
Age Inclusivity Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"Absolutely you can learn at 66 and way beyond."
"Don't worry about how if you're an older person and you're starting art. You have to be comfortable with making bad, and it's going to take a lot of bad until you make good."
"With Tai Chi, I have students who's over 90 year old. They learn Tai Chi and they continue to progress, enjoy, and grow in Tai Chi."
"Regardless of how old you are, if you're passionate about something, get out there and do it."
"Pokemon is only for kids? This misconception is less true now than it has ever been before."
"Age is not a barrier to learning a new language. It might require different strategies, but progress is possible."
"I know a lot of people will race to help children, but these people 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 years old...their lives matter a lot and they matter up there with how children's lives matter."
"Trust me when I say that anyone at any age can absolutely create passive income."
"Don't give up on your dreams as well; it could still happen. You're never too old."
"If you're young or old, everybody needs friends."
"If you are over 50 or 60 or 70 or whatever age you are and you feel comfortable wearing shorts, wear them."
"You can be 13 years old, you can be 65 years old, and you can walk away knowing how to make a WordPress website."
"The diet is going to help you to get much better, your arteries can clean out or that process can start regardless of age."
"Age has no limit to reach your passions and your dreams in life."
"You're not too young or too old or not good enough or whatever you guys are believing you are good enough to go after what you want."
"You are never too old to stop playing Minecraft."
"Roblox is a platform for all ages where no matter how old people are they can connect with friends and discover a wide range of relevant engaging and age-appropriate experiences."
"It only goes to show that age really is just a number and if you got it you should work it."
"Seriously, you can always learn piano, no matter how old you are."
"You gotta keep it going man, we need more. And one of the things that I love about hip hop now is that it's just showing us that there is no there's no age requirement."
"Disney was interested in maintaining a broad audience. Younger kids could have fun messing around and doing whatever they want, while older kids and adults could focus in on the more strategic and teamwork-based gameplay elements."
"It's never too late to start ballet for your own joy and enjoyment."
"Hey, it doesn't matter how old you are, just get the right paperwork, get the right insurance, and go sell the service."
"Why would we be too old for having fun slug?"
"People love it no matter where you're 8 years old or you're 80 years old they love it to see what is ordinary boy two boys play such beautiful music."
"The notion that you're too old for something is kind of irrelevant. If you have fun, why stop?"
"No matter what your age, you deserve to look and feel like the best version of yourself."
"A powerful experience regardless of your age and taste."
"You're never too old for a nice little bit of cute romance."
"How can you put an age limit on music when if you're talented, you're talented?"
"You're never too old to enjoy a rice krispie treat shaped like a ghost."
"Having a healthy or even passionate appreciation of something that's intended for children or families doesn't make you a child."
"You're never too old to start again. This is your chance; new beginnings."
"It's a lot of fun and perfect for teens or for adults who have somehow retained their childlike whimsy."
"You're never too young, you're never too old to do the right thing."
"You're never too old to enjoy something adorable."
"Adults, people of all ages love their animated content."
"You're never too old to go trick-or-treating. I mean it's free candy, you know? I love candy."
"Just because you've gone through menopause that does not mean that your sex life is over."
"The absolute key to wearing anything you want at any age is confidence."
"If you're 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 13 whatever age you are you have so much if you take ownership of what's going on in your world preemptive ownership to say okay this is what I want to be doing here's how I can get there."
"Age is just a number when it comes to learning. Embrace the journey, never stop growing."
"Can we just support women having healthy children, no matter their age? Let's stop the divisive stuff."
"No matter your age...you can break through them and you can do what you want to do." - Heartland Black Chamber of Commerce
"You never gave up on your dreams... even at 60, that is how 60 by V came to be."
"You're never too young or too old to be used by God to glorify Him and to bring souls to His kingdom."
"You can start at any age, so don't let your age disparage you if you think you're too young to start collecting."
"You're never too young or too old to learn something different."
"I don't think you could ever be too old for YouTube unless you like in your 70s."
"It doesn't matter if you are more mature or if you're really young, start using eye cream."
"You're never too old to go after your dreams."
"You guys should play with magna tiles, it's a kid's toy that's fun for adults too."
"This could look good on mature eyes, this could look good on somebody just starting out."
"Age doesn't matter as long as you're on the same goal, same everything."
"Allah removed age as a factor of who can give guidance."
"Fashion is personal, and I don't believe in age limits on clothing."
"Age is irrelevant, as long as you're above 18 and legally able to sign."
"We teach kids starting from like 5 years old to like 75."
"Your life starts now, regardless of your age."
"Your age or stage of life has no bearing whatsoever on your ability to make bold moves and important changes."
"Your age doesn't matter and should never be a barrier."
"You're never too young, you're never too old to start coding."
"Age doesn't really matter in this space. I think you can play for as long as you want as long as you're dedicated and you have the drive for it." - WildTurtle
"I don't think there's any shame in reading fan fiction, and there's no shame in reading fan fiction until like your middle ages, until you're elderly."
"Age is not a factor. Don't let it hold you down. It's not too late." - Wendy Eda
"Don't be afraid of experimenting when you're first starting out in that world no matter how old you may be."
"Every equestrian journey is different. No way is better than the other. It doesn't matter what age you start riding at."
"No shame in being an elderly man and still welcome to contribute."
"Making fan art over 18 isn't weird; talent doesn't have an age limit."
"For me, it's kindness. Being kind to one another, that's for children and for grown-ups."
"Age doesn't matter, it really doesn't. You could be 50 right now and just starting, it doesn't matter."
"You're never too young, you're never too old to start training your memory."
"It doesn't matter your age... you can still do something absolutely extraordinary."
"There's kind of no excuse now that you can't just get on and do it and the great thing about acting as well is that there's no age limit on it."
"Anybody can achieve great health regardless of their age."
"I'm 48 years old man and I'm still in here with zero restrictions."
"Start any time, it doesn't matter your age, whether you're 20 or 60."
"Pigtails for grown-ups guys. We are allowed to wear pigtails regardless of our age."
"I think it's an important treatment option regardless of age if somebody's able to receive the treatment."
"Age alone is not the limiting factor. In fact, if any of y'all are watching right now who are in your 70s and 80s and you still backpack, please make a comment in the comment section below."
"Piercings are for everyone, no matter your age."
"Life is to be lived, not just when you're young, not middle-aged, the whole thing is to be lived."
"These guys have such nice fresh youthful makeup but it works for any age."
"Just because something is targeted towards children doesn't mean that adults can't have fun with it."
"We have confirmed that age has nothing to do in cooking."
"You don't have to be 40 or 50 to get a revelation or insight from God."
"I don't think people should be judged based on their age when it comes to them making their content."
"You're not too old, you're not too young for anything."
"It's invaluable whether you're six or sixty."
"A lot of people do sort of see Clarins as being more of an older person's skincare company, but it actually isn't. It is sort of targeted at all ages."
"I'm here to share them with you, and as a bonus, all of the products that I selected are mature skin friendly."
"Regardless of what age you are, you're capable of doing whatever you want."
"I truly believe that beauty is for all ages, and we need to start focusing on all ages."
"This paper is fabulous for people of any age."
"It's suitable for someone from 10 right through to adult."
"There is no maximum age to become a flight attendant or to continue working as a flight attendant in the United States."
"You're not too old, your age is perfect. Most lolita comms are made of adults."
"There is no age where you should stop liking something, a color, cartoon, a design, a print, it doesn't matter."
"It's enough for people of all ages to digest and understand."
"My mission is to make sure that your workouts are just right for you at any age."
"That's my thing, showing you guys affordable clothing for women in their 40s and beyond."
"Age doesn't matter, that is literally so precious."
"You have value and you can make people happy no matter what age you are."
"Well done to Damian Priest, well done, that also shows you Triple H doesn't care about age."
"If you truly want to get into medical billing and coding, you shouldn't let age stop you."
"Whatever age you are, it's once we get in the mindset where we think yes, we can do it."
"Games and kahoots are great for learning at any age."
"It looks nice, it looks appealing, and it will look appealing to all ages, and that is something that a lot of people tend to miss the point of is that hamster, gerbils, and mice are not just for children, they are a companion animal and companion animals are for everybody."
"Theater is beautiful that way; age doesn't matter, just your willingness to do what needs to be done."
"Despite our young age, we can make a difference no matter how old or how young we are."
"Nobody is too old or too young to jump in a leaf pile."
"Most 40-plus skin should really reach for a foundation that is called skin-like."
"People should be able to trick-or-treat at any age. No one is too old to dress up and have fun."
"This palette is super age-friendly and looks beautiful on any age."
"I find her shimmers flattering, even on more mature eyes."