
Reform Quotes

There are 2839 quotes

"The system really needs to take a hard look at it because the jails are getting full of them."
"Immigrants have made invaluable contributions to American society and our economy. Common Sense bipartisan immigration reform should strengthen our economy, protect the rule of law, and make our borders more secure."
"Paul Kagame is seen as a nation-builder and reformer who guided his nation and established a stable country."
"There's a rot in this industry and it needs to be fixed."
"They want delivery. They want to see honest leadership. They want to see institutions reformed."
"I would consider education to be a much bigger priority... and the educational system to be more Socratic and more stimulating for people to question."
"There's a big majority in this country that wants transformational reform."
"We're living in this time in which most people agree we need transformational reform and we're not getting transformational reform because we have outsourced the job of changing the world to the people with the most to lose from real change."
"Our greatest competitive advantage is our democracy gives us the ability to get better, to reform short of revolution, because the people have a say."
"Understanding that this system is the ultimate problem is also a way to handle DEFEAT in struggles for reform."
"Climate change is a really bad thing. Do you think that reform and the capitalist systems we have now are equipped to address that in time?"
"Campaign finance reform...would limit the extent to which wealthy [people can influence politics]."
"By democratizing the enterprises at the core of the economy, it democratizes the economy."
"The COVID crisis appears to be serving as a wake-up call for reforming capitalism."
"Incremental reform can only take us so far, and at some point, we need to have the political will to make another radical change."
"We lock way too many people up, just flat out."
"Drugs should be treated like a medical issue."
"For too long, going back decades, the immigration system has been broken. It's time to fix it."
"Politicians really need to start thinking what is the exit strategy out of this mass incarceration."
"It's not my time right now; my place is in prison. I need to do my time. I've turned a new leaf."
"We have to have a better solution other than just locking people up and throwing away the key."
"We commit to uprooting the legacy and perpetuation of structural violence deeply embedded within the healthcare system."
"Now is not the time for reform around the edges, now is time for dismantling the policies and practices that have held us back."
"The goal, he says, is to bring transparency back to the court system."
"Separating school funding from property taxes would be one of the biggest things we could do to address systemic poverty."
"It's time to shift to a public health model for dealing with drug addiction and drug abuse."
"Satire aims to entertain and amuse, as well as to inform and reform."
"Well, there's a problem with that, and I believe the problem is that we can reform the capitalist system to be fairer, which is beyond dispute. We have had periods of time in our history where it has been reformed to be fairer."
"Is it actually time for British politics to be reshaped?"
"We need a written constitution; we've muddled along for hundreds of years with a sort of unwritten one."
"I think it would do us well to pay closer attention to why it's not working, whether that means copying how other countries do their education or what, but we need to change something with the way we educate our citizens."
"Parents are fed up with the status quo that puts adults ahead of kids."
"We're not just dealing with a broken arm; we are dealing with a broken system."
"A new evaluation of how American law enforcement can best serve their communities and how we can best address the criminal problems of our time is something we very much need."
"It's time to clean up rogue cops, it's time to clean up bad prosecutors."
"The solution is not to abandon [capitalism] but to make sure it works to our advantage."
"Cities across the country are piloting community policing efforts, eliminating cash bail, and investing in communities and infrastructure for at-risk neighborhoods."
"Under a Medicare-for-all plan... instead of a 30% overhead, it becomes a 3% overhead."
"Aaron's law is introduced to reform the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act."
"We're not trying to change things because it would feel better; we're trying to change only things that would affect Congress's ability to solve problems, to actually fix things."
"Fix the system, and we got to be honest that the system is not working."
"The West has done absolutely awful things in its history but it's also the only society that's felt guilty about it and tried to change."
"May Mother Spain, solicitous and ever mindful of the good of her provinces, soon put in effect the reforms that she long planned."
"This takes acknowledging and confronting head-on systemic racism and the racial disparities that exist in policing and our criminal justice system more broadly."
"Meaningful reform... how do you get to meaningful change as an individual?"
"We require real change in American politics."
"I believe we need police reform; I believe we need criminal justice reform."
"For one, we need to free everybody who's locked up on them right now. They need to come home."
"Lesterland is a corruption, a corruption relative to the framers' baseline for this republic."
"Independent of the outcome of this election, we need to have a process to vet it, to get as much confidence in the outcome as we can, and to reform it."
"We must remove white supremacists and racists from every single police department in this country."
"One way we can do better is by having a national anti-corruption commission to restore faith in politics."
"Our health care system is broken and needs to be fixed; the solutions that Martha has voted for actually make the system worse and hurt Arizonans."
"The President and I have been sitting down with law enforcement leaders... to hear about ways that we might assist law enforcement in raising standards."
"We're going to address [health disparities] with the kind of reforms that expand the kind of choices and access to health care."
"The endowments on the universities... we outright end the college loan debt pipeline. That whole thing has to stop."
"The cleanup in pro wrestling has begun; the purge in pro wrestling with all these people that have done so much wrong over so many years is finally starting to be cleaned out."
"The people want democracy reform, and they want justice."
"We need a rational healthcare system designed to provide healthcare to all, not huge profits for the drug companies and the insurance companies."
"We need to reimagine how we are achieving public safety in America."
"Reforms launched from the top of society must meet the aspirations of citizens who form its foundation."
"The murder of Dante Wright is rooted in white supremacy... The system can't be reformed; it must be dismantled, a real system of public safety rebuilt from the ground up."
"It's time to break the derelict duopoly into tiny little pieces and engender a new US policy rooted in truth, justice, and love."
"Our health care system is broken. I think it's something that needs solutions thrown at it."
"I think one of the most significant things we can do in the United States of America is reimagine our unemployment system."
"The system wasn't working for us, so I had to do something drastic."
"Term limits might have unintended consequences, and I think there's a better way forward."
"Priorities are clear: we're going to ax the tax, build the homes, fix the budget, and stop the crime."
"The toughest ethics reform legislation since Watergate."
"We need to let people get out of the system."
"It has absolutely gotten out of control we need to nullify property tax we need to let people get out of the system we need to allow the private sector to work"
"Washington is broken, and not just as Washington broken, but the way that this house has been running for the last few years has not been designed to address the problems of the people across this country."
"You end up discovering a lot of times... that there are lots of other people in the institutional space who also were thinking, this shit is unacceptable."
"The increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is a direct proportion of us not being able to get these reforms passed."
"The music industry is archaic, inefficient, and unfair."
"We'll get critical race Theory and other left-wing lunacy out of our military and we will get it out of our classroom and we'll get it out fast."
"The whole war on drugs has got to be stopped."
"Treating drugs as a health issue is how you should go."
"The corruption that is going on in this nation is unbelievable, but it can be fixed, and it can be fixed at the ballot box, folks."
"You think you can have a family, then locking me up will magically reform me?"
"Getting rid of the filibuster means this: it means that you turn one razor thin majority imposing its will on the American people and on legislation into a pendulum swinging another razor thin majority 24 months later."
"I think she's been trying to expose the inner workings of the royal family, so that something better can come out of that."
"Rehabilitation should be the focus instead of punishment."
"Why reform mass incarceration? Why not abolish it?" - My Angel
"Our criminal justice system is the roach problem that is in our house of justice."
"Stupidity is not a permanent condition. We can educate students instead of blacklisting them."
"Vote locally, primary the establishment, and create a more rational and coherent political landscape."
"We need to fix the system, not just exacerbate disagreements."
"Erdogan is the result of our efforts, breaking the system that was designed against us."
"Just because you remove the prison element doesn't mean the oppression still doesn't exist."
"You need a revolution within the way that we teach our children."
"We must drive the special interests out of our politics."
"The system cannot be fixed, it can't be fixed guys."
"The SEC seems utterly outgunned. And the energy of these apes, I think, has to be channeled into productive reform."
"But can we at least come to agreement that we can start solving the issues using actual reform?"
"It's not just about a man, it's about a movement."
"The true correctives to American democracy have never come from the top down."
"The correct answer here is to go to a neutral reserve currency and to end the fed."
"Term limits and ethics reform should be a big part of what we talk about."
"I think getting more immigration would be a good thing."
"My ideal immigration policy is not going to happen but some serious reform could definitely take place."
"And what she might be alluding to is the fact that more people were arrested for cannabis last year than all different kinds of violent crimes put together according to the FBI."
"To fix this problem to make it fairer is going to require more than just tweaking around the edges with a bit of aid here and there but rather fundamentally reorganizing the system."
"No nucleic acid but food, no lockdown but freedom, no lies but dignity, no cultural revolution but reform, no leaders but votes, no slaves but citizens."
"We're going to have to start producing justice."
"We need to change the standard American history myth, not the system of bells."
"Free speech is the mechanism that allows us to reformulate and criticize those conceptions when they've become outdated and sterile."
"I think it's rotten to the core and I think the more we have new people in there the less government does."
"If we can get deep reform in New South Wales then I mean no doubt that that reform will roll out across the whole country."
"We are going to Washington, D.C., and we are going to drain the swamp."
"Within the first week of our administration, we will introduce and we will finally pass a Medicare-for-all single-payer."
"The system is completely broken; it makes very little sense."
"We have to eliminate immunity, we have to provide a deterrent so that good officers stop protecting bad officers."
"It's not hard to know how to do campaign finance reform. It's to close the LLC loophole, by which corporations can donate an unlimited amount of money to political campaigns."
"I think it's time we hold these mainstream media companies accountable."
"Republicans have always traditionally been about smart reform and smart justice."
"We need to reform our system...we need to recommit this country to democracy...to have a better future and a better life, we need a strong democracy."
"If we are to live up to our ideals, we need changes. This cannot be happening so frequently here."
"The way to diminish police violence is to reduce contact between the public and the police."
"The inquiry will also look at failures in unregulated health care facilities with the aim that what is alleged to have happened at Esther house can never be repeated."
"I mean, the system is broken from start to finish."
"The whole system, that's the thing that needs to change." - Jacqui Williams
"The layers of injustice in the criminal justice system must be fixed. They must be repaired."
"What I'm going to do is pass Obamacare with a public option, become Biden care."
"I want to tear down systems of oppression in this country like mass incarceration, like laws that enable people who have no remorse, like the person who killed George Floyd."
"I want reform and accountability, let's get the rest of the job done."
"We will bankrupt the next generation if we don't reform entitlements and we stick with these kind of command and control systems."
"Few Americans of any racial groups support radical changes demanded by some activists."
"Rather than scrapping that and trying to do something new, reform what we've got."
"Instead of babbling about police reform, we should be talking about education, marriage, and responsibility."
"I would advocate for more of a direct democracy, not a representative democracy."
"If you care about the truth, then you want to reform the process by which you make decisions about what's believable."
"None of that matters if we don't tackle corruption."
"Society at every level is broken and how do you fix it you only fix it when you come along with some law, some rules and say no this is supposed to go this way."
"It's an American problem that needs to be fixed."
"The entire leadership team in the Republican party needs to go and it needs to go now."
"We're stuck in a system of governance that's 250 years old that is totally irrelevant to dealing with our problems."
"I'm seeing more Rumblings about term limits."
"CNN would do well to clean house... and start rebuilding the network from scratch."
"China is now broadly seeking to reform the UN system from within."
"We need cultural Reformation globally we need diplomatic Solutions."
"North Korea is churning internally as we speak... Kim jong-un is allowing an unprecedented number of people to leave the country."
"This new coalition of people coming together despite political differences is exactly what could be the antidote for our obviously broken political system."
"Events like this start and they come to a conclusion, but we never start the process of real reform."
"I feel like the snowball's rolling down the hill at that point, you know you can take DeSantis to take up the torch if you want but unfortunately I think we're going to need some kind of reconstruction tier social realignment to really fix this."
"The most transformative pieces of legislation the first-step Act into law."
"The whole College scam is what needs to go." - "The whole College scam needs to go."
"Maybe that's what Bhutan is doing, deconstructing the district attorney's office from the inside."
"Let's have a new discussion, tear it down brick by brick."
"We're sending a powerful message to prisoners who have reformed their lives when you return to society we are not going to leave you behind."
"We can't simply let our entire educational system be taken over by ideology."
"We can't simply let reform of big tech degenerate."
"I signed into law groundbreaking and historic reform to our criminal justice system, the First Step Act."
"We must take A New Path. There must be a new vision so that Congress works for the American people."
"I wish we were letting way more people out of prison than we are."
"We're getting rid of the chokehold tactic which was used to kill Eric Garner as well as the knee chokehold which was used to kill Mr. Floyd."
"The system is flawed and it needs to change."
"Some people are traditional and conservative, some people are liberal and progressive. Nobody benefits under the current system, so we have to awaken to the illusion of our conflict."
"Efforts to combat crime, corruption, and implement economic reforms offer hope for Mexico's future."
"Police officers do not need more training, they need accountability."
"Maybe it's time to have a kingdom and not have an empire"
"Another way to do it would be to improve campaign finance laws."
"Section 230 needs updating, as internet has evolved."
"America is not under judgment, it's the systems that are under judgment right now."
"It'd be a very good thing for the country if the Democratic Party would move somewhere closer to the semblance of sanity."
"The reform is necessary and we will carry it out – but not at the price of civil war."
"As long as our system exists as it does right now, there are ways to do it better. There are ways to do it worse. Mandatory detention was authorized first by Bill Clinton."
"We do not need ICE period we don't we don't need ICE we just don't I just don't think they do anything good for the country that other institutions couldn't do better and cheaper."
"Just getting rid of that class distinction because to me, the latter makes more sense. I would much, much rather just get rid of the class antagonism to begin with."
"Reform needed: Reviewing laws, training policies, and fostering a culture of accountability."
"An opportunity for reflection: Rebuilding the image of the Kenyan police force."
"It's good to point out that the current system is broken and needs to be fixed."
"Let's be realistic. This is a long-term project. But if we set the groundwork now, we can actually imagine what a fair, modern, normal country would look like."
"They are the only people in a position to really change these rules, and they possibly choose not to because they benefit form the way things work."
"Education is being attacked from both sides."
"What we need is a political opposition which dismantles this thing and gets us back to something like normal life."
"The solution is expand the court. The number of justices on the Supreme Court is not in the Constitution."
"Criminal justice reform, something that people have been trying to get for many years."
"If the Republican party is not going to solve the problems, then you're probably right, we may need an opposition party." - Marjorie Taylor Green
"Finish healthcare, please. For the last time."
"I'll bring accountability so it never happens in our country again."
"There isn't a non-ideological way of fixing these problems."
"We really haven't looked closely enough at the broken systems."
"We need to reimagine how we do policing... but people living on the ground need proper policing."
"The FIA needed to come into 2022 with changes."
"Let's make sure we're paying our debts and talking about how we can make reforms."
"Doctors don't know a damn thing about nutrition because they're not taught nutrition in medical school only 28 percent of medical schools even have a nutrition curriculum and it's only 19.6 contact hours median."
"Almost everyone agrees that we have too much money in politics – this is the problem people want to get rid of."
"Defund the police is not about taking money away from all policing. It's about reprioritizing what policing means to a community." - Dr. Rashad Richard
"The Democratic Party is not reforming, in fact, they're going the other way."
"We must continue to cut through every piece of red tape."
"Nothing is gonna change, bro. No police reform, defund the police, bro, no. That [__] ain't help a goddamn thing."
"DC really needs to distance itself from seeming like a cult."
"Jesus healed on the Sabbath, destroying ritualistic views."
"The Sabbath is about motive, not performance."
"Something needs to be done. The FAA needs to streamline their process."
"We need radical change, genuine reform, and we need to do it now."
"Policing is not an institution that can be reformed, it must be deconstructed."
"Now is the time for the Catholic Church to throw off the shackles of the spirit of that cursed Second Vatican Council and make the church Catholic again."
"We must restore the prophetic vision to the church."