
Advocacy Quotes

There are 21069 quotes

"Her message resonates far beyond the Forum in Detroit, reaching anyone who has felt the weight of mental health struggles."
"Her advocacy for black creatives and her efforts to dismantle the entrenched racism within Hollywood's infrastructure highlight her commitment to change."
"We need to provide services to veterans, and we don't; it's an atrocity."
"If I don't take a stand, how am I making it easier for those coming after me?"
"I've become a menopause warrior because once I went through it myself, I realized that there is a tremendous lack of knowledge, teaching, education, and even empathy for the menopausal woman."
"I think we need more empowerment of patients."
"I will fight for Humanity and I pray that the masses stop living at the bottom of the mountain and take the journey to the top."
"I've realized that while we can all feel these things... it's important that our voices are not always the loudest."
"If you're not at the table, you're on the menu."
"I can't keep doing these conversations with people that I don't think care. I might as well just go to the Internet and tell young black students you can be here and you deserve a space here if you want to occupy it and you don't have to change who you are, just come as you are."
"It's simply about saying we need reasonable gun safety laws."
"That cares about what's happening to you, that cares about real life situations, First Amendment rights being attacked."
"Freedom does matter. I will always fight for people's freedom. I will never sit there and say what you can say and not say. I'll never tell you how to live or not live."
"I am about my community and my people...wholeheartedly."
"After years in silence and darkness, I am finally ready to tell my story and to speak up on behalf of myself and for the benefit of other women who face violence and abuse in their relationships."
"With the expiration of New York's Adult Survivors Act fast approaching, it became clear that this was an opportunity to speak up about the trauma I have experienced."
"Whether it's against you, or someone you love, or someone you believe in, stand up. Don't sit down on them because they need you."
"Why are they given a lawyer? So that someone will advocate for you. Would you not want someone there advocating for you?"
"You have to be an advocate, period. And sometimes it is relentless all the time."
"The best thing is how confident she is feeling, and I preach this. I agree with that 100%."
"The fight for a free, independent, and prosperous Ukraine, that very much goes on."
"When anyone's human rights are denied, everyone's human rights are undermined. I will uphold your rights, even when I disagree with you."
"My life purpose and mission is to find an answer to suffering and one that I can convey. Now, I realize that this is a lofty goal, but I am going to be the person who is an advocate for the idea of daring to dream."
"My vote is not as life and death as it is for some people, so my vote needs to be for the people for whom it is life and death."
"I think it's the best possible reminder of why people should probably not be a dick to trans people."
"This subject is very important to me and so many others."
"I told y'all this last year, how good women's basketball is."
"Expressing [concerns] once does nothing. If we're not consistent, then they don't get it."
"It starts with people being open-minded and actually trying to at least be interested in women's sports."
"You need to stand up for yourself, for your friends, and your family, even if it means you lose your job."
"You have a talent for being able to stand up for other people who can't stand up for themselves."
"It took me about two years to get my GP to check my vitamin D levels."
"If other people are pushing you, you don't have to be pushed around. Be strong, find an advocate, find help."
"Fighting for true marriage equality is the right thing to do, isn't it?"
"I am standing for something. I am speaking for the people."
"You have to tell people Joe Biden fixed the I-95 Bridge so it doesn't collapse on your spouse on the way home from work."
"We're fighting for people's human rights and we're fighting for people not going into concentration camps."
"So until we have equality for all, we do not have equality at all."
"If you are a criminal lawyer presenting in court, then you will be a winner; success will be dignified."
"Misogyny, even when ironic, is incredibly easy to avoid when advocating for trans women."
"If you want to fight for women and families, you have to fight for women and family planning."
"No one deserves to be stalked, harassed, threatened, slandered, and the list goes on and on."
"It's a wonderful thing to learn to be able to stand up and yell because so much is being slung and nobody is talking about the primacy of experience and the dignity of the individual."
"I stand alongside the brave women and men, gay, straight, and trans, who are standing up for freedom of speech and thought, and for the rights and safety of some of the most vulnerable in our society."
"Dr. Palmer wants to change the way mental health is discussed and treated."
"This is human rights we're talking about. Human rights in 2023."
"I am a mask advocate. I think that the science disagrees with this idea that masks are a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad thing."
"Equal pay for equal play, I think we can all agree on that."
"My hope for anti-MLM as a whole is that we start seeing some incredible non-profits come out, advocating for awareness of the dangers of MLMs."
"We're not anti-people, we're anti-predatory industries."
"In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be no violence, no lawbreaking, and no vandalism of any kind."
"We need transparency in government, we need people to fight for us, not for themselves."
"If we care about men and we want to see men do well, wouldn't we be advocating against some of the masculine ideals that Tate pushes?"
"It's so important to me that Stony Brook University be at the forefront in the struggle for gender equality."
"Consume and share more Southeast Asian media by Southeast Asians. Do the work to find those underrepresented voices and share them with your friends."
"A vote for humanity to prevail, for life to prevail."
"This has become my life work for the past six years and we sure as hell can't drop the ball right now."
"I'm not a fan of cannabis... I am an advocate from a social justice perspective."
"I've had the privilege of working in sexual abuse for many, many years with victims who become survivors."
"It's so incredibly important that consumers use their voice."
"Standing up for reproductive choice and liberty is not a difficult decision to make and we remain dedicated to upholding these values."
"I believe in giving a voice to people that don't have it."
"It is very important that we continue to unequivocally stand for Ukraine."
"I just want to say how much I stand for the plant-based diet and for veganism."
"We provide life-changing opportunities for survivors of trafficking."
"Our mission is to be worthy advocates of these causes."
"We are fighting for you; that's what we're here to do."
"We must all stand together; progressivism and class issues are one and the same and they have to be advocated for in tandem."
"I am a huge advocate for therapy and mental health."
"If you lose freedom of expression, you lose your battle to fight for anything ever. That's how important it is."
"It's a long fight but it's one worth fighting."
"I've had been dealing with fairly rough body dysmorphic disorder, and I've spoken about a little bit before. It's just, I think it's very helpful to see people who have platforms and have audiences speak up about such topics."
"Social Security for all... I'm a big proponent now."
"We're trying to give voice to the people that can't be heard, who are normally minorities or poor."
"I'm fighting for you, for us, for the opportunity."
"A woman is... your most loyal partner and advocate."
"Restoring the harm to a profession where there's a great deal of resignations now because we're tired of it, we're tired of being used as pawns, we're tired of the moral injury."
"Tell people about it; not enough people know about their rights."
"We hope every mobile operating system gets the message and adopts RCS."
"I believe we, the people, all of us, should have that right."
"You have to take risks, you have to fight for some things for which there doesn't exist any immediate precedent."
"I have never preached any guarantee whatsoever; all I've advocated for is a goddamn fighting chance for the American people."
"It oftentimes takes a certain amount or number of people to keep talking and keep complaining before action is taken."
"Human rights is such an obvious and easy one to get behind for all humans."
"Advocacy is just so important... your job as a privacy advocate is to not just look after yourself but everybody else."
"To be the voice for the voiceless and representing the unrepresented, despite all the barriers that society may put in their way."
"Standing up for health, standing up for liberty, for freedom, for individual rights, these are all things that have brought us prosperity through the years."
"You need to protect the weak; you need to protect those who can't protect themselves. And nobody would fit that category more than a baby in the womb whose mother is seeking to have a doctor chop her up into pieces. Let's call it what it is."
"Who's going to stand up for the baby? It's time for the district attorney elected to do your job."
"There is no bloody way that you can be pro-poor and anti-energy. Those two things do not go together, not in the least."
"I have strong opinions that I've cultivated my whole life, and I consider advocating for those things to be a kind of moral imperative."
"There are creative ways for doing it. You can create a pseudonym to write blogs, a fictional character, a burner account that speaks up, a community Twitter account."
"The more that we can get the word out there, the more people can see the truth."
"Since he was released, Johnson has become a major advocate for prison reform, appearing on all sorts of media outlets."
"Once you own it, it's in your best interest to spread the word about how great it is so other people will buy it."
"You have to speak out because to just let things simmer is doing a disservice to yourself and to your family."
"You can get away with a lot more than you think with these companies, so don't be afraid to push the limits."
"Shoe on Head wants to be an advocate for what she believes in."
"We need to lift up the minorities that have been taking away their voice. We need to lift up women whose voices have been too long suppressed."
"Palestinians are not asking for a favor; they're asking for their inalienable basic human rights."
"We really just have to make sure that we advocate for victims here and understand the bigger picture."
"I just pray and advocate for humanity and peace."
"We have to keep speaking up because the next ones are coming."
"One thing I believe in is not ducking around with mental health."
"A nationalist government is a government that cares first and foremost and advocates for the people that are citizens of its country."
"You can count on me to stick up for what's right, you cannot count on me to do it respectfully."
"The explicitly pro-white position would be to support BLM because they were only advocating for restraints on police behavior and violence which would protect white people as well."
"Is it always moral for a group or a person to advocate for something just because they want it? No, not in every case."
"I hope that you stick through this case with me because, as I said, it is important to Harmony, to so many like her."
"This video should really be titled 'The Numerous Grown-Ass Adults Who Failed Harmony Montgomery.'"
"If I can use my voice in any way to help out, I think people are sometimes scared to speak up."
"I don't care, someone died, and you got to speak up about it."
"I hope that everybody continues to post about it and talk about it, and hopefully, we see some changes."
"I'm unquestionably a fan of global trade so long as I think it's serving the interest of the global working population."
"There are certain social programs that we should advocate for in the United States; we should have those social programs and then we should tax people accordingly."
"I'm a very firm supporter of religious freedom."
"Harmony has impacted people all over the world, and our goal is to make changes in her name so that this doesn't happen again and again."
"This is so important because people are so scared about speaking up. So, I'm really glad that you're sharing your story."
"I am an outspoken advocate of fighting against racial injustice, and Black Lives Matter."
"All I want to do is make the change that will help other families so they never have to experience the loss of a child, the loss of their wife, to such inhumane things."
"Love wins, so apparently it's a gay rights poster or something like that."
"The advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes is a definition everyone can agree on."
"We have to protect the victims of domestic violence."
"Advocacy means using your resources, your ability, and your influence to make life more equitable for someone else."
"I don't want anyone to be taken advantage of."
"Too often, the victims aren't heard. Their voices aren't carried."
"I thank God for my Down syndrome so I can be an advocate on behalf of Down syndrome people everywhere who do not want to be killed in the womb."
"One man at the right time, saying the right thing, doing the right thing can cause these un-American movements, this reign of terror, to end."
"It really gets to the core values and desires of how a person wants to be treated during those final days when they might not be able to advocate for themselves."
"Malala lives, and she goes on to be an advocate for education for girls as a way to lead the world to peace."
"I'm not asking for a change in the law. I'm saying follow the law."
"Victims must be at the center of our response if we want our zero tolerance policy to be successful."
"Education around mental health is something that I deeply care about and believe in."
"I often say, so I don't need to worry about people like me. The reason I'm so loud about this is because I'm worried about the massive collapse in cultural and ethnic diversity the world is about to see."
"Use your voice because in these kind of circumstances it can be life-saving and it can be definitely life changing."
"I'm not saying these animals have worth because I say so. I'm simply trying to make people recognize that they have that moral worth."
"We're against gun violence. The Sandy Switchblades are against gun violence. Pro knife violence."
"It makes me feel good to know that her family has really made it their mission to help others who could be in a similar situation."
"I'm an advocate of mental health awareness... You don't have to do nothing crazy or harm yourself... You can always get some help."
"All politics is identity politics. It's not about team sports. In reality, identity politics is just any sort of political advocacy that involves group identity, which is almost all politics."
"Donna Sue's attorney alleged in court documents that her client had been subjected to cruel and inhumane conditions."
"Free speech needs to be defended in every successive generation; it's not something that you get and then it's there forever."
"Absolute freedom of speech is always going to be better and, in fact, by promoting free speech you're doing something to help those very people that you are concerned about."
"Most people who are advocating for free speech are doing so precisely because they are aware that in countries where free speech protections are meager, minorities tend to suffer the most."
"Being unapologetically black means unapologetically fighting for your very preservation and existence."
"Bringing education and awareness to the existence of uncontacted tribes will help protect their right to self-determination and isolation."
"In Jude 1, Jude tells the saints of God... 'I found it necessary to appeal to you to contend for the faith.'"
"Your most important job as a human being is to stand up for the things you believe in."
"I am committed to doing the absolute most to protect black mothers, to protect black babies, to protect black birthing people, and to save lives."
"She's kind of a champion for those who can't really champion themselves."
"It is absolutely critical that as journalists we speak out on this critical issue of press freedom."
"Fight for the things that you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you."
"Nikki's daughter, Payton, has a daughter of her own and she really has taken over the efforts to advocate for her mom."
"I personally think a big reason why would happened to me happened was because I spoke out so forcefully against big pharmaceutical companies."
"The purpose of influence is to speak up for those who have no influence."
"Pro-black means always putting the best interest of my people first in any situation or any decision that I have to make."
"It's important that we speak out and protect those who are vulnerable."
"This election is all about who's going to fight for you... We're in it for people, not in it for the rich."
"I love to stand up for people who can't stand up for themselves."
"Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us."
"I've sworn eternal hostility to every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
"The First Amendment also protects a parent's right to speak and advocate for their children."
"No child should be subjected to neglect and physical abuse like Jamari was."
"Trans people exist, people are born trans meaning trans kids exist, trans kids deserve to have access to the appropriate gender-affirming healthcare."
"Bernie has continued to be one of the biggest advocates for stimulus."
"The important thing about my work is I'm against authoritarianism on the left and the right. I want human rights for all."
"Being able to help these families one-on-one and raise money for them and get things like billboards is just, I can't explain how amazing it feels."
"Our life we live with this every day and we're not advocating and doing this for entertainment; we're doing it to get help and support."
"If we're putting ourselves out there like this, at least know that we're doing it for the right reasons and to be just constructive in a kind way."
"It's time to say we want to do things that are really in the best interest of the American people."
"We promise to continue restoring trust in the medical system and fulfilling our responsibilities as educators and advocates."
"Life is sacred from conception to natural death. We've got to speak for those children that are slaughtered before they ever get a voice."
"Carol was determined to find justice for her daughter, no matter what it took."
"The most pro-Second Amendment position is the most ardently responsible position."
"They help bring missing kids home. It's so important."
"We do not want our freedom gradually, but we want to be free now."
"I've spent my whole career standing up for ordinary people."
"Blender is for artists, and I'm a living example of why Blender is a wonderful tool for all artists."
"Your interference is doing us positive injury." - Frederick Douglass
"Frankly, I love it when service workers stand up for themselves."
"Protecting, educating, and standing up for the rights of children caught up in war."
"If we could be the Martin Luther King for animals, why not?"
"Leveraging their own privilege, their own economic resources, to combat inequality by advocating for social policies, changes in social values and changes in people's behavior that work against their own economic interests, but that may ultimately restore the American dream."
"Your collective strong action is needed immediately. Time is of the essence for us."
"I've been a big advocate of giving time, and you know, I do agree with that."
"The reason we're talking to him tonight is because now he's fighting for something that I think is incredibly important to almost anyone who believes that power needs to be held to account, and namely, that's transparency."
"We want a government of action that will take power and fight for them."
"I'm a complete buyer of psychedelics for depression, for addiction, for empathy, for self-expression."
"They want to take away your freedoms from the freedom to love who you love to the freedom to retire in dignity."
"Maybe it's time for the West to remember what those values are and actually stand up for them."
"Each of our voices matter and each of our lives matter."
"I'm dedicating my second chance at life to be able to share my story and to save lives. Because that's all I want."
"People feel skin in the game, they feel ownership, and that causes them to go evangelize."
"I'm not anti-expertise at all, but you're not advocating for expertise; you're advocating for those people with expertise to have to wield some kind of power."
"This goes much bigger than Michael Cohen. This is to ensure that this never happens to anyone ever again."
"If they can do this on your First Amendment right, they can do it to any of your constitutional rights."
"I was a victim of sexual child abuse in the Boy Scouts of America...I came forward as a 14-year-old boy and stood up against a huge cover-up."
"I know a lot of people will race to help children, but these people 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 years old...their lives matter a lot and they matter up there with how children's lives matter."
"Planning trees is beautiful, by the way. So yeah, that's cool. We should definitely plant trees."
"Not a lot of women are standing up for women's rights and the rights of girls to be whatever kind of girl they wanna be."