
Racism Quotes

There are 3700 quotes

"Her advocacy for black creatives and her efforts to dismantle the entrenched racism within Hollywood's infrastructure highlight her commitment to change."
"Eugenics was increasingly discredited as unscientific and racially biased during the 20th century."
"There has been progress in marginalizing racism."
"In most of the other parts of the world, people at least try to act like they are not this racist."
"The online abuse, the racism, the homophobia, the abuse in general is disgusting."
"The most the greatest threat in this country right now is white supremacy."
"It means that since the founding of the nation, Thomas Jefferson wrote a paper called 'Notes on the State of Virginia'... he began a trajectory of pseudo science that sought to prove that white people, white skulls, white beauty, white language, white everything was better than blacks or indigenous. And that's the beginning of white supremacy."
"White supremacy, white supremacist means like you're a person who believes that you're superior because you're white."
"Racism and transphobia is real, maybe some people exaggerated, maybe some people underplay, but I mean, I'd say they're both real."
"Racism is a sign of insecurity. People that are secure are comfortable with differences."
"The assumption was that black people are genetically inferior to white people and are too dumb to get married."
"If you find 'black lives matter'...controversial, you might be a racist."
"It was an attack on democracy, but don't get it twisted: This was always an attack on the Black franchise and racial progress."
"We know that the foundation of America is as racist as ever."
"Racism is so American that if you challenge racism, you look like you're challenging America."
"Racism still exists in the United States, that instances of racism are evil, that we can all condemn them, and then we should all be on the same side when it comes to this sort of stuff."
"There's such a short supply of racism... we've had to expand what is racism."
"I banned Sterling for life... I was influenced by what I understood was the player reaction... to comments that he made about black people in particular."
"Racism is really a question of power. That's all this is, whether or not one race has more power to inflict punishment on another."
"Surely we'd rather be living in a world where there were no racism and no need for Martin Luther King."
"The real problem was American schools: underfunding, racism, zero-tolerance policies, and resegregation."
"Critical race theory believes... that race is largely socially constructed and that the reason that we constructed race in the first place was in order to do racism, particularly against blacks who would have been taken up into the Atlantic slave trade but also against other races that were non-white."
"Critical race theory correctly posits that race...was invented by white people in order to systematically oppress or do racism against black people and to create white supremacy."
"The whole purpose of critical race theory is to provide Americans with a way to understand the legacy of racism."
"We all have a choice when it comes to this conversation about racism, and we can learn to lean into that choice."
"To ask for evidence of racism is racism, is a booby trap; it's a Kafka trap."
"Racism came with a whole ideology about the superiority of whites, supported by appeals to religion, similar to justifications for sexism and speciesism."
"Hitler's racial policy was a crime which led to a disaster for 5 million Jews and for all Germans."
"Islamophobia is real. Racism is real. You should not have to face that hate in your communities, in your country."
"When someone hurts any of us, when someone targets any parent or child or grandparent, we must all stand together and say no to hatred and to Islamophobia, no to terror and to racism."
"Black Lives Matter is a truly universal claim. It covers all racism."
"Greenwood was an island of black prosperity in a sea of racism, situated in the heart of a strictly segregated city, in a segregated state, in a segregated country."
"Our simplistic definition of racism as intentional acts of racial discrimination committed by immoral individuals engenders a confidence that we are not part of the problem and that our learning is thus complete."
"Any societal structure that results in a racial inequality is itself racist."
"It's mildly racist if they think that's what it is."
"A lot of racism, for example, is born of ignorance... a lot of like homophobia is like born of ignorance."
"A free thinker and a rebel and someone who's impassioned versus a dark-skinned Black woman even speaking about the same thing will be told that she's more angry or aggressive."
"There is no nuance in blackface at all. Never has been. It will always just be wrong."
"I just don't understand it from either way... I really don't understand it from a racist perspective but I really don't understand it from racism that's condoned because it's racism against white people."
"Alternatives to incarceration contest racism and other networks of social domination. Their implementation will certainly advance the abolitionist agenda of decarceration."
"Racism is a team sport. We have to play as a team to win."
"Will we be the generation that finally wipes out the stain of racism from our national character? I believe we're up to it. I believe we're ready."
"History has thrust one more urgent task on us: Will we be the generation that finally wipes out the stain of racism from our national character? I believe we're up to it. I believe we're ready."
"What would you be without racism? Would you still feel strong? Would you still feel tall?"
"The crisis has also brought out the worst; we've all heard about the horrible acts against Asian Americans blamed for the coronavirus."
"The more experiences of racism an American black woman experiences, the greater her risk for asthma."
"The real problem, the place that I think we should stand, is that race becomes an issue when the structures that are supposed to cause us to cohere as a multiracial society breakdown as a result of artificial scarcity."
"Racism is still a problem in American society, no question. And slavery, which was racism's most evil expression, was this country's original sin."
"America is not a fundamentally racist nation, but black America faces problems that are complex and systemic."
"There is a spiritual malnourishment in the country that manifests itself in certain ways, one of which is racially."
"Racism is not an anomaly separate from us; rather, it is woven into the fabric of this country."
"The denial of racism is a crucial part of racism."
"When there is no evidence of racism, it's probably not racism. When there is actual evidence of racism, it's probably racism."
"Racism... is such a norm in this culture that it's not seen as racism."
"There is no moral equivalency when you come to racism, and I do not believe there's a moral equivalency when it comes to changing laws that deny women reproductive freedom."
"Racism is sapping the strength of the whole society through the waste of human resources."
"Every day black women are subjected to harsh and racist treatment during pregnancy and childbirth."
"For the past year, many of us have been concerned about two viruses: the coronavirus and the racism virus."
"I live in a system that perpetuates racism, and as a result, there are times where I perpetuate it too, often unwillingly or unknowingly."
"Racism doesn't diminish because you got admonished on TV by somebody; it diminishes when people meet in the same space and connect."
"Not all ignorant people make racist jokes, but all racists will make racist jokes."
"The Holocaust... was based, of course, on the evil that the Jews are inferior to the Aryans."
"Racism has no place in our society. The comments were unacceptable, and it is right that that individual has stepped aside with immediate effect."
"Racism is... it's the sin of the soul. It's spiritual to judge a man or woman by their skin. That's horrible."
"The level of cruelty that goes on is always aimed at driving them crazy, especially black artists."
"When you start attributing either good or bad traits to a person's race, you have now started an incredibly contagious dialogue that is deeply racist."
"Racism is highly contagious and all that it needs in an organization is a foothold and an air of legitimacy."
"Racism correlates with lower IQ, lower education levels, and worse off almost every imaginable metric related to cognitive ability."
"It's morally wrong to be racist because it's morally wrong to be willfully ignorant and to degrade the dignity of our shared humanity."
"Being careful that we're not calling black journalists lazy... The issue is don't fall for clout culture but actually do your due diligence."
"Racism is endemic to the human condition, just as stupidity is. We will always have to be on guard against it."
"Words need to mean things. If we want really to be concerned with racism, you can't be throwing racist accusations around casually."
"If you are poor and black and don't have an education in America, they will treat a stray dog better than you."
"We're in an era that's moving away from racist beauty standards, obviously, we still have a long way to go."
"When I was growing up, the worst thing you could call somebody in America was not a racial slur; it was a racist."
"If you've got like verifiable, documented moments of racism on the server, I don't want that on my server."
"Hopefully, this time though, if anybody starts talking about a black Discord, y'all will do something about it."
"As a black woman, you're either always labeled too loud, too aggressive, especially when you're passionate and expressing something."
"Black women are often excluded from being viewed as feminine and especially ultra-feminine due to racism and colorism."
"Positive representation can minimize homophobia and racism."
"The real problem is systemic, at the intersection of homophobia and racism."
"Racism is a team sport. You either play as a team or you lose by default."
"There is no vaccine for racism. We've got to do the work."
"Our history has been a constant struggle between the American ideal that we're all are created equal and the harsh ugly reality that racism, nativism, fear, demonization have long torn us apart."
"Racism is ignorance. It is pure unadulterated ignorance."
"It's crucial we don't erase the way that misogyny and racism operate together to justify killing Asian women."
"Real racism is nasty, and I know what real racism is. I grew up in South Africa during the abolishment of apartheid and witnessed some of the most savage acts of violence, death, and inhumanity possible."
"After leaving South Africa, I was incredibly shocked when moving to China to see just how blatantly open racism was."
"Racism often attempts to co-opt history, which only works if you pretend that people didn't move around before the last 50 years."
"Keisha introduced herself as a black woman who grew up poor and housing vulnerable, whose grandmother's limbs had been broken by white supremacists."
"Dr. Susan Moore did not receive the care that she felt she should have received. She said that it was due to racism, and we are going to do everything we can to investigate this particular situation and to educate our team and our staff so that we can do better by the community that we serve."
"I say that Dr. Moore passed away due to two things, two pandemics, the pandemic, the COVID pandemic and the racism pandemic."
"White supremacy doesn't mean that they have to beat out every minority group on everything in every way; it's more a reflection of broader patterns."
"I think it's totally okay to tell high school kids this country is racist because it is. I don't want to lie to them."
"Racism is racism; if you do racism towards any group, that is still racist, regardless of the dominant or minority group."
"Ultimately, racism and prejudice come from the human mind and from the stories we tell ourselves and others."
"If you think that Starbucks became one iota less racist because they took three hours out from making coffee to talk with each other about racism, you're out of your mind."
"Racism hangs like a cloud every hour of every day."
"Language can be a ticking bomb. You can occasionally, obviously, if you start talking about people as cockroaches, we're all aware of how racist language can be a vicious precursor to racist behavior."
"You don't have to put on a hood and run around burning crosses to be racist or to have your actions essentially be racist."
"America, as a nation, is deeply intertwined with the ugly roots of racism embedded in the foundation of this country."
"Racism is a complex system of social and political levers and pulleys set up generations ago."
"Racism is not just conscious hate... it's a set of socio-economic traps and cultural values that are fired up every time we interact with the world."
"The only overdose that killed George Floyd was an overdose of excessive force and racism by the Minneapolis Police Department."
"The symbolism of the rope hanging in the tree is malicious, regardless of intent; it symbolizes hatred."
"Until we have a real honest conversation about racism and there is money behind it, because at the end of the day, this is an economic issue, we're never going to make a change."
"Racism combined with power is a lot more dangerous than racism combined with non-power, but racism itself is a toxic brew."
"What is the role of social alienation, isolation, unaddressed histories of racism, bigotry, white supremacy, and male supremacy?"
"It's not good enough just not to be a racist person...you've got to be an anti-racist."
"The dichotomy is actually racist or anti-racist, which means you are proactively conceding your own complicity in these systems and attempting to decolonize these systems."
"The best way, as has been proven by recent history, is the liberal approach...tackle racism rigorously whenever it occurs."
"Most Americans are good-hearted and not racist. Hey, also, there are some racists, and there are people who are also just giant jackasses."
"Casual racism is still racism; casual bigotry is still bigotry."
"We can take this on and we can defeat racism."
"Imagine if everyone had like the mandatory educational system had an undergrad in the humanities of the arts."
"Why not blame the racists who deliberately lie, who sow hatred and division, rather than just the black people who exist here?"
"Racism is not over... but there really has been an awakening among people when the conversation is approached in the right way."
"It's not 1950. All these dog whistles and racism don't work anymore."
"That's the power of comedy: it gets racists actually mad."
"I grew up during American apartheid. I've lived in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I knew where I could go and where I couldn't go."
"Racism remains a harmful force in our social, economic, and political life in ways that we actually can't just take for granted."
"The only way they (racist attitudes) really start to change is if people actually are working together towards concrete ends."
"Racism is a highly regrettable and ugly human trait which is consistent across all human societies."
"Hear me clearly, America is not a racist country."
"The heartbeat of racism is denial. We can hear the heartbeat clearly."
"We convinced the country that racism was a bad thing... and then black people were able to do what we were capable of once segregation was no longer in the way."
"Racism is evil because its ultimate logic is genocide."
"Racism is so American that when you challenge racism, it looks like you're challenging America."
"You elevate yourself above the black person because you feel like you have to save us. So just stop it. Just treat everybody regular, normal."
"You have to change the infrastructure of what racism is now."
"Being from where I'm from, it's covert, non-aggressive racism. The racism you cannot prove."
"Racism and sexism are very big business in technology platforms." - Sophia Noble
"The only mistake or problem with having a bunch of white guys sit around talking about racism is that we may not have the right perspective on it."
"Yes, black people can be racist, provided you're using a colloquial definition of racism that means, can they be bigoted towards people."
"The difference between overt racism and the racism in Florida not just Miami specifically, are emboldened because DeSantis actively encourages racism."
"Our language is constantly evolving and you were talking about the definition of racism. Our societal definition has changed to include a systemic part of it."
"You're punishing them because of the color of their skin, that's racism."
"Juneteenth is a recognition that America's institutions changed and morphed and molded and adapted in order to be less racist."
"If this country is racist, how the hell did Obama get elected twice?"
"Racism knows no color. Racism can be any person, including you."
"Racism is more accurately defined as the oppression of a racial other, backed up by social or institutional power."
"Black Americans and Black men in particular have been treated throughout the course of our history as less than human."
"This isn't about one officer. It's about the entire system, and they always use our words to create more racism."
"To attribute every problem in American life to racism or inequity is to be foolish and counterproductive and not to make the world a better place."
"Juneteenth didn't end the story of racism in America or discrimination in America, but it was the end of slavery."
"I did not think I was racist. I thought that I saw a truth that no one else did."
"Racism exists today in both traditional and modern forms... All members of society are socialized to participate in the system of racism."
"We must remove white supremacists and racists from every single police department in this country."
"Racism is America's 'worst disease,' seeing it as 'handed down from one generation to the next.'"
"Racism '...a disease of white people. I do not intend to be quiet about it.'"
"Islam came to eliminate racism... Islam genuinely wants us to actively participate in eliminating racism."
"There's no room; there has to be a no tolerance policy in our country when it comes to racism."
"Nobody's denying racism happens. It would be as intelligent as denying murder happens."
"The theme of today is racism. Have you heard about this thing? It's the oldest hatred in the books."
"At nine years old, I couldn't understand why somebody would say this to me, and I couldn't understand why people wouldn't want me inside of their home because of my skin color."
"The point is, we have to be able to look at historical artifacts that are compromised by things like racism and be able to say, yes, that was 1942, that was 1928."
"Racism against black folks in the United States has basically taken one form... saying that black folks are inferior. That's really what racism in the United States has been about against black folks, and it's evil."
"History obviously has consequences, and to deny that racism exists would be similarly idiotic."
"If we truly want to repent of the history of racism in the United States, we must be willing to repair the damage it has done to generations of black Americans."
"WWE is known for being racist, WWE is known for bullying in its own ways with its own tactics."
"I wrote Chocolate Rain as a serious ballad about institutional racism."
"I still think you deserve healthcare. As a matter of fact, if you get healthcare, you'll be less likely to continue being racist."
"Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-nazis, white supremacist, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans."
"Children are not born racist... They pick up a pattern of discrimination or prejudice of racism from their parents."
"The film's real and much more enlightened perspective is represented by the two main characters. The race-centered comedy features racist language and attitudes throughout. Those attitudes are espoused by characters who are explicitly portrayed here as narrow-minded, ignorant bigots."
"We are now in the least racist part of all of American history."
"Teaching our children that they are inferior or inherently bad based on immutable characteristics such as race and sex can be extremely damaging to their emotional and mental well-being."
"America is systemically racist and has been since 1619."
"Racism by definition is making assumptions about a person based on their race."
"He wrote most famously a book called 'Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America' about how America was literally racist in all of its iterations from the very beginning."
"This means this ideological framework, a sort of classically liberal framework, means that I find racism to be as abhorrent as any other kind of generalized bigotries."
"I don't want people to not be racist because they're guilty. I want them to not be racist because they are actualized, sociologically aware, strong people who understand what's right and what's wrong."
"Maybe we can repurpose the terminology and... we'll just sort of have like DEFCON levels for racism."
"Confess when being racist. Nothing disrupts racism more than when we confess the racist ideas we sometimes express."
"The sustained outcry over Mr. Floyd's death has compelled many white Americans to acknowledge the anti-black racism that is prevalent in the United States."
"You can rip down all of the systems and maintain the norm. You can change the definition of racism from actual racism to the systems of oppression... and expect that the building is going to stand on air. That's not the way any of this works."
"The overwhelming sentiment of Americans is that racism is bad."
"Racial discrimination is not inherently racist. The defining question is whether the discrimination is creating equity or inequity."
"Racism in America is possibly the biggest obstacle for the left."
"The biggest obstacle to any kind of class solidarity or class consciousness in the country is the fact that white people across classes will identify with whiteness and unify under whiteness before they will with class."
"The N-word wasn't just culturally bad; it's that you had an entire power structure of white people owning slaves."
"The offense isn't just because a person is racist... but the normally the reaction is to the violation."
"Black folks, we deal with the virus every damn day. The virus is called white supremacy."
"Critical race theory is just a body of scholarship investigating racist social systems and institutions."
"Critical race theory...believes that the ordinary state of affairs in our society is racism, that racism hides itself rather than gets better, has permanence to it."
"It is even more dangerous garbage when you're talking about white nationalism and white supremacism, which have a long, horrifying, disgusting history in the United States."
"Racism and prejudice are human universals... every group of people has had outgroup prejudice and hatred."
"Star Trek was exactly of its time, speaking flatly against racial prejudice to prejudiced Americans."
"Critical race theory, at its foundation, seeks to demonstrate how embedded foundation and filters through which racist attitudes, behavior, policies, and structures have been rooted throughout the fabric of American life and systems."
"Racism is the conscious or subconscious belief in the superiority of one race over another, which manifests itself in a variety of dismissive, oppressive, exploitative ways."
"It's unquestionable that America is significantly less racist today than the 1960s."
"America has become significantly less racist since the 1960s, in every single metric possible and imaginable."
"Racism is not dead, but it is on life support, kept alive by politicians, race hustlers, and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as racist." - Thomas Sowell
"Western Europe's intellectual cultural achievements across the last half millennia are impressive. I just deny the racist propaganda they were used to justify."
"If everyone gets a vote, then, you know, that's a government that is going to elect black politicians. This is unthinkable to white Rhodesians."
"There is a fundamental connection between American racism and the way that we respond to the challenge of violence."
"There's too much demand for racism and not enough supply."
"Can you equate casteism with racism that happens globally?... Caste is not race... Both have similar outcomes where they grew up during the colonial."
"We must fight the pandemic of racism with the same resolve and compassion that we are fighting COVID-19."
"Racism is not a binary extreme; it is a scale. No one is entirely not racist, including, maybe even especially, me."