
Daily Habits Quotes

There are 261 quotes

"An excellent night's sleep begins in the morning."
"I found that when you do this as part of your morning routine, you almost set your body and brain up for the day with those emotions and feelings that you want."
"Never allow a day to go by that you didn't do something that makes your life better."
"Doing a little bit every day is a lot more important than doing a lot some day."
"It really makes a big difference how you live your life every day."
"Self-confidence comes from the lack of neglect. If you will not neglect to do the small daily discipline, that's where self-confidence comes from."
"Make your bed...it tends to set a tone for the day."
"If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed."
"My non-negotiables: I work my mind and body every day. Every day, I'm going to learn something that will help me contribute."
"It's consistency that we forget about; it's the daily little things that build up."
"It's not about going on a meditation retreat or doing anything extreme; it's about building habits that create more of these moments in your daily life."
"If you start every day by completing a task, you will double and triple your productivity."
"Just making your bed makes a huge, huge difference in how your room feels and how much cleaner it feels."
"I challenge you, if you do not already do this, to go ahead and make your bed for the next week almost every day, and it will probably blow you away just to see how big of a difference it can make."
"Drink enough water... if you're not drinking enough water, then what are you doing?"
"The best thing you can do is read and write every day."
"Recognize how amazing you are, and enjoy something that ignites your fire every day."
"You are whoever you say you are, whatever things you're saying to yourself, whatever things you're consistently saying to yourself, the things that you do every day, that's who you are."
"So first you start by taking off the day's grime and makeup."
"Just make it a habit to read something about security, or do something about security every day, like 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes."
"Your morning and your nighttime routine work as a team...I preach sunscreen to you guys."
"When I started playing every day, I started loving myself."
"Happiness is daily habits and deeper purpose."
"It's easy if you enjoy an Activia every day."
"What you do today determines how you start your day tomorrow."
"Food is the single biggest information input we have to our bodies every day."
"Cooking is a basic life skill, like brushing your teeth."
"Goals happen through daily execution checking off these items every single day is literally how you can change your life."
"You want to do this on a daily basis; it'll take you 10 minutes and that's going to help to build out your vocab."
"You have to learn how to create your own health on a daily basis."
"It's the small, simple things that you do every day that end up having the most profound impact on who you are."
"Just one little 30 minute tweak to your day could very well set the rest of your life in motion."
"AG1 is really seamless and an easy daily habit for me to maintain."
"When you want to make a big change, it really is the summation of small decisions that you make on a day-to-day basis."
"If you're eating real food most of the time and you're moving your body every single day... then I think the results will take care of themselves."
"Hydrate early, you will drink more water if you wake up earlier and start drinking water right away."
"With short 10-minute lessons, I love being able to complete them in between TV shows that I'm watching or often while I'm walking the dog."
"If you're not taking some time every day to learn something, you're mismanaging your life."
"Every day, find a friend you can confide in."
"Incorporating turmeric into your daily routine can have a positive impact on your overall well-being."
"Thinking that we need a sweet treat every day is a very modern thought."
"Atomic in this sense means small, it's the small little changes, the choices that you make on a daily basis that change the trajectory of your life."
"Doing a little often is the key to reaping the benefits of movement."
"You know what to do, drink that water, drink that coffee."
"Changing your pillowcase will make sure that your skin and pores never clog up when you are sleeping."
"Even if you don't want to study, even if you can't be bothered to study for a week or for a few days or for a month even, make sure you're at least exposing yourself to 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes of the language per day..."
"It's a small habit with huge benefits it's something you can do every single day to take great care of yourself."
"A few simple disciplines practiced every day start to create success."
"A beer a day would do more for your spirit than one coke a day."
"Learning a little bit every single day is great."
"Success is the sum of small actions repeated daily for extended periods of time the sooner you can begin taking the small steps that will bring you right to where you need to go disciplined people get things done no matter how they feel about it."
"We finally figured out the best time to drink coffee."
"Remind yourself daily of your goals - it sets the right mood for the day."
"You can do it throughout the day, and you're going to get much better results."
"The secret of success is found in your daily routine."
"Human behavior will be different than it actually is... People will continue to buy their morning coffee recession or not."
"A morning routine has become the foundation of any health and wellness routine."
"Small changes and habits each day can change your life drastically in a month."
"Thank you for making us a part of your daily routine."
"How you start the day is how you end the day. You want to start the day in an amazing way."
"I felt really tick-tarted when I realized I've only been using one tide pod for every load for the last 10 years."
"Taking account in your day and noticing the areas where you are depleting energy."
"Consistency is key, even if it's just 15 minutes a day."
"It's just part of my routine, it's just like brushing your teeth."
"I could eat hummus every day for the rest of my life. You eat hummus every day and I will. That's a promise."
"I've taken the power away from food. I no longer label cake as a bad food because I know I can eat it every day."
"Small things done consistently are much more beneficial than going for a 30-minute walk once a week."
"These small changes, when done consistently, build up our sense of self-worth, our self-esteem."
"Every aspect that you do during the day, if it's in harmony with your body, that's going to give you a healthy life."
"Success is the sum of small positive actions repeated daily."
"I smoke weed like every day. Smoking helps me with my anxiety."
"Most eight to 18-year-olds devote an average of seven and a half hours of media in a typical day."
"It's amazing how quickly our daily choices and little habits can create a good day, a good week, and even a good life."
"Starting my day with prayer and focusing on positive habits has made such a difference. Taking that time for myself sets the tone for the rest of the day."
"It's so small, little daily improvements that I think really lead to big success in the end."
"Intentions are necessary. Setting your intention every single day, it's really necessary for anything to come into existence."
"Making hydration a priority can help all of us feel healthier in our everyday lives."
"You are what you do, well you do this every day, it becomes you."
"Just be better. I'm saying because like I know every day I know I gotta drink more water or I know I gotta sleep earlier so just do it you know."
"We all need to make changes in our daily lives."
"Just force yourself to write one page a day, just one."
"If you could just do like one little thing every single day, you'll be very successful."
"Honestly, this slaps and I'm gonna do it every day."
"Success becomes inevitable by adopting a daily habit for each pillar of your life."
"If you want something different, you must do something different every single day."
"If you drink beer every day... there are zero health benefits to consuming a poison."
"Starting your day with gratitude sets a positive tone."
"Making your bed in the morning sends a subconscious signal to your brain."
"Practicing every day turns out to have profound effects."
"Making your bed every morning has a Snowball Effect into the rest of your day."
"You will know something's wrong with me if I start drinking every day."
"Establishing, reinforcing, and building Security in a relationship is something that you do every single day."
"Stick to the plan and just do it every single day."
"So start somewhere, anywhere, whether it happens to be a Vitamin D supplement or whether it happens to be hydrating a little bit more each day because consistency compounds."
"The little things you do throughout the day all add up to make a big difference in your overall fitness and health."
"Going one more like I said it's a lifestyle change it's something you implement on a daily basis that makes this massive shift in your life because it compounds."
"Food is the biggest single thing... every day are the pounds of food you eat."
"He's been drinking Gray Goose and tonic all day."
"It's important to drink water, we always forget."
"Making hydration a priority helps us all feel better on a day-to-day basis."
"If I can love myself a little more each day and it's just it can be as as as meaningless as as maybe brushing my teeth and flossing you know U I did it you know it those little small accomplishments do matter you know uh."
"Juicing can and will change your life provided you do it each and every day."
"The secret to living a good life is putting as many good days in a row as you can."
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away. How about a sonnet a day keeps the doctor away?"
"Do the small things and do them well, and it allows you a pathway to virtue."
"Change your life by saying yes to small things... like cold showers."
"The solution to almost all the problems in your life is your morning routine."
"The reason you're not accomplishing your goals and dreams is that you're not prioritizing 30 minutes a day."
"Reading activates a different part of your brain. Read every day."
"Stay hydrated, I've been drinking water all day."
"Supplementation is part of my daily routine, it is so important."
"Sustained weight loss is gained through sustained action. You need to change your diet on a daily basis. It can't be a temporary thing."
"Life advice: Life is too short... don't waste your potential smoking weed every day."
"If you charge your phone overnight every night, if you charge your phone every night, you apparently are a better credit than if you don't charge your phone every night."
"Eating healthy means eating your daily dose of fruits and vegetables."
"Water bottles - a great way to get your daily gallon of water!"
"Two tablespoons of ground flax seeds daily—your lifelong health investment."
"Sunscreen should be the last step of your morning skincare routine before you move on to makeup every single day."
"Small steps every single day... it's just small steps every day."
"Having a morning routine is one of the best things that has helped me."
"What you do every day is far more important than what you do once every decade."
"Do something productive on a daily basis even if it's just a little."
"Isn't that interesting stuff? Maybe your brain would be more lit up if on a daily you couldn't just reach for the cereal box."
"Incorporating healthy habits in your day-to-day life is essential."
"A tiny change you do every single day can have a really big impact."
"A good morning routine starts with a good night routine."
"You will never change your life until you change something you do daily."
"By making little healthier choices... those calories add up throughout the day."
"If you're not active during the day, I'm just like, what's going on? Why didn't I go for a walk?"
"Do the small things right and success takes care of itself."
"Everybody wants a transformation, but small habits and little choices are transforming us every day already."
"Every day that you make your bed, you embody the identity of someone who's clean and organized."
"I feel like I always do this when the bread's in the toaster, I open my blinds and make my bed."
"The secret to success is always found in your daily routine."
"Trust me, no matter what, you should study every day."
"Learning should be a part of your daily practice."
"Do something every day for yourself, something small but impactful on your life."
"One thing I've gotten good at is no matter how busy I am, I always journal every night."
"I am so passionate about that exact thing of look you can have everything you want... as long as you just do the right things every day..."
"Eat clean, move every day, and you will shine brighter."
"It's not about setting the goals; it's about how you break that down into the everyday is what's going to determine whether you reach those goals or not."
"It's so important to do something every day that will make you happy."
"Success is built through daily disciplines."
"We need every single day to wake up and be intentional."
"Level up maintenance represents making sure that on a daily basis, you're always doing something to either feel better about yourself, to improve something about yourself, or just to maintain what you've already created or work towards."
"Do something every day that's towards your goal."
"Every day, do something to fix your situation and make your life better."
"One minute a day can change your trajectory."
"Consistency is the key to success, even if it's just a little every day."
"You wake up every day and you're grateful for that day."
"I've never been someone to set expectations or goals like that. It's always just been the man I have to be each day."
"Stop letting rich people make you feel bad about your daily coffee."
"Your dream isn't that far away from you, so you have to start living a life that aligns with your aspirations by embodying a better version of yourself every single day."
"Incorporate a daily tidy. Put things back where they belong after you've used them."
"Real true healing comes in the things that you're doing on a day-to-day basis."
"Make a tiny promise to yourself every day, just one thing that makes you feel more positive."
"Tackling one small thing every single day."
"The journey of healing is lifelong, and it's truly about the small micro movements that you make every single day."
"Finding purpose isn't some big Grand gesture. It's about showing up every day as the kind of person that you want to be."
"It's often the things we can do day to day that help us feel good and age well."
"Start taking an inventory of your life and every day try to become a little bit better."
"Schedule in a mile every day if you can."
"The conversations that you have with yourself on a daily basis is extremely important."
"What can you do for yourself today that will improve your life, even if it's just a little bit over yesterday?"
"So if this was a normal day, I'll just add in a little bit of lip tint."
"If you can, every single day, write down something you want to do that will put you out of your comfort zone."
"Every single day you need to become obsessed with success and you need to do what you need to do to become successful."
"You change the outcome of your day, and that adds up, you change the outcome of your life. Exactly, it's the same with habits, you know, it's the things you do daily."
"As the day goes on clean a little bit, like what can I clean in this moment?"
"Identify the small, regular actions you can take each day to ensure your energy is pointing in the right direction."
"I'm trying to learn something new every day"
"Discipline is not charging into war and being super heroic, it's making your bed when you didn't want to."
"Every day, if I can, every single day."
"To me, there are three things we all should do every day. We do this every day of our life: laugh, think, and have your emotions moved to tears. To be happiness to each other."
"Try and incorporate things every single day to avoid getting to the point of disease."
"I didn't even open my wallet once today so feels pretty good."
"Challenge yourself. Yeah. Put yourself even if it's just a little bit each day."
"I try to read at least one chapter in the book before I go to bed every day."
"Do one good deed a day. This can be something as simple as opening the door for the old lady that's going into the same store as you."
"Just make sure you do that for this holiday season and try to do it every day of your life, every week. It helps you grow, helps you make you feel better in life, and that's what we're all here for."
"Routine is more important than you think."
"Imagine the woman that you want to be. Every day show up as her."
"I think towards the end of the year I started drawing in a margin and I now do that nearly every single day."
"Take time each day to do something kind, at least for one other person. And sometimes it's okay for that one other person to be yourself."
"It adds up over a life, and it adds up in a day."
"Just let those kind of natural things that you're already doing in your day try to have a few of those things be positive and uplifting."
"Stoicism has some surprisingly effective habits that we can use every day to help us on this path to a fulfilling and happy life."
"It's the consistency of doing it every day."
"The whole secret is what you do every single day."
"Consistency is anchoring your actions in greatness, so daily you produce nothing less than your very best."
"Regimen is a routine, basically like your skincare routine, your skincare regimen."
"I want to live to, I want to be one of those people that lives to 100 and then when they ask me what I did, I say that I ate a donut every day."
"It's these little things that really are the big things but doing them every day and making them part of your habits that is going to elevate you to the next level."
"Develop these 5-minute habits every day to improve your English."
"If you get into the habit of updating this every single day, you'll really be able to take charge of your finances."
"Fat loss is not about one hour a day; it's about the 24-hour window."
"I find going to the gym early sets me up for the day."
"We want to make sure that we are incorporating some type of veggie or some type of color into our plate daily."
"The size of the tree is not the issue, the real question is whether or not you diligently take five swings at that same tree every single day."
"What are the five things I have to do every day in order to be successful?"