
Personal Priorities Quotes

There are 739 quotes

"Job satisfaction and friendship over marriage and Parenthood."
"Just being the kind of private person who prioritizes time over money can increase your well-being."
"Time is the most valuable thing that you can own."
"What if you were in control of your financial future? What if you had more time to spend with your family and doing the things you love?"
"I've never wanted to be on TV or be famous. All I wanted was a family."
"I work hard, I do this, but there's so much more to life than that."
"How you feel is way more important than how you look."
"My goal is really just to make enough money to take care of myself, my loved ones, and save for the future."
"What's most important to you? For me, it's that I don't want to have come to the end of my career and have any regrets."
"You've got to stop caring what Marcus thinks, you've got to start caring about what's best for you."
"Your focus should be on building strength and focusing on your family."
"Zoom out... take time with your family, take time doing the things that you love and really enjoy that."
"Love, career, family and friends, self, and health are the five things we juggle."
"I'm tired of it. I'm really tired of it. I literally have too much to do. I don't have time for the anxiety."
"I have children, and I'm concerned about them. I want to be a good father to them, and I'm not going to let any office or role get in the way of being a good father."
"I don't know what's going on in the world, everybody's upset about something, and no matter what you say, you can't please everybody. But for me, the only person I'm interested in pleasing is [my] wife, and I'm struggling with that most of the time."
"It's like, choosing my mental health, or choosing to make people happy, essentially."
"I make moves based on what it's going to do for my wife and kids."
"Your woman should never ever be your number one priority. Your priority should be your goals."
"Moral of the story is always take care of yourself first, as companies are doing the same."
"Remember to prioritize yourself and your needs; taking care of yourself is the key to operating at your optimal level."
"Personally speaking, I very highly value my time...even when I was making nothing, I valued my time pretty high and I value what I want to do pretty high."
"Good warriors don't hate what's in front of them so much as they love what's behind them."
"It's not so much about the money; it's about that freedom. I'd rather have the freedom versus the money."
"It's not about the money, it's about choosing happiness."
"I'd rather focus on my music, my daughter's in my life. I'm a proud dad."
"Live for you, do for you, because at the end of the day, these men will never be satisfied."
"Shared seasons over everything forget about if it's a gold or a diamond or any I don't care about none of that right now."
"He refuses to adhere to societal standards and once only to be judged by God fearing him over mankind and what you fear you oftentimes do manage to prioritize."
"It's time to fill the cup that you want to drink out of, rather than filling the cup that you don't want to drink out of."
"My number one job in life, except for serving Jesus, is making that woman happy."
"Their gains and their friendship are very, very important to these guys."
"If I was going to be a real blessing and help and support to others, I would need to prioritize me."
"I still have some things to do and I feel comfortable enough that I don't need to."
"I value family and with family comes marriage."
"You don't actually care about how beings are treated... it's ultimately self over."
"Time is incredibly valuable and how you spend it is incredibly valuable."
"I'd rather not risk losing my friendship with her over something so minor."
"It was very important to me to be a good dad."
"Economics is not just money; economics is job, place to live, having enough time to do the things you do, getting the things you want from life."
"Spend your money on experiences not liabilities."
"I believe it's important because your health, your well-being, and your authenticity are more important than any job, any promotion, any salary, any degree, or frankly, anyone else's opinion of you."
"I should have way more important things to worry about than the opinions of people who don't even like me."
"It became the easiest decision I've ever made because it wasn't about money, it was about unfinished business."
"Let's get our priorities straight: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"You're not selfish for putting yourself first, it's about setting boundaries."
"Your priority is pleasing God, not pleasing people."
"Take care of yourself first. Jesus said it: take the plank out of your own eye before you try and take the speck of dust out of your neighbor's eye."
"If you're worrying about things like this, then you're not worrying about the things that actually matter."
"It is not your job to be liked, it is your job to like yourself."
"If I wake up more worried about what people say about me than what God thinks about me, I'm dead in the water anyways."
"I don't do it for the world; I do it for myself first."
"Your job is not a family, you owe them nothing."
"Why waste my thoughts, my thoughts are rare these days. Very rare that I have thoughts and so if once I have them, why waste them on you when I'm never gonna speak to you again in my entire life, right?"
"At the end of the day, what I'm trying to remind myself is like, this is about us."
"You gotta do what's best for you and your family."
"I'm going to focus on what's best for me and not Coach Toulon."
"I have other things that I'm invested in right now that I find more rewarding than that position would probably be for me at this point in time."
"The most important person in your life is supposed to be your spouse."
"Overall we all just want to have less things and more of what really matters to us."
"I just wanted to be happy. I'd like her to have a few years of living, not just working."
"Why is somebody else's happiness more important than yours? Why should you sacrifice in a sense think less of yourself for the sake of others who is suddenly more important than you?"
"Reminding her of what's really important in life."
"It's time to put yourself first; then everything will fall beautifully into place."
"Put yourself first, make sure that you're doing what you think is best for you."
"But there comes a day when the quality of your life matters more than the time you've got left to live."
"I learned not to care. These people don't pay my bills, they don't help me with my kid, they don't take care of my family. Why do I really care?"
"Put yourself first and heal something within yourself."
"Strive for experience, not just material goals."
"The main thing that I've always wanted to do is take care of my family."
"Life changes so fast that you don't have a day, a minute, an hour to waste on petty things."
"I'm not a big fan of flying though, honestly, COVID is the least of my worries."
"I've always enjoyed being a dad more than any other job I've ever had."
"It's not about money out here. It's about feeling good and happy."
"I could have your job, but I'm just out here skating."
"Success isn't about what you say yes to, it's about what you say no to."
"Anything you love more than Jesus Christ is an idol."
"2024 is a great year to focus on talents instead of too many material things."
"It's actually okay to say no to stuff upfront."
"Hopefully with some updates on The Inferno, which I think is the first one I'm going to try to take off this list before the universe takes me off of it."
"Be kind to you, because as you juggle everything, the first person you're going to neglect is yourself."
"I don't even have time for a boyfriend right now like the last thing on my mind is a man."
"Marriage is like the most important decision you have, not your business career."
"Use your money to free up your time, that way you have more time to do whatever you want."
"Emotionally detach to do what's best for you."
"They rather drive for 8 hours than drive for 15 minutes and go to church and hear the word of God."
"Husband material men do not have time to be flossing on social media."
"Your community is the most important thing in your life."
"I feel like I should just foster and cultivate the friendships I have now because they're the ones that mean the most to me."
"Listen to your own intuition and priorities."
"Nobody's gonna remember that you stayed late for work except for your kids."
"If you're watching this channel and you're more worried about my dog or my dress code you it's too late for you you're lost."
"I only do ones that actually matter like the Oscars and the 420 awards like [__] off."
"Love my family, love me. That's really all that counts."
"Forget about what everyone on Instagram is saying you absolutely need to have. When it comes to how you spend your money, it's so important for you to figure out what you want."
"I would rather be a happy homeless person than a sad rich person every day of the week."
"I love you, Zack, and I don't care if you're rich or poor."
"Sorry I couldn't save the world, I had to build mine."
"No money can be you know, more valuable than having that freedom and having that time."
"Etho coming by for a little visit to trade a permit was a fantastic reminder into what I should be focusing on."
"Each large muscle of a bodybuilder represents a language he didn't learn, a poem he didn't read, a fun fact he never memorized."
"You don't have the house that you want because you're maxed out in the apartment that you have."
"I could tell we both really cared about the friendship more than just the views or like the YouTube part of it because we easily could have made like videos exposing each other."
"If I had played for milestones in my career I probably wouldn't have half of what I have right now."
"I don't want to be in a relationship for a really long time, honestly. I just want to get through college, focus on myself, and then look for who I want in my future."
"Blacks and whites and any other ethnic group in America have started to look at their personal life and their economy and their opportunity more than they're looking at parties."
"She's my heart, you know. I love my parents but she's at first place."
"Make your mission your goal and not women your goal."
"You are holding on to what it is that you want and not what you don't want."
"Family, love, health, happiness, that's all that matters."
"First thing in the morning, what I want to do."
"If a man says he doesn't care about your income, even better."
"I've started saying no to almost everything and just really prioritize."
"You're getting healing when it comes to that and that's allowing you to look forward and be more optimistic about what you really want and what's important to you."
"At the end of the day real value is bigger than money and all that people want it."
"Money ain't about the child, it's about her."
"Spending time with your family and with your loved ones is also important for your life."
"One of the most important things in my life is the health and well-being of my family."
"If something's important to you, you can always make time for it."
"Don't ever forget about yourself in the process."
"At the end of the day, she doesn't owe us that and I think it's good that she's prioritizing people's well-being."
"That stuff should only be limited to things you actually care about."
"I left all this behind. I found a special girl. That's what's important."
"If you're gonna take on a project like this you need to have your life and life of your family your friends and your loved ones at heart."
"I'm not gonna jeopardize my kids' safety, my family's safety, my family's comfort out here just to be the nice neighbor."
"Misaki is the type of person who thinks about others first than her own."
"Your guides want you to make sure that you are putting yourself first, that you are prioritizing your self-care."
"Understanding economics more than fatherhood."
"You've got to work to live, don't live to work."
"So, I hope this video gave you the tools for you to think about what's most important to you."
"Of all the drugs on the planet, there was one that was his absolute favorite - money."
"Put that stability energy put that nurturing energy into yourself first before you go out and do your thing."
"Everyone I know and love is healthy and that's really all that matters right now."
"My life is work, I need work to be relegated to the place... and have my personal life be my main squeeze."
"At the end of the day, core values mean more than looks. Long term, it's not gonna last if you don't share core values."
"Making your mind up, figuring out what matters, is the most important thing you can do."
"Feeling great is more important than looking great."
"Pay attention to your needs versus your wants."
"Her priorities seemed pretty messed up to me. I mean, even if she didn't give a [ __ ] about Rebecca's death, I'm really not sure she's fully thinking through the implications of this."
"I don't fault anybody for whatever they think is in their best interest. Everyone has their own priorities."
"I want to coach but I don't want to coach at college or NFL because I just... I don't want to travel. I want to be home with the fam."
"Prioritize how your life feels to you over how it looks to others."
"You are stuck in your own head, try not to focus too much on material things, shift your attention to what's most important in your life."
"Trim the fat, prioritize what makes you happy."
"Understand what you're optimizing for in your life."
"At the end of the day, we all have the same 24 hours."
"Taking care of others a little bit less than just thinking about yourself."
"Everyone needs a checklist of things they're looking for in a partner."
"This deal is not worth your time, okay? And it may seem easy like, 'Oh, I'll just have it in the background.' For someone like me, I sit in front of a door most of the time."
"It never ceases to amaze me: we love ourselves more than other people, yet we care about their opinions more than our own."
"Charity begins at home, you can't help somebody else before you help the people around you."
"The most important Legacy for me is the Legacy that I leave with my family."
"Your time is the most precious thing that you have."
"I value time more than money, especially on a short trip."
"I'm more protective of my time than ever. Very secretly I just want to cancel everything and just only focus on V friends."
"The best decision I ever did was get an editor for my second channel."
"Your financial success may be linked to focusing on work rather than love."
"When you put yourself first, you're not depending on the help or reciprocation of others."
"It's not really going to drastically improve my life, so when I think of plans to improve my life, it's just about having even more time."
"Whether it's ego wanting to control the universe or whether it's a sailor who's got to get back on his boat, any male who is self-absorbed..."
"However, this time I'm still in college but I just don't care about it."
"Are you selfish enough to say I want to take care of my family?"
"Focus on not worrying about anyone else other than yourself."
"At the end of the day, all that matters is things like love and family."
"How do you enjoy your life more but still get the work done in a way where it's not compromising family play pleasure and people?"
"I've designed my life to make the things that I intentionally want to do with my life the most interesting things in the room for my mind to play with."
"When you have a child like Chance has or myself um it just makes you go this [__] doesn't matter."
"Lord, help me to want you more than I want coffee."
"If I can't see it in my future, then why be involved in it in the present moment?"
"My biggest thing to me is my son, you know what I'm saying. I've already been away from him for a little minute before and so I, I told him you'll never have to worry about it, to be going being gone, you know what I'm saying, no more."
"Pursue what's meaningful and not what's expedient."
"Faith, family, and football, those are my priorities."
"Sometimes, as my father said, it's okay to be selfish."
"Not only is he going to get me through this, but I declare in the name of the Lord I'm going to have better priorities."
"I live 50% to take care of myself and my family and 50% to help you."
"Prioritize your peace; that's what matters in a relationship."
"I'm gonna start putting me first... I'm gonna show up this year for myself."
"The ESFJ at their best knows that it's important to get their life in order and tend to their own needs before they move on to help others."
"If you make space for things that you want to do, those things will pop up."
"Being unhappy because you are more worried about your career than your duty as a spouse and a parent is just very sad indeed."
"What's a non-negotiable for you every single day?"
"Stop going broke trying to impress these people."
"One of the greatest forms of tragedy is when we look back and we say we were successful in all the ways that don't matter."
"This year's been really stressful and it's shown me what's more important and what's more important is time spent and thoughtful gifts."
"Finding a balance between home, personal, and family needs and work responsibilities and ambitions may take some juggling this year."
"Reflection on priorities, desires, and pleasures, seeking simplicity and ease."
"I think everyone should take advantage of this time they're spending at home to focus on the things that they haven't been able to focus on because they've been so busy... their families, their close friends, their relationships."
"Make sure you also pay attention to what's important: your family, your friends, and your loved ones."
"I value relationships more than I value views or clicks."
"Time is really important to me and I want to be able to get exactly what I'm looking for."
"Let go of your tasks, let go of busyness, let go of things that are no longer resonating that you're just spinning your wheels for."
"That's your first target...that's your favorite value gap."
"To love it is to seek its good over and against God's will."
"Focus on doing what you love, focus on your own state of being."
"I truly believe that I need to be with my family, you know, with my closest friends."
"Focus on fewer things, not more. Focus on wealth, health, and environment."
"Establish priorities for the day in God's presence."
"Family, you know, exactly. Family, setting your loved ones up. Absolutely."
"Avoid people who love themselves, money, pride, and unholiness more than they love God."
"You're so busy focusing on people, you miss God."