
Mental Health Advocacy Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"Through her advocacy, Alexander is not only saving lives but also changing the narrative around mental health."
"My futile attempts to save you from the ravages of mental illness lit a fire in me that burns to this day."
"I've been very transparent. I'm not ashamed to admit it. I said I had a mental problem and I'll be a champion for mental health."
"I am a big proponent in taking care of your mental health."
"I've always been a big advocate for mental health and therapy and anxiety."
"If your therapist gets mad at you or tries to gaslight you, get out of there."
"Talking about it, verbalizing it, reaching out for help, speaking about it online are all great things. I know it's hard. I know that it's scary to talk about it, but if there's a way that you can, keep doing it."
"Margot Kidder became an outspoken advocate for mental health awareness, talking candidly about her experiences."
"Taking that step towards therapy can make a massive difference. It's a decision I wish I had made sooner."
"With the semi-colon tattoo, I am committing to starting the conversation and continuing the conversation."
"A call for kindness and compassion for the mentally ill."
"It's a call for kindness and compassion for the mentally ill."
"If logic is pandering, everything he has is a song. Nobody is higher on mental health than me."
"We need mental health care, we can't disaggregate mental health care from regular health care."
"What I want to do what makes me happy is putting my mental health first and I can say that I am in a very good space right now."
"Let's take on mental health, especially among our children."
"It is courageous and brave and strong to admit when you need help I'm saying that with experience."
"We raised over 155,000 for the National Alliance on Mental Illness."
"I've made it my life's mission... to kind of remove the stigma of mental health."
"You're doing a great thing because you treat people as people."
"I tell my story in the hopes of breaking the silence and shame that often surrounds the subject of mental health."
"I'm a big proponent of just feeling your feelings."
"Mental health is my thing, and that's what I want to help and leave behind."
"Her Legacy as a talented actress and mental health Advocate continues to be remembered and celebrated by fans around the world." - Margo Kitter
"Everyone's a mental health advocate until it gets ugly."
"One of my goals in life is to de-stigmatize therapy."
"There's life after boxing. I want to be an ambassador for mental health in sports."
"There is no shame whatsoever in what you are going through."
"People shouldn't feel bad about vocalizing their mental health issues in fear of getting judged."
"If I had one wish, I wish everybody went to therapy. If I had a million bucks, I'd go to therapy, and I wouldn't even tell you this."
"Sisi’s common touch boosted her popularity immeasurably, as did her involvement promoting new, humane treatments for the mentally ill."
"That's the message that we have to get out there, is that message of Hope."
"Mental health has been overlooked for too long, but there's more to be done."
"I am a very strong advocate for normalizing when your mental health is not okay."
"I would always be a very big advocate of somebody being honest about their mental health because I think you have to be honest."
"I've been there, y'all know I've talked about my battles with depression."
"I want to be a source of inspiration for everyone."
"I want to use this platform to really advocate for mental health and self-acceptance."
"Let's both keep talking about mental health and keep normalizing it."
"People look at me and they're like, 'Oh, this dude is an advocate for mental health and anxiety.' And he's himself."
"We shatter the mental health stigma by talking about it... Make sure you also like, I said make sweet sweet love to that subscribe button."
"The world is clearly telling us we need to focus on mental health, much more than what we have been doing."
"If you're new, I'm Amanda. Welcome to the channel where we are all about shattering the mental health stigma."
"The number one thing I encourage here on the channel is sharing your mental health stories in the comments, good, bad, and crazy. That is how we shatter the mental health stigma."
"I don't mind being the person that is a voice for mental health because it's my life and it's a part of who I am."
"I like to take the stigma off mental health... It's no different than any other ailment."
"Therapy is amazing and BetterHelp is bringing it into your homes all over the world."
"If he can find the courage and the strength, to not only seek help, but also to speak out about it, to take care of himself and to stay strong, then so can you. So can you."
"This is why we love you so much, Erica. The reframed brain."
"Going to therapy is infinitely important; seeking professional medical treatment is something that I highly recommend for incels and for depressed people."
"My future attempts to save you from the ravages of mental illness lit a fire in me that burns to this day I'm sorry I didn't figure this out in time to help you may you rest in peace."
"I'm not gonna stop talking about it because if there was somebody out there who just needed to hear it like I needed to hear it when I was so deeply in it."
"Everyone deserves access to quality mental health care."
"Unconditionally love yourself and give yourself the grace to say, 'I don't feel good and something is wrong, and I know I'm not crazy.'"
"It's always been me against myself and everything. I think I've always been my own hero and my own biggest enemy."
"Good mental health is gonna get you anything you want."
"I'm very outspoken about my mental health. There's nobody else in this world like you, and you should be proud to be yourself."
"Join over a million people who have taken charge of their mental health."
"This is why I'm still alive - to put this message out there about mental health issues."
"You should not be ashamed if you're having mental health issues to reach out and get help."
"I love that you love your mental illness. I love that you talk about mental illness."
"Talk to a therapist. Therapy helps. I'm a huge advocate for it."
"I am blown away, I got to tell you, my soapbox in life is mental health."
"Talking about my experience may encourage more people to go and get help and get a diagnosis for themselves even if it is an OCD."
"Honestly Haley deserves an award from number one wifey because she is incredibly on top of Justin Bieber when it comes to his mental health."
"Chris made the claim that he's a mental health advocate and a mental health professional and technically that's true."
"I want to be more open about it on social media and just help more people."
"I'm not gonna apologize for talking about my own mental health."
"We want to be the generation that speaks about mental illness so the next generation doesn't suffer the stigma."
"Seeking mental health treatment is inspiring and empowering. It's not something that should be stigmatized ever for any reason."
"We should all want better access to mental health care for everyone."
"Therapy has helped me in so many ways and I wouldn't be where I am without it." - Demi Lovato
"Seeking help for your mental health should be acceptable."
"Thank you for your dedication to mental health... it truly saved me."
"If you want to just be selfish about it, give people the mental health care they need."
"I'm tired of this... the mental health community hasn't launched enough of a response to this."
"There's no shame in therapy... only courageous people go deep with what they need to."
"I'm a big believer in mental health being treated equally with physical health."
"Mental health is so important to me and I never want to add to the stigma or to make anybody with mental illness feel bad or feel less than."
"We've now got over 60 young people who are ready and raring to tell decision-makers and professionals what's important to them in mental health."
"You have changed the world of mental health and it's an absolute honor. You have been my mentor without you even knowing it."
"Let me just get through my name is Ethan if you don't know me. I'm the National Ambassador for the International OCD Foundation."
"I look at myself as a dad of three, a husband, somebody who is trying to do whatever I can to prevent as many suicides as I can and talk about mental health."
"What a tremendous person doing incredible work in so many different areas of mental health and recovery."
"Health is health, and if we can, I'd love for one day it to be just as normal to say to someone, 'Oh, I can't come, I've got a therapy appointment,' as it would be to say, 'Oh, I've just got to go to my GP appointment first.'"
"It's a lot easier to get your city to change how it views mental health crises and whether 911 should send police or EMT's to those calls, then it is to change the entire nation's stance."
"Mental health is a universal human right."
"Maybe someday we will figure out how to make this world great for everybody, including people with severe mental illness."
"It's quite an honor to work with the International Bipolar Foundation."
"She wanted to help the less fortunate, wanted to help with people who were dealing with addiction and mental health issues resulting because of addiction."
"Mental health is very, very, very important to me."
"We're very passionate about mental health, giving you guys tips on anxiety or how to deal with things that are coming."
"I'm not ashamed to talk about it, I'm not ashamed to share that I was depressed."
"As first lady of the United States, she redefined the role with her active participation in policymaking and her advocacy for mental health."
"Mental health matters, we're spreading it to the world."
"Mental health is what matters the most."
"Mental health has grown rapidly, and what I want to try and do is help."
"Could they be pointing the way for people of faith and others to follow, so that the care, love, and service provided to the mentally ill by them would demonstrate to the world the best of what it is to be human?"
"I love how Selena Gomez really advocates for mental health."
"Your mental health matters, and you matter."
"Another big theme of mental health awareness month is advocating for access to mental health care."
"We wanted to do something about raising awareness for suicide and also just mental health in general."
"I'm a mental health advocate particularly for OCD or pure OCD."