
Cultural Impact Quotes

There are 6611 quotes

"Her success on 'Living Single' underscored the audience's hunger for stories that reflected their own experiences and identities."
"The whole reason of being where you at, Michael Jackson changed lives for sure, Prince changed lives. The people who do what we do and become great, they change lives, they change the narratives, they do things that connect the world."
"To call World of Warcraft popular is insulting; World of Warcraft was a shift of tectonic proportions."
"Economic distortions introduced by policy makers have more of an effect on exports and savings than culture does."
"Kung Fu Panda was so successful in China that it caused a national debate on why the West has made a better film about Chinese culture than the Chinese themselves."
"The culture was forever shifted by Furby. It paved the way for more advanced toys, but there's really never been anything quite like it."
"Cultural milestones come and go, but every now and then we are privileged enough to experience something so profound and important it not only defines a generation, it changes the world."
"Every major program and mission NASA has invested in has led to technologies and capabilities that have shaped our culture."
"Cinema was to be the medium in which our civilization's next great Homeric epic will emerge."
"Stalker, shadow of Chernobyl is a cultural landmark."
"Even if you've never watched a single episode, you're almost definitely familiar with at least a few of the iconic moments from the show."
"I feel like this is huge for Dallas, not even Dallas, it's huge for the culture."
"If guys like Bruno Mars are singing about Gianni Versace 20 years after his death, that says he's fully embedded in our society and culture and has a profound legacy."
"John R. Dilworth... would be responsible for one of the most beloved horror cartoons of the new millennium."
"This land has given the world some of its most iconic artists."
"When my story is told, people will say, 'Dram really left a stamp on the culture.'"
"The Enlightenment had a dramatic impact on everything from culture to politics to the church, and eventually to technology."
"The more we celebrate things like that, the more that like Putin goes like if I ever hit that button I'm the [__] that's ruining the party forever and ever and ever."
"Grand Theft Auto not just an enjoyable open-world experience but a worldwide cultural phenomenon."
"Anime characters carry a legacy that goes beyond the screen, influencing not just fans but culture at large."
"Final Fantasy 7 shot its way into the hearts and minds of millions with its captivating story, characters, gameplay, boobs, and state-of-the-art, top-of-the-line, glowed-up graphics for the 90s."
"It's hard to dismiss the cultural impact the film has made on cinema today."
"It's giving. People are going to know Peter Kavinsky 20 years from now."
"The impact of Berserk cannot be understated."
"Any book that kind of transcends time like it's been around since the 30s and it's still relevant today like those are books that I kind of want to read."
"Taxi Driver is one of the most important films that's ever been made, not only is it a masterpiece in every way a film can be, but it also carries a deep and layered message."
"I don't know really what came out of their counter-culture revolution...our revolution, I can point to and say we've got A and B and C accomplished for Vietnam veterans."
"Game of Thrones has dominated the social consciousness pretty much since its debut."
"Batman Arkham Asylum is timeless in the sense that it should never be forgotten."
"We do not benefit as individuals or as a marginalized group of people. The object of our shame neither grows nor benefits. We don't get beneficial cultural shifts. We get number going up for corporations."
"The invention of writing by Nilo-Saharan Africans from Nubia would change history considerably and prove the invaluable contributions of Nubians to human civilization."
"The concept of the red pill and the blue pill are again epic concepts. They're the sort of concepts that can apply to anything."
"If you can come up with those lines that end up on a bumper sticker or a t-shirt, those are the gold we're looking for."
"Avatar is great at showing the length of cruelty that Empire can create and how it attempts to breed ideas of inferiority by removing cultural knowledge and skills."
"Historians often suggest that this was a way to escape the horrifying memory of nuclear fire."
"It’s almost impossible to overstate what a curator's work meant to the worlds of comics, animation, video games, pro wrestling, model kits, hip-hop, Latin American politics, and more."
"Walt Disney understood very well hence 'Disneyfication.'"
"World of Warcraft launches and it takes the world by storm."
"Lara Croft is literally an international icon."
"The Bible shaped the modern world... even the perverse offshoots of the Bible shaped the modern world."
"This has actually been observed by other groups, beautiful study out of University of Minnesota, looking at immigrants coming to the United States."
"You will get punished by the market if you turn your cultural dramas into political propaganda."
"Bridgerton is one of those cultural anomalies where despite its many flaws, critics love it, audiences love it, and everyone, including people who didn't love it, wants it to succeed."
"Literature is literature because it has some kind of powerful effect on culture."
"Regardless of one's opinion on the show's controversial nature, there is no denying its impact on the world of animation and pop culture."
"The most important musical contributions that America has made to the world have come from black people."
"Doom comes along and it's a game and a game type that's just was just revolutionary."
"The Great Awakening... sparks the culture throughout the populous of what would become the American Revolution."
"Star Wars was such a thorough rewriting of the cultural dialect that almost every major pop fiction work or character since carries some strand of its DNA."
"Girl power has been printed on billions of t-shirts and bumper stickers and has been the inspiration for many a TV show, movies, songs, even especially in the 90s and early 2000s."
"People love superheroes... they've been telling superhero stories since the dawn of storytelling."
"One of the hallmarks of a great philosopher is that his ideas or her ideas sink into the culture so deeply that a hundred years after they were written, they think they've always thought that way."
"It's like, with Journey to the West, it's like no, this straight up slaps. Everybody knows it; this book rules."
"It is a lot more than an ax, a lot more. It is a weapon that can bring down a whole culture accidentally."
"Sarah's story is a tragic carnival, an intense and devastating journey honoring the life of Sarah Bartman."
"Mortal Kombat to me has just been like one of the most groundbreaking arcade games."
"To this day, in some parts of the Philippines, saying the word Pepsi is like Voldemort."
"As a result of that, in Africa today, there's more statues to John Kennedy, more boulevards named after him than any other president."
"Jean Benét became really an icon of the death of innocence, a beauty that gets taken away for no apparent reason."
"More than the greatest boxer of all time, he was the idol whose every move in and out of the ring showed what black pride really meant."
"Black Ops 1 was lightning in a bottle and... a cultural icon that allowed people to make friends, share good times, and become the people they are today."
"Fewer filmmakers develop a style that's so intrinsically them, so intrinsically unique, that their name rings beyond the realm of cinema to permeate art and everything surrounding it."
"It was a cultural watershed, whether you like it or not."
"Cruel Intentions was the debaucherous, wildly hedonistic teen film that birthed sons like Elite and Euphoria."
"It is impossible to overstate just how much of a cultural phenomenon the Tomb Raider games were."
"I believe in my heart the only reason why this country still exists is because of Black America."
"K-pop threatens 'traditional white male masculinity' and honestly, good."
"It's way more rich black folks off of hip-hop that made it than ever."
"The real Taylor Swift effect is that she gives people, many of them women, particularly girls who have been conditioned to accept dismissal, gaslighting, and mistreatment from society, permission to believe that their interior lives matter."
"By providing a platform in which the youth can dictate content rapidly and continuously, that platform now dictates popular culture."
"We can partake in the joy that this movie helped create, a joy that is a manifestation of us and not the Disney Corporation."
"What an awesome guy, what an amazing leader. Stays in Kyiv, is with his soldiers, posting on TikTok, dances to save Ukraine."
"Jordan was damn near as big as Michael Jackson."
"We need to understand how social media affects our culture."
"The Avengers is inspired, works, deserves its place in the cultural canon, earned its likely permanent residence in the imagination of generations."
"We have to recognize the church is not impacting the culture as it once did."
"The universe Frank Herbert created has extended well beyond the page into the hearts and minds of millions of fans around the world."
"The definition's influence went way beyond Israel. In fact, we're still feeling it today."
"Would we be here today if there was no Jimi Hendrix? I think the earth would be out of bounds today."
"So all told, the Viking age is a class above simple piracy because it effectively terraformed the landscape of European politics, economics, and culture."
"Video games...contain some of the great works of art of our generation."
"On January 24th, Apple Computer will introduce Macintosh, and you'll see why 1984 won't be like '1984'."
"There's just something about their songs and stories and characters and energies that stick in the collective consciousness more than many individual works of art manage to do."
"The climate denialism of the Conservative Party of Canada is putting future white Christmases at risk."
"It was the most unbelievable. There must have been about 150,000 people at it. It struck a chord in Irish people. It was unbelievable."
"The Sims filled a niche that no one knew existed, becoming both a video game and cultural phenomenon."
"The King James Bible has been an enormous force in shaping the development of the English language."
"Culture and personality also shape the way that we view ourselves and people with narcissistic personality disorder."
"The mission of this apostolate is to...lead with beauty and...reopen the eyes of the culture to the possibility of being happy and living a life that is genuinely enchanted in a non-magical, real sense."
"The world as we know it today would look completely different if it wasn't for Stacy Peralta."
"Once the largest female YouTube content creator, her content transcends cultural boundaries."
"The most important people for it to change the world is you. You are our culture. So if you're kind, if you're compassionate...that is more powerful than any single person."
"It's just culture doesn't produce these problems; it's other things that we can fix."
"Although Spartan hardline ideals don't have the charisma of Athenian culture, they've meant as much to western civilization as the ideals represented by the Parthenon."
"Where's the beef? Wendy's launched a series of memorable commercials in 1984 featuring a catchphrase that became world famous."
"He was a cultural icon known around the globe."
"There are certain songs perfectly timeless... like 'Blowing in the Wind'... It feels like they were singing that song 100 years ago."
"If you haven't heard the name Bioshock, you've definitely seen this picture before. The franchise is a bit of a cultural landmark in gaming and, at the time, a groundbreaking aesthetic treasure rife with creativity and character."
"Super Mario 64 may be over 25 years old, but it is more than just a game in the modern day."
"Squid Game has the potential to change how people try to sneak messages into China in the future. Kind of a message in a bottle."
"Bruce Lee was a legendary international celebrity who promoted Chinese martial arts in the United States."
"The Beatles is one of the reasons why the mania became a phenomenon in the first place. Like, nobody cared about music in the same way without Elvis, Beatles, and the Stones."
"I think they should make a movie about World War One. World War One is the pivotal event that changed the world."
"Non-white people in this country got the short end of the stick for a wide variety of cultural issues."
"Culture doesn't just tell an animal how to live in this place. It tells them how to survive."
"Scream was kind of a cultural reset for horror."
"More children recognized Mario even than Mickey Mouse."
"The summer of love was one of the most pivotal and provocative events of the 60s."
"The beauty of hip-hop is... it's this grassroots thing that inspired people in these urban communities."
"The legacy of Cabrini Green lives on in pop culture."
"Mad had a circulation of over 2 million readers and was increasingly seen as a vital voice in the counterculture movement."
"William Peter Blatty's 'The Exorcist' is not only one of the most truly haunting films I've ever seen, but it reaches past all the pop-culture appeal."
"The inclusion of Weezer's 'Buddy Holly' in Windows 95 wasn't just a marketing trick; it shaped a generation's music experience."
"Top Gear became one of the defining TV shows of the 2000s."
"Whether you love it or hate it, there's no denying that Spam's had a big impact on culture."
"It's clear what Mr. Robot is trying to tell us... Elliot's pain, his madness, his delusionment, his loneliness, the byproduct of a culture that he lives in, his warped and corroded habitus."
"It is culture, not politics, that determines the success of a society."
"It's not just 10 phrases... there are phrases that exist solely because of Seinfeld."
"Hitler has become more than just a villain of history; his image, or rather the hatred of that image, has become a guiding force in culture and politics."
"Ever since this creature was discovered nearly 100 years ago, it has captured the public's imagination in new and terrifying ways."
"Harry Potter is way bigger than J.K. Rowling; it belongs to you, the reader."
"Its place in history, in pop culture, and in education was firmly established."
"The Jam had something that I really don't think has ever been captured again. It's the ability to be fresh and exciting, intelligent, commercial because they had to be, and have a huge impact."
"God has been moving and he's been bringing us some voices that are calling us out of our lethargy, calling the body of Christ out of the shadows and getting us to engage with our culture."
"The list literally goes on and on. I can't say enough about what he meant to the culture and also what he's done for the city of Atlanta."
"The international success of Korean popular culture, K-pop, and the intense interest it has generated throughout the world and also throughout much of the scholarly community here at Harvard and everywhere else."
"The American West is a place that has shaped the character of the nation."
"Everything starts with a conversation, right? And I think we also have to frame this in terms of understanding very clearly I am acutely aware that we are talking about two marginalized communities, right? You love hip-hop, and to me, hip-hop is the greatest global cultural force of perhaps centuries."
"It's a cultural catastrophe. It's an economic catastrophe."
"Batman is without a doubt one of the most beloved and revered superheroes of all time."
"Star Wars... will be one of the grand myths that human beings will still have in 15,000 years."
"The story behind the rise of Cahokia is not just the story of a great city but the story of a cultural explosion that transformed Eastern North America."
"This show created a movement. It's much more than a television show... because it's much bigger than just a TV show. We have moved a culture."
"Education and economics become a part of the culture, wealth is sure to follow."
"We discuss Marxism, how it evolved from a singular ideology into a genus, spawning many oppressor/oppressed dogmas across modern culture."
"Sunisa Lee's gold medal means so much to Asian America, more than any script, TV show, or movie because this was real life on a global stage."
"Of course I’m talking about the band which singlehandedly taught the world the German words "Du hast", Rammstein."
"Nobody remembers what car Bob Marley was driving, but they remember 'One Love'."
"Adults now, who grew up with SpongeBob, still endlessly make references or quote jokes from the earlier seasons."
"Think about what he's contributed to the culture. Now, some people would say it's been horrible, he's caused a lot of gun sales and all that, but just a great character."
"25 years ago today, on April 1st, 1997, the Pokémon anime made its iconic debut, introducing the world to Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town."
"The legendary Stan Lee had it out with Wertham numerous times, and let's just say that the two held some very different viewpoints on the merits of comic books."
"Studying the Bible's literary brilliance has influenced countless writers, poets, and artists throughout history."
"Street skating parts carry more weight than an actual contest win."
"McDonald's gets a bad wrap as being the quintessential purveyor of unhealthy American cuisine."
"The invention of the family-friendly Happy Meal in the late 1970s was a wildly successful business venture and a cultural icon."
"Reality TV was a cultural phenomenon taking all sorts of forms, allowing us to find entertainment in watching people race each other across the world, pitch business deals, and eat bugs for money."
"In another way, you could say that all of us of European descent carry the legacy of Augustus Caesar, Charlemagne, Alfred the Great, and others of this distant era not only culturally but genealogically as well."
"It's not because it proves that the artistry is great, it's because the fact that it resonated with that many people...that says a lot about how much it impacted the culture."
"I'm excited about it, I love Super Mario. Mario's been around what, like almost 40 years? He's a huge part of all of our history."
"Every day, the general public spends about half their waking hours enjoying the music, films, and visuals produced by some of the world's best artists."
"Star Wars nailed that hero mythology back in 1977. It resonated with everybody because the hero mythology resonates with everybody, all the time, for thousands of years."
"I think the world needs more animation. I think animation is one of the best ways to tell a story."
"In its wild irreverence and unabashedly dark humor, it paved the way for their mature work: Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!"
"The point is that EarthBound is a pretty special game that has inspired a lot of sentimentality and creativity in its fans from basically the first moment they played it."
"Steph Curry's impact on not only the NBA but just how the game of basketball has been played is undeniable."
"Batman: The Animated Series was both a distillation of everything that made The Caped Crusader popular for decades as well as an inspiration for countless TV shows, comics, movies, and of course fans, in the years that followed."
"The Holy Bible, a compilation of 66 books divided into two separate testaments. In its standard English version, almost 800,000 words--words of enduring value, the cornerstone of our laws, ethics, moral code, and the fountainhead of faith for nearly half the population of the world."
"Shakespeare is the most important figure in world literature, a glover's son from Stratford-upon-Avon, a grammar school boy who came to London and wrote the greatest plays in history."
"What if the most likely alternative here had happened, and the giant Persian Empire crushed these tiny Greek states? How would the world, civilization, and culture develop, and what would the world look like hundreds or thousands of years later?"
"Homer is the great instance of the canonical work...education was founded upon Homer, particularly upon the Iliad."
"I never wanted to make money with conflict; it was all about advancing the culture."
"India's worldwide fan base is comprised of roughly 1 billion people, and the Indian subcontinent alone makes up ninety percent of those."
"India and Pakistan final and yeah, what would the vibe be like in India if that was... [expletive] Epic."
"I don't see Big Bang Theory having the same kind of long-term relevance that something like Seinfeld does."
"It turned things around immediately. The Beatles just lit America up."
"The Beatles were this gateway to a kind of another world."
"It was somewhat of a beautiful thing why now created another opportunity for people who love this industry and this culture so much to make money off of it."
"I don't want my church ever to be considered a stage because in this culture a stage is a place for entertainment not a place to meet God."
"Pizza gets my nomination as the most culturally significant American food of the last century."
"If LeBron said that, I swear God is my witness, in 10 years we will see the marriage rate probably go up by 40%."
"I think comedy brings people together a lot more than it drives them apart."
"Hermes was absolutely ubiquitous in everyday life."
"They kind of shot themselves in the foot in at least for their narrative not creating a little more Jeopardy on poor old Vince's business and Company going into the thing before it was a raving success."
"The downfall of Hollywood and White's Conquest to make everything woke and full of identity politics will lead to an eventual cultural reset."
"Lord of the Rings kind of broke everyone's brains."
"It's definitely familiar. Even if it were just Kanye, it might still be worth writing about because he's such a singular figure, but it's obviously not just him."
"Japanese Cinema: transcending its nation appreciation into the top echelon of global cinematic."
"When Gerard slipped, we fell into an alternate universe."
"They're really saying biblical values. What they're trying to say is they're going to try to break by 2030 biblical values."
"There can be heels that are unbelievably popular but without them you don't get the rock."
"Every now and again you get those kind of songs that somehow just kind of last the decades, you know, and kind of transcend."
"What is Confucianism? In many respects, Confucianism defies a simple definition. Is it a system of values, a way of life, a political theory, or is it a religion? After all, it shows up in comparative religion textbooks everywhere."
"I think he's most likely to go down as a marker for this era of music."
"Rap before Nicki Minaj and rap after Nicki Minaj."
"Video game narratives have matched the greatest stories told in other mediums."
"The Gilgamesh flood myth was clearly a major influence on the later mythologies of the eastern Mediterranean."
"Whether or not an actual Gilgamesh ever existed, his name and exploits have managed to live on in popular culture."
"The spirit of collaboration started in the 1980s."
"The future of our civilization may make that old phrase 'Go big or go home' take on an entirely different meaning."
"This to me was a really important moment in movie history."
"Let's try to find something that people remember 20 years later because that's what makes this business so much bigger."
"English people became some of the most creative in the world, producing writings and culture that inspired people across the globe."
"The rise of the Trad wife movement is actually destroying feminism as we speak."
"Anything a teenage girl is into, the world has to [ __ ] on it, so with that being said, um, don't mess with K-pop."
"Quake has earned its spot as one of the most important games ever made."
"These Super Nintendos, one of my all-time favorite game consoles as it is to many other people who were gaming dreamer early to mid 90s. The system is beloved."
"Tyler Perry's movies including acrimony often generate discussions and debates on social media platforms like Twitter."
"All-American Girl served as a glimmer of hope that Asians could be depicted as more than one-note clichés and that Asian American stories were worth being told."
"Jackie's Legacy extends beyond the Glamorous facade, her name iconic and echoing through time she will forever be a captivating figure whose story continues to be celebrated and remembered."