
Societal Values Quotes

There are 2733 quotes

"Having a lot of money is viewed as extremely or very important for a fulfilling life."
"I want a world where we're more transparent."
"Let's start trusting ourselves and trusting each other again."
"We need to stop trying to chase these aesthetics that we think then reflect our socioeconomic value. They don't."
"People are happier when they are generous and when they feel that the society that they're in is a generous society."
"People's right to exist in a fair society is not actually something that's up for debate."
"When you lose a sense of mission for the purpose of man, for what can be done when there is peace on Earth and how we can flourish, then you're just left with buying more stuff, and that is degrading."
"Our country is best when everybody is treated equally under the law."
"It would be so bizarre if society would change if you saw the monk in the woods and the main thing that mattered in this world was love and happiness."
"Being genuine and transparent is so key in a world that is literally starving for authenticity."
"Society actually doesn't care about how hard somebody's job is."
"People respect jobs that make a lot of money; people don't respect jobs that don't make a lot of money."
"What is required is a return to values, a return to love and kindness and service."
"You can't build a Great Society on fear; it has to be built on vision, and on love, and on higher things."
"I think personal responsibility is more important than freedom of speech."
"Let's get back to empathic people running the world and not people who are making excess money just by reinvesting money."
"The more things money can buy, the more it hurts to be poor."
"Market values and market thinking begin to reach into almost every sphere of life."
"Putting a price on everything makes it harder to be poor."
"The reason our public discourse is so impoverished is that it fails to engage with larger questions of meaning and moral purpose."
"I think the country would be better off if we all were a little bit more like that guy who just wants to grill."
"Public trust is essential, not incidental to our function."
"When the causes that people are behind are more important to them than the system, the system is in jeopardy."
"The real diversity that's needed is diversity of thought."
"Being rich personally is not worth destroying your society."
"I care about the truth... I want to live in a society where people care about the truth and we're grounded in truth."
"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children."
"The purpose of shame, in a macro sense, in making something a stigma, is very valuable."
"I think ultimately... people have a right to privacy."
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."
"Honesty and decency matter. Our great democracy depends on it."
"I've done it all and love to talk about the value of the hard, honest work that I think is devalued by a society fixated on sending everyone to college."
"We've not only lost our true north, I don't even think we know what direction north is anymore."
"Money is power. Money is control. Money is admiration. Money is validation."
"Freedom is a virtue that I think is fundamentally good and should be referred to as a driving motivator for human behavior in society."
"You need some degree of equality of outcome to ensure that equality of opportunity has true meaning."
"The measure of a society is how it protects its most vulnerable."
"We should do everything we can in society to help people achieve the greatest amount of happiness."
"I'm a big fan of liberalism. I think we should support people's individual rights, and if that's what people want, I don't really see any harm in it."
"It doesn't mean everyone is Christian; that doesn't mean everything is only Western. It means that's the overarching arc and narrative of who we are as a people and what we value."
"There should be a gap between science and policy, and that gap is called ethics, morality, and values."
"Obligations, there are consequences, there are accountability if you don't meet your obligations. When you make a commitment for marriage, that has to mean something, just like any other contract. No-fault divorce that we find in the feminist West is a destruction of that very basic justice that you know keeps society together."
"Deciding what we're choosing to define as success is a more important question than ever before."
"Saying you don't care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is just like saying you don't care about freedom of speech because you have nothing to say."
"A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it. The truth is the truth even if nobody believes it."
"The future of this society depends on good people stepping up."
"We have a rather warped sense of what constitutes bravery these days."
"The Bible says, 'Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness.' Well, we're there."
"If we believe in something as a society, as people, that thing has more value."
"Dr. King wrote a book called 'Strength to Love', which is a collection of his sermons, and I think that he would definitely eschew this new impulse within society to reduce each other to immutable characteristics."
"A system that turns everyone into petty digital landlords, that distills all interaction into transaction, that determines the value of something by how sellable it is and whether or not it can be gambled on, is not a better system."
"Freedom plainly offers opportunity; opportunity confers responsibility. Responsibility to use the freedom that one enjoys wisely, honestly, and humanely."
"It's astonishing to witness such immoral acts, especially for something as trivial as a drink."
"Unity in diversity is not just a principle but a practice, where every difference enriches, rather than divides."
"The man in the household is the linchpin in order to deliver structure to that family, consistency within that family, as well as block out debauchery within that family."
"We are now realizing that we is more important than me."
"A potential alien encounter serves as a point of departure for a discussion about what our shared values as a society are and should be."
"We embody mutual respect in the very fabric of our faith."
"Peace is more than just the absence of war. A lasting peace depends on a sense of justice and opportunity, of dignity and freedom."
"Maps often reveal what was important to the cartographers making them."
"A truly vibrant society depends not just on the structures of democracy but on the moral resources that underpin it, resources that go beyond what laws and policies can enforce."
"We're encouraging the world to be smart but not good. I think that's bad."
"I think it's very sad that as a society we're more likely to affirm someone's momentary desire than to consider what's truly best for them in the long run."
"Is that the kind of world that you want to live in?"
"Diversity is not our strength; our strength is what unifies us across our diversity."
"The outside world doesn't just want despair; it wants hope too."
"The future of our nation is inextricably intertwined with the future of Judeo-Christian value system."
"We see dignity, and we see people having conversations even when they're hard."
"I care about the cultivation of virtue in a society."
"I believe that people need to have access to the information."
"Trust means people who... wouldn't take a bribe; they're in their soul, they're good people."
"America is at its best when we make that circle of belonging wider."
"I'm not asking for a change in the law. I'm saying follow the law."
"Freedom of speech is a very important thing that we have in our country, and we should be able to use it."
"Freedom of speech is a very, very important thing that we have in our country and we should be able to use it."
"What use is the world if we're not connected?"
"As many people have said, it's a struggle for the soul of America."
"The things that unite us are so much more powerful than what divides us."
"We've got to get back to this place where being intelligent is a good thing and a cool thing."
"There are certain basic principles that we all kind of take for granted: democracy is better than dictatorship, free speech is better than limited speech, personal responsibility is better than shirking personal responsibility."
"We've abandoned every value that we were brought up with to serve what is popular over social media."
"All people really care about is just like authenticity and being yourself."
"What gives us the right to kill someone who murdered? We're better than that; we should as a society be better than that."
"Our society is not celebrating the other side. Moms say, 'I'm just a mom.' What do you mean you're just a mom? That's the hardest job out there."
"I'm looking for the society that I think produces the most moral good."
"Well, nowadays, people respect the bag more than they respect being solid."
"Families stand at the center of our society, and every family has a personal stake in promoting excellence in education."
"Racism has no place in our society. The comments were unacceptable, and it is right that that individual has stepped aside with immediate effect."
"Our schools are precious, our kids are precious. There's nothing else in our society that is as central to everything we hope for as our schools."
"Education is more important. It's what we're teaching kids now is to be victims."
"The data unequivocally tells us fathers are vital, and yet laws and society undervalue their importance."
"Make marriage good for men, good for women, and good for children."
"We must rediscover our shared belief in the value, rather than the harm, of connectedness."
"The average U.S. citizen rates individualism as a highly admirable trait."
"There can be no peace until justice is served."
"The rights of a seven-year-old girl to live far exceed the rights of a criminal to keep his past private."
"We need to start reassessing the position we're in and perhaps recovering some of the virtues that allowed the people from that time to get through that time."
"When I was growing up, the worst thing you could call somebody in America was not a racial slur; it was a racist."
"Forgiveness and forgetting... with the abandonment of the main source of the concept of forgiveness, our society has lost its way."
"Deep meaning can still be found, but the first thing people need to do is to realize that it cannot be found in the things that are being offered."
"I think now, in modern-day society, we have boiled down the demand to his wallet, and we have boiled down the woman to her body and her looks."
"Democracy and liberty must be valued equally to avoid a society in which the dissenting opinion becomes a form of impiety."
"It's a place where we talk more and tweet less, where schools teach and don't indoctrinate."
"I just really don't like capitalism, and I think that people deserve to be treated fairly and there should be less inequality in society."
"Can we not value the content of our character rather than the content of the mirror?"
"Civilization thrives on forgiveness, on confession first and then forgiveness."
"I think there's a really clear reason why everybody wants children to be in school."
"We've got to stop glorifying this type of behavior because this is not something that should be glamorized."
"Empathy, compassion, sharing - these things are devalued, they're not rewarded, they're not received or well received, and they're not seen."
"The right to the custody and control of one's child is a fiercely guarded right in our society, in our law. It is a right that should only be infringed upon under most compelling circumstances."
"Justice being what love looks like in public."
"A country where we are judged by our character with dignity and respect for all."
"Do you want to live in a world where facts matter or don't matter?"
"People today are more concerned with how they can personally benefit; they are less concerned about how they can humbly serve God and serve others."
"The danger in abandoning the meritocratic principle... you end up completely destroying the meritocratic principle."
"What I care about is living in a country where decent people can live happy lives."
"The silent majority of good people in Canada who are not intolerant, who are not bigoted, need to know they can't be left silent."
"Words hold power; they're intentional representations of our values and beliefs."
"If you believe in concepts like absolute freedom of speech and freedom of expression, so long as there is no harm done in society, and there are Muslims living amongst you, the moment you start saying let's have different rules for those minorities than you should have for the majority, is the moment you have become neo-fascistic."
"The more society drifts away from the truth, the more it will hate people who speak it."
"We believe in harmony and we believe in coexistence."
"This seven-year-old made 22 million dollars playing with toys... What are we doing wrong?"
"We know what the problems are, but we're not valuing the right things or we're valuing the wrong things."
"Children are the future, and we know from the research there's been a dramatic drop, dramatic I mean staggering drop, in the number of people in Western cultures who will say children are important to me."
"The goal of economic life is absolutely not to look good on paper; it's not to have a high GDP."
"It's about what kind of world we want to live in."
"For America, the goal is both simpler and more elusive than mere prosperity. It's happiness. There are a lot of ingredients in being happy: dignity, purpose, self-control, independence, above all, deep relationships with other people."
"What's everyone's favorite subject? Money? No, yourself."
"Our culture is really putting a lot of high value on success, on achievement, on wealth, on luxury."
"To get to a society where we care less and less about the superficial differences between people."
"Multiculturalism staves off the plastic, it staves off the denigration."
"The fight was not to be free. Look at what we fight for; we've been fighting to give up freedom."
"Somewhere along the way, we lost our appreciation for the idea of the common good."
"There's a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right."
"Our society would look so different if we didn't chase happiness all the time, but rather we chased meaning."
"Respect the importance of trust in democracy."
"People accept it now... it's fame at all costs."
"We take for granted things like decent jobs, good schools, Wi-Fi, public transportation, reliable sewers, grocery stores, and medical insurance."
"We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst."
"The true measure of any society is how it treats its most vulnerable."
"The word is compassion because the compassionate heart is the one and is the place we have to come from now... So many people are out of control and there's so much hate."
"The more successful you are, the more well-adjusted, the more likely you are to support a political ideology that protects things like equality of opportunity, meritocracy, individual rights."
"The American experiment... is at risk of being thrown away because we've forgotten what got us here."
"The brave men and women in law enforcement deserve better."
"Without free speech, there isn't true thought."
"It is so refreshing to know that chivalry and acts of human decency still mean something in some parts of the world."
"All rights have responsibilities. My right to certain freedoms will always come with responsibilities."
"Equality of opportunity... we live in a society we want all people, whatever color your skin is. Equity, I think, is more guarantee of outcome."
"This world should be the place where people can be evaluated fairly."
"We largely value knowledge that leads to wealth and/or power, and we limit provocative ideas that challenge the status quo."
"If that's so-called assimilation, having a nuclear family, buying a house, going to school, whatever it is, then yeah, okay, call me pro-assimilation."
"Apparently, it's more desirable to be a celebrity than a billionaire."
"The rejection of Judeo-Christian values and moral absolutes has led to a world of moral confusion."
"Forcing your will onto other people isn't cool. Being a statist and authoritarian is not cool."
"It's really important for us to remember our history."
"Neoliberalism... that's got to end. It's just got to. When the GDP is just not that important, there are other things that also matter."
"Fostering a secular society based on reason and science is the cause of our time."
"Is economic freedom more important than personal freedom?"
"In every generation, there is a defined confrontation for those who favor free expression over those who don't."
"Human connection is the meaning. I think that it's a thing that our society probably systematically undervalues."
"There are certain freedoms that ultimately deny other freedoms, and so everything is a balance."
"Be nice to each other because this is all we got."
"Women are born with value; men have to earn their value."
"Most people said other people want to be famous. They said what do you value? Family."
"It's not necessarily about tax cuts or anything like that; it's about culture."
"I preach hard work, discipline, anti-drug, religion, no alcohol, no knife crime—every single problem with modern society, I'm against."
"Freedom comes with cost. Absolutely. Freedom has a price."
"A society that loses sight of [dissenters] is finished."
"The first shall be last, that there is something valuable about being small and vulnerable rather than something Despicable about it."
"We need to create better role models than megalomaniac billionaires and vapid celebrities."
"Please remember to afford all people dignity and all ideas scrutiny."
"Freedom itself is dependent on the strength and vitality of our national character."
"You have shown that goodness doesn't depend on a marketing budget or whether it's trendy for the year. That just being a good person is important regardless of what's going on."
"We need a world that allows us to flourish in our own way."
"It's unpopular speech that needs protecting."
"We live in a very free country historically and contemporarily when it comes to our speech."
"It's absolutely depressing how devalued music education is today in Western society."
"Mercy toward the guilty can be a form of decency, and a maturing society may abandon harsh punishments that it comes to view as unnecessary or unjust."
"Let's go with the Corporate Culture Site... more managers, more unity, tried value, and society. That is really cool."
"I wish positivity sold more than negativity."
"Beauty is a word that many people find important in their everyday lives."
"Failing to adhere to free speech principles fundamentally undermines democracy."
"In a society that seems to value winning above all else, it's a tough pill to swallow that losing is as undesirable as it is universal."
"Truth must be our foundation, and common sense can no longer be an uncommon virtue."
"Children are our most precious resource, they're treated like crap in this country, especially if they're pre-birth."
"Your labor and your work defines your value... I think it is becoming more popular for people to be against that idea."
"What have we become as Americans, that we allow this?"
"Luxury has a price, and that price was duty, service, respect, and honor."
"There must be no tolerance for anti-semitism in America or for any form of religious or racial hatred."
"All we're doing is weaving shame and humiliation into the fabric of society and that has never been proven effective, ever."
"In this country, we secretly worship entertainment, whether we're willing to admit that or not."
"A society with brave, strong men who are full of honor and duty is actually a better society."
"Diversity is our strength because our strength is diversity."
"The ideas that bind us that are deep, they're not generally articulated, and so when they're challenged, those who hold them have no idea what to say."
"Choose this day whom you will serve... Choose life that your seed and your country may live."
"The overwhelming sentiment of Americans is that racism is bad."
"Civilization is in fact over if we do not have these basic basic basic things in common."
"We value meaningless, time-wasting, and that’s why the rat race is one of the most toxic scams."
"The sanctity of the individual is more important than the sanctity of the collective."
"Equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome."