
Diet Importance Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"If you're trying to lose weight, exercise is almost meaningless. Yes, it's important, but diet is going to get you the majority of the way there."
"80% of weight loss is diet, and 20% is exercise."
"Diets are 90% of your physical overall. Implementing small things can make a huge difference."
"You can't outwork a bad diet. If you're still not seeing the progress that you want, focus on what you're eating."
"Your diet is key to good quality collagen synthesis."
"If your major goal is to fit into the wedding dress, you need to consider your diet rather than simply exercise."
"You can't out train a bad diet. Diet is very key now."
"The most important thing is, has always been and always will be total global macronutrient intake."
"Diet is the most important thing... just eating less."
"Proper diet and training will make up the overwhelming majority of your fat loss results."
"At the end of the day, you cannot out train a bad diet."
"Paying attention to your diet is crucial, especially if you're struggling with thyroid issues."
"You can't outwork your mouth; a clean diet supports both physical and mental health."
"Diet is huge because you are an organic machine."
"Eating a healthy micronutrient-rich diet is mandatory."
"It's a lot easier to keep the momentum going, keep the ball rolling, than it is to keep starting and stopping and stuff like that."
"Limiting your sugar intake is more important than ever."
"What you put in your body is super important."
"Poor diet is the leading cause of mortality in the United States."
"A healthy diet is very crucial for overall health."
"Throughout human history, all large, successful populations of people have obtained the bulk of their calories from starch."
"Vegetables are very important. You need to eat them because if you don't, you will die."
"Diet is a hundred percent of this whole lifestyle, and we've gone so far from being healthy and eating healthy."
"You just cannot exercise your way out of a bad diet."
"Your diet is just as important if not more important than your workout routine."
"You cannot outwork a crappy diet, and that goes both ways whether you're trying to gain weight or lose weight."
"Abs are made in the kitchen, literally. The gym does nothing but get you fit. You lose in the kitchen, you build at the gym."
"You have to be in line with your body your mind and your soul and that begins with the food and the things you put into your body."
"Eating right and living a healthy lifestyle is important to reduce the risk of severe chronic disease."
"Most people try to do too much: too much training, not following a great diet plan."
"63% of deaths and hospitalization from covid could have been prevented by better diet."
"Food is so important guys it's not just you are what you eat, you also feel what you eat, you think what you eat, you speak what you eat."
"Your diet, your hydration, all of those things matter."
"The most likely reason our loved ones will die is heart disease, which is completely preventable."
"Abs are made in the kitchen so much of your cut is going to deal with diet."
"Take your diet and your lifestyle seriously because it matters."
"Your diet is actually the most important thing in your life, in your health, and in your mental health."
"You need to make a lifestyle change; you need to have a better diet. It's 80% diet, 20% exercise."
"Remember, you can't outtrain a bad diet."
"The truth about supplements is that the food you eat is even more important, and that a supplement should just be that, a supplement to an already excellent nutritional program."
"I'm a huge fan of saying macros matter."
"We can't fix this epidemic of poor health without fixing the underlying terrible dietary intake."
"You can't outrun an unhealthy diet."
"A good rule of thumb is 80% of your results come from your diet and only 20% come from what you're doing in the gym."
"The biggest thing that determines the function of these systems is food."