
Medical Ethics Quotes

There are 628 quotes

"I never recommend an intervention unless I'm certain that it's not going to cause more harm than good."
"Mandates and other forms of medical coercion are unethical and must cease; bodily autonomy is the inalienable right of every individual and must be respected."
"If you mess up, they die, and it's very important that you get things right one time because if you get things wrong, people die."
"I think that these are very serious kind of questions to be asking now because, as you mentioned, the pathway so far is really to focus on these medical applications."
"Viability is a principled line, your honor, because it logically looks at the fetus' ability to survive separately."
"We're witnesses to the greatest medical scandal in living memory."
"It's not such a clear divide sometimes between what is classified as cosmetic surgery versus reconstructive surgery. In my mind, often times those two are very much interconnected."
"The whole reason of becoming a doctor is to help people, and this is like just complete opposite. It's just mutilating the body, just destroying things that were given to you that are meant to help you."
"I think that as a physician, I have a right to say this, I think that physicians have abdicated their clinical responsibilities to their patients."
"The commitments that we have to each other, the idea of medical ethics, has all been subordinated to a reckless top-down campaign."
"Monster: Dr. Kenzo Tenma is a genius surgeon working in post-Cold War Germany who has a bright future ahead of him."
"As a physician, my focus is to do no harm, and now the biggest harm that's happening is what's happening to the environment."
"Conversion therapy has no foundation as scientifically valid medical care and lacks credible evidence to support its efficacy or safety."
"If people had access to medicines, some of them might not die early."
"My promise to all my patients is consistency, safety, looking totally natural, and achieving results that are reliable and effective."
"Our job is not to play judge or jury, our job is to focus on one thing and one thing only: that's helping patients."
"We have an important ethical partnership with patients as physicians and scientists, and we have to be able to say, um, you know, when there are problems, we have to be able to say that out loud."
"I certainly think the issue is particularly complicated. There are questions about the expertise of doctors and the right way to help children."
"The most hallowed words in medicine are 'Primum non nocere,' a first do no harm."
"Every doctor who realized they may have been part of the problem has now turned that around to march toward a better society and restore faith in the promise of medicine."
"I firmly believe all medical decisions should be between a patient and a doctor, no matter what that decision may be."
"Within the next five years, it will be malpractice not to use AI in colorectal cancer screening."
"I could no longer in good conscience start a patient on an antidepressant or any other psychiatric medication again."
"The first principle of medical ethics is beneficence, to try to maximize the good that we do. The second principle is non-malfeasance, to try to minimize the harm that we do."
"Having a vaccine passport is dumb; having an immunological passport...that's actually something that could be more medically defended."
"Drugs and vaccines have to be used intelligently and cautiously."
"Medicine is supposed to be about restoring a person's natural functioning and preserving it, not trying to put wings on someone to see if it works, which is essentially what we're doing."
"The Hippocratic maxim 'Do no harm' has long been a fundamental principle of medical ethics."
"Withdrawing or withholding treatment in accordance with the patient's best interests is good clinical practice."
"It's a cornerstone of medical practice that treatments are voluntary."
"There is such a thing as informed consent when it comes to medicine."
"Call me old-fashioned, but I generally try not to end my patient's lives."
"If we think that the decisions can be made by five people who volunteer out of good faith to try and do the right thing, but if we think that that is healthy policy and we haven't heard from families and we haven't heard from medical professionals, big red flag to me."
"Literally, this will mean that your doctor will not be able to do what's best for you because they'll work for big Pharma now."
"The loving thing to do is not to destroy that child's body."
"Do you or someone you know have cancer, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, MS, stroke, heart disease. Have you come to the end of your treatment road? Why should you die before your time?"
"Daniel repeatedly demonstrated a merciless and callous indifference to the suffering of her patients and their family members."
"I want to know what you feel doc when you when you read a comment like this because as as Healthcare Providers and uh you know practicing Physicians we know what happens to a patient with an A1C of 17."
"There is a history of mistreatment of black people from the medical industry."
"When you compel somebody without transparency, you will violate two words primary in the medical community: informed consent."
"How can you even consider yourself to be a doctor or a nurse anymore when you're just scared and you do things that you don't know whether or not it is harming another person?"
"So we have to stand up, we have to take a stand on behalf of those who are being hurt. That's what we do in medicine even when it's difficult."
"These are decisions that are not being made by the doctors who were treating these women."
"You don't treat populations. You treat individuals."
"Safety comes first. When safety and survival are concerned, it doesn’t matter if the person, the victim, is not your patient. It doesn’t matter if the source of information does not come from the patient." - DR. BANDY LEE
"Why are we doing this to our patients? I want the evidence."
"Do you think children can consent to sterilization?"
"Why do you want to mutilate and sterilize kids? I'm saying you look, do you have an argument for this?"
"I absolutely don't think anytime ever it is appropriate to give a child puberty blockers at all."
"If the government and media and corporate medicine have conspired to keep potentially life-saving treatments for covet from the public, what other diseases have cures being obfuscated due to the power and greed?"
"Being a good doctor means I have to work within the bounds of our current knowledge, and many times our current knowledge is incomplete."
"I wouldn't discharge a patient from a hospital... unless I was absolutely confident that their medical treatment was complete."
"You knew something was wrong, what stopped you?"
"Brave medical whistleblowers have decided to come forward so that the public can know the truth."
"We were the source of medical information on YouTube, debunking the misinformation."
"Despite all of these positive things happening, and a lot of offers for ridiculous sums of money, we've never sold out our medical ethics."
"You can't assume someone's faking it because sometimes people fake it."
"If it's not your pregnancy or your body it's kind of none of your business unless you're the doctor."
"I agree with informed consent, the Nuremberg code should always be enforced."
"Wow, that was quick! When you know a drug works, you have to let people in the placebo group know so they can take it."
"We really need to get out of that way of thinking for the health of our patients and the betterment of our patients."
"Transitioning is a medical matter. It's for people's health. It's not some cosmetic personal choice thing on its own."
"Actually, no, this is not a confirmed way to treat children. In fact, having them go through these treatments can increase suicide, anxiety, and depression."
"There are moral and ethical problems with government mandation of invasive medical interventions."
"Medical choice absolutist. It's your body, you get to decide what you put inside of it."
"You should have bodily autonomy... no forced medical procedures."
"Ensuring that providers take steps to avoid transmitting a dangerous virus to their patients is consistent with the fundamental principle of the medical profession: first do no harm."
"You aren't pro-vaccine unless you believe that the government should force everyone to get a medical procedure."
"We want to make sure that this is done well and right for the American people."
"Doctors had abdicated their responsibility to the patient."
"We're stopping the physical development of children based on a belief that they are born in the wrong body."
"Outlaws the permanent mutilation... via surgical procedures of minors..."
"What hit me like a lightning bolt was that I was making the suggestion not based on what was physiologically best for my patients."
"Shouldn't people have informed consent? Nuremberg Code of 1947 was all about medical choice, medical freedom, informed consent."
"Rush this vaccine and force it on people because when that backfires you've just done more damage than any quote unquote anti-vaxxer could have ever done."
"I'm neither pro-vax nor anti-vaxx. I'm pro-informed consent."
"A physician's duty: to cure occasionally, relieve often, console always."
"It's not about vaccinating or not vaccinating. It's really about vaccinating safely."
"Performing mostly irreversible surgeries on young people and teens is... completely unethical."
"The problem is that doctors like Gallagher... are targeting and preying upon children."
"Doctors make money... they know that they're gonna make a buck off of this."
"If we knew what gender identity disorder was, we wouldn't be doing surgery on kids."
"As a doctor, first do no harm." - Dr. John Lee
"I'm going to make sure everybody is safe, that's what a real Pro doctor would do."
"We need a structure that's much more in line with patient interest and that's going to serve the health of the people."
"The decision will not be made any better medically or morally because it is being dictated by some government official."
"Treat vaccine-injured people with respect and compensate them."
"It's important to give patients honest and transparent information."
"Medical freedom and giving doctors freedom to treat the patient as they wish."
"He says that he's been left mutilated with no sexual function, unable to even use the bathroom normally. He's now overcome by grief and anger all the time, furious at the people who did this to him. And rightly so."
"Preventing brain death is really playing God, but hey, that's if that's playing God then vaccines are playing God and antibiotics are playing God."
"Just remember that the person you're treating is a person first and foremost."
"The default should never be the intervention without strong evidence."
"Silencing us doctors in any discipline is against the Charter of Rights and Freedoms."
"Non-consensual pelvic exams... still happening."
"It's still my vagina... even if I am naked and unconscious."
"You don't have rights to my organs... without my consent."
"Someday we will live in a world where what they do is not only appreciate it's demanded that doctors practice this way those who don't go to jail."
"If it's going to cure a disease, I can't imagine why it wouldn't be widely accepted."
"Non-medical professionals are determining what is appropriate for physician conversation in the public sphere, which is anathema. It's bizarre and there's so many things wrong with that." - Dr. Drew
"In a just world, the truth should be the winners, right? So, what are you going to say?"
"The truth should win out, in the University system and in medicine."
"Abortion should probably be allowed up to like 20 to 24 weeks."
"Stem cell therapy is a very good thing. I believe in the woman's right to choose. I'm pro-choice."
"There should be some sort of due process and then talking therapy before people are pushed into surgery and hormones."
"When I was born I had missing tibias in both legs, so the doctors gave my mom the opportunity of either amputating my legs or it putting me in the wheelchair."
"I call me idealistic but I thought we lived in a world where the doctor actually had a private relationship with their patient."
"It is clearly untenable to claim that parents who are hesitant to rush their children into risky controversial Medical Treatments of unproven efficacy are guilty of medical neglect."
"If you start administering medical treatment on the basis of desert, you're going to end up in this whirlwind of issues."
"We don't want people suffering before they die, and that's the aim. We have the potential, I think, to do this."
"Withholding abortion care is a deviation from the medical standard of care practiced in the United States and worldwide."
"We've doomed thousands of kids to brutal, mutilating surgery and premature sterility."
"My oath is first: Do no harm. That's a higher calling, a higher objective."
"Physician-assisted suicide has received a bit of a rebranding in Canada as 'medical assistance in dying' (MAID)."
"If you're a healthcare provider and you recommend a low-fat diet, you're endangering people's lives."
"There might only be one hospital bed open for those two people you love so much."
"My doctrines exist to rid maternity hospitals of their horror, to preserve the wife for her husband and the mother for her child."
"The heart of medicine is still pure and good."
"The reason to mandate a medical intervention is if I believe there's so much benefit to third parties."
"I don't hate Western medicine, but if pharmaceutical reps should be shot at dawn before breakfast."
"First do no harm. Prevent harm, then you can do a lot of good things."
"A year-long campaign against corruption in the medical domain was outlined."
"The false pandemic is one of the greatest medical scandals of the century."
"When in doubt, hold the med. Patient safety is non-negotiable."
"It's wrong to force employees to disclose their personal medical decisions."
"The fauci effect: symbolizing integrity and truth."
"That's against medical practices, against the Hippocratic oath."
"I'm passionate about fighting for my opinion... I'm trying to tell the truth so I can help my patients, period."
"The ethical principle of free and informed medical consent guaranteed by the Nuremberg Code, the Helsinki Declaration was abandoned."
"You can't have informed consent if you don't tell your patients of the risks and benefits."
"Never happened to me but doctors were telling players lies to get them back on the field faster instead of taking care of their health."
"I think it's worse to get diagnosed with something and not be able to get it treated than never getting diagnosed."
"You deserve evidence-based medicine that is not going to prescribe a supposed cure that actually does more harm than good."
"Every interaction between a patient and a doctor should be therapeutic."
"It's a strict government mandate designed to interfere with private medical decisions."
"Is receiving organs from an organ harvesting not moral since organs was removed when the donor was still alive?"
"If doctors can't give frank medical opinions, that concerns me quite a lot."
"Medicine has become... leaving the most powerful interventions on the table."
"But we are now at the point where people can't access pain medications even in the situations that really should be getting them."
"Labeling someone a drug seeker for whatever reason, that isn't good patient care."
"Nobody is forced to transition, you have to give informed consent."
"Good medicine comes when people look at data and make their conclusions based on data, as opposed to deciding what they want their conclusion to be and finding the data that fits."
"What kind of person would I be if I saw a medical atrocity unfolding in front of me and I didn't say so at a medical conference?"
"Nobody cares about your sacred sperm but there's no logical difference to be made between what you're reading in Justice Celino's opinion and laws that would do the same thing to any other medical procedure including especially vasectomy."
"My choice was to keep her alive or kill her." - Sherry
"When I read a description of a partial birth abortion, this was the thing that blew his mind." - Dominic Kalana
"Relying on administrative means to solve medical problems that will inevitably lead to humanitarian disasters."
"Patients should be able to go and express themselves, and there are actually laws now where I can't silence them."
"It's disappointing that celebrities fake their medical records to avoid their Duty and therefore make it harder for people who actually suffer from those medical conditions."
"Hospitals might need to have CPS representatives in the building with the ability to suspend people's right to a child if they are putting them at serious medical risk."
"She had a doctor come to abort the child so that her husband wouldn't find out, and it went wrong."
"Childhood foreskin amputation is cruel, worthless and harmful."
"This is basic Nuremberg, Hippocratic Oath stuff."
"Doctors should treat the patient, not just the problem."
"They're literally picking who lives and who dies, who gets the tests and who doesn't."
"Doctors and parents should not be encouraging eleven-year-olds to take puberty blockers."
"A living will is specifically designed to deal with how you feel about life-ending versus life-sustaining procedures."
"Y'all are mad at a black person who's skeptical about taking medicine? Let's not act like medical treatment has been fair to black people in the past."
"If your doctor isn't informed, then you can't consent."
"Pharma orders the medics to hand over the smugglers to the Empire once they recover for legal trial."
"Everything, the patient is the number one priority in this."
"Is the focus really on research and wellness? If lifestyle is the cause of illness, shouldn't we be shutting down fast-food outlets and focusing on educating wellness rather than medicating illness?"
"Informed consent is just so crucial, isn't it?"
"My only interest is really the patient in front of me."
"It still does piss me off to see an actual doctor promoting scammy products like this."
"You do what you think is best, Doc. It's all any of us can."
"Desertion of a client by anyone who has assumed the responsibility of care is abandonment."
"Jehovah's Witnesses choose their own medical treatments."
"It's called iatrogenic labeling. Labels sometimes cause more trouble than what they describe."
"There are truths and there are untruths, and to me it is a truth that having your child undergo transition is a form of child abuse."
"Your job as a medical journal editor is to make sure that the truth in whatever form and the best way possible at the time that you make the truth available to American physicians so they can practice the best medicine."
"Medical personnel performing their duties are to be considered non-combatants and afforded full protection under law."
"It is not a conspiracy theory to have reservations about a medical treatment that's untested, it is a conspiracy theory to say that the entire world is united."
"For every intervention you do as a doctor, you've got to ask yourself two questions: How much difference does it make, and how do I know this?"
"We need to say to them thank you now that you guys are acknowledging America's history of medical malpractice intentional and malicious that also is a reason for reparations."
"Your first obligation is to the safety of the patients."
"The principle of informed consent requires that the patient must be capable of making decisions for themselves."
"The principle of autonomy means that a patient has the ultimate decision-making responsibility for their own treatment."
"Abortion in all instances is a medical procedure, right? It's health care."
"If the treatment is more harmful than just letting things run their course, then we don't like to do it."
"As a doctor, it is your job to treat the sick no matter how they got sick."
"It's that decision is not going to be made any better medically or morally because the government is dictating how that decision should be made."
"I am absolutely for choice. I am against medical tyranny. I am for informed consent."
"First do no harm... Seems like these days they're doing a lot of harm without asking any questions or doing any other kind of care first."
"Zahed Haftlang put humanity over military aggression and did all he could to provide clandestine emergency medical care and save Aboud’s life until orders were changed to take Iraqi prisoners of war alive."
"IVF would have never been allowed to begin with."
"It's not medicine anymore. At best, it's cosmetic surgery being done without consent, with lifelong damages."
"Treating mental illness as though it is nothing is a large mistake in virtually every circumstance."
"Simply believing that depression is a chemical imbalance of the brain when it can't even be tested for is a very naive approach from the medical profession and the pharmaceuticals that have preyed upon this for many years."
"Empathy is a dangerous thing. People can't be expected to hold all of the world's pain. Neither can doctors."
"Abortion should be decided by the mother, doctor, and conscience."
"We want to protect the lung from iatrogenic injury. We don't want to be causing any more damage to the lungs."
"Ethical responsibility to reduce over-medication."
"What if the medical community was as corrupt as the American Media? That should shock you because that's where we're going and we're going there real fast."
"Freedom First. We have medical tyranny and lack of First Amendment rights in this country at the moment."
"There is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug."
"I will apply for the benefit of the sick all measures and only those required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism."
"A nurse in Germany with anti-vax views injected thousands of at-risk patients with saline instead of COVID vaccine."
"Medical Freedom prevails. There is the principle of autonomy."
"First, do no harm, and then I would say, do what feels right for you."