
Hollywood Quotes

There are 1940 quotes

"Her advocacy for black creatives and her efforts to dismantle the entrenched racism within Hollywood's infrastructure highlight her commitment to change."
"This isn't about questioning anyone's sexuality or identity choices; everyone should live as they wish without judgment. However, the issue arises when straight black men in Hollywood find themselves pressured into compromising their public personas."
"Maybe you really are cut out for Hollywood, who knows."
"The Acolyte is going to be an excellent example of how Hollywood has just an inverse morality: everything good is evil, everything evil is good."
"Hollywood is not a real place. I feel like it's just...drama, literally it's make-believe."
"Los Angeles: City of Fallen Angels, the hidden mystery of the Hollywood stars."
"The love story of Robert Urich and Heather Menzies was one for the ages, their bond seemingly impervious to the tumultuous tides of Hollywood."
"The Great Movie Ride was a celebration of cinema as both an art form and a business, offering a one-of-a-kind nostalgic trip through Hollywood's past."
"Like, yeah, you can argue that by doing this, Doug is raising awareness for serious issues. He’s both bringing attention to a very talented actress as well as giving commentary on how badly actresses, especially aging ones, can get treated in Hollywood."
"An analogy will help. So back in the 90s... Hollywood really got into disaster films. And every one of those movies, you had this one particular character... that person saw the problem kind of before everybody else and more or less freaked out."
"Hollywood is a weird place. How weird is it? It's more weird than wood."
"Representation doesn’t have to be a zero-sum game. By diversifying the writing rooms, asking more from white writers, and acknowledging painful histories when necessary, Hollywood could provide more well balanced and thoughtful media."
"That's the most Hollywood thing I've ever heard in my life."
"We hope to see some more pro-human rights movies about China come out in Hollywood."
"In the '90s, Hollywood supported Tibetan freedom, but the CCP money came in, and they shut up."
"I've always said that we are doing this outside the system because the Hollywood system at the time was not interested in making this show."
"John Wayne, a towering figure in Hollywood's Golden Era, crafted an indomitable onscreen persona epitomizing the rugged American spirit."
"We're just creating sort of the most creatively unfiltered version of Hollywood absolutely possible today."
"Hollywood hates labor and hates shows about labor worse than any other thing."
"And so our DNA loves stories. That's why Hollywood will spend $200 million making a story."
"Maybe I should introduce myself quickly. I'm Alison. I started performing at three years old and working professionally in Hollywood at seven. Today is my 30th birthday, making it 23 consecutive years working on more than 200 films, shows, music videos, commercials, voice-overs, tours, and productions."
"They used to care about the story in Hollywood."
"In the glitzy world of Hollywood, the path of fame is sometimes marked with ambiguity, mystery, and intrigue."
"We need to have a conversation with ourselves about our colorism and the internalized white supremacy that Hollywood has indoctrinated us with."
"Hollywood's hit on purpose is to act as the greatest, most effective propaganda machine that's ever been created."
"Hollywood and the US military got far more subtle and effective with their propaganda, and today, the government's influence over films is even greater than it was back then."
"The Hollywood we know today is truly awful; it's a monolithic machine that swallows up creativity and talent, driven by the greed of a few at the expense of the many."
"Tom Selleck stands out as an exception, his preference for quiet family time over the chaos of Hollywood nightlife speaks volumes about his priorities and values."
"Behind the veneer of fame, Tom has masterfully crafted a distinctly private personal life, carving out a space of solitude away from the relentless glare of Hollywood spotlight."
"What Harley did for the automobile industry, or Detroit, is that he turned it into automotive Hollywood."
"Natalie Wood's performances ensure her place in the pantheon of Hollywood greats."
"I knew I made it in Hollywood when I became a Halloween costume."
"Hollywood should stop making remakes if they don't have original ideas. There are a million more fairy tales and stories out there to use."
"Despite this screenplay's typically narrow Hollywood view of Chinese traditions, Wendy Wu was still a role model for children all around the world who felt seen by getting to see a non-white Disney star put at the forefront of a film."
"Hollywood has changed and morphed, but never as quickly as to respond to the MeToo movement."
"In Hollywood, actions sometimes speak much louder than words."
"Do you know any actresses whose careers have gotten better after making accusations of domestic abuse against an actor in Hollywood?"
"I think, you know, that the taint sticks, and I can't think of any actresses who have prevailed and who have been canceled."
"So, obviously, like in the days of TV and so forth, internet did not kill or weaken the Hollywood system."
"It's just a shame that Hollywood created this beautiful glamorous talented movie star but then didn't know what to do with her."
"Your brain has never been on page with Hollywood."
"Over the last decade, many Hollywood stars have had their masks ripped off to reveal the monsters they always were deep down inside."
"It only takes one look at Kirk Douglas's chiseled face to realize he was no ordinary Hollywood heartthrob."
"Sometimes Evelyn thinks that the difference between an actress and a star is that a star feels comfortable being the very thing that the world wants her to be."
"The downfall of Hollywood and White's Conquest to make everything woke and full of identity politics will lead to an eventual cultural reset."
"Hollywood was booming like never before... but like the eras of history, time will inevitably lead to New Beginnings."
"Woke Hollywood is dying and ultimately it is not the fault of the consumer or even the pandemic it is the collective tone-deaf approach of the executives, producers, and writers."
"The death of woke Hollywood is not coming because it's already here and if these hacktivist types want to blame anyone for its downfall they need to only look in the mirror to see who's really to blame."
"In the long history of Hollywood heartbreaks, the story of Veronica Lake is still the most tragic."
"Veronica Lake: a reluctant star who drank deep from the cup of Fame."
"Tragically though, the next dreadful months of Lake's life would make even her most bitter enemies shut their mouths."
"Veronica Lake: 'I am not going to hang on to my blood nor am I going to allow them to hang on to me.'"
"Some in Hollywood are kind of split on it, but audiences love this movie. I love this movie."
"The one restaurant that really shines in Hollywood Studios For A Plus quality food is Hollywood Brown Derby."
"Through it all Freeman has remained a beloved figure in Hollywood and Beyond..."
"The CIA have departments and tendrils within Hollywood."
"Sexism is still very much alive in Hollywood as well as it is in the world."
"I originally wrote the screenplay but I made the mistake of letting Hollywood have a free hand, and I shall never do that again."
"The truth is the only really intelligent way to run Hollywood is to find and hire the best talent for every job. To neglect talent to push race or gender will only ever result in an inferior product."
"This is an amazing Hollywood production. It's not over, it's been going on now for two years. There's more to come."
"A grand Hollywood war epic unlike any other."
"Unresolved conflicts on film sets shed light on the darker facets of Hollywood's working environment."
"His journey from humble beginnings to Hollywood royalty is an inspiring story that connects with audiences around the globe." - Morgan Freeman
"Goldie Hawn: Now at stunning age of 77 she's been living the love story of the century with her partner Kurt Russell."
"Ravenous was the last movie Antonia Bird would make for Hollywood."
"After the fun time I had working with Fast and Furious, I thought it was pretty much done. That was my one foray into Hollywood."
"Happy ending. Hollywood heard you. Let's hope they stick the landing."
"She resonates with female audiences because, unlike the rest of Hollywood, she takes us seriously."
"Politics is downstream from culture. Let's not allow Hollywood to dictate our values."
"Hollywood is really gender-blind and color-blind, they don't see you, they see money."
"I'm sick and tired of these Hollywood multimillionaires pretending like they care."
"Overall, I would say that Hollywood tends to get right about these clips that sword fighting is exciting."
"The Hollywood Backlot is 100 going to be used for an Avengers Campus expansion."
"One of the most important things I think in Hollywood is longevity."
"I think what any actor wants is longevity and they want a career."
"You are literally going to have your pick of the litter in b-class Hollywood."
"Devil in the White City was optioned by Leonardo DiCaprio."
"In the Garden of the Beasts has been optioned by Tom Hanks."
"The big Hollywood Machine is behind the times they keep touting the same phrase strong female character but then give hollow lifeless characters who think that being stoic and unrelatable make them strong."
"Sometimes in Hollywood the industry makes your dreams come true and sometimes you gotta do it yourself."
"It's no more discriminatory than people in Hollywood saying we're not going to hire white male actors anymore."
"Timothée Chalamet's meteoric rise to fame throughout the 2010s from emerging character actor to one of Hollywood's hottest properties has coincided with a bigger transformation in what a leading man looks like."
"I went to go see another terrible Hollywood movie so that you guys don't have to."
"They build you up to just knock you down. I think that's the machine of Hollywood that we all see a pattern with all these people."
"Although she may always be best remembered as America's sweetheart, the woman who left the screen at 22 saying she had enough of pretend ended up leaving a considerable mark on the real world."
"His transformation from a convict to a beloved Hollywood actor proves that past mistakes do not define future success."
"In short, you're either 'Avengers: Endgame' or 'Paranormal Activity' or, my script, 'Paranormal Avenge-tivity.'"
"In short, Hollywood has been and always will be a battle between a large group of creative people who want to make art and a bunch of executives who want to take advantage of that desire."
"Hollywood is a perfect microcosm of late-stage capitalism."
"Hollywood seems completely oblivious to the fact that their shrill hysteria over Trump's election actually drives Americans into Trump's camp."
"The Houstons are practically Hollywood royalty."
"The problem is people in Hollywood have always thought of themselves as America's moral betters and they just are not."
"In 2005, The Viper Room housed some of Hollywood's highest stakes poker games."
"Emma Stone has risen to be the number one actress in Hollywood."
"The legacy of LA’s natural history is just as epic as any Hollywood blockbuster."
"Marilyn Monroe's support for Ella Fitzgerald and her collaborations with African-American performers were groundbreaking acts of defiance against racial Norms in Hollywood."
"Her unparalleled acting style, personal triumphs, and professional challenges paint a vivid portrait of a Hollywood icon."
"Let's make some awesome action films Hollywood let's get it started."
"This would actually be such a cool plot to a movie. Hollywood please make this."
"The Twilight Zone was the creation of a visionary man, one of the all-time greats in the annals of Hollywood wordsmiths: Rod Serling."
"The camera doesn't lie, everyone was acting strangely back at the office, Hollywood can have a very strange effect on people."
"The failure of Hollywood is coming soon. The death of the movie theater is coming soon."
"As much as Hollywood would like us to forget it sometimes, it's absolutely fine for a franchise to just age out and end."
"Hollywood loves remaking redoing a star is born is the best impression of the show."
"I am really, really, really tired of Hollywood thinking diversity just means women."
"I want to create my own content in Hollywood to show us how I want us to be seen."
"Godzilla has earned a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame."
"Why does Hollywood seem to hate the idea of business?"
"The Mortal Instruments City of Bones: Hollywood desperately wants to find the next Harry Potter."
"It's absolutely true that Hollywood took a while to portray female characters with honesty."
"Movies in Hollywood are extremely annoying because they always have to have a guy that's trying to get the girl."
"One of the greatest Hollywood movies ever it's a Hollywood noir that talks about just the backstabbing the intrigue the lies that make this town go round and round."
"The Big Short is unique as a high budget Hollywood production that actually takes the time to properly portray the way that Finance really worked behind the scenes."
"RRR feels like the kind of Hollywood movie that hasn't existed in decades."
"All you have to do is pay for a star." - And then boof, you're a famous person with a star on Hollywood Boulevard.
"Why don't we give grass a star on the walk of Fame?" - Grass has been in tons of movies, grass could be considered an icon.
"Hollywood often works on trends something proves to be popular and numerous studios jump on the bandwagon trying to make their own version that's."
"Waterworld is more poisonous to Hollywood than Kevin Costner's urine." - "Waterworld is more poisonous to Hollywood than Kevin Costner's urine."
"It wasn't Hollywood that was driving me crazy it was Hollywood that had me questioning what they were doing but it was my family that was driving me crazy."
"This is one of those lightning in the bottle moments in Hollywood."
"This is Hollywood, they can chew you up and spit you out."
"A Batman movie that wasn't for kids...became a template for current Hollywood tentpoles."
"Batman showed Hollywood they could make a film...that could be a guaranteed money maker."
"It changed Hollywood because there were filmmakers and films that would never have been made if 'Boys in the Hood' hadn't been made."
"Symbol of power, excellence, and beauty in Hollywood."
"It's so much luck to break into Hollywood because you have to be exactly what they're looking for at that right moment, the right time."
"I find it very difficult to believe that a lot of Hollywood actresses actually feel that way."
"An upside of Hollywood's recent obsession with Multiverse stories has been the return of obscure or forgotten offshoots."
"Prepare to be even more envious. Credits roll and the manager takes out a Hollywood director's chair."
"It's so Hollywood... slap some glasses on him, give him a bad hairline, and he's all of a sudden this nerdy dweeb."
"The truth is that many of the famous people in Hollywood were already rich from birth."
"She's so funny, this is so interesting that you bring her up in that movie because she, I think, is one of the only female dependable stars in Hollywood left."
"I think Hollywood is starting to recognize it but we're just in the beginning... history has just been made she's the first Asian actress to win best actress."
"The shape of the earth doesn't seem that important until you really expound upon the deepness of this conspiracy and how far-reaching it is."
"Adam Sandler rapidly became one of the most bankable stars in Hollywood."
"Original ideas, no one ever got really rich following in anyone's footsteps in Hollywood."
"Ultimately, Tarantino's Hollywood ending shows us the real-life limits of our fairy tales."
"Hollywood is just spineless en masse." - Jim Carrey
"Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is about a TV actor and his stunt double... living next door to the Tate's during the Manson murders."
"Again, there were times in this I did like in times in regards to is this a top-tier Hollywood Halloween film I wouldn't go that far I would say it's more on the middle the lower Spectrum but again I still had a good time."
"Marilyn was pragmatic and openly stated: 'Yes, I slept with the producers. Everyone did it. If you refuse, another girl is waiting outside the door who will do it.'"
"There's always going to be people who want that [escapist entertainment] and so if Hollywood won't provide it someone else is going to step in to do it."
"We need Hollywood to mock this shit, but first they need to realize how idiotic they look."
"Margot Robbie. She confidently ascended the Hollywood Olympus. There are talent, determination, and charisma in her every movement."
"And he provided Margot with a role that opened her a clear path to Hollywood and helped her become one of the biggest movie stars."
"Silence in Hollywood tends to denote at least some level of sympathy for non-leftist positions."
"I choose not to become friends with a lot of people in the public now because I know it's very transactional with Hollywood."
"Modern-day Hollywood is going through an identity crisis."
"Christopher Nolan's the king in terms of filmmakers in current Hollywood."
"This all sets up for Hollywood to have an awesome week one."
"At that point in your life, it's something so real in contrast to what Hollywood is, a very powerful illusion."
"Hollywood is not what it seems like, it's an illusion."
"All the hype and pizzazz of a major Hollywood premiere with none of the associated limo fees."
"This actor is a chameleon and a recognized Hollywood sex symbol."
"Nicholson embodied the contradictions of the Jack Nicholson persona."
"This issue is called colorism and Hollywood has a long history of perpetuating it."
"I had to do it because Hollywood said I couldn't. My cue was always 'no you can't'."
"My plan was not to join Hollywood, it was to destroy it."
"Whenever you look at any sort of Hollywood flex and virtue signal, there's usually some ulterior motive."
"This is the end of the old Hollywood scandalous Tale of Mr Bumpy Johnson."
"The true stories of the men and women on whose careers Hollywood builds an industry are both more sordid and more tragic."
"The gender pay Gap, listen dudes if you come out here to make it into Hollywood as a dude they're gonna hand you a mop and say make the floor not sticky you piece of [__]."
"The reality of what Hollywood is... none of the normal rules that apply to propriety and business apply."
"Hollywood is being rebuilt by artists not afraid to disrupt the status quo telling fresh stories and bring it to life characters who until now have been confined to the margins."
"Grant's kindness, dedication to his roots, and extensive body of work leave a lasting legacy in Hollywood and Native American communities alike; tributes to Saginaw Grant."
"His rise as one of Hollywood's biggest actors has also been something to behold."
"Hollywood is a very legitimate and real magical system."
"That's my main goal, living in Hollywood, it's the American Dream."
"Since the earliest days of Hollywood, notable figures and incidents of the Old West have been memorably captured in cinema."
"What if it's just a reconstruction of a vehicle for a blockbuster movie or sci-fi TV show? Weirder things have been known to happen for Hollywood's sake."
"The Guyver: Hollywood's first-ever anime adaptation makes use of some seriously impressive fully practical tokusatsu-style suits and effects."
"More people are sick of this than are actually buying into this... Hollywood is one of the biggest perpetrators of this SJW culture."
"Fortunately, these days British leads or indeed entirely British settings and casts have become something of a fetish in Hollywood."
"Brilliant one-liners, a plus physical comedy, those outfits, plus tons of references to Broadway and classic Hollywood."
"You could really build some true competition for Hollywood which I think would be great."
"The biggest producers in Hollywood allegedly harassing all these women... they let him go and they let the story go with him."
"My biggest gripe with child stardom is the amount of predatory behavior that happens in Hollywood."
"Classic Hollywood was saved by a real-life superhero."
"Woke Hollywood is failing and that's a good thing."
"Maybe Hollywood shouldn't have prioritized identity politics over profit."
"That's why woke Hollywood failing is a good thing."
"Pirates of the Caribbean has anchored itself in Hollywood history as one of the most prominent franchises of all time."
"The Hollywood Walk of Fame consists of over 2,700 stars on the ground as you walk along the sidewalks for 15 blocks along Hollywood Boulevard. It is considered a historical landmark."
"People were outraged, demanding that government get involved and shut Hollywood down."
"It was the most bizarre Hollywood story ever unlike any other right because Tommy Wiseau is unlike any other human being that's ever lived."
"For millions, Hepburn was proof positive that Hollywood stardom wasn't all peroxide blonde and vapid size."
"The most important word in Hollywood is 'no'."
"This brother went from being a Nigerian prince to a Navy SEAL to an actor director in Hollywood slash author."
"Maverick succeeded because the one thing it's nostalgic for is classical Hollywood storytelling."
"Marilyn Monroe remains the undisputed champ for immortal actresses."
"Tom Cruise remains one of Hollywood's last true stars."
"Once again, we're seeing if you step out of line in Hollywood, everyone will start to disown you."
"This just further goes to show that when you stand up for anything in Hollywood that doesn't align with the far-left echo chamber, they will try to cancel you."
"Tiffany's has quite the history, from luxurious jewels to classic Hollywood movies."
"It's the beginning of Hollywood's heroic age and it's off to a bang."
"Looking perfect is something all celebrities struggle with." - Caption about body issues in Hollywood
"I never work for nobody. I never was an intern celebra employee. I started Hollywood a lot from an idea and I worked my ass off until people started believing in it."
"His method acting will pay off, and Christian Bale will likely go down as one of the greatest Hollywood actors of all time."
"He treats everyone equally, challenging the stereotypical image of an A-list Hollywood star."