
Attraction Law Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"When you're chasing something... you're saying you don't have it. But when you become comfortable with where you are, things start to attract to you."
"When you're chasing something or you're saying you don't have it, you're like needing something. But when you become comfortable with where you are, things start to attract to you."
"Through the great law of attraction, everything in life that I need for my work and fulfillment will come to me. It is not necessary that I strain about this; only believe, for in the strength of my belief, my faith will make it so."
"Fortunes gravitate to those whose minds have been prepared to attract them, just as surely as water gravitates to the ocean."
"Like attracts like, and all the success you're experiencing is preparing you for more success."
"I am success. Like a magnet, I attract all that I need and desire."
"Your thoughts and your words attract this reality."
"True success is not pursued, it is attracted."
"Success is not something you pursue. Chase run after success is something you've developed, something you become, you attract success."
"You attract what you are, not what you want."
"When you're grateful, you vibrate at a higher frequency and attract bigger and better blessings."
"Mature mindset of Law of Attraction: surrendering and tuning into what wants to live through us."
"What you put into your conscious volitional mind becomes the pattern of which you shall attract."
"When people are like 'I don't want to be broke, I don't want to be poor,' they're attracting broke and poor." - Mike Rasheed King
"I am the architect of my own life. I can attract whatever I design into my life."
"Energy seeks its own kind; positivity attracts positive manifestations."
"What we think about we attract to ourselves."
"You're doing the right thing because you attract who you are."
"There's something about the way that some people have approached the law of attraction that's kind of instant gratification, and I like the fact that Swedenborg's message is more about the long game."
"Positive energy is attracting positive results, there will be a time of plenty."
"You do things positively and you attract positive things."
"Whatever you focus on is what you will attract, this statement is always true but heightened during your solar return."
"Instead, focus on yourself, make yourself the best person as possible, and in return, you will attract what you put out there."
"I don't chase, I attract. I'm abundant, powerful, beautiful, and unique in my own skin."
"The now is all that is available to you, stay present and aware that in this moment as you cherish and approve of your beautiful self, you are a magnet for love."
"You attract what you are, so when you're being positive, you attract positivity."
"Positive vibrations attract positive things that vibrate at the same frequency as you."
"Remember, what you focus on, you feel. And what you feel, you receive."
"If it makes you feel better, it'll probably help you attract better things in your life."
"You have to match the energy of what you want to get it."
"We live in an attraction-based universe... focus your thoughts only on what you want and you will get it."
"Your thoughts are the most powerful magnetic force in the universe."
"The secret, the law of attraction. You think what you want and you'll get it."
"Manifestation secret: 'We never attract what we want, we always attract what we are.'"
"Being fearful just creates and attracts the experience of the thing you're fearing. It's literally like that, the matrix works like that."
"Knowing who you are is the secret—it's the source of attraction and manifestation."
"Belief is an attractive force... it gets into your head."
"Greatness and success is what you attract to yourself, not what you pursue."
"Every single thing I have in my life right now, I attracted."
"In the world of relationships and finance, to get what you want, you don't chase after it, you magnetize it to you."
"You get what you give and like attracts like."
"You attract people vibrating on the same frequency as you. We can help build conditions that others can experience."
"Do things you love, so more things you love come towards you."
"Manifesting happiness and things you love attracts others, that's what's contagious."
"When you're in the frequency of love, you can only attract who and what you are."
"I attract whatever level of prosperity, health, and relationships I choose."
"If you understand yourself as a powerful energy being, then you understand... what you need will come to you."
"Thoughts are pure energy. Positive thoughts attract positivity and negative thoughts attract negativity."
"Don't allow anything to distract you because that which is likened to itself is drawn."
"The more things you're grateful for, the more things to be grateful for you're going to attract into your life."
"Positive energies attract positive energies and negative energies attract negative energies."
"Remember to be more loving because like attracts like."
"You get what you attract, like you get what you put out."
"The real principle behind the law of attraction is not really metaphysical."
"Your subconscious mind is constantly running everything. Whatever your subconscious mind knows is what you attract."
"The universe responds to your level of burning desire. The stronger your inner desire, the stronger the magnet becomes."
"Anything or anyone you chase after will run the other way... instead, attract what you need by sending out love, gratitude, and welcoming energy."
"It's all about the transcendence of judgment... realizing the things that we judge negatively are the things that we attract in our lives."
"Money attracts money is only another way of stating the law. Like attracts like."
"You're being protected and guided to attract what you need."
"Pull back your energy and attract what you desire. Choose where to put your energy wisely."
"Eventually if you stay with something long enough and strong enough, it's energy, and it's got to come to you."
"When you focus on positive thoughts and cultivate uplifting emotions, you're not only raising your own vibration but also attracting more positivity into your life."
"You have the power to attract more of what you want without chasing."
"Manifestation, the Law of Attraction, whatever we think and whatever we're feeling, those things get reflected back to us."
"Like vibration attracts like vibration."
"It is not what you want that you attract; you attract what you believe to be true."
"We're all magnets, and we literally attract what we work for."
"If you don't take care of your image every single day, you will not attract what you want."
"Once you realize you're the chosen one, once you realize your self-worth and your self-value, you don't chase anyone. You are only attracting things to you."
"The Law of Attraction states that what you focus on, you will get."
"What I desire already desires me, and I don't chase; I attract."
"Like energy attracts like energy, and it works every time."
"What I focus on, I attract more of."
"The law of attraction is more accurately a law of magnetism. You are making yourself magnetic to the experiences that you wish to have."
"The more focused you are on being honest and true to yourself about what it is that you want, the more likely you're going to attract that of what you want into your life."
"You could be somebody that's into the laws of attraction, you could be a Gemini or Virgo, or just somebody that is magical."