
Digital Wellness Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"Post less in general and to consume less of this stuff."
"One of the best things I ever did for my sleep was to keep my phone out of the room."
"I guarantee your screen time on your phone will drop by like an hour."
"Sleep with your phone outside of your bedroom to save your sleep and improve your life."
"Avoid screens before bedtime; just two hours of device usage before bed can suppress melatonin secretion."
"I don't use social media because it's not necessarily good for the brain."
"We've gotten to a point where a digital detox is a mainstream concept."
"It's been really nice over the last week or so to spend a bit less time on my screen and a bit more time doing things and making things."
"If you're at night in your bed looking at the screen, it's best to have this enabled."
"It feels like a better version of what was there already."
"The first few hours before and after bed, not being on your phone."
"It's sort of like having someone in your corner like a privacy coach who's out there to help you maintain a healthier online, more private life."
"Social media can be dangerous to your mental health."
"Keeping quality time for family and friends and limiting the flow of negative information into my life."
"The ones who are doing the best are generally people who don't spend much time online."
"Wind Down mode: switches on Do Not Disturb and fades the screen to gray scale."
"Dark mode is better for my eyes... and my soul."
"Turn off the volume of your smartphone, turn off notifications, and also turn off your phone."
"Maybe instead of trying to go offline completely, just get off the apps that make you interact more."
"Being connected to technology 24/7 takes a toll."
"Don't define yourself by your social media success. Make sure that what you measure is important."
"I think there's definitely a healthy and unhealthy amount of screen time."
"Creating time for ourselves off social media is extremely important."
"The screen is the distraction you're trying to prevent people from being distracted by."
"I don't need a lot of people in my computer screen to tell me my basic human functions. I am okay, do not worry."
"Don't touch your phone the first hour of the day; it rewires your brain for distraction and reactivity."
"Time is your most valuable and scarcest resource. 1440 is the number that can change your life, and that number is the number of minutes we all have in a single day."
"Gaining a measure of control over your Google account is a really healthy exercise that we should all do."
"And it's okay, to make content to give people something positive to consume, and a way to stop doom scrolling through their feed."
"In addition, former Google Design Ethicist Tristan Harris points out that immediately looking at a notification-filled screen frames your experience of waking up in terms of everything you’ve missed since yesterday."
"All of our advice was some version of log off."
"Constantly staring at screens can make you forget to blink, leading to red, sore, and irritated eyes."
"Get personalized health suggestions in the Health app!"
"By reducing your screen time, you're allowing your brain's attention span to thrive and flourish."
"Set up bedtime feature in the Clock app for a healthier sleep routine."
"We need to be on our phones less. It's fine to have Instagram and to follow your friends and follow brands and look at it occasionally, but the constant scrolling for hours and hours, that's the thing that I feel like needs to stop."
"Use parental lock functions to limit your phone use before bed."
"The OurPact app provides parents with the ability to protect kids from intrusive tech and keep them focused on family, social interaction, outdoor activities, and education." - OurPact
"Relax everyone, put the phone down for a second, just open the breathe app on your watch. Breathe."
"Limiting the time you spend scrolling on your phone is key."
"Sometimes social media is just a distraction, and that's okay."
"Unsubscribe, unsubscribe, clean inbox, empowering, freeing."
"Your mission now is to unfollow people you don't care about, mute words, mute accounts, make your social media into a place that is genuinely enriching for you."
"I think it's time to get off social media for the night."
"Don't let YouTube get a grip of you, all right? Make sure you're doing the more important things like reading and spending time with people."
"I just want to quit this social media rat race entirely."
"It's got to be mental health clarity first, phone last."
"As a creator, I'm going to try my best to limit my time mindlessly scrolling."
"Opting into highly curated sources of information that are either relevant to you in the near term or actionable to you in the near term is far superior to being lost in the waves and chop of online assault that is uncontrolled."
"My goal is to plug my phone in before I get into bed, and it's done for the night."
"If you want to be more present, you want to be more available to the people in your life, or you just want to regain some focus, switching to a dumb phone can be a great option."
"Curb your smartphone usage, make sure that you're spending time with friends and family."
"Set boundaries. Choose a time or a few times a day when you want to spend your time on your phone."
"By reducing the sensory input, we can reduce the appeal and addictiveness of our screens."
"Instead of having your phones in bed, you should never take your phone into the bedroom."
"I'm tired of the internet right now."
"Our eyes weren't made to stare at screens all day."
"Being on social media all day long is not good for the brain."
"Does checking your phone and scrolling through Instagram for an hour and a half in your bed align with the things that you want your life to look like?"
"Managing the electronics in your life will do a lot for your sleep."
"Screen time has to be controlled by you, not controlling you."
"Disconnect from our devices to be able to reconnect with ourselves."
"We want to help people find balance and digital well-being."
"The best thing ideally is cell phone is out of the room."
"Turning off notifications is a really useful thing."
"I believe we need to live in a world and give kids the tools to have active and healthy relationships to achieve digital flourishing."
"The less time you spend looking at your laptop screen, the better."
"Not going on your phone in the morning is really beneficial for you."
"I want my relationship with it to be a lot less toxic."
"Don't be online all the time; you need to [be] away from all this because it would drive you mad otherwise."
"It is so important to create boundaries with the internet and recognize your consumption of it."
"Pick the social media apps that make you feel good."
"I have had my notifications off all of them except calls for like four or five years now, never looked back."
"I'm proud of you for not being on your phone as much during this video."
"It's good for digital wellness; they're taking their eyes off the screen, they're removing eye strain."
"I just think we should all follow better social media practices."
"I don't scroll on any social media 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night, that's just like what works for me."
"We're not going to flood you with notifications for this and that."
"The best brain hack is not to pick up your phone in the first hour of the day."
"I've just learned over the years, my nine years really on social media, our eyes are just not meant to be in front of screens all day long."
"You're spending too much time on your phone."
"Try not to go on your phones right when you wake up."
"You guys need to take a break from it, Spirit is saying to take a break from social media."
"Limiting the phone use, especially in the mornings and evenings."
"I do not allow my phone in the bedroom."
"There is nothing happening on your phone at two o'clock in the morning that's important."