
Family Impact Quotes

There are 319 quotes

"Divorce is devastating for Children and Families by almost every metric."
"Hold your composure because once you put it out there, your kids are going to see it, your families are going to see it, and it's permanent."
"I started to change my view on things a lot when my son started to grow, and I saw how affected his life was by my finances."
"Social media has destroyed, I think, in many ways, our family, our children, our ideals. It's exploited and brought out the worst in people in many ways."
"It makes no difference whether it's a progressive government or a conservative government, we know that it makes a huge difference to families whether they have $10-a-day childcare."
"The likelihood of you having attempted suicide within the past year is cut down to one fifteenth of its previous value as long as you have supportive parents."
"I can't do this to my mother and father...I can't do this lifestyle no more."
"Behind all those numbers most tragic are stories of families torn apart."
"It's the people... anytime you talk about a lost job, it's a family that's been affected."
"I have left a legacy of shame, as some of my victims have pointed out, to my family and my grandchildren."
"They're tearing families apart with no proper reason, and there's no recourse."
"Josh's actions have rippled far beyond the epicenter of the offense itself. Children have scars, but his family is also suffering the fallout of his actions."
"The way we talk about autism's impact on families matters."
"I was angry... really upset because especially as more stories came out... those women were like either young parents or they had families."
"It's very deliberate that Julian's being kept in a maximum-security prison. It's very deliberate that his family has to go through this procedure."
"You think you can have a family, then locking me up will magically reform me?"
"His actions destroyed two families." - prosecutor argued
"When a man gets incarcerated, the full family is incarcerated. When the woman is incarcerated, the community is incarcerated."
"It's shocking that an entire family is wiped out and no one reports the missing."
"You're living on the edge of your economic capability and the fact that you can't afford to fill up your car anymore puts you into unemployment and food deprivation in relationship to your children."
"The fact that they were found guilty was just such relief for the family, all of us."
"The answers that my family received is closure, and closure is everything." - Diane Dawn's son Mark
"Q Dropped: stories of relationships torn apart by Q Anon."
"Scientology is an abusive family-destroying cult."
"It's terrible for Donald Trump his children and all the co-defendants every day and every way every minute."
"Joe Biden is making life worse for American families."
"At the time of publication, Nancy has not been sentenced. Both Dan's mother and his son Nathaniel were grateful for the guilty verdict and believed it was necessary for their family to begin to heal."
"You know, and that's the thing that I try to talk to my young homies who are still in here. It's like you're watching your kids just grow up without you, you know what I'm saying?"
"That day would soon turn her and her family's lives into a nightmare."
"Become an independent thinker is the best thing you could possibly do for yourself and your family."
"Having a borderline person with borderline personality disorder in your family is devastating."
"Your daughters may also believe it's okay for a man to abuse them because they saw you, their role model, being abused and you stayed in that relationship."
"Apologize to the family... faced with the images of their daughter's dead body because of you."
"A system like that is the enemy of a healthy society. Any economic system that weakens and destroys families is not worth having."
"The family find out that their loved one has gone to a funeral director, and the practices that that funeral director will then ring the family."
"How do you measure the price of a wrongful conviction? Well, maybe it's in the way your family thinks about you even after you're free."
"Most importantly, I want to reiterate to you that whatever happens here today, I am sorry to my family for all they've been through."
"I feel bad for him because you know his wife tweets stuff and stuff like about her sons her sons have to go to school and hear that their dad's being called West brick and stuff like that and I like to me that's just so sad."
"My cause, my fight against breast cancer, is very important for me because my mother is a breast cancer survivor." - Miss France
"This is a terrible intrusion in the privacy of our lives, in our family's lives, in our business."
"You're a great mom, our kids are happy, they're smart, they're healthy, it's because of you."
"Faye said that that death had a big impact on the family and that it especially took a big toll on Britney's father Jamie Spears."
"It can happen to anyone because it happened to my family, and I never thought it would."
"This could be a game changer for a lot of families."
"I have caused tremendous pain to my family and I take responsibility."
"It's a horrible Legacy that these men leave."
"What good is it to build a big YouTube channel but blow up your family or burn out in the process?"
"The single biggest predictor of suicide in either boys or girls was lack of presence of dads."
"For Anne's family, unanswered questions about her murder still remained."
"I'm so proud of you don't you have full B's and C's even a nerdy guy actually got really bad results cuz you're about family problems."
"When we finally heard that it was Pitchfork who had committed both murders, you have a sense of real relief that justice had been finally done for the families was the overwhelming feeling."
"My own son embarked on a course which threatens ruin and destruction."
"It's a threat to your family's well-being, this place truly made me, my family feel not welcome."
"The decision that you make right now to leave your marriage is going to have some sort of long-lasting effects on your children's lives."
"There will be no more birthday parties, no graduations, holiday gatherings, or other family celebrations. The laughter, hugs, guidance, advice, sense of security, and those opportunities to simply say I love you are forever gone."
"Baek Joon recalled her father almost ending his life after being unfairly fired by Kang Soo Group."
"It wasn't Hollywood that was driving me crazy it was Hollywood that had me questioning what they were doing but it was my family that was driving me crazy."
"God's love affects the family, and God's love affects Éros, and God's love affects Philía."
"A plurality of voters in the toughest districts in the country say, 'Yeah, that would be pretty good for me and my family.'"
"A whole family lost a woman that meant a lot to them that night."
"The influx of patients is growing by the day and the lack of treatment and resources affecting American families."
"Leaving Islam didn't just happen in a vacuum. Something led them to those videos, mostly inside our families."
"This government has failed you and it's failing American families."
"Please, don't make us do this any longer. It's not fair to her family or for anybody."
"Finally, Rachel's family got justice for her murder."
"I knew I needed to be a presence in my kids' life."
"When hurtful words turn into trying to break up somebody's livelihood, when it turns into hurting their family, those things can't go unchecked."
"A pregnant mom arrested in front of her husband and children for communicating details about an anti-lockdown protest."
"It's been a real game changer for her her Aunt other members of our family and for many other people now you two can benefit."
"Please stop. You're hurting me and you're hurting my family."
"This journey toward a more minimal lifestyle has been absolutely life-changing for our family."
"I'm so devastated by what's happening. It's too painful. It's too painful. That's the only thing worse than being the addict is being the family member."
"One in three families of inmates reported going into debt to pay for phone calls or visitation, which is terrible."
"We have to be very always keep mindful of our family members that are listening and watching right now."
"It's definitely uh it's definitely a one that uh makes you stay up at night even though we're not directly connected with it because again you want closure for the family you want some type of resolution."
"I want to know where she is and what happened yeah of course but of course and i'm sure i'm sure the family does yeah i'm sure they do."
"You've just ruined your life and your wife's life and your children's lives over this."
"Justice has not been served to Allison and her family."
"Policy failures will be responsible for tens of thousands of families getting stranded at airports."
"Being your best self feels good for your loved ones and for you."
"I'm gonna feel so sorry for them and their families, their precious children that they had in this country illegally."
"Real failure is getting drunk and missing your kid's birthday party."
"It's messing with his money, lifestyle, his family. That's the ultimate motivator."
"Sigma grind set style it's time to set up an arena for the Eater of Worlds we do this excitedly not knowing how much grief this gargantuan cancer worm Abomination piece of [ __ ] was going to cause us and the future generations of our family."
"If we let life get so bad we're miserable, it's actually worse for everybody in our family."
"Karina tells the press that the only people that have truly been served a life sentence in this case is her and her family they've having to deal with the pain the anguish and the grief until the grave."
"A prison is not just hell on earth for inmates, it's also hell for the families and loved ones of anyone incarcerated."
"The family was notified on Friday by Bradenton detectives of Kelly's passing."
"Some of these shortages will be more than an inconvenience for families but they can actually disrupt people's lives."
"This family didn't deserve this. This could have been prevented."
"He destroyed his life, he destroyed the life of another, he destroyed his family, his sons, and everybody in their wake all for what? Because of jealousy."
"This is the epitome of an act of extreme selfishness. None of the children will have parents to see them grow to be there for the events of their lives that parents should be there for."
"She left her children for this and doesn't even care. She's missing birthdays and holidays for this. She truly believes this is all real and we are the crazy ones for trying to get her to come home."
"For them and their families, 9/11 never ended."
"You listening to this right now? You rock. Keep shining on."
"What she felt was deeply personal, like her daddy issues."
"Before being a father if I lost a match I would sulk and could not talk to anyone for days now when I lose I get home see my kids and it all fades away."
"Vivian's suicide was out of character; many who knew her stated that she would not leave her children behind."
"Sierra Harp will be forgotten in prison while the rest of her family will forever struggle to understand her demented reasons."
"It just humanizes the entire situation because you realize that this person had a family, this person has a son, and she's not coming back to him."
"It's incredibly impactful for young people to have their father in their lives... Dad is firm, Dad's going to do what he said he's going to do."
"Season 5 immediately deals with the aftermath of big Bill's death which has a pretty major effect on the entire family."
"It's okay to be sad but like it's another thing to be selfish to where like i was only caring about how i felt like not the broader picture why i live who gives me life and i'm hurting the people that love me the most so."
"I do hope that Jody's Family has some peace."
"Up $1,000 a month in your hands would be a game-changer for millions of families right here in the state."
"Her family still seeks answers on what really happened that day."
"She truly believed her undercover work could be the reason for her daughter's death."
"I think my dad did struggle with some depression."
"That name in that wall is only the tip of the iceberg on the cost. The rest is that family behind it."
"With determination coursing through his veins, the player readies himself for battle."
"A vast majority of our problems can be traced back to fatherlessness."
"I'm so sorry your family has been affected by this, I'm so very sorry."
"Fathers are important. Now imagine if fathers are doing these things on the righteous side."
"Settlements matter for families who've lost loved ones to police violence."
"He went with what they said, but this did not sit well with Christopher or his family."
"It was a bad decision, a bad split-second decision that's left his two children without their mother."
"What I saw occur in the house that night... I will never ever forget the feeling that I had just watched my mom die."
"There has not been a whole lot of resolution, which has kind of left a bit of a hole in the family, you know?"
"There's two little girls that deserve to have the answers and justice."
"When you lose your child in these circumstances, it's there forever, and I would like people to know how much evil destroys family legacies."
"Not having a dad in my life kind of hindered me a little bit."
"Imagine being a family member or with a missing daughter or a missing sister or your best friend's missing and you can't get anyone to pick up the phone."
"It wasn't intentional, but I also want her family to have closure."
"You saved me a lot of work, and I'm sure Corporal White's family will be grateful to at least get some closure."
"My Dad was forced to find other work, running through a string of jobs before settling for a sales position at some insurance company downtown. He hated it, and so did Mom."
"It's not just the money he stole, it's the high debt that I took. I've had to sell my house, I've had to watch my wife cry, I've had to watch my kids cry over this."
"Growing up without a mom, their lives forever changed and not for the better."
"As I was reading deeper and deeper into the book and how, like, he planned to do all this thing to, like, this entire family, I was like, 'Damn, this guy just, like, really came in and just, like, [expletive] up this entire family for no reason.'"
"Abductions happen within Family Lines... if your parents are abductees, then you also are going to be an abductee."
"Your wife embarrassed everyone, including our kids."
"A single vehicle crash that killed a father of three."
"Beauty to me is created by people around you, by the media, and most of all your parents."
"I just hope for this family's sake that they can get justice and closure for this."
"He's convicted and it's interesting because... her family they say of course we want to know... but more importantly we need to make sure that he spends the rest of his life in prison."
"This is a footballing decision but also a family decision as well."
"Menopause, the change, that sounds horrifying. Say goodbye to your mother, now we won't be seeing her again."
"I prayed that you give me a little more time so that I could be a good example to my sons so that I can have one more chance at you know at life you know."
"He was willing to give the information but it wasn't because he felt bad about what he did it wasn't because he wanted the families have closure or he needed to get it off his chest it was just to save his own ass essentially."
"This is what families have to deal with years and years and years later and I am sure at this point some family members have died before they got to see Lawrence receive his full punishment and that's just so backwards."
"My story encouraged other family members of killers to come out of the shadows." - Melissa Moore
"Few things are more devastating than a loved one going missing."
"For millions of families in America, this issue is the most important issue they're facing."
"Every time you clicked on a video, every time you hit a heart button, every time you created a comment, every time you shared a video, my wife saw that."
"70% of teenage pregnancies come from women raised in fatherless homes."
"There are real people being affected, including American citizens with family in Ukraine."
"These people have children, and you're absolutely right, I mean they're tearing families apart. They're doing it to children as well. It's certainly, it's completely out of control."
"The most offensive thing is Scientology's complete disregard for and destruction of the family unit."
"The welfare state did what slavery couldn't do: it broke families apart."
"Stephanie's family was further devastated when the police announced a second arrest in Stephanie's case Vincent's twin brother Marcus."
"It's our children, my children, your children, your families that are going to be affected by this if we're just silent."
"Eventually, Hohenheim mustered up the resolve to find the answer to getting rid of his immortality, to make things better for himself and his family through allowing him to finally live life with sincerity and abandon."
"Every soldier has loved ones waiting for them at home, and so many just don't come back."
"They're going to feel deep feels for Jennifer and her five children."
"Just deal with your dirty laundry in a way that, like, I understand it makes for good TMZ moments but... your kids are going to be negatively affected by all of this."
"The process is where God radically touched this family, radically touched this church."
"It was a complete inconvenience for everybody in the house."
"The money is for two daughters who have to grow up without dad."
"He thought that Alex probably wouldn't want to go on without his mother either, and so Andre spent most of that car journey on the way to the hospital thinking of the different ways that he could end his own and his son's lives."
"Hard drug use only hurts you and kills your family from the inside out."
"Marriage is a major contributor to educational success and therefore to the economy as well."
"Life's drugs are bad. They're dangerous. They're evil. They ruin lives, they ruin minds, and they ruin families."
"Your mom was murdered. It's not an accident."
"Children of the hodsons, they discovered the bodies of their parents in the family home."
"It definitely made us re-evaluate our entire life every single one of us in one way or another and our family have been extremely impacted."
"This family has a 13-year-old daughter that was forced to move out after everything began to happen, and they left her room completely intact, the way it was, boyband posters and all."
"Statistically speaking if you were raised by a single mother as a girl your chances of being pregnant before the age of 18 is higher."
"The world has so many questions and Gabby's family deserves answers."
"If you do it wrong, the Sabbath will be a burden for your children. If you do it right, it will be a delight and a blessing."
"It's just so unfair for the families, isn't it?"
"Even if I would have died, I still would have left a legacy for my family."
"The whole family is forever affected by this; it has a strong ripple effect."
"He's the only one in the whole house sick unfortunately."
"The Rapture is the last thing they're going to deal with... It will be a shock, especially for family members or people who find themselves in the middle of a tragedy."
"Any lifestyle that does that to a family and to people is evil."
"Uncle never came home from Vietnam and I was very young at the time but I appreciate every single one of you that's some thing for our freedoms."
"Felicia's death has affected my life and took its toll on my entire family."
"The entire system has failed Mary's family...the least they could do now is not let the people who stole her life just go about their normal lives like nothing happened."
"Unlike his older brother, Patrick used his final moments to express regret for the pain and suffering he had caused."
"It definitely plays a big role in my music, growing up young, I used to bump soaking music because of my mother."
"It's our job as electricians to always try to minimize risk or eliminate risk because it's either that or you just your kid doesn't have a dad anymore."
"Your daughters will never ever forgive you if you sabotage their chance to graduate without debt."
"The expedition would hopefully bring some closure for the affected families."
"This helps people? Families? It could be just a couple that makes up to $250,000 a year."
"Think twice before pulling a trigger... It could easily be your family."
"When the people finally revolt and they will, it's going to be a time of extreme chaos for you and your family."
"The reason I'm asking the sorcerer for help is not because my life has been turned upside down, but because the people I love are also being affected because of it."
"The financial burden that college puts on students and on the families, it's crazy."
"I was hurting my family more than I was hurting myself."
"It's time for her to receive justice. It's time for her family to receive answers. It's honestly way past time."
"I wish that were the only problem. My family and I woke up this morning to a total blackout. Every single house on the block lost power."
"The extended families were devastated because despite knowing that the police investigation was flawed from early on."
"There's a young man right now that's gonna grow up in this world without his father."
"His beautiful family he just destroyed, which is really beyond words."
"You should get a lawyer to clean your [] up and like if they have to reverse stuff and then it gets on your parents stuff don't feel bad about it because guess what they [] did it to you."
"Crack reparations should be a real thing... So many families were torn apart due to the laws that these crackers made."
"Leah's murder remains open and has grown sadly very cold. Justice has remained elusive for her family and for 23 years now, her children have had to grow up never knowing the truth of who killed their mother or why he chose to do so."
"The black man experimented upon, their families have to endure this. They are lied to and then there's a cure." - Rashad Richard
"When I found out my wife was pregnant, that pushed me to another level."
"It's no joke for so many sons and daughters and husbands and wives and friends and loved ones."
"The destruction of a nation begins in the home of its families."