
Life-saving Quotes

There are 2844 quotes

"Through her advocacy, Alexander is not only saving lives but also changing the narrative around mental health."
"Hey, you saved my life. You saved my life, bro."
"Streaming and V-tubing literally saved my life. It really did. I don't think I would be here if it wasn't for that."
"I chose the comedy camp because, give it up for stand-up comedy, truly saving lives and building them at the same time."
"The actions of the officers at the scene... there is no doubt their heroic actions saved lives."
"The work you've committed your life to... is going to save many, many, many people's lives."
"She's been unbelievably helpful to me and she's saved my life."
"We're going to stay focused at this task force on saving lives, meeting the needs of our state and our health care workers and protecting the vulnerable."
"I guess my greatest gratitude in you saving my life is that my daughter gets to have her mom and have a good life."
"But I think probably the most lives that saved is because you can coat stents in rapamycin."
"Act. The potential to save 10,000 lives outweighs the ethical concerns in this limited, immediate scenario."
"This revolution saves lives, it doesn't cost lives. And in this revolution, it saves money."
"This is the biggest revolution I've seen in generations... this revolution saves lives. It doesn't cost lives."
"I have the real-life stories of literally hundreds of thousands of people, and we know of a hundred and eleven people who have not committed suicide because they have counted backwards."
"This documentary... it's going to save millions of lives."
"The true essence of healing is not just to mend wounds, but to save lives with compassion and resolve."
"You probably saved my life, Maddie Patty. I don't think I could have continued to live in this world if I hadn't met you."
"Thousands of people's lives were saved because Oprah decided to do that show."
"Trans Health Care saves lives; trans acceptance saves lives."
"If you truly want to be saving a life and doing a good deed, always adopt horses from rescue shelters, which is way cheaper, and you're actually saving a life."
"Our entire mission is to save lives and our aim is to prevent this from reoccurring."
"People who, as we speak, are out there, are drivers, on air assets. People right now are working to save lives."
"Right now, our exclusive focus is we're trying to save lives."
"The ability to project tornado watches and hurricane warnings have saved thousands of lives."
"Saving lives must come before any political consideration."
"I'm feeling way better and I cannot thank you enough for saving my life."
"No action is too small. That call to your friend to check in, to see how they're doing, those do save lives."
"I owe my life to the priest who took me in when my parents died."
"That is big. You just saved somebody's life because they're gonna make a choice based off her story."
"Three billion lives were saved by the COVID-19 vaccine."
"In my experience living in the Bronx, New York City firefighters have saved a lot of lives."
"I always wanted to be a cop, the first person that got to me was a police officer, he was able to get me on a helicopter into the hospital in time to save my life, so I always wanted to be that person to help somebody out when they needed it."
"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."
"He saved my life, and I couldn't have been more grateful."
"In many cases, only transplants can save lives."
"Vaccines are extraordinary. They save millions of lives."
"I'm dedicating my second chance at life to be able to share my story and to save lives. Because that's all I want."
"A smile can truly save another person's life."
"Saving someone's life is not easy; it requires courage, intelligence, and a willingness to sacrifice your own life for somebody else's."
"What you might think is just a passing conversation could save someone's life."
"This is perhaps the most amazing email I have ever received... 'Your information saved my life.'"
"In 1981, a man saved the life of a three-pound premature baby boy... In 2011, the same man was saved by a paramedic who turned out to be the baby he saved 30 years earlier."
"Affirming and respecting people's gender is kind, loving, and literally saving lives."
"If we just get this knowledge transfer thing in a transferable formula, we can really save some lives."
"Everyone in Canada wants to see a solution that will ensure at the end of the day that we're all saving lives."
"If everybody respects the guidelines, we will save hundreds of lives in Quebec."
"Our focus is on the search and rescue and saving lives."
"Slowing down the rate of transmission will save lives."
"They run toward the danger...Day after day, these heroes are saving lives."
"Saving lives, after all, is one of their primary objectives."
"We have been in the phase now of fighting fires and saving lives."
"Saving lives really is a community effort. This is a community-based issue and so the solution is community-based as well."
"Fighting saved my life, man. If it wasn't for fighting, man, I don't know."
"It's impossible to determine how many hundreds of thousands of people would have lost their lives without the contributions of Dr. Charles Drew."
"We're doing our damnedest to do the most important things, and that means saving lives."
"Please, if you're healthy and able, please consider being a volunteer blood donor. This will save lives."
"If you can, please consider donating blood to save lives."
"You saved my life, and no, literally, you have saved my life."
"Now, let's suppose for a moment that someone that you know or loved lived in a house that caught on fire and they could have been saved if only firemen could have gotten water to the structure just moments sooner."
"It's about taking care of our heroes in uniform and saving veterans' lives."
"If people wear masks for a hundred days, sixty thousand lives could be saved."
"Brilliant minds and bold experiments saved lives."
"Thousands of lives have been saved by military working dogs sniffing out improvised explosive devices or IEDs before they detonate."
"This, in my opinion, is actually the most practical thing that somebody can do to help a young black male save his life."
"Self-driving cars could save more than two-thirds of those lives."
"We need to do everything we can to save a life."
"After all, if I saved one life, maybe I can save another."
"We need to focus on the people dying tonight and how can we save them."
"Just basic competence can end up saving lives."
"If people can just try this once, they're gonna be on an adventure with you and your techniques that could literally save lives."
"Boxing saved my life, I would probably be dead or in jail."
"This hospital is pioneering another data-driven technology that could save lives."
"You've had sitting United States Senators today Klobuchar and Harris, whatever you have that you can bring to Roland Martin Unfiltered to support it please do because this information may literally save your life."
"You can save both lives and I do think that's really beautiful."
"Small victories are just as important as the grand ones, Commander. We saved lives here, and that is the important thing."
"Our purpose is really clear: save lives and it has driven us to this end state."
"This information may literally save your life."
"Together we have the power to save countless lives."
"Your videos help me from ruining my life. Your videos saved me from committing suicide. Your videos help me create financial wealth. Your videos help me change my diet. Your videos help me to believe in humanity again."
"The best feeling in the world... is being able to say, 'you get to save their life'."
"If we can save thousands of lives and even millions of lives potentially, you don't know where it goes but you could be talking about millions of lives."
"Joseph Figlock saved two babies falling from buildings, becoming the strangest superhero of all time."
"They’re solving problems, they’re saving lives. It’s just what has to be done in the line of duty."
"One young man that I met when I visited a crisis center in a very poor area of Leeds looked at me and he said the internet saved my life."
"The cabin attendant, an absolute hero in this story, just saved the two passengers' lives."
"Honestly just insanely good and will always be an instant life saver."
"Let's say thank you to all these people who save others lives."
"We've rescued over 50 precious lives and we couldn't have done that without you guys."
"Go check on somebody today. You could be saving their life."
"This is a big problem please share this information with anyone that you care about because it could save their life."
"But you did risk your life to save me earlier. For that, I'm grateful."
"Because of you guys and the awareness of kind of knowing what was going on and delivering that news to the public for so long, you gave it awareness to all of them, and because of you, I honestly think you guys saved my life in a way."
"Emergency services save lives, it's what they do."
"My focus is saving lives, that's the only focus I can have."
"Obey the voice of God and tell people what I saw because it will help also to make people know what God requires of them and also to save lives from perishing."
"High blood pressure lowering medications and cholesterol lowering medications are powerful, effective, and sometimes life-saving."
"Nobody else could have done it, it saved their lives."
"There should be no hesitation in putting forward the need to save lives."
"We want to save a lot of lives... If people do what we're asking them to do."
"We saved many, many tens of thousands of lives at the least."
"If you break this, I will replace this at no cost to you. If you use the components of this kit to save somebody's life, I will replace it at no cost to you."
"At the end of the day, the price per course of treatment to save your life was only a thousand dollars."
"Having Elena's probably saved my life. She was like a blessing in disguise for sure."
"I'm going to do everything I can in that moment to get in there and to save your life."
"If my wife hadn't taken me to the ER, I would have died within hours."
"Saving the one life is just as important as saving the millions."
"If it wasn't for fitness, I would not be alive today. And that's facts."
"You have a chance to save somebody's life every day."
"Victory is being able to save as many lives as possible."
"If I felt that if I called I'd learned something... it would save one life, I would make the call in two minutes."
"This man will never know how much he saved my life."
"The Word of God brings us hope at this time, none of this is outside of God's hand, God's got this everyone and you don't need to worry you don't need to panic."
"You've just saved the life of everyone my age."
"She saved my life. I don't think I ever would have been able to get out of that relationship with him."
"Just think, she saved a lot of lives just with hers."
"This teacher helped save her students' lives by donating her kidney."
"Anything that we can show that can tangibly decrease the amount of violence and tangibly save lives should be implemented."
"Stopping at stoplights, can you imagine how many lives we can save?"
"These vaccines are saving lives." - Out of context: Affirmation of the efficacy of vaccines in preserving lives.
"So even though Snow wasn't celebrated during his lifetime, there's a lot to celebrate about him today because in the end, there's no doubting that his contributions have helped save millions of lives."
"It's not about politics, it's about saving lives." - Asserting the priority of public health over political considerations.
"Breaking the Japanese codes in World War II probably shortened that Conflict by about two years saved millions of lives."
"I don't do the coroner's office for money, it's not a... I saved my best friend's life, and you know, it was a blessing to have that ability."
"We've actually saved lives as a result of that."
"Context matters because the ultimate goal, the end destination of this software, is to save millions of lives per year."
"Paige had managed to basically save Scott Hall's life..."
"You couldn't be kicked off because you had a pre-existing condition, that has saved so many American lives."
"Every second counts when you're saving someone's life."
"Their reaction was, 'How do we save lives as quickly as possible?'"
"I genuinely believe that if this happens, these guys will end up saving a lot of lives."
"In light of the money, I guess I'll be merciful and save his life."
"We need to stay at home to protect the NHS and in doing so we will save lives."
"That phone call to Kevin most likely saved my life."
"I was thankful to still be here, and I'm thankful for that device that saved me."
"If you follow the advice, you are saving somebody's life. It's as simple and as stark as that."
"It totally makes sense, you hella saved my life."
"Saved three million lives, 18 million hospitalizations."
"If this little girl had not appeared, I would most likely have been a corpse."
"If we're lucky, maybe we can help a few people get out of violent relationships or maybe even save a life."
"Thank you all so much for sharing the video and getting the information out yesterday. Y'all literally have saved lives."
"We must continue to support funding the specialist services which saves lives."
"The lanky bot saved our lives. This is the greatest invention ever."
"It's got the potential to save... many millions of lives."
"Sleeping on your left side will literally save your life."
"Features like these have already saved lives, real human actual lives."
"I think that's a success, you're saving lives."
"People's lives are indeed at stake. It is truly a double miracle."
"A house designed and built in the small village of Zimbark, Poland, has become a local tourist mecca."
"You, First Lady Melania Trump, have gone one step further and saved lives. In closing, I'd like to say thank you to the First Lady and the First Family."
"I believe we can prevent violence... even if it saves lives."
"If that child's body temperature wasn't what it was, we would never have been able to save her."
"Rigorous evidence suggests that these donations will save over one hundred and fifty thousand lives."
"Skillshare saved my life the past couple of months."
"My sister is literally my guardian angel. I would not be alive today if not for my sister."
"If four percent fewer people died from suicide attempts every year [...] that would mean nearly 1,800 lives saved."
"Koby, the Hero of Rocky Port, saved countless lives during the famous incident."
"What you're doing is not only making a difference but it's saving lives."
"The good news is what we've been doing has worked. It has saved thousands of lives."
"By wearing a mask from now until April, we'd save more than 50,000 lives."
"Thousands of acute exacerbations could be prevented, saving millions of lives."
"If we do this as Americans, experts say, by wearing a mask from now until April, we'd save more than 50,000 lives."
"The only thing that really saved my life was the fact that I taught this guy to read and write."
"I taught someone... that one act of kindness saved my life."
"Masha protected the infant and found help, because of masha's nurturing attitude the baby's life was saved."
"Don't take it for granted... you're changing lives and saving lives."
"She made the right decision. This was a bold and daring sortie which undoubtedly saved life."
"No matter what happens, you're already saving these lives."
"Music is really saving lives in Puerto Rico. If it wasn't for music, I'd be in prison. That's not even like it's not even a movie, this is the type things I'll be just saying."
"You kept my daughter out there, you kept her alive, thank you guys."
"Driven by the love and sweat and devotion of everyone here today, we're saving lives."
"We did what we had to do, and we saved lives."
"Safe gun storage saves lives." - Gun Safety PSA
"Violence is generally viewed as synonymous with crime and chaos; the fact that violence can save lives is often ignored or forgotten."
"He saved a girl's life by killing the murderer."
"If you donate plasma, you could save a life."
"The job of the ordinary Catholic was to save lives."
"Together we will defeat the virus and end the pandemic." - Save millions and millions of lives.
"Yo bro it's because of your videos I was on the brink of suicide."
"Your boldness absolutely matters and it can plant seeds that save lives."
"Just because somebody saves your life doesn't mean that you have to give them yours."
"The vaccine does is prevent people from dying due to COVID-19."
"Always ask for help when you need it because otherwise your life could be at stake."
"I had had something to do with saving this beautiful little girl's life, was worth more than anything else they could do."
"Sharing these cases is so powerful. It can help bring someone home, save a life, potentially."
"Again, I think it's important to emphasize that a system like this will save lives."
"We need more of those. I mean that's what we're going to see. We are going to see people go underground, be clandestine and save lives."
"Inventions today, they basically save lives."
"Imagine how many lives this is going to be saving, right?"
"Praise the father, many lives have been saved."
"I didn't do much and yet you saved a man's life."
"I often will tell that individual, I'll say, 'We didn't save your life. You chose to save your life. We may have helped you get to the next steps that you needed to get to.'"
"I think we saved hundreds of thousands of lives by acting very early."
"Every decision that we're making is made to save lives."
"So many people risk their own lives in order to save the lives of others. I just think that's so incredible."
"Throw that out the window... you might end up saving lives."
"He saved American lives with those decisions."
"Leading of the Lord can save your life and can save people around you."
"My wife, she's a big part of this too, she saved my life."
"The Apple watch can literally save your life."
"Ahsoka has either changed someone's life or saved someone's life."