
Personal Decision-making Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"You only get one life, and you make your choices with it as long as it's you making the choice."
"Your gut is never wrong. So sometimes you confuse the voices of other people and the opinions of other people with your own intuition, but if you really just shut out the outside noises and you listen to your intuition, you listen to those feelings and you listen to your gut, you know exactly what you need to do in your life."
"The most important advice would be to get yourself broadly educated and then make the decisions you feel comfortable with."
"Knowledge is everything. You got to know. I'm not about to step into nothing that I know is dangerous."
"Feelings seem to be something that don't care about logic. They just exist, and it's only up to you to decide what to do with them."
"We're asking the question we're asking you to go within to the seventh Direction and make up your own mind make up your own heart."
"If you're being led to do a certain thing or to do a certain action, do it... go with what you feel."
"If the guardianship is hurting her, if she feels controlled and manipulated, is that any better than just letting her make her own decisions?"
"It's your choice. You gotta decide what you want to do."
"Look at the policies, figure out what's better for your family, go with it."
"Decide how we're going to deal with that and navigate that as ourselves."
"Always trust your judgment and your intuition over all others."
"I would be the same way, why would you take any more chances with what like all of that just would not want anything to do with it ever again exactly."
"Nobody's deemed a section difficult; they've all died trying to get up here."
"At the end of the day, don't make any decision just for other people. Follow your heart and what your gut's telling you to do."
"That's why I was not in favor of him taking that risk."
"When you don't have clear boundaries, you may find everyone else will make decisions for you."
"Empowering people to understand their own bodies and to make decisions for themselves."
"I am not a typical investor... I make my own decisions and act accordingly. I have my own goals, my own risk profile, my own brain, my own balls, and I will act accordingly."
"The age of individual ownership and direct decision fades."
"Follow your gut, know that happens a lot too, right?"
"Let people make decisions for themselves. It's fair."
"Always do your own research and make your own financial decisions."
"It's not the astrology chart's way of saying don't invest, don't fall in love, don't try, don't start that business, don't go to school. It's just saying that if this is what you're called to do at this moment in your life, honor that."
"You have to listen to your gut. When you have that feeling that something is off, you should do something about it."
"Believe in who you are, believe in what you can do, don't give that power of decision to other people..."
"Trust your intuition and follow what feels right rather than what you think you should do."
"I have to do what's best for me because I don't want to depend on anyone else."
"Decide what you want, feel, believe, and accept."
"Your gut is always right. If you're nervous, that's one thing. But if you're straight-up scared and your gut is telling you not to, don't do it."
"You have to make whatever choice you think is right for you, but if you have kids, if you have a family and there's an opportunity to leave and you're able to, then I think you have to."
"Every person is different, and if you weigh all the risks and for yourself the benefits still outweigh, like who am I to say?"
"What kind of world you want what kind of relationship you want with each other what kind of life you want to lead you have to make those decisions."
"Take everything into consideration and do what's right for you and your family."
"Are you going to be making the right decision for yourself that affirms, confirms your values?"
"Just because you can qualify for a million dollar home doesn't mean that you can afford it and it doesn't mean that you should buy it."
"Do what's gonna work for you and for your family and then ultimately you'll be doing what's gonna work for the community."
"Accept how I feel, feel what I feel, and then make a decision about what I want to do about it."
"Take profits when you want to, not when others say."
"I believe people should make medical decisions based on their risk factors and their doctor's advice."
"Don't give your power away to anybody, think for yourself and make up your own decisions."
"Make up your own minds about the vaccine and therefore about life in general. Don't be bullied by society or by these self-anointed leaders into telling you what to do. Make your own mind up."
"They make their decisions, you get to make yours."
"Do what feels natural, not what you think you should do."
"Identifying what is really in your best interests and acting on it."
"Understand logically what is going to be the best thing for you."
"If you're looking for people to connect with that are on your level... you're still going to have to make that decision because you're the magic."
"The real question isn't why would I do that, the question should be why wouldn't I do that."
"Decide what to do with that sort of energy and shine."
"Sellers are realizing that they should buy or sell based on their own unique circumstances."
"Why can't I have both? Why can't I do both things?"
"Listen to your gut and your mind will catch up later."
"Your intuition is like a lighthouse guiding ships safely to shore."
"Do a tourist search within yourself, be honest with yourself, and ask yourself: Is this something I want to go into? Is this something I want to do?"