
Healthcare Quotes

There are 14176 quotes

"I never recommend an intervention unless I'm certain that it's not going to cause more harm than good."
"There is a diagnostic lack of sophistication...if you really want to conquer this, it actually starts with this degree of diagnostic sophistication."
"Switching from a disease cure orientation to a health enhancement orientation would be lovely to see the entire medical establishment move in that direction."
"I am happy that there'll be a more holistic approach to dementia care."
"We need to address the root cause; that's what my patients deserve."
"I don't think that you can really reverse it very well yet, but you can probably really put some effort in preventing it from happening, at least."
"Pain management is often about that, getting people to actually pay attention to their pain...the real weave and fabric and texture."
"That's what a good doctor does, that's what a good clinician does, is trying to figure out where that pathway starts, so we address that goal earlier on, so that pathway doesn't even get a chance to form."
"There's no one-size-fits-all answer. There's no score where you're like, 'If I feel like a five out of 10, that means I need to go see a doctor.' It just doesn't exist, unfortunately, because mental health is a very subjective space."
"This vaccine should not be for the haves; it should be for those who cannot afford it too."
"I wanted to be able to actually figure out how to prevent the problem in the first place."
"Medicine is 'go break yourself and I'll fix you, maybe.' Functional medicine is 'why did you get sick, what was the root, and let's deal with that so you don't get sick or we reverse the illness.'"
"Studying the healthy to teach those habits to prevent disease or slow down aging is healthcare."
"Nutritional deficiency continues to be an unrecognized and under-treated problem in clinical practice."
"Dissatisfaction...wasn't why I wanted to become a physician. I wanted to turn things around. I'm by nature a fixer."
"C-sections are amazing; they can really save lives. But that's meant to be as a backup, not the main way."
"We literally are just going to cease to exist from a budgetary standpoint as a country if we don't shift to root cause frameworks of food as medicine and getting back to basics."
"First, we basically have to take responsibility for our own health. The fact is that nobody cares about your health as much as you do."
"We have to find a holistic change in the whole system, from the pharmaceutical to the doctors to the patients, to culturally how we even view medication."
"Doctors aren't nutritionists. 90% of doctors graduate without one nutrition class."
"The FDA has approved a drug used to treat asthma to now help manage allergic reactions to foods like peanuts and wheat."
"We really try and put forth a holistic, patient-forward approach to everything and anything that we do in the field of health care."
"90% of the work that I do is getting people to be compliant."
"The money was there, but how does the motivation, the money-driven motivation of big pharma, lead to that kind of allocation of vaccines?"
"I think we need more empowerment of patients."
"Cuba has produced all these biotechnological innovations including a vaccine that can stop the spread of lung cancer cells."
"Reality is if you go 20% better than what the standard American diet is, you will do 20% better in your healthcare."
"When it comes to Medicare, you're not going to save any money by doing it yourself. The price is always the same whether you do it yourself or you use a broker or captive agent."
"A great therapist... shouldn't keep you sick constantly."
"It can be a tool against addiction and a very effective means to ameliorate symptoms related to trauma, anxiety, chronic pain, and more."
"Support groups are game changers in your care journey."
"More people are affected by chronic pain now than the combined total of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer."
"In Spider-Man 2002, Peter has a radioactive spider bite the size of a golf ball but instead of going to a doctor, he decides to sleep it off. This is because Peter lives in America."
"The first ever over-the-counter birth control pill available without a prescription, a potentially enormous expansion of contraceptive care in America."
"America is one of the only first world countries that do not guarantee healthcare to their citizens."
"Healthcare is a human right, not a natural right, but should be a right given to every citizen."
"Instead of paying $400 a month for insulin...I want to cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month for every American who needs it."
"The Affordable Care Act...is still a very big deal."
"He delivered a lot of babies around here, many, many, with a lot of good feelings toward the care he gave those patients for many many years."
"Cancel all subscriptions, they don't matter, anything medical you have to take care of on a monthly basis?"
"The president understands what's going on around the kitchen table when Americans are sitting around trying to figure out how they're going to deal with the economy, how are they going to deal with healthcare."
"In American medicine we are so much better at starting medicines than we are at taking them away, right?"
"Right to try, what's called right to try, meaning to try a medicine or a cure for a disease."
"We're going to stay focused at this task force on saving lives, meeting the needs of our state and our health care workers and protecting the vulnerable."
"In the end, it shouldn't be politicians in Columbus that make these decisions; it should be women and their doctors."
"Quality adjusted life years, or QUALYs, and what we do we for every intervention, for every drug we have, for every treatment we're going to offer, we think about how many years of life they are going to add on to a person... and then we weight that based on how good the quality of that time will be."
"I think it should be left to the doctors and the parents, and ideally the children as well. The idea that we would place some state restriction on some types of health care for children, when children should have access to all the health care they need, I think it's pretty silly."
"The elephant in the room of modern American healthcare is that the vast majority of things that are killing Americans today are conditions based in our dietary and lifestyle choices over the course of our lifetime."
"We know a lot of data that when patients see physicians that look like them, they tend to do better, they tend to have better compliance, and outcomes are better."
"The most important thing I believe that we need to do is we need to understand the dynamic, not the diagnosis."
"People in larger bodies are mistreated and denied access to things like reproductive medicine... it can be really hard to love your body, but if you can find a way to respect your body... those are things that we know in research that helps lower cortisol, helps to lower inflammation."
"Access to contraception and abortion are necessary for women's bodily autonomy."
"If it wasn't for universal healthcare, I don't know that we would have been able to care for him the same way."
"Just because you have the ability to purchase healthcare, it doesn't mean that you actually have access to it."
"I am a healer, finding a range of diseases in a sea of data, identifying lung cancer earlier and with fewer false positives."
"Health care should be a basic human right, and if it's not, then we definitely have to pay people more."
"The number one cause of bankruptcy in the United States is the issue of health care."
"The true scam is when we make it so that there are people who are dying for treatable things because the person who goes in to get their flu shot protects you and me too."
"The American people are thinking about jobs, the economy, health care, education."
"The ASPCA pet health insurance program offers customizable accident and illness plans, making it easier for pet parents like you to help your pet get the care they need."
"These vaccines aren't the best infection blockers, but they're very good at acting as a hospitalization and death blocker."
"Vaccines are very good at blocking hospitalization and death, much more so than blocking the actual infection, whether it be mild or asymptomatic diseases."
"Natural immunity is beneficial, but vaccination will definitely enhance your chance of reducing symptomatic infection as well as significantly reducing the chance of hospitalization and death."
"Continual research and study are essential to fully understand and develop effective prevention and treatment strategies for the Delta variant."
"In Canada, we have free healthcare... I would wish that every country in the world would have that."
"Healthcare should be of the people, for the people, by the people."
"My MS meds cost $6,208 a month in USA. Same company sells the same drug in Europe for one-tenth of the price and still profits. Without the ACA, the taxpayer pays most of my costs. Socialism isn't the problem; for-profit companies writing the regulations are."
"The life outcomes were better for the people who were able to get these puberty blockers."
"The more it spends on government schools, the less education we get; the more it spends on medicine and healthcare, the less healthy we end up being."
"We need to make health care a right in this country."
"I love guns, and I don't think anybody should mess with them, but... there are probably more people on the planet that want healthcare and a good education for them and their children than people that want to own guns to protect themselves."
"Medicare and Medicaid are incredibly popular public programs."
"Science tells us a lot of interesting information that's helpful in terms of treatment."
"Health care is a fundamental human right. It saved my life, and it should all be there for you when you ever should need it."
"We need more resources to make sure that people are not only getting the care they need but also getting the tests they need so that they are not infecting other people."
"The National Disaster Medical System and other programs play a critical role in ensuring that uninsured and underinsured patients can receive care during emergencies by helping reimburse hospitals."
"Medical tourism is a major problem with such a large amount of foreign exchange leaving Nigeria, money that could have been converted to gains for the country if it had a vibrant healthcare system."
"A toothbrush that tracks your kids when they brush their teeth or the scale that tweets your weight to your friends are examples of how technology is changing health care."
"In terms of survival five years after diagnosis of cancer, the United States is head and shoulders above everyone else."
"Thank goodness we've got the NHS because that means that everybody knows that the system, society as a whole, if you like, will be doing everything we can to help people according to clinical need, not according to any other consideration."
"We protected your pre-existing conditions very strongly. You don't hear that, but we very strongly protected your pre-existing conditions."
"If you don't want people to leave medicine, pay them well and not overwork them."
"While we anticipated that the stress of the pandemic would impact the people providing care, the extent of stress and the percentage of workers considering leaving is worrisome."
"Every single country rations care. The question is, how do you ration it and how do you prioritize it? In the U.S., we do what's called a 'wallet biopsy'. The richer you are, the more likely you are to get good health care. In other countries, they ration based on need."
"Medicare for all... it will cost 32 trillion dollars over 10 years... but here's the problem, if we didn't do Medicare for all, the cost of our private health care system over that same time period would be 49 trillion dollars."
"Healthcare is the ultimate inelastic good; on your deathbed, you'll spend any amount of money to live even an hour longer."
"The biggest payoffs to health occur for basic care, as seen in the expansion of universal health care in Thailand, Rwanda, and Kerala."
"Imagine if we get a million people in the streets for Medicare for all."
"Healthcare workers are human, we are not perfect. No one would go into this profession if...as soon as you mess up you're going to jail. No one would go in because we're all going to mess up."
"AI models collaboratively built without sharing any confidential patient data can leverage artificial intelligence to its full potential."
"The W.H.O. argues in a 2021 report that universal coverage would limit catastrophic health spending."
"Treatment called antiretroviral therapy, or ART, can be very effective and dramatically slow the disease's progression."
"Prep refers to pre-exposure prophylaxis and PEP refers to post-exposure prophylaxis, both are ways of using antiretroviral therapy to help prevent contracting HIV."
"The early treatment is initiated, the better, and one can definitely still live a long, healthy life with proper and consistent treatment."
"I don't want to exist in a system where your ZIP code determines the type of healthcare you give your child."
"700 women die every year in the United States during pregnancy, birth, or the postpartum period. That is a number which is too high and which is higher than any other developed nation in the world."
"I urge you to go to ProPublica.com, put the names of the physicians you will be shocked to see that some physicians are earning between a hundred to five hundred thousand dollars a year speaking for the industry and promoting their drugs."
"I think that as a physician, I have a right to say this, I think that physicians have abdicated their clinical responsibilities to their patients."
"This revolution saves lives, it doesn't cost lives. And in this revolution, it saves money."
"It's multifactorial but one thing is for sure, we know already from data that if you have a delayed treatment, you will die sooner."
"The biggest problem with the American system is that there's no price transparency."
"You can have universality, quality, or affordability. Those three things, but not all three."
"We can overcome the deadly virus, we can reward work, and rebuild the middle class and make healthcare secure for all."
"Something like medicine, by definition, should be individualized based on the individual."
"Eighty percent of healthcare decisions are made by women."
"Whenever they do polls on things that make Canadians proudest to be Canadian, healthcare routinely outpolls democracy, the Constitution, Canadian history, the flag, literally everything else."
"Let's quit while you're ahead. A cesarean section is a medical intervention that saves tens of thousands of lives every single year."
"Price controls in general are horrible unless there's some type of externality... like insulin."
"Our top priority will always remain safeguarding patients, the public, and providers."
"Before witches were crucified, they were our midwives, healers, nurses, and counselors."
"The most cost-effective means of cutting health care costs in the most humane way is to prevent health care need by focusing on wellness initiatives."
"We've just opened the door into a world of new approaches for managing cancer, and the future will be able to build much better diet drug cocktails."
"There are three qualities of healthcare that you can have: affordability, universality, or quality. And you can have two of those three things, but not all three."
"Medical bankruptcies do not exist in other first-world countries."
"Life is complex...The point is we're talking about hundreds of thousands of bankruptcies."
"You're confused about...I've never said that...I've said multiple times that almost any form of universal health coverage is gonna be cheaper."
"Americans are exceptional in that we're the only country that doesn't have a socialized health care system."
"It's functioning to generate profit for the insurance companies but not for the social provision."
"When money is involved, then corruption within healthcare abounds and to a greater degree, when money is involved it corrupts all aspects of life."
"Actual care, compassion, or comfort was never part of the consideration for the patient for centuries."
"He is incredibly grateful to the healthcare workers, to the frontline workers, to people who are working every day to keep us safe."
"We need to trust our doctors and nurses...we have to trust our doctors and our nurses because we put in their hands life-altering decisions."
"There are three qualities of healthcare that you can have: you can have affordability, you can have universality, or you can have quality, and you can have two of those things but not all three."
"The first thing that I'm going to assess with the patient is, what symptoms are they having? What is their current diet like? And what are they willing to do?"
"Everybody knows they're going to need healthcare at some point in their lives."
"The healthcare, it was a lovely idea to give free healthcare, but that's a bill we can't pay."
"We spend now over three trillion dollars on health care in the United States, but the results, unfortunately, are disappointing."
"Always ask doctors the following question: What evidence do you have that the treatment you're recommending to me is going to either help me live longer or live better?"
"The average physician to this day does not hear a single lecture on childhood trauma."
"If you have more doctors, therefore more competition in that pool, which would bring down prices."
"The deficit is twice the size it was when Obama left office, and now there's talk of cutting Medicare and Social Security."
"Health care and health insurance are two totally different things."
"How do you expand access to something and get the price down? A market works in everything."
"Medical error is one of the leading causes of death in the United States."
"All you can do is like try, right? Yeah, and there comes a point where a patient can survive and you can have done a shitty job as a doctor, and a patient can have died and you could have done an amazing job as a doctor."
"What my peace comes from is devoting myself to the action that I take as opposed to what happens to the patient because there's no question that life is better than death, at least in a medical setting."
"We can save virtually all of the active pharmaceutical ingredients and those generic medications come from overseas."
"We delivered the fastest vaccine rollout in Europe and the fastest booster program of any major economy."
"Nobody should pay for their cost of their Social Care by selling their home, and everybody should have dignity and security in their old age."
"If you want to move up in the hospital hierarchy, nobody knows the hospital better than nurses."
"You got to be proactive about your healthcare; you can't just accept anything that you hear from these doctors."
"These doctors are not gods; they don't walk on water. They're just human beings with titles."
"Not every birth control is $30 a month, and to some people, $30 a month can be prohibitive."
"But giving massive doses of insulin to people with type 2 diabetes, actually is a downward spiral."
"Oftentimes, I pray with my patients, and I can see when I do that for my patients that it's almost like a weight has been lifted off."
"That was the opening scene to actually see a hospital as it should be."
"My hospital bill went from $44,000 to $950 all because I asked them for a receipt and a list of everything I was being charged for."
"For the love of God, stop flushing your antibiotics down the drains and just finish your course of them to make sure the bacteria for your infection is destroyed unless you want to create a stronger version of that bacteria."
"Attacks against health care are violations of international humanitarian law."
"I don't think it's a good idea for millions of Americans to lose healthcare during the middle of a pandemic."
"2 million people now have access to affordable health care thanks to the reopening of the special enrollment period."
"True health care has to make you feel empowered, it has to make you feel that you're being cared for, that your power is not being stripped away from you."
"Is the US a functioning democracy? It costs two billion to become president. They spend over 800 billion a year on arms, yet can't afford universal healthcare or a program for the 17 million children that go to bed hungry."
"Abortion is a medical decision between a patient and their doctor, full stop."
"Black women deserve to go to hospitals and not die while they're giving birth. So what are we going to do about that?"
"There could be creative ways of doing it other than legally requiring insurance companies to do it. They can do it through a government agency."
"There's no limit to what a person will pay for insulin, which means there's no limit that a company's willing to charge for it."
"You have these companies artificially raising the prices because they know that people are so desperate that they'll pay it."
"I believe in mental health, I believe in healthcare when it comes to mental and emotional healthcare."
"We need to redefine health care so that it's meeting patient needs... We cannot be caught off guard again. We need to make sure that we prepare for the next pandemic."
"By the end of this week, another four million tests will be distributed."
"If you don't have faith in your doctor, find one you'll have faith in."
"We can all elect a government which says vote for us, we will give you better health care, better education, better security. Next day, accountants, eh, sorry about that folks, you elected this government, but we actually got a tax avoidance scheme."
"Certainly modern medicine has progressed a long way since 1917."
"Clinical reasoning is the process by which a healthcare provider takes objective data acquired from an actual patient and interprets it using factual knowledge from a textbook or the medical literature in order to either make a diagnosis or develop a treatment plan."
"Every day black women are subjected to harsh and racist treatment during pregnancy and childbirth."
"Every day black women die because the system denies our humanity."
"Hey, we're not ready for the next pandemic, but in fact, there's advances in science that if we put resources against them, we can be ready."
"You're empowered to take control of your biggest decisions and lead your healthiest life. Planned Parenthood care, no matter what."
"Patient health and safety is always, always, always going to be the overriding factor."
"There are virtually no resources available for detransitioners, not medically, not Mental Health Care."
"If you can get the generic version now with things like GoodRx, you can go into a pharmacy, hit GoodRx, and it'll say, 'Oh yeah, we've got some stuff that's about to expire; this $300 a month drug is ten dollars.'"
"Banning abortion at any stage of pregnancy denies a person the fundamental right to control their own body."
"All people have a right to high-quality, non-judgmental, affordable healthcare."
"Abortion must remain safe, legal, and accessible."
"We need to provide health care responses to people that are dealing with addiction."
"There's something incredibly reassuring about an experienced surgeon laying their hands on the patient and telling them calmly they're okay."
"If you remove the dysphoria element from all this, you're removing the medical reason to get treatment."
"We need to fund schools, hospitals, small business."
"Canadian hospitals have an incredibly strong infection prevention and control system."
"Canada's disease prevention control systems are designed to quickly detect and contain infectious diseases."
"Planned Parenthood provides so many other services that women are dependent on, services that they can get for free, services that cost a lot of money if you go to a conventional doctor."
"We should be focusing on health preservation, not the economics of it."
"You're not simply prescribing a drug; you're prescribing an experience. It doesn't work without both elements."
"Health care is on the ballot, workers are on the ballot, voting rights are on the ballot, criminal justice reform is on the ballot."
"I've been fighting for access to affordable healthcare, for voting rights, for essential workers, ordinary people because I know what it's like to be an ordinary person."
"By saving lives, you're actually helping the economy."
"We shouldn't have to donate money to help a child with cancer. That should just be the first thing on the list."
"This is America; we shouldn't have to set up a GoFundMe to help a little boy with cancer."
"The future of healthcare and whether or not we're going to have pay-to-play healthcare is becoming an issue too."
"Many Alabama clinics have halted IVF procedures out of fear that, quote, 'Patients and our physicians could be prosecuted criminally or face punitive damages for following the standards of care for IVF treatments.'"
"Trans people exist, people are born trans meaning trans kids exist, trans kids deserve to have access to the appropriate gender-affirming healthcare."
"Medical error is the third leading cause of death."
"Most important thing that we can point to, of course, is this small miracle, maybe large miracle, amazing feat of researchers to develop a 19 vaccine and for it to be put into use before 2021."
"The overwhelming response to coronavirus begs the question: where the hell were we before?"
"Time is everything in this disease. Days make a difference."
"We have to be ready as if this hits us tomorrow."
"The first principle of hypertension is knowing when to treat it and when not to."
"By the time you are on three medications that achieved excellent control, your risk of stroke increased 248 percent as when your hypertension is untreated."
"The fact that an institution like a hospital also needs to promote itself inadvertently reveals a message that hospitals are out of money."