experiment until you find something and then just double down on it."
"Always be ready to pounce on the luck that comes your way in building a successful channel."
"To be successful, you have to do those difficult things of repeating and improving the same things over and over again."
"Contributing more energy to the universe than you're withdrawing is pivotal for winning big."
"If you're able to find the niche product and actually rank on the first page... you'll likely do very well."
"Remember, patience, patience, patience. Critical to success."
"Shift your circle of influence. Surround yourself with the right people and things to help you win."
"We're struggle nation, we're a family, we've gotta stick together. You know that's how we will succeed."
"The key to order is law; order brings success."
"The tortoise wins... steady slow not bragging."
"Burn your boats and you will take the island because people, when they're gonna either die or succeed, tend to succeed."
"You don't have to get it perfectly right, but getting it mostly right is a pretty darn good situation."
"Focus on the desired outcome always always always and you will get there."
"Your real success is not choosing either/or, but combining your passions and skills."
"To go fast, go alone; to go far, go with the team."
"My father told me the best way to not be denied in this world is to be undeniable."
"The formula for success is to do all that you can to make things happen, then let go of the results."
"Luck is something you can create for yourself if you know the rules and follow them."
"A victory is anything that makes future victories easier or more likely."
"Do this, be successful at it, 'quote unquote' break the internet, then do it again, then do it again."
"Risk going against the consensus and be right. This is a straightforward path to massive success in life."
"Developing that one percent mindset that goes a long way."
"Just ride the wave. If something is working, don't change it."
"Trading is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but with dedication, you can succeed."
"In life, to achieve real success, you're running a marathon, not sprinting, and you have to maintain a consistent pace."
"Team up with the most driven in school, not your best friends."
"Doberman Pinschers... some of the most powerful dogs. It's also safe to say that Dobermans are people-oriented."
"I'm proud of that, so today I want to show you the exact system I use to get all of those followers."
"We won the Premier League title, ahead of Liverpool. I took you to the Premier League title, I gave you the path to success."
"But my prediction... it's my responsibility to do whatever I can as I grow older to set myself up for success."
"The secret of getting ahead is getting started."
"This is the exact success formula I use... to dominate Facebook and YouTube advertising."
"Creating small wins every single day is what is going to make you successful at this time." - Sagittarius
"You gotta take the advantage and run with them."
"Preparation is half the battle, be prepared for success."
"Be boring, find your boring things that you know a lot about, and stay with what you know, and you will get rich."
"If you do all of those things then you are going to be getting enough wins."
"Our success lies in a firm commitment to conservative values."
"Above all else, if you want to get the results that most people never get, you have to be a contrarian."
"Pick a goal and do so much work that it would be unreasonable for you not to succeed."
"Keep following the system that got you here."
"My best advice always is you absolutely can crush it, but do it fun. Make sure it's fun."
"Follow that plan to the letter, and you're much, much closer to success."
"If you want to succeed, you don't have to reinvent the wheel."
"I'm about to auto-eat my way to success, this is genius."
"Fire became a recipe for success whenever you use it."
"The key to success has always been one step ahead, so planning your day for tomorrow is very, very important."
"There are two secrets to success: one, never tell anyone everything you know."
"Ruthless in one way or another because that's how you get to the top, isn't it?" - Edelen Musk
"If you want to win things, go and get the person who can win things."
"Independent Artists who are willing to put in the work and find a way are in the best position to win."
"The victim mentality... won't lead to your success."
"The more people you reach, the better chance you have of winning."
"Prioritize investing every penny back into yourself. It's the key to making it big."
"The biggest key to success is just doing, and repeatedly doing."
"The best way towards success is breaking down your large goals into mini goals."
"Words of motivation: plan, execute, adjust, repeat."
"The humans who question assumptions continuously are the ones that win over time."
"Chase consistency chase the discipline that's the winning on the way to winning."
"The marshmallow test: Delay gratification, unlock success in life."
"If you do those 11 things you're going to be in a much better position."
"The first step toward a happy, successful life is to get control of the supply that is ready to flow in answer to our demand."
"These skills will apply and help set you up for success."
"The best way to fail is to please everybody."
"Build up to it and you have so much more likelihood of being successful and being strong."
"It's definitely great to be confident in whatever you got going on and you gotta basically find your niche you know what I'm saying to really win."
"The Secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you."
"Put your best energy forward and give things your Midas Touch."
"The quicker everybody in this room understands that they are a media company, comma, software company, comma, wine retailer, comma, lawyer, comma, account service provider, the quicker you will be successful."
"Life is all about positivity. You want to win? Easy, positivity."
"For those standing stagnant, manifest abundance in one area first, then the other. It's the key to success."
"I challenge you to look at your life and ask yourself, am I setting myself up to fail to succeed? Am I setting myself up to fail so that I can succeed?"
"The failures are the stepping stones to my success."
"The key to success is resilience in the face of adversity."
"One of the main keys to success has always been good data."
"It's a classic formula for success, I wanted to give it a shot."
"The easiest way to success is to model other successful people."
"So if you wanted to hit that six-figure mark, that is your roadmap, that is your blueprint."
"The power of consistency, man. Like everything... If you stay to your plan and stick to your plan and keep investing in you're to find a way win."
"Consistency is what wins when it comes to content creation."
"Don't fear the disappointment... it's part of success."
"The thing about success is it's just as important to know when to quit as it is to keep going, right?"
"Set optimistic goals to increase motivation and likelihood of success."
"Show up, do the stuff, show up again. Showing up is half the battle. Show up, do the work, show up again."
"So here's how I do it: I change up 80% of my environment so that I'm setting myself up for success."
"Sometimes to be successful, you just need to be 1% better than the next guy."
"Act as if, even if you're fearful. How would a confident person act? How would a person act who always gets things to work out for them magically in the end?"
"Make sure you know the real reason you're doing something or you'll fail before you start."
"Slow and steady wins the race, taking your time planning for success."
"Business gets easier when you commit to everything short of death to success."
"Turn every loss that you have into a lesson... that's how you get to the promised land."
"Become an unshakable optimist. Think and talk about what you want most of the time."
"Small daily improvements over time will lead you to stunning results. Tiny wins are the way to greatness."
"There's always going to be pressure. You want the pressure because it means you're going to be competing and winning trophies."
"I think if I believe that maybe maybe the best way to actually succeed is through fostering meaningful relationships."
"Rest does not make you weak. It's an essential part of your path and your success."
"There's something you have to push yourself through to be successful."
"Victory is not overnight Victory is a long-term strategy."
"Confidence is your key to success, both in this connection and in anything else you do."
"If you win enough days, you win the week. If you win enough weeks, you win the month."
"Improve one thing every day and that's where success comes from."
"If you find something that is working, just keep doing it."
"You don't have to be 200-300% better than your competition. Just need 10 or 15%. That's it. You have the advantage of the slight edge."
"The best advice is just force yourself at first. Once you get a little bit of success, however slight, you can get addicted to it."
"The only way you will succeed and break through this is by asserting for yourself."
"Focus on being in the flow, that's where your success lies."
"Word of Wisdom in life the successful take a shot at you what are you gonna do become unsuccessful."
"Master one thing, become really solid and good at it, and then you'll have a lot more success."
"Failure is a myth. If you plan for iteration and persistence, and force yourself to do the work with proper strategies."
"If you're trying to copy somebody or you're trying to take somebody's strategy, why not take from the best of the best?"
"We all become exactly what you believe, the things you are most passionate about and the things that define you as a person, triple down on those things and that is when you're going to see success."
"That's like what 98 percent of people go to your site for it is because you can absolutely be you can be very successful without porn."
"That's how you win when you include everyone."
"Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. If you work hard on a job, you'll make a living. But if you work hard on yourself, you can make a fortune."
"Being proactive is where you see most of these points come in."
"The key to continued success is to acknowledge the fears and insecurities you have about seeing things through to completion."
"The trick to learning more and having more success is finding the right way to frame the learning process."
"It's about consistency. It's about willingness to want to win."
"Positive mentality I found to just be a great starting point."
"Just 1% better every day. If you get better 1% every single day, I guarantee you with a 100% assurity that you will be successful in the future."
"Make yourself accountable to someone other than yourself for your success and prosperity."
"Sticking with it consistently over a long enough period of time, that's how you win."
"I try to stay consistent, man. That's the key to success."
"If you understand the mistakes to avoid then you have a much better chance of being one of them."
"Roll up your sleeves, the key to your success this month is preparation and research."
"The exam stays very, very close to these objectives. If you know everything listed in these objectives, you're going to pass your exam without a problem."
"If you go into a CFA exam without having had memorized all the formulas that you know will be applicable to that exam, you're like setting yourself up for massive failure."
"Once you figure out that those products sell, it's simply rinse and repeat."
"...what's working just keep doing more of that..."
"Your best chances of making it work is you're going all the way in."
"The secret sauce here is getting the income up and running like cranking."
"LA Knight is over. He followed a simple formula: copy the things that the most over wrestlers in the history of the business did."
"How do we start? You want to have a vision for the future. Build your success story around that."
"What I want you to do is set your schedule and then I want you to be consistent with it. So multiple articles every day, irrespective of whether Google News accepts you or not. That's the best way to get in."
"We can lay down and whine and complain about it, or we can learn the game to finesse it, manipulate, and dominate like I've done in every aspect of my life."
"Patience is underrated but it is the wonder drug, the super-secret sauce to winning the right way."
"Think about this: just in the power of your thought, do you think you'll be more or less successful as you think of it as four one-minute hurdles or that four-minute clock spooling away?"
"To be able to sustain and how you sort of manage failures through mental toughness is really important I think to being successful."
"If you plan on having a successful life, start by planning your day."
"Just take one match at a time, focus on the job at hand, and if that goes well then the rest sort of follows."
"Monthly resets really helps me to set myself up for success."
"Create the right conditions and you will achieve the envisioned result."
"The more detailed you are, the more successful you'll be."
"There is a path for success for the San Francisco 49ers."
"The most important part for the success of your online summit is your follow-up strategy."
"You have to find what works for you because ultimately, that is the secret sauce."
"Key to success is going to be a good start to lead at mark 1 and then choosing the best side of the course with the strongest wind before they reach the finish."
"Share your small wins in order to have bigger wins."
"Why would you pay the school fees if somebody else has already paid it? So you should just tap on to that and apply that to the best of your knowledge within your own business and then making it a success."
"Hey, never gonna get anything for free or easy. You have to find ways how you're gonna work for it."
"That's how you win right there, gentlemen."
"Confidence is ultimately the cheat code to life."
"You just have to hit the right targets and success will be yours."
"Slow and steady wins the race with this; it is a little bit of a patience game."
"First you have to figure out what works and you have to do it and milk it."
"All you got to do is find one way that works for you, stick with it, rinse and repeat."
"Delegation is the key to success."
"I think we've found the key to success."
"If you want to make it in the real world, you have to learn to keep a secret."
"We've now set up a customized path and established a proven way for our sales teams to follow this path for greater success."
"Planning, preparation, practice - that's where the hard work will come through, being more mentally focused and wanting to work together."
"Stay patient and work hard and work smart."
"If you can figure out where demand is going to be going before the masses, that's going to allow you to be very successful."
"The easiest thing to do is to place yourself in environments that are conducive to success."
"This sort of plan is what's going to make you consistent."
"The best way to ensure success is to ride a rising tide."
"My formula for building million dollar businesses is very simple."