
Inquiry Quotes

There are 9766 quotes

"It has led to many discoveries and a host of new questions that were never before contemplated."
"A question opens the mind; a statement closes the mind."
"Let's start from the very beginning and just assume that we don't know anything and we're just going to do some inquiring and let's see how far we can get."
"Nobody has come up with a satisfactory answer to the question 'what creates value?' But that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep asking."
"Here's what I do not know: What is consciousness?"
"The search isn't just for answers; it's for better questions."
"Leah couldn't get the question 'Where's Shelly?' out of her head. So for the next 6 years, she continued to try and get in contact with her."
"The effect of gravity on a vertical light beam: don't ask that question, as Einstein asked, what's the effect of a light beam, let's say shot vertically upward from the floor when it's detected at the ceiling."
"It's a spirited inquiry to follow the clues, whether we're doing it on our own, with people in our personal lives, or with someone professionally."
"Ask and it shall be given to you. In this season, finding the right questions and articulating the right questions is more important than discovering the right answers."
"The Quran is kind of unique in the way that it presents its message because it's constantly saying, 'Don't you then think? Don't you contemplate? Haven't you asked questions?' This is a book for those who seek to have answers."
"It's not what you know... but how do you know what you know? What is the source of knowing?"
"You want to talk about empathy and change, where's that?"
"Every answer we come across, a hundred new questions come up."
"Don't be afraid to ask stupid questions if you don't know what you're doing."
"The good news is that there are new institutions emerging that are genuinely dedicated to open inquiry, intellectual diversity, and to challenging students intellectually."
"The human brain is incredible; how is this not enough for you?"
"Question everything. There is no idea too sacred not to question."
"What a pleasant surprise to see you at such a late hour, pray do enlighten me as to the purpose of your impromptu visit."
"We must allow free inquiry and we can't have a handful of billionaire oligarchs telling us what we can or can't say."
"Science is about admitting what we don't know."
"It's never wrong to ask a question that is based on data, that is asking the truth, that is seeking a better outcome for all."
"Can loneliness be healthy or even necessary? Well, let's find out."
"I actually don't want to ever just tell somebody, 'Here's how you do something.' I actually prefer to say, 'Here's an interesting question. Do you have any ideas?'"
"Should we just presume that everything that they have in their possession is just okay, it just works, it's all good? We don't even have to ask any questions about it? Well, that doesn't make any sense."
"Questions are more important than sometimes the answers themselves."
"It's actually an excellent question because looking at this sort of thing does really help understand flaws and limitations and things like that."
"But as always, it's the questions that lead us forward, that push us to explore and discover, and perhaps one day, unravel the mysteries that the universe holds."
"What is existence? It might seem obvious at first, but when you start to think about it pretty deeply, it's not obvious at all."
"What's really going on?... The question that I keep always asking is, just what's going on here? And that's a fresh question every moment."
"This is more about like getting people to ask bigger, better questions rather than necessarily have answers."
"What is truth, said jesting Pilate, and would not stay for an answer."
"Why do we know so much, yet can explain so little with it?"
"One of the exciting things about science is, it's about coming up with great questions."
"Who is Jesus? That's the most important question anybody can ask."
"Every time we credit a god with something, we stop looking for the right answer."
"Healthy self-doubt breeds inquiry; it breeds vigilance."
"I think we ought to follow the evidence where it leads, wherever that is."
"Has graphic technology really grown that much?"
"The question is not what do we like, the question is what's true."
"I'm gonna follow truth wherever it leads without fear, without fear of uncomfortable conclusions."
"Inquiry allows us to notice anything that separates us, disconnects us from the heart."
"We should be asking who are the happy people, what are they doing that's working for them, and how can we help them continue to do what's working for them?"
"He asked his disciples, 'Who do you say that I am?' That question resounds today."
"And though I cannot anticipate the conclusions of the current inquiry, I have learned enough to know that there were things we simply did not get right, and I must take responsibility."
"Inquiry wakes us up to what we already know that we didn't believe we knew."
"Inquiry is the only thing I know to break the spell."
"If you can question it, it's science; if you can't, it's propaganda."
"Inquiry honest inquiry is generated when you are willing to discover that your conclusions are dead wrong."
"If you want to know about stuff, you go out and ask those people."
"If teachers have value, it is that they seek truth, that they give to their students the appetite for truth, that they do not submit to forced ideas and indoctrination."
"The more questions we ask, the fewer answers we're left with."
"Pass any scientific revelation through a series of 'why' questions, and you'll always get to a point where we just don't know."
"When your kid asks you a question, ask them, 'What do you think?' or 'Why do you think it's that way?'"
"What is Western civilization like? Can we get a definition here?"
"You can never dig too deep and you can never ask too many questions...someday your child is going to ask those questions to you and you want to be able to give them as much of their story as possible."
"This book is designed around questions, whether or not we have answers to them because these are questions that we've carried with us in civilization forever."
"Philosophy, almost by definition, is the subject that's concerned with the biggest questions that you could possibly ask."
"When you're a scientist, you have questions in your mind and hypotheses, and you start to list the kind of thing you need to answer."
"When people stop asking questions, that's when things really start to break down."
"How much different is the route than any%? I don't know, that's a good question."
"There can't really be questions we can't ask, because we might be in the situation."
"The greatest thing about science is it's not finding the answers, it's the questions."
"Question everything, friends, until next time."
"With conspiracy theories, it's difficult because there are things that raise questions... the more you dig into it, you start realizing that there could be holes in that story."
"There's really two different ways of looking at science: one says, 'Well, how does the universe really work and how do we know?' And the other way of looking at the world is, 'How could the world really work, and what is it that we don't know?'"
"Anytime you feel a cultural closing of ranks around you saying something that's grounded in reason and fact, those are some of the most important questions for us to double and triple click on."
"Freedom of speech, freedom of inquiry, and all these things was to get to a truth; it wasn't a game in itself."
"The only question should be: What should be the experiment that I start today?"
"I don't think education is so much a state of certainty as it is a process of inquiry."
"I am Sasuke Uchiha. I want to ask you Hokage some things."
"I think tonight's tonight we're going to finally get some answers, don't you think?"
"I prefer to ask questions than to put a message out there."
"I sometimes get the best answers as a journalist when I ask people what we're not paying attention to."
"We're winning free speech, free own inquiry, free association; it's all winning."
"If you're skeptical, are you willing to join the search for future confirmations? Are you willing to continue to test this model? That's what science is."
"The essence of science within the philosophy of science, the essence of it is earnestness of inquiry."
"Anything you're not allowed to ask questions about is something you should be asking more questions about."
"Science is a way of looking at the world to get answers."
"A university is a place for open inquiry, critical thinking, and evidence-based approaches to decision making."
"You could not just do a brick in the wall model from fire, earth, water, and air to get to the periodic table. You actually need to go all the way back in the decision tree to the question, 'What is it made of? What are the fundamentals?' and rebuild from there."
"It was good because you ask questions that people don't usually ask."
"So what if anything is special about the human mind?"
"Science is not so much about answers but the search for answers."
"There are just some questions that we have to accept that we're never going to know the answer to."
"Am I loud enough? Am I clear enough? Am I pretty enough? What do you say?"
"Ask whatever you want to ask, that's awesome."
"The system isn't working and I want to know why."
"He taught me the importance of contradictions; he taught me to stop desperately searching for an answer and just appreciate the question."
"Much of it concerns three different questions: How did it happen? What are the long-term consequences of the spill? Why are we drilling there at all? And what can we do to ensure that this kind of accident never happens again?"
"So, I think we should never ever feel bad about not knowing something and we should never feel bad about asking questions."
"Anybody with eyes and ears who's actually interested in digging is seeing there's no justification for this right now."
"Spirituality is about questions. Religion is about answers."
"The real question is does the biblical account accurately report the story of a small cult that preached devotion to only one God."
"The circumstances surrounding Epstein's death raised numerous questions: how could a high-profile inmate, who was supposed to be under close supervision, manage to take his own life?"
"Take life a little bit more seriously... It's worth just investigating and finding out what the truth is, why we've been created in the first place."
"Christianity is an engineer's dream. You can ask hard questions; you don't have to take bad answers."
"Parents, what responsibilities do we have to the next generation?"
"The endless chain of discovery: We come up with an explanation of how, someone asks why, eventually someone answers that question with a new how, and so on."
"For a man who has spent almost six decades studying the United States, five questions about America today."
"Illness is not just meant to be battled; it's meant to be come to terms with, understood, inquired into as to what its messages are."
"For thousands of years, some of the smartest people in the world have been asking themselves versions of the same question: Why do we like what we like? Is there a formula for beauty, for popularity, for human affinity?"
"The quality of your question reveals character."
"You know, questions usually start with who, what, where, when, but the best question is why."
"Every stone we turn leaves us with more questions than before and, in turn, drives us ever forward in our search for ultimate knowledge."
"Christian thinking courts investigations and welcomes inquiry."
"I just want to know who lied to Millennials who lied and said that Millennials look younger than genen Z who lied I just want to know."
"Intellectual humility is the cornerstone of any sincere intellectual inquiry."
"Does it have wings? Can it fly? No, it can't fly."
"If we maybe challenge some of our expectations or maybe aspirations then we might be able to ask different kinds of questions which always really interesting for science."
"Remember, don't be afraid to ask and like get the whole story because we deserve that don't we?"
"Basic questions should be answered because they keep occurring over and over and over again."
"It's the obligation of scientists to be open-minded, to look through the windows to check if we have neighbors without a prejudice."
"But why is this the case? Well today we'll find out."
"Now, does this work? And the answer to that question is yes."
"Wonder about a hundred things a day, not needing to know the answer."
"Going from the problem to looking at what the assumptions might be, then developing an actual question."
"It's really important to answer this question."
"I'd like him to be clear... did he seek or receive any advice on security concerns?" - Stephen Kinnick
"The discovery of the crashed UFO was too sensitive to become public. These documents prove that they were afraid that people would panic fearing an extraterrestrial invasion."
"That's a good place to be, right? We should all be questioning and doing our own research."
"Is this a Witch Hunt or is this a legitimate judicial inquiry?"
"There's no such thing as a terrible question."
"The answers you get depend on the questions you ask."
"How do you get creativity without having to recreate a duality?"
"If you look for the why, if you ask the question why, you become wise."
"We don't even know now what the right questions are."
"The deep search for absolute truth comes from philosophy."
"We have to keep inquiring, keep asking, working out how we can live together in a better way."
"Keep questioning, keep being willing to say 'I don't know' when you don't know, and try not to believe something unless you have a really good reason for it."
"Be skeptical, ask questions, and be willing to consider alternative possibilities."
"The whole point of science is to ask a question and see where it leads."
"It's entirely possible the official narrative is correct but we need answers to a few questions."
"And now the ultimate question here is how exactly do I get to a different page inside of my application?"
"Feel free to ask hard questions... we'll do our best to answer them all."
"Are we seeing a repeat of this phenomenon again? I don't know, I'm just asking questions."
"I don't want to start anything, we're not here to have a crazy argument. Just, I'm curious, do you support discriminating against people based on race?"
"We already know what happened. We need to know why it happened."
"Tell me more about the child. Yeah, I need to know sort of more about the child."
"The future belongs to the questions that science raises."
"Existence is all there is. Don't you want to know what it is?"
"Have faith that the process of inquiry will be worthwhile, even if you never discover the truth."
"Science is a method of inquiry, a means of exploring reality."
"Is it something that you guys are concerned about still or not?"
"I love that you said about the club, but how do you start to dig? What are those questions?"
"So many questions but it's important to ask."
"The inquiry will also look at failures in unregulated health care facilities with the aim that what is alleged to have happened at Esther house can never be repeated."
"What matters more than the right answer is the right question."
"What is your perspective on everything you've heard?"
"We're trying to encourage an honest dialogue where we are seriously thinking through the issues asking why do you believe what is the evidence that this is true what is the evidence that this is false."
"Let us seek the truth with a spirit of inquiry."
"Who you talk to is as important as what questions you ask."
"I thought journalists were supposed to be people who asked questions and got answers."
"What do we mean by evidence? What kinds of evidence would count and what combination of evidences would be suggestive?"
"The goal is for you to be not afraid to ask questions. The majority of the population, very fear-based, we don't like confrontation, we don't want to push through or ask, we let things go instead of being curious."
"To me, science is always to be open-minded and not to be closed off to the possibility of asking a question: What if?"
"But that's the beauty of it: biggest question, what the hell is going on?"
"It's a good question because we don't entirely know the answer yet."
"He's asking questions that expose our nonsense."
"Did the glaciers transport it there and What Lies Beneath?"
"How do we know God exists? That's pretty much the answer until that sinks into him."
"Why would you cover it up if it was an accident?"
"Paradise gentlemen, but here you made it out of New York. Where are we?" - Olivia
"What is truth is probably one of the biggest philosophical questions of being that's been being explored for hundreds of years by famous philosophers."
"If we all know this, then what's going on exactly?"
"Encourage each other. It's okay to ask questions."
"I would rather have questions which can't be answered and answers which can't be questioned."
"We have to really make sure we're doing everything we can to get answers to these questions."
"Let me know your thoughts are you a fan of world mobile what do you think about that conversation with mark cuban."
"I'm just surprised because I thought you guys were struggling this week. What gave you the idea to make this?"
"Brilliant removes the barrier of knowing what the right questions are to ask."
"If you respect that and then you come in, not to show your knowledge but to say, 'look, we've read everything that you've said but we've got some questions.'"
"The big question: what did Trump know about the payment?"
"But where did this virus come from in the first place?"
"How are you so I know seriously you look 70."
"What's your evidence for that? Thank you for watching as always."
"I don't think I asked soft questions, I don't know, never been one to ask the easy question."
"I much rather be that ignorant kid that always asks questions and then, you know okay."
"If you don't know, ask. Keep asking questions."
"Have you played a better video game than this?"
"We understand that also there's a lot of questions that come in... but we are over here for you."
"And this is just me being like a data scientist asking questions about my data just using black and white SQL queries."
"Why stop asking questions? And the reason we propose answers is either supported by the evidence or because we're uncomfortable with not having an answer."
"If you think you know what the answer is, don't you stop looking for the right answer."
"We should try to ask questions first and spread information later."
"Why does the world work the way it does? This fundamental science tries to answer that question."
"The why is always the most puzzling because why can it be a philosophical question."
"How do we get out of it? How do we make this better?"
"People want to know where the bodies are buried."
"I want to know who's in that club, I want to know what they do."
"I want to look inside, is this a day? This is actually a day."
"Surely the question we need to be asking runs deeper."
"Speedy, do you have a Firestone by any chance?"
"Always ask questions and seek deeper understanding. Don't just accept information at face value."
"Do you think there are common successful attributes in people?"
"Trust your intuition and don't be afraid to ask the tough questions."
"There will be a lot of questions that will be asked and answered."
"The key question that Republicans are really answering."
"But this is my question, because I've been wanting to ask you this."
"We shouldn't tear something down just because it sounds a little crazy."