
Public Speaking Quotes

There are 1857 quotes

"Her message resonates far beyond the Forum in Detroit, reaching anyone who has felt the weight of mental health struggles."
"It is your job as communicators to defend your ideas in the open battlefield of ideas and become a better communicator."
"The crowd falls into an eerie silence as Elon Musk delivers a stark warning about the current state of the world."
"I never thought that I would be giving my TED Talk somewhere like this."
"I tend to forget that I do have a bigger audience...and there are people that do want to hear my thoughts on what's going on."
"Knowing how to communicate, knowing how to public speak, knowing how to convince people of stuff is generally a useful thing that will help you in almost any career."
"The key to public speaking is to connect with your audience and realize that it's not about you, it is about your audience."
"The reason that both the TED Talk and the book gained such organic popularity... is because I think it resonates. I think it's a deeply human thing."
"If you can speak publicly, if you can speak to a camera, if you can speak to groups, that is so powerful."
"It was a pleasure sharing the stage with him. I've rarely heard anyone ever deliver their convictions with such a remarkable sense of passion and wit and forbearance and erudition."
"People who have the skill set to talk in front of thousands without feeling any shame or embarrassment are all psychopaths, in my opinion."
"I guess I can just talk to people right now. I'm on stage; it's like I'm famous."
"A senior monk once told me that when you give a talk, there should be something for everybody."
"Of course, I have people in my ear telling me to wrap it up, but I can't hear you."
"When you can bring the prepared remark identically with a totally relaxed being and if you mean it... people would listen to you."
"Theodore Roosevelt was once shot prior to giving his speech, noticing that it missed his lungs since he wasn't coughing up blood, he went on to give an 84-minute speech."
"It is such a great honor and privilege here to speak at the Oxford Union, where for 200 years, people have been thinking about the crisis of the university, the crisis of the West, the crisis of Classical liberalism."
"A really great speaker is they pour energy back into the room. So you feel an energy transfer, you can almost vibrate, you can almost feel it."
"An inspirational speaker touches you spiritually. You feel something different in your heart. You enroll them in your spirit."
"If you suffer from nervousness or anxiety in your speaking, being attentive to the other person instead of being attentive to yourself will actually sort of decrease how nervous you get on test day."
"I want to sound as clear as possible for as many people to understand the point I'm trying to get across."
"I liked it better when George Bush said, 'Fool me once, shame on... well, you know, we got the saying down in Texas. Fool me... you can't get fooled again.'"
"There was no guidance as well. There's no class on how to speak, how to cross your legs, how to be royal."
"A great talk is one that clearly says a few simple ideas."
"Make eye contact with people in the crowd as you're presenting. It's one of the most effective strategies for good public speaking."
"It's my honor to speak to you for the first time as president of the United States."
"Thanks everybody for coming out. I hope you guys enjoyed the talk."
"I understand I'm now one of the most influential people on the planet, and I do have to be slightly more careful with the things I say."
"The best speech you'll ever hear is like the 'I have a dream'."
"We didn't get it right. And the same is true when it comes to speaking in public."
"Expecting a somber speech, the audience erupted into a fit of laughter when Lederman donned a comically large cowboy hat."
"I stand before you today in my underwear, asking for your ear so that I may attempt to, through it, persuade you that the message of 'The Matrix Resurrections' is widely misunderstood."
"What I liked about the New York Police Chief... it was a very good speech, and you could tell that this was something that had really bothered him."
"I just want to see someone get up on stage and just be honest."
"We need change at every level of our society at the moment, and what I want you to know is the way you're going to stimulate the most powerful change is by becoming comfortable with getting your voice out."
"Your job is to cast a spell, to take people on a journey."
"If you want the audience to feel something, you have to feel that something."
"Kate deserves enormous credit for delivering that statement with such poise, grace, and composure, and yes, courage."
"One secret that is super simple, maybe the simplest way to improve your public speaking...do a lot of public speaking."
"Public speaking...means you're speaking to groups of people...and all the attention is on you. This is what makes it scary."
"When everyone's listening to you and looking at you, you have more influence. That's why people do public speaking."
"Nobody writes her speeches; she just scribbles a few notes on a piece of paper and turns it into a masterpiece every single time."
"Public speaking is powerful because it widens your audience."
"Eye contact is the basic way to involve the audience."
"Practice your speech until you can't get it wrong."
"Public speaking is very easy for me now because I practice it constantly."
"My role is to shift people's views and perspective. That's literally what I do when I'm on a platform. I'm just there to help you see the world differently than how you've seen it before."
"If you're gonna speak effectively, you have to know way more than you're talking about."
"Public speaking tip number one: You want to speak to one person, not to the group."
"The goal of today's lecture is to just educate people."
"I want to get my facts right. I don't think it's fair to be coming on a platform and talking about something when you haven't got your facts right."
"If you got up there and just spoke and you were comfortable, I think you would hold everybody's attention."
"Treat every single speech like it's the most important speech of your life."
"The guy spoke for five hours... answered very difficult questions about the economy, about his company... it was incredible."
"I've just been on national TV talking about mental health."
"The audience wants to trust the person that's on the stage that they're in a safe space."
"It's really interesting to me that for every single speaker that you've seen today, including me, as soon as we walked out on stage without anyone ever explicitly telling you to, you started applauding."
"This whole year, there have been a lot of things that we can't say, and some of you have missed it, but look, we have a major announcement to make."
"One of the things that we do with ambassadors is we want them to tell authentic stories about our issues in the public and, to the extent that they have any personal direct experiences, for that to be part of their story for the public."
"If you're in a scenario where you feel confident in your speech... like what you're talking about, if you're promoting a show, you know what you put into the show, you know everything about it, to me, there's no reason to be nervous at that point."
"I'm very good at public speaking... and one thing that I tell people, 'Don't ever have a piece of paper in front of you. Never.'"
"My goal is not to disrupt anyone, make anyone unhappy, or anything like that. The goal would be to actually talk about a subject that I'm very passionate about in a meaningful way I think can be beneficial long term to everyone watching."
"I think I'm good at being a public intellectual speaking as a thought leader in an intellect. I think that stuff helps."
"I hear a lot of speakers speak, but they don't always connect with you and make you feel what they're trying to feel."
"Life you have something very important to do and that thing is listening to an internet comedian ophthalmologist talk."
"Finally conservatives are willing to step up and speak up."
"Some things aren't equal Joe Biden mispronouncing a word is not the same as Donald Trump going out there bragging about being a dictator rambling on about Q andon conspiracy theories forgetting who his wife is saying weird making weird noises."
"Donald Trump used 641 hand gestures in 17 minutes. That's impressive, my friends, that's impressive."
"Let's make some noise for Jordan Peterson. Jordan appreciation for coming up."
"People become a lot less critical of what you say."
"It's important that we support everybody's identity and recognize when we're speaking to large groups of people, they don't all share the same identity."
"I just want to thank you all very much and we'll see you probably tomorrow sometime."
"Bill Burr is not going, 'What is the most clever take about guns?' Bill Burr is saying how the [ __ ] he feels about guns."
"If I never work again as an actor but I can talk to people, I'll do it."
"I don't want people to leave here talking about me I want them to leave here talking about you."
"Donald Trump's latest deranged speech... Trump visibly confused glitching badly."
"Thank you all very much we appreciate it thank you thank you."
"It's fun dressing up, especially when talking to a large audience."
"Welcome everybody! Thank you so much for joining me."
"Isn't it strange though? It never ceases to amaze me that it's as old as Aristotle, but there's still this thing where someone's going to get up and give a speech, and it's sacred."
"Thank you everybody for joining me here to talk about the verdict."
"Thank you, thank you, California. Thank you, thank you, thank you very much. Thank you very much. Oh, no Greyhound camp today, but we have..."
"If I were given a stage, if I were handed a microphone, if I were afforded the opportunity to stand in front of the world and speak, I would speak of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
"I think that's gutsy for him to publicly talk about it."
"Thank you very much for your kind attention. It's marvelous to be... bewildered at first but still surprised to say the least."
"By the time something appears in the books or in one of my talks, I've interacted with this story so many times, in so many different ways."
"I started to see giving a talk not as me doing my best impression of a professional human being but rather telling a story."
"It takes courage to put yourself out there and say things like that."
"Thank you to everyone who's watching and listening."
"I made a speech. I said walk peacefully and patriotically."
"I don't want to be remembered as a speaker that bored."
"Speak in front of a mirror or film yourself... no one is going to be a better public speaking teacher to you than you yourself."
"You're talking to 350 million people that only a fraction of them watch the sport, and you could be the person that makes all of them start watching."
"He's an incredibly awkward presenter, lots of pauses and mumbling and dead air."
"What people love about Jordan Peterson is his unrelenting desire to just say what he believes to be true."
"Honestly, he's really like a motivational speaker."
"Chael's take no prisoner's approach to trash talk."
"If folks ain't fighting to get to that microphone to just express for just two minutes on how you have impacted their life, then you have wasted time on earth."
"Can you imagine the kind of the strength of character you need to stand front and center of this kind of conversation?"
"I want to give you a round of applause for not staying silent first and foremost." - DJ Envy
"Hands up y'all, hands up! Oh [ __ ] oh I may have forgotten to mention one tiny detail."
"Oral presentations: Prepare and deliver presentations to improve presentation skills and gain confidence."
"Getting to be in front of that many people, teaching ethical hacking concepts, has been both really difficult and really rewarding."
"Freedom of speech is my ability to stand up here this morning and say what I just said."
"I really think that Donald Trump's speeches are like the ultimate way to get a feel for what the media is actually thinking."
"I get a thrill from writing and speaking to millions of people."
"He's a real hustler, he's got a great motivational story behind him, he's a good speaker too."
"Don't give a speech right away. You need to ease into it."
"Thank you for joining me folks, have a good night!"
"I take any chance I can to speak for animals."
"I want to go back to speaking, inspiring, and helping people."
"Dominic West and Boris is number two. I think so, I think that Boris, um, it's all very well making a good speech, but what you want from a general is not a good speech, a good strategy."
"I like the idea of talking to a roomful of people... that's enough for me to be very excited about setting a time and place to enjoy not having to attenuate the ideas that I want to set forth."
"You're delivering a message... if you believe in your message, the energy is captivating."
"Should he be allowed to have a platform on YouTube where we are speaking right now? Absolutely not."
"I invite Brothers. I'm not trying to say they fit that kind of no I think Muhammad how many jobs I think I think Muhammad you know Muhammad hijabi look he is the student knowledge the guy's got some serious knowledge here."
"Envision yourself as a fluent confident English speaker."
"Practice and time make talking to the camera easier."
"Picture your ideal audience when speaking to the camera."
"That's actually, that's probably the coolest thing he's ever said. 'A man, thank you guys.' That's what he said."
"This may be the most important speech I've ever made."
"That sort of inflammatory style works out well for a lot of people."
"Now that I'm standing here, I feel so nervous. My heart is beating so fast."
"Thank you all for coming out, I appreciate it."
"I want to do a lot of things. I want to host TV shows. I want to host a lot of digital video content. I would love to do speaking engagements, sell merchandise, go on tour, write a book..."
"Bernie doesn't have a lot new to say but plays the hits."
"He's got the guts and the courage that few have to come out and put this stuff up here at his own risk."
"You know, we all sometimes get it completely wrong or say something ridiculous."
"I'm about to do their Zoom scholarship fundraiser. I'm giving the keynote speech."
"We don't need to try and hang people on misspeaking. It wasn't a gaffe, Joe Biden."
"Many of us are going to be called to stand on our soapbox, to lead, initiate, trailblaze, defend, and protect."
"My guest today is an entrepreneur CEO running a successful business, and one day he decides to go talk about his porn addiction."
"He doesn't just do it on a small platform with five of his friends or maybe his relatives, maybe his mom, dad. He decides to do it on this place called TED Talks."
"Panel environments are terrible for assessing ideas or arriving at conclusions, but they're fantastic for learning how to operate under pressure."
"To be a modern woman, you need to be able to raise up your voice and deliver a message to the audience."
"Having people like yourself who come out and speak about things that you know to be true, the science of the situation, the reality."
"People are reasonable, but courage is necessary. Stand up and speak."
"I had to get in that box and deliver a whole [ __ ] like sermon church was packed totally packed."
"Agriculture is really in good hands when I look at someone like you and hear you speak about topics you're so passionate about and really can make a difference." - Kate Stephens
"Thank you for having the courage to come and hear the truth."
"All of these people had a platform. They could have just spoken the simple truth publicly."
"I'm so honored, and so thankful that you're here with us in this moment."
"I love you Tony, you're already a great public speaker."
"Half a million just imagine half a million people standing in front of you that's just crazy."
"I know it's a big ask to come on to a public platform and be so open and share such a personal story and case with the world."
"Build connection and trust with your audience."
"Kaleigh McEnany keeps her composure and then responds perfectly."
"There were some great clips. I mean, the speech, while a bit long and meandering, there were certainly some excellent aspects of the speech."
"That's why they're legendary. All right, thank you for bearing with me folks, let's go and see a ghost train."
"Friends, I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I don't know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot."
"The more that it's out there and the more people that are out there speaking, the better it is, because someone may relate to a Aon and not relate to me, and think I'm an idiot."
"Your thoughts do not actually scare the people...inspire them to come out and do something."
"I've never heard Andrew Weissman actually speak before, very odd way of speaking."
"I'm just grateful for what I'm doing right now it's like I never thought I was going to actually I was so scared of like being in front of the camera for so long"
"The American people will hear you. Stick to the teleprompter, Mr. President. No exaggeration, just say what's true."
"The Biden Administration likes to keep the president off of the podium... President Biden hasn't dropped the microphone he appears to have lost it. Mr. Biden is turning into a news media evader and it's harmful to his presidency and the nation."
"He's probably one of the best motivational speakers in the world."
"Maybe I should have you doing all my live talks from now on."
"We come. Good night, ladies and gentlemen. Goodbye."
"I wish that we had more of that Trump on the stump throughout the campaign."
"Dude, people are of course attracted to dynamic speakers, they are attracted to dynamic, brash, interesting, controversial, polarizing personalities."
"Thanks for listening, thanks for coming to my TED talk."
"Whenever he does do public speaking or a video or something like that it's always worth watching."
"No other person has spoken to more people in an evangelistic conversionistic gospel way than Billy Graham has here in the 20th century."
"Just don't say anything completely ridiculous, just say remember the good old Barack Obama days. Yeah, I was there for those, don't you want him back?"
"My message is more important than my nerves."
"It's such a privilege to come and stand in front of people whom I truly respect for the way you strive to make it in life."
"Thank you everyone for listening to us both..."
"Don't be afraid, be focused, be determined, be hopeful, be empowered." - Michelle Obama
"Bill will do amazing things... thank you for the inspiration, and we all look forward to your dialogue with Frank, please welcome again Bill Gates."
"I like it good bang you know what I'm saying tell me what I don't want to hear tell tell me what the people want to hear."
"He went from giving us one of the more confusing metaphors about kneecaps and cannibalism AKA Dan Campbell ISM to showing us real men do cry after the Lions defeated the Buccaneers for their first ever multi-playoff win in the Super Bowl era."
"Call me a cynic, but even as he walked up to the microphone, my skin just started crawling. I just thought this is gonna be so cringe and sure enough on and on he went for several minutes. I think it was eight minutes altogether."
"I was doing what I was asking them to do that that getting over your fear and actually doing the thing whether it was in public speaking or whether it was in approaching a girl at the time I really was living that."
"I bet you it's a little like heroin, so don't start. It's great having that connection with people around you."
"Sometimes you could have all the information, but it's not easy to go in front of 5,000 people and speak."
"Never underestimate the power of being nervous."
"You're not trying to get something from the people. You're giving a gift to the people."
"Public speaking is extremely useful to be able to tell a story about a problem in layman's terms."
"Joe Biden... he's authentic when he speaks he doesn't sound like he's speaking of a teleprompter."
"I think Joe Biden wants to talk about coronavirus, and he's been doing a lot of that. And it's been effective for his campaign."
"When I spoke, I could get people to believe... in me."
"Allow me to end this oration with a message of hope."
"The only reason there's so many people in this room right now is 'cause I've been right, right?" - Gary
"Fat loss simplified: mate, you need to move a bit more, you need to eat a bit less. Thank you, Bundaberg, you've been a great crowd."
"But Trump comes in and within about 30 seconds of him taking the stage, you know, it’s the same free association stream of consciousness kind of monologue that we’re used to from the president."
"Donald Trump will deliver remarks in Gettysburg tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time. So another busy day three live events for Trump tomorrow."
"4,000 people in the Hall of Columbus would sit smiling and expectant waiting an hour or two of other men's speeches to listen to Vivekananda for 15 minutes."
"Thank you for being here today, the nerves will subside."
"It's not about not being nervous and delivering, it's about being nervous and delivering."
"No, I'm not! I don't give a [ __ ] who cares? Got the whole crowd laughing."
"The key thing is to be simple, direct, clear, and confident. That's great speaking."
"I'm so glad I'm here today, I'm going to take my professional hat off for just a minute."
"I'll never forget that morning during the Clinton inauguration, and when Maya Angelou stepped to the microphone to the podium and recited 'On the Pulse of Morning,' one of the most exquisite pieces of prose ever."
"We need good communicators who are passionate and intriguing to listen to."
"I wanted to come up here and just give you a different perspective."
"Going after the stutter thing was pretty brave."
"Mike Pence repeatedly brought the audience to their feet in standing ovations."
"Thank you for having me, thank you, and God bless you."
"This is your opportunity to go ahead and speak."