
Women Quotes

There are 4325 quotes

"The best role models for women are not on social media and are not famous."
"The most revolutionary thing that a woman could be, in this world or any, is relaxed."
"Women can do anything. We can be a girl boss in a leadership position at a major company, we can be scientists and doctors, we can vote and be elected to top political positions."
"Always be the first one to say, 'How can I support you?'"
"The greatest thing God created was the woman."
"It's my favorite thing to do...I want the women to leave there feeling a little more empowered."
"I refuse to sabotage women because I don't believe in quieting their voices."
"These stories we're talking about deal with women who are faithful to God and are a model for all of us for how God is faithful to us when we're faithful to him."
"Men should work on their respect towards women."
"Women need to learn how to respect themselves, love themselves, fall in love with themselves, and stop worrying about men."
"Thankful for women, 'cause where would we be? The world would be barbaric. We need women."
"This is going to be one of those episodes that's going to change your life and it will change the life of every girl and woman you know."
"A woman's intuition is never wrong. We always know."
"I think it's also really cool that a lot of women in their 40s and 50s and 60s recently have been showing like, hey, your life doesn't stop or end when you get older."
"Women are my community and are not my competition. Women are my sisters and not my enemies."
"I believe women are sovereign individuals and they can make any choice they so desire."
"I believe that women are the most precious things on the planet; they create life, they should be protected, they should be provided for."
"I believe in protecting women; I believe in championing women."
"The projections are right now that 45% of women are projected to be single between the ages of 22 and 45."
"Shout out to all the women out there, all our lady supporters, that's a fact. Our mothers, my wife, shout out to everybody, man. We appreciate your contributions not only to our lives but to the world."
"If the women are broken, you are going to raise a broken society."
"There's a great community of women here in Philadelphia, badass in their own right."
"I think it's unlikely that women will ever have the right to vote taken away."
"Shout out to the feminine, beautiful, inspirational women out there."
"We're more empowered as ever, women, period, to ask for what we want sexually."
"We, the women, run this [hip-hop] right now."
"As soon as you educate women, family size tends to fall."
"None of us, if we were given the awesome responsibility, could do what the women do psychologically. You cannot do it. Your mind is not prepared to do what they do day in and day out."
"The people that are going to be the reason that democracy survives in America are... the women of this country."
"The best thing about being a woman in the 2020s is that we are unstoppable."
"Women just are more comfortable expressing how they feel about their friends."
"And it brings me so much joy. Not only of course, fierce women fighting in period clothes but just fierce women powning things in general."
"Why is there still this fallacy that men like skinny women? It's totally women doing it to other women."
"Every single person here on this planet was birthed by a woman."
"Women are the most free, most liberated group of women that ever existed on the human history and yet you're the most unhappy."
"There's an entire generation of women they've labeled 'The Lost Generation' who have struggled with ADHD their entire lives and never even knew it."
"Once I understood the impact of living with undiagnosed ADHD on women in particular, I couldn't help but reflect back on the past 47 years."
"This is about accidentally running into women who are healers to you."
"Women should be encouraged to be financially independent of men."
"I love women who are confident and supportive toward women."
"If you take a closer look at how media and society treats women in the entertainment industry, we can see a disturbing pattern of public mistreatment, vilification, harassment, and even abuse as the world watches on."
"Women's intuition is one of the most amazing blessings on the face of this earth."
"It means a lot, because it's an everyday woman who has such a great impact on the world."
"She's one of the strongest women I've ever met in my life."
"A woman who's really good at negotiation is almost unstoppable."
"Saint Helena, one of the most influential women in history."
"Shout out to all the confident, intelligent, and assertive men out there. One love to the feminine, beautiful, and inspirational ladies out there."
"Without women, there is no us. They're very highly in my books."
"Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
"Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."
"The revolution was female; Lebanese women were at the forefront of the protest, leading, organizing, and fighting."
"Listen to him, guys. 60% of all approaches are initiated by women."
"The Dalai Lama said it's going to be women who change the world."
"50 years ago, women on average had more than five children each. Today, that number has fallen to two and a half."
"The idea of rating women on a scale of one to ten is so dehumanizing."
"I love what you're doing for the ladies and allowing them to see different parts of the world; that's so dope."
"From every angle, she rises above it all, the backbone of every home."
"I just hope that me being here encourages more women to be a part of this."
"There is no force equal to a woman determined to rise."
"Women have just as good of a chance to get into it as we've seen."
"Homeless women used to be invisible to me but I appraise them now with curious eyes, wondering if their stories started like mine."
"It is so important for girls today to see women in leadership positions."
"I want every woman, no matter what walk of life you're from, to succeed."
"Love to you all. You're all just bright lights and magnificent women."
"She has blazed the trail for women in this space, certainly probably the most famous red pill woman out there."
"The more mature a woman gets, the more attractive she becomes."
"The role of women in Ukrainian IT companies became more significant, and at the domestic market of Ukraine, women are getting promoted and running companies in the most difficult times for our country."
"Believing women just means don't reflexively disbelieve women."
"Paul greets all these church leaders in Rome, many of whom are women who are church leaders in their own right."
"There is no appreciation for women intellectuals. It's all about the body, not about the brain."
"The fact that media are so derogatory to the most powerful women in the country then what does it say about media's ability to take any women in America seriously?"
"As 86% of consumers, we, women need to consume better, we need to consume more consciously."
"Violence against women is the cause and consequence of women's inequality."
"Shout out to all you beautiful women out there, you beautiful souls."
"I hope one day that every single woman can join the pageant, and that we can look at their inner beauty and what they can offer."
"It's so important to rally around these women in a time where they feel so vulnerable."
"We have more women in the workforce than ever before."
"Praising a woman is kind of like giving water to plants; it's life for the feminine energy inside of her."
"Women in medieval combat and the idea of the heroic woman are deeply intriguing and passionate subjects of mine."
"We are not the dregs of society, but the women who defy it."
"The world can be a hostile and uncomfortable place for women."
"Despite the grave threats from the enemy and the widespread skepticism or harassment from their male comrades, women have served in the Ukrainian army with distinction."
"Raise the standard of living of women and girls."
"Teaching women how to protect themselves is not victim blaming."
"Women are people and I think that's important."
"Let's talk about the erasure of women on International Women's Day."
"The respect, the honor, the love, admiration Islam has given to women, especially to the mother of Jesus, Mary peace be upon her."
"Remember, empower each other, women empower each other, let's all help each other get through this life, let's all help each other every day."
"Just because your character is a woman and is also strong doesn't mean they can't be relatable."
"Women at the forefront of protest movement for the first time in 40 years."
"Women are The Gatekeepers of future generations."
"I respect women. I have a different type of love for a woman. I think a woman is Earth."
"As women, we should not have to trade our careers just because we have kids."
"Here's the truth about the Wild West female outlaws: beautiful, refined, intelligent."
"You gotta love women because we can be Machiavellian."
"Well known for being the most successful female bodybuilder of all time, winning the much coveted title of Miss Olympia a whole ten times."
"Women are actually out there to sabotage each other."
"A lot of you ladies out there have been requesting that Stacy do a woman's Retreat, okay so we did it!"
"We got to start really protecting our women out here man I'm hearing too many stories. It's getting out of hand."
"This feels like a revolutionary act, seeing these women just busy and enjoying each other."
"Women and money are intersecting themes, vital for understanding intellectual freedom."
"It's all about encouraging women mostly to become the best version of themselves."
"Surround yourself with more driven women inspiring women."
"As a woman, how important it was to be financially independent."
"Not all women are out to separate you from your money. Not all of us are lying scammers."
"Women being willing to come forward and tell their story, you know there's something powerful and there's strength in numbers."
"Women make every home work. They make every civilization."
"Most dangerous lie you can tell a woman: she has time."
"The power of female friendship saves the day."
"I don't need an award... seeing other women thrive and succeed... that for me is enough credit."
"The heavy association that these romcoms created between an aspirational adult woman and the constant consuming of alcohol."
"I have so much respect for each and every one of these women."
"Modern women are not desperate for marriage and it's liberating."
"It's not okay to make a woman uncomfortable, it is never okay to beg for favors or corner us."
"Empower yourselves... and empower other women."
"If one woman stands up and says this is me... that might inspire someone else to do the same."
"It's such an extraordinary time to be a strong, confident, assured, and above all else, well a woman in the world today."
"49% of women use personal details or memories when making their passwords, which is really not a safe way to go about your online activities."
"These new shelters... will provide women with a safe place."
"More than 60 percent of college graduates in Iran today are women."
"It was dope, it was real dope to see two women be celebrated, have their catalogue celebrated, yeah, absolutely."
"It says a lot about women just trying to be humble and I think humility is a good thing but I also think it's good to be forward with your gifts."
"Women could feel alive. You don't have to be perfect already."
"Eleanor remains one of the most influential women in history...period."
"Let's honor our Queens because they are the foundation."
"Women have been doing the work. We have balanced and juggled different balls all the time. But, we will, what we do know is how to get things done."
"Confidence is key for a girl. Confidence is more attractive than anything."
"Women's empathy is a very powerful strength."
"Judith is one of the strongest women in the Old Testament."
"Girls that ask for nothing women that ask for nothing deserve everything."
"There's something that you have or how you treat women that people are drawn to."
"Another demonstration of how strong women's strawweight is now."
"The Hourglass shape of women has always been in, I don't think it will ever go out of style."
"My favorite characters in history are women... their stories are very endearing to me."
"Women this year the US has a record number of women running for office."
"Wow, how awesome would it be to bring out a tea bag for a woman with the five herbs for menopause?"
"To worship the woman is to simply say, 'I got deep love and respect for her.'"
"So often it has been the women in our lives who have carried gospel principles wherever it would take them."
"There is a study by Morgan Stanley, financial... it's called the rise of the she economy... by 2030, women between the ages of 25 and 44... over half... will be single for the rest of their lives."
"The female characters are extraordinarily well drawn."
"I thought I knew the story of the suffragettes, but I didn't know about a woman, a descendant of Indian royalty who was pivotal in the struggle."
"Shout out to all the good ladies out there, may you keep going strong."
"I want to leave an impact on the world that empowers and inspires young women all across the world."
"You are going to get really mad about other women."
"Why is it that when women drive out demons demons leave?"
"Think about all the women out there who need to know this information."
"Do yourself a favor and hang out with other women that lift women up."
"I want to inspire more women to reach for their dreams."
"Women will change the face of conservation forever."
"I don't think there's anything wrong with it, I think women nowadays are focusing on their careers and I think that's beautiful."
"A woman is way more valuable to society at large than she could ever be to you in a relationship."
"Respect our sisters man, they goddesses man."
"Most bras suck. Like it's just like a thing we're just like as women we just are told do your bras experience is going to be horrible it's um it's horrible."
"Women are the most important political force in the United States of America."
"It's about women resilience and so as you know that's a cause really close to my heart."
"We should not expect women to be superhuman."
"Women thrive on variety, spontaneity, and the element of surprise."
"So will more women get a chance to lead their nations in the future?"
"There's nothing more powerful than doing that for someone and especially young girls and women who've been put in these imaginary cages of this is the limit of what you can be as a woman."
"These women are in just wonderful wonderful position now."
"When a woman is bold enough to tell her story and not care what people think about her, but to share your story, there are so many people that are helped by that."
"The woman in Afghanistan are very powerful they are very talented they can do lots of things."
"Every strong woman in history has had to walk down a similar path."
"She did it for the woman around her and the human beings around her."
"To all the smart women out there right, make sure y'all get that deposit, this [__] like rappers."
"But it's time that those women who didn't read the first one... need to read it now."
"Why do they have to tear women down and why do we have to tear other women down to build another woman up?"
"Women carry the humor on TikTok. Women are some of the funniest creatures alive."
"Sometimes it can just be very cathartic to read about a woman doing everything the women were taught not to do. And sometimes that includes murder."
"Victimhood mentality actually disempowers women."
"Effortless women in the dating world adopt victimhood mentalities to express their anger and angst."
"Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all."
"The elder women were supposed to teach the younger women these characteristics."
"If there is a lady in the home she is to be treated like a queen."
"This message is for the underdog woman, it's about to be a good season for you."
"This is the end of that believable women sort of scenario that we had before, and I think that's good."
"In the ancient world it was believed that women had amazing powers of healing and creativity during menstruation."
"Women leaders tend to exhibit strength and empathy."
"There isn't a human being on the planet who's perfect and there's no woman going for leadership who's going to be perfect."
"Any church that does not value and utilize and recognize the giftedness of its women is a foolish Church."
"Give it up for the females, you feel me? I feel like I'm the goat. Let me pop my [ __ ]. I don't feel like it, I am."
"Society lies to women, telling them they can have it all."
"I love that coalition of female empowered women."
"If you want to win as a woman right now, it's the best time to. All you have to do is get serious."
"His heart was in the right place and I think he was just trying to empower young women."
"Congratulations to everyone who played in the women's tournament this weekend."
"The Divas revolution is on its way to getting better and better each and every week on WWE TV."
"There are amazing women role models all over the place."
"Women in activism usually get what she calls a default eye roll."
"Women have been leading activist movements and getting things done."
"Women entering their soft girl era... this is a real thing."
"I want fighting for the women leadership this word if we're ever more one the leaders the water be better."
"Some of the most beautiful women in the world are living in Ukraine."
"When God created women, yeah, he took his time."
"Women with a time machine: 'I am your granddaughter.'"
"All women have inherent value though even hoes."
"You got the creator of the universe calling something a woman does just an act beautiful."
"Her worth and her value is too much for this."
"Attraction is primarily an emotional process for women, not a logical one."