
Audience Engagement Quotes

There are 9269 quotes

"Her success on 'Living Single' underscored the audience's hunger for stories that reflected their own experiences and identities."
"Don't do what your audience likes, do what you like to do because the reality is if you're doing what you like to do... you will eventually attract an audience who enjoy that content."
"Good narrative momentum is not how fast your story moves; it's simply how your story moves to keep your audience invested in it."
"I want to be a game developer who interacts with his audience."
"The game needs to be relevant, and the way he can do that is by producing constant updates."
"The need for journalism to unite divergent audiences has never been bigger."
"The simpler it is for a common spectator to understand, the easier it is to pull them in and get invested."
"It's been an absolute honor and a pleasure to be able to talk to so many of y'all about this news because we would be doing this every single day whether there was only 20 people watching or whether there was 11,250 people watching."
"Happy Appreciation Day, celebration. Just really landed and I got fireworks, dude, which is the best part of all of it."
"It's up to you to figure out where you draw the line in engaging with your audience."
"Good content always rises. If you're not making stuff that people want to watch, then people aren't going to watch."
"I want to make topics that people are going to watch, enjoy, and learn from."
"If you want to be a streamer or a YouTuber then go for it, but remember you'll need to learn to love engaging with and entertaining an audience as much as you love the game because that is the majority of what you will be doing."
"Appreciate the feedback a bunch and hope you guys enjoy the back half of the series."
"This makes us an active participant in the storytelling process, and not just a passive viewer."
"The reason I looked at the kickoff and it's very different is because I sit in front of a camera in my studio, interacting with the audience."
"When you're visualizing data, you never want to use color to make something colorful but rather use color sparingly and strategically to draw your audience's attention."
"The foundation of good storytelling is making the audience care about your characters, and often the best way to do that is through their relationships with other people."
"It's a commonly accepted theory in storytelling that, in order to keep an audience engaged, the stakes need to escalate. This is demonstrably untrue; it's probably more accurate to say that, to keep an audience from getting bored, the story shouldn't repeat itself too often."
"Mixing searchable content with connection-building content is key to keeping your audience engaged."
"My job is simple: I make fun videos to entertain you guys."
"My entire job is simple: I make fun videos to entertain you guys, and then you guys enjoy them. The end."
"Performance art often challenges the audience to think in new and unconventional ways."
"You got to give [fans] something to support. So, the idea that it was streaming out of the ground after 20 minutes, I'm not surprised."
"Undoubtedly, the return of Lesnar...certainly drew more eyes to the TV screens that night."
"You owe it to your audience to share your journey and insights."
"I think the goal is, is do what you like to do, hopefully have an audience that will come with you, and do it for as long as you can or until you want to stop."
"Being a general MMO channel will always be limited in the depth of knowledge, while a specific channel will be limited in its scope of audience."
"This film showed a healthy respect for its book forefather, while also recognizing what elements of it might soured the experience for their audience and what changes were necessary to make the tale engaging for people of a different century than it was originally written for."
"Always remember, it wasn't a live stream, but it was a video, a video for you."
"It's also a book that understands what its young audience is interested in."
"Our brain and our body are highly coordinated because people are listening to the story and the heart rate is changing in response to the story."
"We've done some live shows with some incredible audiences. I think we did a live show before the pandemic ended where we had close to 2000 people in the audience."
"The author can just say 'these guys are right, these guys are wrong' and the audience will know who to root for."
"The philosophical conflict is where the meaning of your story sits; it's the reason the audience truly cares."
"I also look at proportions, like if I put up a YouTube video, I actually attend to likes versus dislikes."
"To act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate, and entertain."
"People love them. He posts a blog and within minutes you see hundreds of people responding to what he's written. This is incredible."
"Keep the viewers' attention and make sure they watch all the way to the end."
"I think what made it do well was a lot of the other videos, 'Day in the Life' videos, there's a lot of people kind of talking and not showing."
"Titles are really important. You want to bring in the most amount of people possible."
"How's that possible? How can you retain an audience 130%? It means that on average, people watch the video 1.3 times."
"I appreciate every single one of you for being here."
"For many, this is what makes YouTube such a good platform to launch one's career, as success is almost exclusively decided by the audience who watch it."
"Make sure you guys like, comment, share, subscribe, hit that bell for notifications. You already know the vibe."
"Create a really damn good review and people will tune in for it."
"It's a lot of fun, and we are just so grateful that you guys, after eight and a half, almost nine years, are still watching."
"The real winner is the audience because I think you've hopefully learned something new."
"If you made it this far into my video, I would like to thank you for supporting me and for even taking the time to hear me out."
"It's got to be top. I've never had a crowd like this before."
"Audiences are not blind sheep; they have unique interests and limited time in the day, so your content has to be first off overall good and appealing to them."
"You've got an audience out there, and they want to hear you sing."
"He's acting like he's some 17-year-old streamer, he's going for the reaction meme market, and he's getting it."
"Thank you so much for coming out tonight, thanks for coming to my TED Talk. You've been a great audience, everybody."
"The audience wants to believe your lie. They want to forget they're watching fiction. They want immersion."
"Thanks to the audience, I hope you all appreciate and enjoy stuff like this because I do so much with these guys."
"This is the most watched NCAA women's basketball game ever."
"When you follow the data of what your audience wants, your audience watches it. Bizarre, bizarre, who would have thought engaging in successful business practices that goes back thousands of years would actually be successful?"
"You can engage with your audience in a more meaningful way. Aren't you tired of having to be perpetually correct to make your validation gang happy?"
"It's this insane Adrenaline Rush of playing your first movie for groups of audiences who love film, and it's the most magical thing in the world."
"One of the pieces of advice that I really like to fall back on... you have to do something that you are truly passionate about because the audience's BS detector is just too finely tuned."
"Regardless, the allure of the unknown continues to captivate audiences."
"A lot of times before I make a video, I think about what the audience is going to think. It really gives me a lot of motivation."
"There is no such thing as an anti-fan. There's only fans. There is no such thing as a modern audience. There's only the audience, and if you give them something good, they'll show up. And if you shit on them, they will dance on the graves of your flops."
"Guys, this is a live stream. There is something different."
"Please, honestly, make some noise. This is gonna be one of the best games you're gonna see."
"It's simple, it's clean, it speaks to my audience, and it doesn't get in the way."
"If we keep people entertained, then they're going to stay on the platform."
"The terror the audience imagines from the tiny hints of danger and the overwhelming power of the unknown is always scarier than whatever the special effects department could rustle up."
"A really great speaker is they pour energy back into the room. So you feel an energy transfer, you can almost vibrate, you can almost feel it."
"If you are sexier with your content, people are gonna most likely like it more."
"All the influencers I know, they just really want to do their best... They want to give their audience their best."
"Success holds an inherent danger, where the more popular a person becomes, the more at risk they are of attracting more than just a casual interest from a supportive audience."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, and remember to visit my sponsor, Laylo."
"The most important thing that I always tried to do was concentrate on the characters. You've got to have characters that the audience, the viewer, the reader cares about."
"Not only put on an amazing match, but I'm gonna put asses in seats. I'm gonna put eyeballs on the television."
"I'm so thankful that so many of you watched and are interested in our mission here to hunt down and document the most interesting foods from around the world."
"Thank you guys so much for watching. I genuinely hope you're all doing well."
"They want to feel really connected; they want that emotional response."
"People want your personality, they just wanna see you, it doesn't really matter what you're doing."
"You don't have to construct an impossible reality; you need to construct an audience's mind state where they'll construct an impossible reality for you."
"It draws women in, you know? It's like she's a strong, female character."
"We can already call a winner of this series, which is everyone watching. These games are so ridiculously good."
"Ladies and gentlemen, if you guys do want me to continue playing on this, please let me know."
"This was definitely very different for us... if there are different Indian dishes that we should check out, comment them down below."
"You have to make it so that the audience can get to know the lead before we can really watch them fall in love."
"You make them care. To me, it's like I want to make my complaining have so many punch lines that a room full of people is on board."
"Each of those individual views is a singular person who chose to watch your video. That is an individual person who cared enough to watch you and that's all that matters."
"You're trying always as an editor to be in parallel or ahead of the audience, slightly ahead, not too far ahead, and never behind. Right, if you're behind, you're dead."
"We are so thrilled to be doing what we're doing and that people are along in their journey with us."
"True Crime can be an agent of change, as long as audiences aren't accessories to its harmful effects."
"But pacing is equally important, because it’s what keeps the audience invested."
"Thank you so much for watching, and until next time, I'll see you later."
"You guys have been absolutely crushing it with the light goals."
"So, guys, I really hope you liked this video. If you did, please give it a big thumbs up and subscribe to my channel."
"I want to shout out our Spotify listenership, I want to shout out our YouTube viewership, I want to shout out our first-time and last-time listeners."
"What even defines good storytelling? Is it about pacing, character development, and thematic continuity, or just that it keeps the audience engaged and entertained?"
"If you love the content, you need to turn on your YouTube notifications right now."
"Take them on a ride and show us what they can do and in turn, your audience will be taken on a ride as well."
"By flipping the audience's expectations on their head, we all of a sudden make them pay attention."
"Some of you are going to comment and be like, 'Who asked for this?' Look around, two of the three of you people over the years have asked."
"If you have a good message or you have a really good personality for YouTube, that it factor, that's going to translate no matter what equipment you use."
"This is clearly a fan favorite format; they really enjoy watching us talk through our thought process."
"Animation is about creating the illusion of life, and part of maintaining that illusion is making the effort to convince the audience. We want to be fooled, but bad animation can easily pull us out of the experience."
"No one cares how erratically silky your blends are if the piece doesn't speak to them. Show the people something they haven't seen before."
"Creating an adding value for the people who actually watch your videos is the most important thing."
"Thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did, please remember thumbs up, and if you're not yet a member of this community, become a Noble one. Subscribe to my channel for more content from the Metatron, and remember, the Metatron has spread his wings. Saraba."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 is definitely different than Grand Theft Auto 5's core audience, which is why it's felt not expanding on the single-player would be a missed opportunity."
"Thank you for being you. If you enjoyed this, consider subscribing, and I can't wait to see you next time."
"People just want to see a nice friendly person who makes them feel good."
"You have to respect the creator if you want access to the audience."
"Making content for a modern audience is not how you make something memorable or even fun. That's how you make something generic, homogeneous, and forgettable."
"It continues the story, and it's a story that a lot of folks are probably going to love diving into."
"I hope you guys like this video. Let me know which one was your favorite."
"Thank you so much for watching. I'll see you in the next one."
"Love is not supposed to be painful or devastating. The lack of stability in these relationships is addictive for audiences because we're always waiting to see what will happen next."
"I'm not playing that game where I just say things for the sake of getting an audience."
"I'm doing this for the people that are watching and the people that are gonna push themselves."
"Oh wow, we have 6,500 people waiting for the stream. I think that's the most I've had waiting for a stream. Thank you guys."
"I'm so happy about this because you guys love these videos. If I look at my analytics, these checklist videos are like above and beyond any of my other videos."
"It's one thing to have an audience on YouTube of people who enjoy your videos and then click off; it's another to have viewers who are fans of everything you do."
"The reality is though, the strength of independent media proves this is that if you offer somebody things that they are interested in hearing, if you are willing to tell the truth to people even if they don't always agree with you, if you're willing to kind find different ways of looking at things that the major mainstream media outlets don't permit, you will find an audience, really often a large audience."
"Whether they make you laugh, cry, jump out of your seat, cringe, or stand up and leave the movie theater, there is always something for everyone."
"Horror uses gender as theater, and this flexibility of gender that horror consistently offers is another reason why the predominantly male audience feels comfortable assuming the perspective of the final girl."
"Shout out to everybody watching. If you're inspired, just master your craft."
"As a performer, that's my job, to pull my audience in. One of the things that's really important to me is brain engagement."
"The most difficult part of creating a business on the internet is to kind of get people's initial interest."
"Thank you for spending a few minutes out of your day here with me today; you could be anywhere else in the world doing anything else, but you chose to hang out with me for a few minutes, and I really appreciate that."
"As long as you guys are entertained, I'll keep making videos."
"In 2004, a low-budget science-fiction film took Sundance by storm. Primer is quite possibly the most complex time-travel film ever made."
"Creating videos where it's just a bunch of shots put together, is great, but at a certain point, you're gonna wanna start interjecting some story into your video."
"It's very important to reach a non-endemic audience; anything you can do to reach a non-endemic audience is gold."
"Kubrick said, 'The point of view ... [the work] is conveying has to be completely entwined with a sense of life as it is, and has to be transmitted by a subtle injection into the audience’s consciousness.'"
"You're never in front of the same crowd. Whatever they're facing at that particular time, a song that would have not mattered to them before may matter to them now."
"It's underestimated and underused, the audience's imagination."
"Email marketing is crucial to being able to engage with an audience that's coming to your site."
"I appreciate every single one of y'all being in this livestream so far."
"If you want your audience to remember something, you need to make them feel. Emotion is the glue that causes a memory to stick."
"Your job is to cast a spell, to take people on a journey."
"If you want the audience to feel something, you have to feel that something."
"Eye contact is the basic way to involve the audience."
"If you want to see a show of star power, where two mega stars work an audience like a fiddle, getting the absolute maximum out of every move, sequence, and facial expression, then this is it, brother."
"I'll keep giving it my all, so keep your eyes on me, okay?"
"You're at a thousand, we're at a thou... wow, hello, we have a thousand people, that's incredible."
"Your goal isn't to beat the YouTube algorithm; it's to build an audience on YouTube."
"Make content your audience wants to watch. If you do that and you have a little bit of patience, YouTube will take care of the rest."
"We learned a ton on how to structure our videos based on audience retention."
"If you doubled your audience size, that would mean double the prize pool, double the sponsors... don't you want to jump into game after game and have half the people be women? That would be sick as fuck."
"With this album, it is what I've gone through, and I want people to listen to it."
"We're proud of the work we've done on both games and excited about delivering them to a much larger audience of gamers."
"Go ahead, viewer, follow the white rabbit to the cinema and go support and see The Matrix Resurrections, and tell the studios this is the kind of legacy sequel that we've been yearning for."
"To make Titanic accessible... through characters that you really love and care about."
"Building a relationship with your audience is about giving more than you ask for."
"A close look at the writing used in classic animation to walk the tightrope of creating dark, mature storytelling for adults while still appealing to the kids watching alongside them."
"If you want to go viral consistently, you have to choose video topics that appeal to large markets."
"The healthiest thing that you can do in terms of a creator mindset is to ignore that nonsense and focus on a couple of key things: How do you put your audience first? How do you make this financially viable? And how do you make this sustainable for your lifestyle?"
"The number one goal of storytelling is to evoke an emotional response from your viewer."
"What a place for it to happen, in front of a sold-out crowd here in the Arlington Esports Stadium."
"I want people to subscribe and like our videos because they actually felt like they wanted to do it themselves, not because I suggested it or asked for it."
"We're building games that represent the diversity of our audience."
"You must always, always respect your audience and their intelligence and never assume that you are the smartest or the most morally right in the room."
"I really appreciate you guys watching my stuff, and I say it all the time, but genuinely, I mean it."
"You can only carry a show on your back for so long before people get bored with your antics."
"You've got to find your own line and let the audience know where that line is so that they know what to expect from you."
"Nothing quite grips a reader or an audience but being connected to characters."
"Re-releasing legacy content is so great for those who were there when the games first came out and want a convenient way to relive the magic, and for new audiences who get to experience it for the first time."
"If people are reacting to what you're doing, then that is a success. That's a sign of success. The worst thing is indifference."
"If you guys enjoyed the video, smack the like button, use star code Tussy, and I will see you in the next video. Peace."
"Modern cinema thrives on the ability of an audience to visualize themselves as the hero, but Joker takes a very different approach."
"The truth is exciting enough to draw in viewers... they don't have to sacrifice the truth or pervert things into a form that is meant strictly to grow their channel."
"The most powerful thing you can do as a creator is to encourage participation with the audience so that they start projecting what they want to see onto the experience."
"This hands down has got to be the most creepiest story on the channel."
"The audience kind of comes for the comments almost as much as they come for what's actually being shown."
"The one thing we do that I think turns people off is we do go into that extra detail... that's what we do though."
"The thing that I love about music these days is you can kind of put out a bunch of records and see what people really like."
"I loved the character of David. I loved his story arc so far."
"I feel like that's that was their goal, they wanted this show to be talked about. They didn't want it to peter out."
"I've enjoyed it, though. I know our audience has enjoyed it. Thank you, I love y'all."
"I think it's safe to say you all, my audience, enjoyed marine biology as much as I did."
"Thank you for being here, ladies and gentlemen."
"One of the things I am most proud of when it comes to my YouTube channel is my viewer demographic."
"That's it for today's Vlog, guys. I hope you enjoyed watching it."
"I love the teasers because how many game developers can you say care so much about their audience?"
"The greatest story of fear and loss is actually sitting in my audience today."
"I love it, so many of you guys watching. Thank you."
"At some point or another, when people are interested in your content, they kind of become interested in you as well."
"Haters increased my rates with their comments, and my videos appeared on the list of recommendations."
"When you tell a story, it's essential that you build up a level of investment the audience has in the character's mission, making us want them to succeed."
"If you're still watching this, I appreciate you and thank you for being here."
"We're going to continue to do on this channel what we've always done: tell you the truth as best we can, listen to you as best we can."
"I actually feel better from a 10 to 20 minute meditation than I ever did from a couple of drinks."
"It's very important for you guys as an audience to just be critical of what exactly is going on here."
"Diversifies itself on so many different levels. There's a level like things he didn't mention like politics, racism, all that kind of all those attributes that are handled towards the younger audience, and the older audience can see it as well."
"Bray Wyatt has repeatedly shown he's able to hold an audience in the palm of his hand, whether it's through promos or in-ring psychology."
"Wow, thank you guys so much for coming out. Welcome to Drawfee the musical live, where we take your dumb ideas and make them even dumber."
"Stephen Grant, in particular, is a lesson for us as an audience... we have to listen to people when they say they need help."
"Stories belong to their audience now, which is a great thing because the stories are more powerful in the hands of the audience than they could ever be in the hands of the author."
"The crowds... excellent crowds. It was a sellout yesterday."
"Writers are entitled to nothing. They should strive to earn their audience's attention, not expect it."
"Guys, watch to the end of the video to find out if they learn their lesson."