
Identity Formation Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Interest in music seems to peak in the teens and 20s... partly it's because music seems to play a very important role in identity formation."
"No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so too does the evidence of your new identity."
"Identity is literally formed from a couple of different words in Latin that basically mean repeated beingness."
"Paris continued to rebel, eventually turning to New York's club scene. It's where Paris believes she became Paris."
"Became a mother along the way, became a clinical psychologist, and began seeing the insanity of all these attachments being superimposed so quickly onto our children, as if they were clay and we were the sculptors."
"You are realizing you are the influence in your life."
"Her need was to craft her own identity and become the woman she always was."
"A new generation of young British Muslims are now trying to forge their own British Islamic identity."
"No child can actually choose this path they don't have the psychological and emotional formation required to make an informed decision about fundamentally altering their identities."
"Conviction is what makes you do what you do and become who you become."
"Discipline, not motivation, is what makes you who you want to be."
"Forming identities for ourselves in contrast to people older and younger than us is one of the most base instincts we have as humans."
"BTS stands for Bangtan, Korean for bulletproof boy scout. It means to block out stereotypes, criticisms, and expectations aimed at adolescents like bullets."
"Slavery as a system of property facilitated the merger of white identity and property and the formation of whiteness as property."
"You are not your past. You are who you choose to be now."
"Look at all this, you know, look at who we are now, but it started right there in eighth grade."
"Children need to be formed in their identity, or they'll be consumed by evil forces."
"Most people you meet are those who have become what people say they are."
"Maybe I was never failing, maybe I was just becoming me."
"What would this person do? And then if I do that thing, I am that person."
"Celebrating those moments is amazing and we should do it more often but again I think it's always good for us to audit ourselves to think about how we're using celebrating and spending to formulate our identities."
"You can be an adventurer in real life. That's very much what my channel is about."
"It takes time to figure out who you are and arrive at being who you've always wanted to be, known you were, hoped you'd be."
"You can never discount the power of identity formation and completion."
"Guys, what age do they stop? Well, 18 to 25 is when a person shifts into like who they're pretty much going to be."
"Shame is usually lifelong; shame defines you."
"Technology gives us the ability to define and experiment with identity."
"You could go back and listen to these songs... even when you're 12 right now, you don't have a father figure at home, go listen to our albums."
"Somebody said Mary's not really a name yet, but she is definitely becoming a name."
"Establishing your identity and getting to know yourself."
"I'm going to form an identity which has nothing to do with me."
"They never found their identity from a freaking Barbie or a plastic potato."
"He had two heart surge you kept on going which it makes me who I am."
"There was something that people hadn't nailed yet... Overwatch becoming Overwatch."
"Daughter of death implies she is being born into who she's supposed to be because of the people who have died."
"You become defined by your traits, you become defined by your deeds."
"Your identity is the thinking that you're doing."
"Calling gives identity, gifting gives ability, and anointing gives purpose."
"The thing which has been colonized becomes man during the same process by which it frees itself."
"Society can't turn you trans any more than it can turn you gay."
"School: the place where your identity is shaped unmolded, where your happiest memories heal from."
"Every action you take is a vote for the person you wish to become."
"Gathering heroic moments like these will allow you to choose and mold your identity into one that you can be proud of."
"What starts to happen is that you actually, if you get shut down too much, can actually irreversibly take on a negative identity."
"There needs to be a cultural shift where social media is treated as something you do to have fun, not how you base your entire identity."
"I feel like from a very young age you kind of identify yourself with a sort of movement."
"Commit to a story... It will become who you are."
"Remembering that you experienced trauma isn't being a victim making your identity out of it is."
"Your role isn't just a power you're given it's an identity you're not just on the blue or red team in this game you're a washerwoman who gets rudely awoken on the first night to learn the secret identity of two of the village folk."
"Your circumstance does not have to make you who you are, but it makes you who you want to be."
"It's conditioned before they're even born though, like before they even have an option or just like the thought of right before they're even they can't even make a decision on who they are."
"Excluding distractions, fears, doubts, and indecision becomes our identity, our self-image."
"Whoever, whatever you want to be, even someone good."
"The formidable years of conditioning are birth to 12. We give that to white people, and then when they turn 21, they already have habits and personalities."
"The most powerful force in the human personality is the need to stay consistent with how we Define ourselves."
"Middle School is a very sensitive time in people's lives... people are starting to form an identity, a sense of self."
"The idea of being shy to them is some kind of poison if you think back to school days I read a quote recently that all of us are the people that high school made us."
"Learning your first language is building your identity; it's becoming who you are."
"These books... are such an important part of what made me who I am."
"What makes you you? Nature over nurture. People come out of the womb pretty much built on what they're going to be like."
"That struggle is what made me who I am."
"I think it's so important that I guard her creating her identity without any outside noise."
"The power of mass media has grown; now its different forms shape the news, change our cultural ideas, and even form our identities."
"The choices you make, make you who you are."
"I think that we underestimate how much where we are from and where we've grown up in determines how we view ourselves and our identity."
"The freeing of forms of white bondage, the creation of a settler class turning them into citizens and property owners, made them white, made them free, made them settlers."
"We are just like culminations of all our lived experiences."
"Gender is always in the course of being translated and it is bound up with translation from the start."
"There are certain things that have made us who we are; it wasn't by accident."
"The teen is independent, they're allowed to get out, experience the world, and this really helps them form their identity."
"Developing an identity of discipline."
"If you can imagine yourself as someone else that you feel is more true than you are formed now, then you can make those two become one."
"It asks really big questions about nature versus nurture, about our circumstances, our class, our economic status, and how those things craft us and mold us."
"Your preference isn't just born with you when you come into this world; your preference is created of your environment."
"These things shape the story that we tell ourselves about ourselves."
"Their powers, identities, and even appearance is completely defined by the belief of others."