
Children Quotes

There are 10005 quotes

"Divorce is devastating for Children and Families by almost every metric."
"I was terrified about what's going to happen to the children of the country and the planet at large."
"Let your children know you love them; they must feel love from you."
"Children are children...we restrict children from making other decisions that have significant impact on their lives until they're at a spot where they can, from maturity level, brain development level...make those decisions."
"Children are the fastest learners because they're curious. They have attention."
"Children need love, they need affection, they need growth, they need correction but appropriate correction."
"Clean air is something everyone can get behind... You reduce CO2 but you're also really focusing on the human story which is making air cleaner for kids."
"I want every child to know... you can be anything you want to be without anyone getting in your way."
"Children don't deserve any of this. They're innocent."
"She loved her children more than anything in the world."
"The tragedy of all of this is Barbara Weaver was the perfect victim... she becomes a murder victim and now you have to think about their children."
"We sacrifice our children on the altar of our own desire."
"I think that kids shouldn't be able to publish something that's eternally on the internet before they understand the concept of a digital footprint."
"Who called 911? The kids that were here. They're outside right now crying 'cause they thought you were dead."
"Parents determine the education of their children."
"I'm a big fan of banning social media for kids, 18 and up only."
"Them kids have morals instilled in right, and that was beautiful."
"Parents have really done an amazing job of protecting their children."
"It's essential that we do everything we can to keep children at school and keep children learning."
"Kids are innately good; it is good for people to have kids."
"I think it should be left to the doctors and the parents, and ideally the children as well. The idea that we would place some state restriction on some types of health care for children, when children should have access to all the health care they need, I think it's pretty silly."
"Whenever you tear down a parent in front of a child, it takes a piece of that kid away."
"With AI, it's especially scary. Sure, they're not being introduced to softcore fetish videos, but I seriously have to wonder how this is going to affect some of these kids in the future."
"Children should not be involved in politics, especially young children like a six-year-old."
"It's time to start actually taking steps to keep children from getting access to content they shouldn't be seen."
"It's a kid's movie, man. Yes, yes, yes. Is it one of those kids' movies that sometimes has hearts, and like, as an adult, you get something else out of it?"
"When we talk about the children of the community, they are children of the community."
"These days, kids have more imagination in their pinkies than most adults have in their whole bodies."
"Skipping is the most efficient way to move for children at a certain age due to their height and muscle."
"We want our kids to be safe. We want them to succeed."
"The German method is to prepare their kids—instead of trying to keep them 100% safe, but to prepare them to manage risk themselves."
"I think our kids are more capable than we realize or that we give them credit for. They're more capable of handling physical freedom and handling tough, intellectual, and emotional subjects."
"Your primary duty on this Earth is to protect your children."
"The children had been the priority, they wanted to be able to tell the three children when the time was right."
"It taps into one of modern society's greatest fears: the endangerment of children."
"Where it worries me is kids for sure, and I'm maybe even less worried about today than I am in 15 years when you have VR that is bordering on photorealistic."
"Children are a gift and a blessing from the Lord."
"It's pure power fantasy for young children, mostly boys. It's that daydream we all had about being badass secret agents."
"April is the month of the military child where we celebrate the strength, resilience, and sacrifice of our military's youth."
"We need a society that really supports children and babies and mothers, and parents at a young age."
"The preponderance of the evidence indicates that children are less likely to be symptomatic, have severe disease, or be really susceptible and transmit COVID-19."
"Investing in roads, railways, and airports can yield long-term dividends. The same applies to people and especially children."
"I believe that the children are our future... and they are what is truly going to make America great again."
"Kids are one of the reasons that you should be optimistic about the world because who's gonna fight for the right stuff if you don't have the kids?"
"It seems to always go back to my children... That's probably one of my greatest accomplishments."
"The most Joy I receive in my life comes from my children."
"For what gives life its meaning, if not to be the reason for a child's smile?"
"What these children went through is beyond comprehension."
"The harms of our children from those school closures are a heinous legacy of those who recommended and presided over that policy."
"Children are the spirit of hope for a better future."
"As you receive these precious children in the Savior's name and help them in their eternal journey, I promise you that the Lord will bless you and shower His love and approval upon you."
"Massive support for children and the people who take care of children is the best long-term investment."
"Kids ask lots of questions; they have a deep curiosity in school."
"Children aren't accomplishments, they're people."
"The children have a less risk of severe disease from Covid than they do from the flu."
"All we are saying is that you should not restrict what children can do or wear, just because of their gender. It's clothes; there's no biological underpinning in clothes."
"Children are the very definition of innocence."
"It's really important to get kids maybe involved in band, the school play, it could be lots of different things."
"Children can also be looked at as our teachers... kids are pure untainted souls and they're so connected with the spirit realm."
"I love this: the baby getting all the food on the face."
"You children still smile and have learned well. You will see past this night."
"She gave me many years of happiness that can't be taken away and children I would die for."
"You'll become the most successful person in the world, with wealth, happiness, fame, lovers, and untold wealth, but you can't have children."
"Your motivation couldn't be purer, like, wow, I get the chance to entertain children right now."
"Poverty is a killer and because of it children needlessly suffer."
"I passed out 21 index cards where I wrote a clean funny joke that a four-year-old would laugh at."
"You need to know that there's another option, and that's why I introduced them to comedy."
"It's so good to motivate children to take up hobbies for themselves; that's how they can use their free time instead of just wandering around watching TV."
"Kids thrive in highly simplified spaces. They love to be able to use their imagination."
"May God bless the children of Egypt and everyone that helps with this project."
"Enjoy your gift. I was watching your channel; Egypt was amazing. This is just a little something for the kids from Queensland, Australia. Andrea Palin, all the way from Australia."
"Equal shared parenting is one of the four things that is absolutely crucial for children having the best opportunity."
"It's so important to support the sensitivities in our children. Because they're going to save the world."
"Every child should be able to grow up in a safe community, free from violence and fear."
"What kids taught me about life and business is... they're my reason. It softened me. I'm living for something different than me."
"Scratch is a wonderful programming environment for kids. It really has this immediate feedback where you take these code blocks that you can snap together and you can create little games or animations."
"Sometimes kids are the most peaceful people ever. They're the least judgmental."
"Children do not have the mental capacity to make these decisions fully formed and educated decisions." - Argument against children deciding on gender identity changes.
"Sadly, not surprising at all because we have completely and utterly sexualized children in our society."
"For the kids, the answer is yes, you are special and capable and unique and resilient. But for the rest of us, asking that question can lead to some fascinating and healthy introspection."
"Children don't fear like adults do because they are tuned into the present moment."
"Our schools are precious, our kids are precious. There's nothing else in our society that is as central to everything we hope for as our schools."
"I've heard stories from kids who say this crazy stuff before five, like they remember their past life and their death, and the parents do research and figure out they're right about everything."
"Just as every officer who pins on the badge deserves to come home at night, so do children."
"Our children acquire the ability to speak and understand a language without explicit lessons."
"These are some cute little clips I can put in the kids' hair."
"We have children who have become responsible for the emotional regulation of the adults in their world, and they cannot carry that weight."
"These children, the courage that they have, The Bravery that they show to be there to just honor the memory of their parents."
"I give my time, the most important thing we got, and I pour into children in a way that I know they'll understand."
"The most important ingredient in love for children and our romantic partners is emotional responsiveness."
"Children are blessings from God. They're like arrows in the hands of a warrior."
"The Bible says children are blessings from God."
"Mr. Rogers understood that kids may not have the experience but they can understand and they do have just as much emotional depth as any of us; they just don't have the words to describe it."
"Let's give our children the mental health support that they so desperately need."
"She was a loving woman, she loved children, she loved her kids."
"I think there's a really clear reason why everybody wants children to be in school."
"Kids have extremely good odds when they face this disease, and vaccinated or not, they generally do well, especially healthy kids."
"Inside were two little girls screaming for help at the top of their lungs."
"The Disneyland time capsule is dedicated to the children of the 21st century, who may unlock its contents on the 80th anniversary of Disneyland, July 17, 2035."
"We have children who are traumatized before preschool. Where do you think this country's going to be in 20 years?"
"It's definitely a really fun sensory experience and I truly believe that kids would really enjoy this."
"I consider my marriage and then my children to be one of the greatest privileges that God has ever given me."
"If the biological bar has not gone down in terms of our capacity as a species in this short period of time, perhaps the societal bar has gone up in terms of what we expect of children."
"Children are the future, and we know from the research there's been a dramatic drop, dramatic I mean staggering drop, in the number of people in Western cultures who will say children are important to me."
"Children deserve more protection actually than adults because they are defenseless."
"People have multiple children, not because they don't love one enough or the one wasn't good enough."
"There is nothing more gratifying to my soul than being the reason for a child's smile."
"Children will believe and remember 80% of what they see and 20% of what they hear."
"Be cool, play it safe, a children's safety video."
"If you have a program going that is taking 45,000 children and magically transforming their lives... that's a miraculously successful social program."
"At the end of the day, children belong in families, not in institutions."
"This is going to pay a big toll on children's education, on their learning, on their development, and we need to stay focused on doing those things that can help to reduce the impact at that level."
"Don't turn reading into work. Reading should not be presented to children as a chore, a duty. It should be offered as a gift." - Kate DiCamillo
"Pretending to be Batman helps kids stay more attentive to their tasks."
"You will not arrest children for selling water."
"The future of our planet is our children, and so this work is not about us, it is through us for the collective."
"But the kid wants to do this, the kid's like, 'Oh hey, I love my dad.'"
"I love how little kids, when they answer questions, they never elaborate. It's like yes or no, every time."
"The kids were great, they always are. That's why we do it."
"Kids' hearts are super pure, and they ask genuine, real questions that adults feel are socially inappropriate."
"Kids recognize that everybody's different much more so than adults do."
"It takes much for kids to recognize that they're different, and they still have the same expectations for them as they do other kids, which is actually a beautiful thing."
"Children are capable of far more than you've ever imagined."
"American children are wonderful children if we give them a chance to act right."
"I enjoy being with my children, and I'm not looking for an escape from my children."
"Allowing children to question their gender and explore this a little is perfectly healthy."
"There is nothing that protects kids with online content."
"The reality of the situation is that children are the greatest thing on planet Earth. They are amazing, and women being able to have children is like a superpower."
"The question has now shifted from how much time is too much to how young is too young, as children as young as two, three, and four years old now have access to technology."
"Encouraging children to love the skin they're in."
"Kids are the absolute best, especially if they're yours."
"My kids deserve to be in school. They deserve to have an education."
"The attempt to sexualize children's characters is really screwed up."
"It is a form of changing the minds of small children, that is the goal. It is ideological grooming."
"There's nothing more gratifying to my soul than being the reason for a child's smile."
"Children are the best company because they're really enthusiastic about everything."
"I believe in making sure we can protect the Second Amendment and protect second graders."
"Ask anybody who has children...they will say, 'I wouldn't give up my child for anything.'"
"Humans have always loved having children. Overwhelmingly, the majority of human beings want to have kids, enjoy having kids, and feel passion, love, and purpose for having kids."
"When you're younger, colors are more vibrantly seen... and when you get older things dull... but that feeling... reignites when you are with your children."
"Kids laugh 400 times a day... we laugh so much less as we get older."
"Children are happier with strict orders in place because it makes them feel safe."
"Pediatric experts recommend that children under 12 years old should avoid caffeine entirely, and teens should limit their intake to 100 milligrams a day."
"We have to realize that Gaza was a place that had many struggles and we know that it's over half of its population are children."
"Children should not be subjected to these dangerous interventions in school or at the hands of so-called medical professionals."
"One of the not so often talked about benefits of decluttering is that kids find toys they had forgotten about and start playing with them again."
"To turn a child into a political tool is a deeply wrong thing."
"All children are fabulists. All children imagine what could be and what might be."
"This is my favorite gift that I got. It's anti-racism for children."
"Children are our most precious resource, they're treated like crap in this country, especially if they're pre-birth."
"Maybe one day, the country won't be leaving the most vulnerable children behind."
"I just love the minds of children; they are so creative and unapologetic. It's inspiring."
"It's hard not to like my kids watch them. I can't get them to watch anything. They're like, 'my videos are boring to them, but they'll watch Car Wow.'"
"This is what happens when you use children to front an ideology."
"Life is a gift to be cherished, and children are a gift to be cherished."
"Surprise Ride is a monthly bundle of adventure that gets kids excited about learning."
"KiwiCo believes in the power of kids, and that small essence today can mean big world-changing ideas tomorrow."
"What are you doing? There are children, Steve, with the bat. I'll get some Diamond Dogs."
"Television absolutely had a significant impact on children. Studies showed that more than two-thirds of kids and their contemporaries were influenced by what they saw on television."
"I think kids are very heavily influenced by what they see."
"Every child should be learning how to make money online. If they know computers are for making money, not just for social media, they can be successful early on."
"Critical thinking in children seems to be lacking and not encouraged."
"No one kid should control two water cannons. That's a little too much power for one person."
"Isn't it wonderful what the children can make using just their imaginations?"
"I think it's important to be honest with children. We shouldn't, you know, say things that are untrue or overly reassuring. But at the same time, there's no reason to scare kids."
"UNICEF spokesperson called Israel's attacks on Gaza a war on children."
"You know, sometimes I'm obsessed with the care and compassion towards children. I look at five-year-old kids, six-year-old kids, three-year-old kids, four-year-old kids, and I just want to protect them."
"When children go missing, it raises entire communities to rally together."
"Kids are meant to be innocents, and they are meant to be protected."
"Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is." - Yoda
"By the age of four years, the children in the professional families had heard 30 million more words directed to them than children in the welfare families."
"Creoles are some of the best evidence we have of children's remarkable ability to create and modify language to suit their needs."
"You love your children more than any other children on earth, not because they are objectively superior to all other children, but because they are yours."
"Kids need stability in the emotional sense, they're not attached."
"Children are more likely to say they're happy if they're able to talk to their parents about their problems."
"Kids using devices more than three hours a day are 30% more likely to have an indicator of suicidality."
"You must never follow an adult you don't know."
"These child-sized hammocks were prone to entangling their young users."
"It's not healthy to have kids buried in their phones eight hours a day."
"According to a new study, kids aged 5 to 11 went from an obesity rate of 36 percent to 47 percent because of the lockdown in the U.S. That's really bad for people."
"There's nothing more important than educating our children."
"There have been reports... children are still being separated."
"This is a psychological warfare attack on our babies, guys."
"Chicago isn't just where her ex-husband is from, it's the name of their third child together."
"Kids are so awesome and they're so good at teaching you things that you didn't even know you needed to learn."
"It's about the children, it's most about the schools."
"I have great children, and they're very important to me."
"Gabrielle's Wings for me... is all about doing things for other children..."
"Games are educational experiences because they are one of the most important ways children have of finding out what it takes to live with other people."
"george charlotte and lewis are already worth between 4 and five million each"
"Parents, if you're Christian, get your children out of there."
"We need to get back into a position where we're going to produce justice for our children."
"Why the skyrocketing rates of mental health diagnoses in children? Is it us, them, or the iPhones?"
"Can we get a diamond marker for all the precious little children, the true victims of divorce, separated families? Amen. You stay together guys if you can."
"Our kids are drowning in stuff, and what they want is human connection."
"If anybody out there has any age kid that wants to play this game, just let him play."
"It might be that having a child gives you some assurance that you don't have to go through life being alone. You have a baby who you know will never leave you."
"This is not the future you would want your children to inherit."
"The child is not a burden, the child is your asset."
"Little kids look so adorable in animal food you can't help but smile to a baby in a bunny romper."