
Life Impact Quotes

There are 1845 quotes

"Maladaptive daydreaming is essentially this like syndrome where people will daydream for hours at a time to the point where it starts to impair their function."
"The man you choose to be your partner affects everything in your life: your mental health, your peace of mind, your love inside you, your happiness, how you get through tragedies, your successes, how your children will be raised, and much more. Choose wisely."
"With children, if you get the first five years right, you're awarded the rest of your life; if you get them wrong, you're tortured the rest of your life."
"Money affects how we act, how we feel, and how we spend 80,000 hours of our working lives."
"What you do in the morning before you go to work will determine the rest of your life."
"The decision you make in the next few seconds is literally the difference between life and death."
"I've got to do something while I'm here to try and help as much as I can."
"More money isn't going to fix every aspect of your life, but if you don't have money it can impact every aspect of your life."
"You make your decisions, and then your decisions make you."
"Your very presence will become a significant life; otherwise, you will become a mediocre life."
"Embrace that [your desires] can be very powerful in your life."
"It's extremely surprising that's my life that they're playing with."
"Emotional intelligence affects almost every single aspect of your life, which is why it's so important."
"Change your thoughts and you'll change your world."
"If you see yourself as a victim in any capacity, it will ruin your life."
"Your thoughts become your feelings, and your feelings become your actions. Your actions become your life."
"You can never un-know a truth that will stay with you."
"Standing with Richard Pryor... He said, 'Be careful with this stuff. I don't remember 40 years of my life.'... 'I'm not sure it was me.'"
"This person will cause like a time of positive change in your life."
"Always be open to making new friends; they might just change your life."
"What ultimately creates results in your life are actions."
"Life is a lot more than just what immediate impact you're having. Obviously, everybody occupies time and space; you're sitting in your chair, but that's just for the now. Will you be remembered in that way? Will you live on? Will people look at you as a role model, an example of what it means to be truly alive?"
"Fundamentally changing society and our lives."
"Many would argue that personal attributes such as the ability to maintain a positive attitude have a great effect on the circumstances of life."
"Our personal life, our relationships, our social contribution, our professionalism can all be impacted tremendously by being spiritual."
"Understanding the fundamentals of business credit can change the entire trajectory of your life."
"Credit has helped me build the company and shape my life in profound ways."
"Once I understood the impact of living with undiagnosed ADHD on women in particular, I couldn't help but reflect back on the past 47 years."
"Being grateful, being happy, being connected, I think that's actually has a bigger impact on life than most anything else."
"The choices we make for ourselves and the quality of our relationships determine our lives."
"A lot of the things I found most meaningful throughout my life have been when I've been teaching."
"Greatness travels with you for life. You remember and are inspired by, and you will move in directions you are incapable of moving without this great teacher."
"Be careful how you think because your life is shaped by your thoughts."
"Prayer, the whole issue of prayer, the privilege of communing with God, of praying, making a difference in the course of history, is a huge part of life."
"Touch people not just with your opportunity, but with your life."
"She was an incredible person, an incredible mother, and she was robbed of the life that she was supposed to have."
"You just end up making really, really bad decisions that can cost you for the rest of your life."
"Think about your baby and don't mess things up for them before they have even had a chance to live."
"Go through the budgeting programs. Change thousands of people's lives."
"You're creating either life or death with the words of your mouth."
"I'm tired, I feel like this pandemic is just kind of stealing away the past two years of our life."
"Having the ability to truly let go and not be expectation-oriented can have the most profound effect on your life."
"We have to make the right choices because every aspect of our life is governed by the kind of leadership choices we make."
"Regardless of how your story ends, one thing is for certain: you will never be forgotten."
"Many people waste and ruin their lives simply through indecision and stalling out."
"Music's been the center of my life and it's given me the most incredible life."
"These early bonds color our relationships throughout life by forming an initial framework to go by and build on."
"Building these habits are like having superpowers; they're usually harder to build but they can be life-changing because they also help make other habits easier to learn."
"Health and wealth are deeply intertwined and when you take away someone's life work, their small business, their restaurant that they've built, you are shortening their life span probably."
"It's this window of hesitation that defines your whole life."
"Not a day goes by in my own life where I don't pay for it in some way."
"This sort of radical transparency is coming at you and it is going to affect your life. And in my opinion, it's going to be wonderful."
"I hope that by the time I fall asleep forever, I will have left a good impression on the world."
"Traumatic experiences can greatly affect regular things in your life."
"Science is starting to show that its 11-year cycles might just be the metronome measuring out how life on our planet ticks."
"Don't let someone get in under your self-esteem and chip away at that; it affects all parts of your life."
"Heming carried these three keys for the rest of his life as a reminder of the heroic deed that freed him from the grasp of the sinking ship."
"Your life is counting, it's making a difference, it's influencing somebody."
"This relationship is in your life for a reason... it's gonna work out the way that it needs to."
"We were invited to investigate a haunted cabin in the woods, little did we know that we would be scarred for life."
"Every time you have to make a decision, whether a big one or a small one, think about the butterfly effect. You never know how a decision now can change your life forever."
"They made sure that we watched the whole thing. This is your gift, the warden told us. Your gift and your curse. Touching lives only by ending them."
"Some people even report meeting God and for some, particular trips rank as being among the most meaningful experiences of their lives."
"Fantasy games impacted their lives in incredible ways. So maybe these games aren't a waste of time."
"If you're not careful, money can actually make your life worse before it makes your life better."
"I chose medicine because it kind of magnified my reach to be able to impact more lives."
"The discipline that we get from an exercise program can translate to other parts of your life."
"The choices that you make over the course of your life will shape history both in the future AND in the past."
"I've lost probably years of my life already worrying about the condition of those around me as opposed to the things that I actually have to deal with on my own."
"A wounded inner child can completely destroy our lives and make us feel unsafe in the world."
"It's so important to acknowledge that mental health is so important and it can literally affect everything."
"Like I said, I love this series. I think it's awesome, but my God, did it completely overtake my life."
"My life is better because you're in it, and I don't want to live my life without you."
"Having a family is going to make you happier."
"What makes life impactful is what you could do in the time you have."
"Stop taking your dreams lightly; they are pleading with you to focus on them, trying to show you what's already in place, seeking your agreement to manifest things you don't know that will run its course negatively in your life."
"The average person spends five years and four months of their life on social media."
"Two roads diverged in a wood, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."
"This isn't going to change anything about your life; you are who you are, and you're not who your past was."
"I'm a skateboarder. I can't stop that. And I am truly fucked the day I can't roll anymore. Because I've had to go through periods where I couldn't skate and I lost my marriage. If I can't roll, I am fucked. Just that's just how it is."
"I owe my whole life to everything that I am, I owe to skateboarding and I owe to you."
"Knowledge is power, and you know the importance of the decisions that you make in life and how they affect others."
"Myrtle Jean Simmons Brown was 73 years old and... was loved by everyone in her life and loved by her community."
"Once you're on the homeless ride, it is hard as hell to get out of it."
"We may not be able to witness our own eulogy, but we're actually writing it all the time, every day."
"Who you're friends with determines so much of your life."
"One encounter with favor was worth a lifetime of labor."
"But I’m more interested in the invisible walls that trap us, built by mistakes so small yet so monumental that most people have no idea they’re even in prison."
"You're either sowing to the flesh or sowing to the spirit."
"Maddie has truly been a blessing in our lives."
"Taking an adopted kid is basically the greatest thing that you can do in this life."
"We all got these things in our lives traumas incidents and it's like whether you're going to use it or it's going to affect you in a positive or a negative way."
"Your life lived is the best weapon you have."
"Life is spiritual, everybody has been affected in one way or the other."
"Your life partner is probably the single most important decision you will ever make."
"Do you want to sell ads and make algorithms work faster or do you want to save lives and work for your country?"
"I'd rather make a long-term influence on someone's life rather than trying to make a point on social media."
"Each word starts to matter because your life depends on it."
"When you change, everything changes around you."
"It's a Clarion call for everyone who values individual liberty."
"When you strip away the noise, what's left are the issues that genuinely affect your life, your family, and your country."
"Marianne Williamson was doing something different than everyone else on the stage last night."
"I literally wouldn't be alive right now if it wasn't for my relationship with God."
"Some men die in the shades of olive trees, and some die changing the world."
"Would you consider this to be life-altering? Absolutely."
"What's the worst thing that can happen to you? Well, I think the worst thing is that you do something really horrible and you screw up your life and everyone's life around you."
"It is an illness that tells somebody that they have to do something that they are perfectly aware of how much it ruins their life."
"Death and life is in the power of your tongue."
"Our lives are overlapping a moment on which everything hangs."
"You know, and that's the thing that I try to talk to my young homies who are still in here. It's like you're watching your kids just grow up without you, you know what I'm saying?"
"We ought to be behaving like there's a menace out there that can, if you are careless about it, knock 10 or 20 years off your life."
"A lack of money is a passport to misery. It is. I've seen more problems caused by lack of money."
"He left behind a legacy, changed people's lives for the better."
"Turning Ned against Peter would show the true consequences of the superhero life."
"Each of us is profoundly shaped by the short run we inhabit."
"Your kindness might make a major difference in their life."
"Success has made my life more meaningful, but it's not without its cost."
"That guy ruined the lives of hundreds of people just so he could screw over the let's say 20 to 50 people who affected his life."
"Your life comes from your subconscious programs."
"Abortion is life-saving, it's life-altering."
"If folks ain't fighting to get to that microphone to just express for just two minutes on how you have impacted their life, then you have wasted time on earth."
"The decisions you make right now are so much more significant than that singular decision."
"Choose wisely, as every decision could impact your journey."
"The kindness in your heart is so beautiful... they recognize that... they feel this deep understanding, this deep mutual understanding between each other."
"It's going to reveal exactly what this is, the certain part of your life is going to be highlighted."
"At a certain point, we're all going to expire, but we all got to have something to leave behind; this is our testimony."
"Do you think I'm going to love my son even though if he one day wanted to be a CEO and becomes a janitor at a college? Yeah, you want to know why? Cause a janitor changed my life."
"A racist moment does not make you a racist for your entire life."
"All these were paid cash, this was paid cash, this was paid cash. Pray about becoming a partner, it's gonna change lives one soul at a time."
"Movies have saved my life many times, narrative saves, this is life-saving to me."
"It is the difference between life and death."
"Drugs come in and drugs you think are going to solve all your problems and they kick the legs out from under it."
"The decisions you make from day to day compound over time."
"You can change somebody's life with a conversation."
"Twitter took control of her life and dismantled it."
"I can’t help but feel like this show saved my life."
"When you borrow too much money, you lose control of your life, whoever you are."
"It's a series that changes lives. It certainly changed mine."
"Little things like that, it's amazing how eye-opening it can be."
"I think that to me that is a movie that again you you will look at that movie very differently you probably will look at life very differently for the rest of your time on this planet."
"How you serve is how you will be remembered."
"When you're wise, nothing really harms or hurts you in life. Then you know what wisdom is, you've found the meaning of life."
"What game would Nintendo put into a mobile game that would get you to actually pick up your phone and engage with it?"
"You're actually saving lives and changing the world."
"Sometimes life-changing opportunities come unexpectedly, like a chance encounter or a simple question."
"It's not about politics, man, it's about life and death."
"Could you imagine something you did when you were 15 affecting the rest of your life?"
"The parallels to real-life drug addiction is rather haunting."
"That's some freaking life-changing money right there man."
"His death was a tragedy for the world. But his life was a gift to us all."
"Memory is a record of your life; it's the sum total of everything that happens to you in the past and it informs every decision you're going to make in the future."
"Your thoughts become words, and your words become actions, and your actions become your life."
"People are not stupid the economy is the most important thing in their life whether they can put food on the table for their family say for college Etc"
"Prayer changes things prayer can change things prayer isaiah said it is not some religious duty that we do."
"Changing lives, man, changing lives in a positive way."
"What really touched me man, I got a letter for one of my homeboys here in the Texas state prison he was like 20 21 times like man I got a life sentence because I want to be like you man I looked up to you and I was like wow."
"The way you raise your kids is probably the most important thing in your life."
"I don't think that I'll ever read a better book in my life."
"This is true love, this is the romance of a lifetime."
"If your mental health is messed up everything else has to stop."
"Our lives are all about influence, what we're going to leave behind."
"Before you know it, time has taken advantage of us all. What we do with that time is what really leaves an impression."
"It's not number one because he passed away... it's the one that literally changed my life."
"Expecting to change lives... making a difference... is the biggest way of winning."
"Audiobooks are absolutely freaking life-changing."
"Addiction can start off small and innocent enough, but soon you find that your life is filled with addictive behavior."
"I had cancer as a child and this research may have saved my life."
"The only thing that will be there when I'm gone is what I've left behind."
"Every single moment of every single day has a massive impact on where you ultimately end up."
"I believe that the things you do in your life create a permanent ripple into the future."
"Your beliefs set this law into motion creating the feelings, emotions, and circumstances of your life."
"When you lose yourself to the demons inside you demons will naturally spawn in front of you maybe you'll have the strength to defeat them but will the world be better off than if you'd kept them from thriving in the first place."
"Relationships are very important. In fact, they affect every single area of our life. They really determine whether you're happy or unhappy, they determine whether you have real peace or not."
"Winning cures all they say, that's not just in the building, that's in your life."
"Maybe it's not the case for them but like in any of the people that you've interviewed did it sort of like give them or sort of like change the trajectory of their lives?"
"I think the one that had the largest impact on my life would be the Bhagavad Gita."
"The stories that we believe can have such a massive weaving in how our life plays out."
"Friends are not just those who share our lives; friends safeguard our lives, and that's a pretty big deal."
"The quality of people teaching you is the quality of your lifestyle."
"Just one little 30 minute tweak to your day could very well set the rest of your life in motion."
"Never underestimate the potential of one encounter."
"This is not a financial thing, this is a real thing."
"They've ruined this guy's life. They have allowed him to construct a completely impenetrable fantasy and he's retreated within it."
"People pass through our lives. Some of them fade into memories, but a few become part of who you are."
"The power of your thoughts become words that become actions that have shaped the destiny of your life."
"Experiencing extremes, seeing nature at its best, its most beautiful, its most dangerous, is a life-changing experience."
"The true mark of a leader is not only in the life they lead, but the legacy they leave."
"A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives."
"A life is not important except in the impact that it has on other lives."
"Every choice you make impacts your life in a positive or in a negative way and you are the only person that can decide for yourself how you want that outcome to be."
"As long as I made a difference in at least one person's life, then it was all worth it."
"He is changing lives that is factually true."
"As you're in the pursuit to do something you love and to do something that you dream of you never know who that inspires or what that ends up contributing to your life sometimes we end up achieving the dreams we never even knew we had."
"With a bit of luck his life was ruined forever."
"At the end of the day, it's all about results. The impact of your life is what matters."
"Addiction will destroy your life, kill your dreams, and ruin the lives of people around you."
"This is not about politics. This is how a life can change because COVID. It can dominate you."
"Relationships are essential to many parts of how we live our lives... Relationships are a big deal right now."
"Habits are literally everything in everyday life."
"When it comes to what's gonna make a difference in your life, it's gonna be what you do."