
Portrayal Quotes

There are 1137 quotes

"Her portrayal of strong, intelligent women broke molds and set new standards."
"Video games are not normalizing Nazism; Nazism is universally portrayed in all media everywhere as a terrible thing."
"We really need to talk about how black women are portrayed in pop culture."
"There is a tasteful and entertaining way to go about portraying real killers."
"This is not about just posing and giving me pretty; it's about giving me that desperation and showing that emotion to really sell the image."
"Maybe I'm very shy and withdrawn among some people and in some situations, but then very open and talkative in others."
"Birdie Carville had the precise diction and menacing stature to bring Trunchbull to life."
"The sentiment portrayed: struggle and sacrifice."
"Sometimes they use shots to make her look taller than she actually is."
"For those of you not familiar with this ad campaign, here's a little taste of how they portray Satan."
"Jonathan is a flawed human being who's playing Jesus, and one of the things that makes him so effective as Jesus is the humility of being willing to make yourself a broken vessel."
"Monroe was portrayed as the embodiment of the American dream."
"It was just amazing to see this very powerful, well-dressed mafia boss down on his knees."
"Tyler Hoechlin is pretty awesome as Clark Kent and Superman, and I'm sold."
"Patrick is known for his portrayals of villainous characters and commanding authority figures in film and television shows."
"I loved that they showed his relationship with his children."
"It was really hard sometimes to make people as bad as they really are, do you know what I mean? No, it's hard sometimes, or it was for me, to make anybody be that evil."
"Hajin Christensen was really excited to be Anakin and later Darth Vader."
"Our introduction to Hermione is excellent as she enters the carriage. She's observant, knowledgeable, and Watson does an excellent job at portraying the stuck-up smartass."
"For all of these people to be portrayed as anything less than that is just heinous in my opinion."
"These people aren't special forces interesting, they're just normal resistance fighters."
"I really appreciate how kind you portrayed Jesus. It's gotten me to seek Christ at an even deeper level."
"Mandy Moore is in this movie as like the mean girl, and I'm just like, yes."
"Everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but I think that the way the media has portrayed this, they have basically painted everybody as guilty."
"A fantastic portrayal of a crazy sci-fi world."
"He had once been the most powerful man alive, and images of the victorious Napoleon depict a strong leader, hand firmly in jacket. Depictions of Napoleon on Saint Helena show a disheveled, old man, hand firmly in pants."
"It's not a hatchet job on the witnesses at all, it's a very honest and open portrayal."
"I never worried about likeable or unlikable. I worried about trying to get him right which included making the mistakes as big and as ugly as they were as as authentic as possible."
"The concept that an actor or actress has some level of power over the character's portrayal is special."
"A man representing Jesus's enemies gets his body."
"There hasn't been a show that captures what these people were really like."
"A photograph is of someone a portrait is about someone."
"Violence against female characters should never be presented as sexy."
"The left's fair game... described in whatever terms that they see fit."
"I really appreciate the level of care and attention that went into portraying that sort of topic."
"Sanji the Loyalty yeah and then he's like he's a good [ __ ] dude with a good heart and that comes through so well here."
"He Nails the part of the person that he's portraying."
"I think the most accurate movie was probably 'Rush.' They portrayed what it looks like when it's raining and the spray and the track and the driver's point of view in a pretty accurate way."
"The portrayal of Africa by Western media is deeply troubling and often perpetuates negative stereotypes."
"The film changed the way the Holocaust was portrayed in Hollywood."
"Tuscan Raiders are portrayed as violent barbaric savages who enslave and beat and force their slaves to perform terrible labor for them."
"The rock is electrifyingly brutal as Black Adam."
"He really did set him up as this frightening person."
"The ability of Oscar Isaac to portray a person with mental illness is quite amazing."
"Denzel Washington Malcolm X and he's created that movie did the Washington in the hurricane."
"She's experienced so much hurt and other things in her life, this whole series is lucky I got a good actress."
"They did the Civil Protection portray the desperation of man in an impossible situation extremely well."
"Movies very often exaggerated and fluff stuff up to make it look much better for the cinema."
"Tom Holland, the living embodiment of Peter Parker, perfect and embodies the role of Peter Parker yet again."
"World at War's fearlessness with depicting World War II by its absolute and uncompromising allegiance to obscenity and evil."
"Morm was often accused of caricaturing the missionaries."
"You get much more bang for your buck if you just let me be the actor and portray this character honestly."
"It's all about how you portray the character."
"The bravery of that, you know, that they portray and the professionalism."
"One of the things I'm proudest of is how Timothee Chalamet portrayed Paul, and how he transformed in front of the camera from a teenager into that messianic figure - a tormented young man trying to deal with his destiny."
"Fred was portrayed as being on the Spectrum, specifically having Asperger's."
"Donnie is shown to have low empathy but not no empathy, nor does he come off as an emotionless wall."
"The characters Cheney portrayed earned him the nickname 'Man of a Thousand Faces'."
"The quality of these portraits come out stellar, like they're really well done."
"The film Napoleon struggles to truly capture the military genius and awe-inspiring charisma that has come to embody Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte in history’s list of great men."
"I believe, without question, he is the best actor to portray the character."
"The movie succeeds in properly portraying Batman's hatred for guns and his appreciation for human life, even the worst of humanity."
"He was so multifaceted, so complex, so contradictory, it was a joy to play."
"The wetness of Splinter's eye and body... helped sell these mutant animals as real living and breathing beings capable of sweating and crying."
"He's generally portrayed as immature, cowardly, naive, dumb, and overall just kind of obnoxious."
"It's always fun to play a killer."
"I also love that it feels like the kids who played the turtles feel like they had fun in their roles."
"The aspect of what a good and bad female character is, is not always up to whether or not the character is actually well written."
"You make your heroes look good when you make your villains look good."
"The Australian actor radiates Star Quality as the young Hollywood sensation and fully captures the captivating presence of Tate throughout."
"It's such a beautiful portrayal of human life."
"Nishimiya's suicide attempt isn't played out for drama or hyper focused on details, instead it's haunting yet beautiful."
"I just kept on working on the character and stuff like that and tried to be a bastard, and people took off."
"It isn't a coat of paint at the end; it really is hopefully a character in the film."
"Utterly inept and untrustworthy - that's how fathers are portrayed in countless films and TV shows."
"Try and get as far as you can and give enough character that you can get the gist of who this person is without having fancy eye expressions."
"It's refreshing to see characters who are naive like this."
"It's more stylized and more cartoony, it's more a caricature."
"This film never addresses violence in a mean-spirited fashion."
"Ordell wasn't like a traditional evil bad guy"
"You can't depict these female characters in a sexy way without ending up on bleeding cool."
"This movie does a great job of showing strong characters."
"He knows how to play the part of a curious, dutiful student."
"Optimus Prime after his death gets dumped onto a tarmac like a sack of manures."
"Not very likable, and not wanting to be likable, and I don't think the show wants you to even like her."
"Rufus Sewell's portrayal of Prince Andrew makes you feel rather sorry for him, but you don't want people feeling sorry for you."
"You know, I believe in giving everything you can to the character, applying every truth that you have to the character."
"This movie does one thing that I haven't seen movies do in a long time, and that's making gun violence terrifying. Gun violence is not portrayed as scary as it should be sometimes in films, and this movie does it."
"Every character was wonderful in that movie. Even all the Marines, they're all given their own stories and personalities."
"You didn't see an actor portrayal you saw a childhood hero come to life."
"From frame one Hugh Jackman got Wolverine down perfect."
"Bat family myth is something that needs to be shown more in the public eye as it's a major part of Batman's character."
"He matches the character's chaotic energy and personifies his larger than life nature to a tee."
"Loyal was spot on from the books... They just did an amazing job with Loyal."
"It's like you know he really did live in every white trash part of Baltimore."
"Christian Bale basically took his role from American Psycho and dialed it back about two or three notches to create the perfect Bruce Wayne."
"America wanted to see itself fiercely independent, very capable, and willing to go places most human beings wouldn't have gone."
"Without a doubt, this is one of the best portrayals of Lois Lane ever put to screen."
"Helga's Heike always was the best written character in Hey Arnold with the neglectful father and alcoholic mother."
"We all like to picture ninjas as these uber badasses that would soon as kill you as look at you."
"As the show was nearing its end, everything was much glossier and more divorced from reality."
"I felt like they held back a little bit because I feel like she was... no, they did a good job of showing how adventurous she is."
"Bob's Burgers has one of the healthiest relationships I've seen on TV in a while."
"Matthew Perry perfectly embodies that guy."
"I loved it, I loved the portrayal of Miles."
"I guess I'm glad Tamara Morrison's age suits the era we're going for, which is Mandalorians post-OT pre-sequels."
"Toby Maguire absolutely owns nerdy Parker."
"...I'm tired of this whole narrative that to be a strong female character, you basically have to be a dude with tits."
"Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker is by far my favorite live action rendition of the character."
"This is probably the best on-screen interpretation of Joker and Harley that we've gotten so far."
"Gotham also gives us in my opinion the best live-action version of The Joker ever."
"Dr. Fate was the most interesting person in the film."
"I think Pierce Brosnan played Doctor Fate as much more like, 'He's lived a life that's not been fun.'"
"Somewhere personify that like all this effort that was put into what he means why he came here what's what's his whole deal and then he was a fart cloud."
"The best one out of these three is probably Eda and King's body. It's a good way to show how nobody takes him seriously because of how adorable he is."
"This portrayal of an uncertain everchanging adulthood reminds both kid and adult viewers that we as people are always growing and changing no matter how old we get."
"The assumed Easy Money of social media stardom also gives the writers the chance to kind of smooth over some more questionable aspects of characters' lives."
"If given a role such as someone who's doing these polarising things, who's not letting people have their own opinion, or he's the same person we were talking about, so will you be able to empathize with him?"
"It is in our very unity that we give a picture to a broken, fractured, disunited world that Jesus really is the person he claims to be."
"Everything about Hades captures a smooth attitude about the devil trying to get what he wants, a businessman who we know of daily life or a politician as figures of modern evil."
"Hades is generally calm, cool, and collected but also displays a short temper, though his machinations are cruel."
"Hades is eternally bitter and imperious with his most famous trait being uncontrollable temper at times."
"He handles the revelation of Aragorn's true identity just as well."
"This now allows him to be much more convincing in his confused protagonist role."
"...even though yes we finally reveal that he's a real person and not the dead man the real person is still so [ __ ] cool and fits with what the dead man was supposed to be..."
"I just want to show people how crazy things actually are."
"The Handmaiden is a textbook example on how to respectfully portray women."
"It just felt like they were showing you people in this incredibly hard situation."
"Evil form of Knives. Even though we never see her like this in a movie or the comic, this evil form of Knives actually exists in the game."
"I want to show The Good the Bad the Ugly in the reality of the country today."
"Elyon is more sympathetic in the show, portrayed as a clueless victim who’s been conned by her brother into thinking he’s a good guy trying to protect her from the evils of Earth."
"Very potent, even though the scene with Viseris is very tender, there is an abusive layer to that as well."
"London inspired Monet to paint the Thames on a warm summer night with the Houses of Parliament looming in the distance looking mysterious and misty."
"I love the motorcycle. I love just watching Bruce riding around on a motorcycle just with his face covered. I'm wearing the helmet. It's just... it made you feel like it's just a guy."
"You're making me seem like history's greatest piece of [ __ ]."
"Then Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ has one goal in mind: to show the final 12 hours in the life of Jesus Christ."
"I love the media now, it's a little bit more forgiving."
"A lot of his stuff unfortunately, because of how he was booked and what he was portraying, and it's a ridiculous portrayal and we could talk about that."
"...one of the worst gimmicks in the history of wrestling, and the problem was is that at that point the guy was so preposterously... here's a guy, 6 feet 2, and he's 400 pounds."
"When he played Igor, for example, he put a comic touch in there."
"He perfectly captured what you think a pirate captain would be."
"It's one of the best deaths ever portrayed in a movie."
"Is there anything inherently wrong with portraying an awkward girl who struggles with social cues trying to understand the complicated world of high school? No, not really. I think it's great, actually."
"Ben Savage played an every man, every boy. It was comforting to see yourself on TV and see the perils of being a teenager portrayed so vividly and realistically."
"Deadpool is the most perfect portrayal of a comic book character that we've ever seen on a camera."
"...like everything they say in the movies is damn near pretty close, you know?"
"Anya Taylor Joy's Princess Peach and Seth Rogen were pretty good."
"I actually think this actress nailed the performance of this character."
"He's presented like this monster."
"The show does a really good job of showing love and unity."
"...careful consideration was placed into how each of our core characters would be portrayed."
"It was just flagrantly gay and it was lovely. They portrayed it very well. They did. They did."
"It's such a great piece of acting to show, you know, and this is what actors do, right? They... They tell you one thing and show you another thing."
"Iron Man 3 does a great job of portraying what PTSD and the anxiety attacks look like."
"Regina King reached the Pinnacle of her career with a powerful portrayal."
"Bozeman had a lot of fun portraying this version of the character."
"The romanticization of the yandere lifestyle is not only concerning but dangerous."
"David Harbor as Santa was amazing."
"I haven't seen another movie that made me feel the position of what a woman might feel like just in the day-to-day of being kind of leered at and stared at in that particular way."
"A lot of movies were made that revolved around gangsters, private eyes, and people up to no good."
"Throughout the whole movie you could really see that he loved his grandma and that he was so loyal to family."
"It glamorizes these relationships and makes it like okay."
"What I think is beautiful about what the series is doing when it comes to a compassionate portrayal of DID, is instead of, 'Well, here's the core personality and they're the real one.' We get to know Steven as a real person."
"...nothing captures his Essence better than his first ever Iron Man movie."
"She worked tirelessly to raise consciousness of the country's cause and was depicted in the British press as a kind of Serbian Joan of Arc."
"Dan Blocker's authenticity in portraying Hos cannot be overstated; he didn't just act as Hos, he inhabited the character, blurring the line between actor and role."
"Lancaster's portrayal of the charismatic yet morally ambiguous Elmer Gantry garnered critical acclaim and commercial success."
"It humanizes Capone, doesn't shy away from the brutality of his life, but it makes him more of a human being than Hollywood biopics are ever likely to do."
"Drake Bell does a really good job of playing a 23 year old stunted as a 10 year old."
"He was not the monster that he's been made out to be."
"Who am I portraying right? Who am I? What role am I playing today?"
"Both Edward Norton and Mark Ruffalo have portrayed Bruce Banner and the Hulk in the MCU."
"Naomi Harris... takes a role that could be actively toxic and turns it into something fascinating and surprisingly deep."
"Danny DeVito as the Penguin was so gross, I mean that dude committed to that role, he was disgusting and awesome as a villain."
"Brando brilliantly and subtly portrays Vito Corleone as a man full of intelligence and warmth."
"Brando convincingly and tenderly portrays someone who gave up a promising career to please his brother."
"Brando's portrayal of a resolute cowboy became a template for anti-heroic western characters to follow."
"The fact that he took the light-hearted image of a clown and made it absolutely terrifying is chilling."
"It has had its ups and downs, and of course, there'd be tension. But I like that they show us all of this on screen because their relationship is just very complex."
"Why don't carry enough to get here the character I play, yeah he's very similar to me actually."
"Tyler Perry's portrayal in 'Gone Girl' received critical praise that Medea never did."
"The vulnerability of each of the main cast members is portrayed with both highs and lows."
"Critics praised Drew's portrayal of an abused girl on the run."
"For Carl, it was about bringing Chanel to life for those who never got to know her."
"Riddle me this, Fred. Movie turns actual genius Riddler character into [ __ ] cartoon of a geek."
"This right here is the best Batman that I have ever seen on the screen."
"Imagine they go watch a movie like this and they believe that's what relationships are like. It's creepy, it's wrong, it is disempowering for the woman."
"Her strength, integrity, and determination were admirable, and Zendaya effectively captured these qualities."
"Christopher Reeve is often held as the gold standard of the character because you buy him as this good-natured farm boy from Kansas."
"He was always complex, like the final scene that we have of him."
"In books like 'The Passionate Friends' and 'Ann Veronica,' he drew shocking portraits of women who rejected marriage and refused to hide their own sexuality."
"There's less of Carrie's PTSD in this movie."
"A grown woman playing a prepubescent boy is a different thing than a grown man playing a woman."
"This movie doesn't make it look cool to be Batman. Instead, they portray it as the horrifically soul-draining experience it has to be."
"It's easy to portray the type of person you want to be in these pods."
"Rarely on television have we ever seen a relationship so layered, so mutually destructive, so divisive and at the same time so real."
"Hair can be used to convey a lot about who the character is."
"I really like Eureka. I'm hoping that I'm showing it in a good light."
"I wanted people to know the man, not just the icon in this book."
"With Ulysses, we get a selective but incredibly distinct and faithful picture of Dublin at a moment in time."