
Autonomy Quotes

There are 13920 quotes

"You only get one life, and you make your choices with it as long as it's you making the choice."
"We have full body autonomy, and that's one of the main principles of healthcare."
"Women deserve the right to make decisions over their own bodies. They deserve a full range of reproductive health care."
Josh Shapiro
"I have ultimate control over my behavior, thoughts, and feelings."
"Mandates and other forms of medical coercion are unethical and must cease; bodily autonomy is the inalienable right of every individual and must be respected."
"People with high autonomy scores are likely to have or be rejected from Cults or new religious movements, and that by doing so may cause psychological difficulties which are ameliorated by time and attendance at a support group."
"Just trusting yourself I think is really important. Trusting that you know you better than anybody else is gonna know you."
"Ultimately, unless you have electrodes in your head and someone's stimulating them, we are in control of our thoughts and behaviors."
"Creativity may be the ultimate exercise in autonomy."
"If people want to get divorced, let them get divorced."
"People need to be responsible for their own body."
"Personal development is your life. You get to construct whatever kind of life you want."
"Nobody is entitled to be chosen by anyone else in the world."
"I get to choose how I experience every moment of my life."
"So many people give the pen to someone else."
"Nobody's entitled to make you happy; if something is breaking your heart, walk away."
"Living your life by the 'shoulds'...you wind up in a place where you completely forget your wants."
"I've never done anything to change myself that was for someone else; it's always been for me."
"I didn't want anything to define me except for me."
"The mountain is high and the emperor is far away."
"Feminism is about women making their own decisions with their own bodies and their own lives."
"You are in charge of your life at all moments."
"If I didn't define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people's fantasies for me and eaten alive."
"Our decisions are up to us; we just happen to know that their outcomes could be predicted with enough information."
"You can choose to define yourself however you want; people do that; that's all I'm advocating."
"Your intuition, your feelings are on point; do what you feel like, not what other people say you should be doing."
"Why would you ever let your own thinking be decided by a democracy? You decide what you agree with and what you disagree with; nobody else gets to tell you what you are okay with and not okay with."
"There's nothing anybody back on Earth can do anymore. It's all up to the robot now to guide itself safely from an interplanetary spacecraft down to the surface of Mars."
"Empowerment simply means that you are back in the driver's seat of your life."
"Every single home and business and your car will have its own electromagnetic power plant."
"Professionally, I'm looking for five things: to pursue goals that are meaningful and worthwhile, to have a high degree of autonomy, to have a sufficient amount of challenge, to have a sense of forward motion, and lastly, to work with people that I love."
"If you don't control your finances, I promise you, someone else is going to control you."
"Only you know what you want and what's going to satisfy you, nobody else."
"Discard your misperceptions. Stop being jerked around like a puppet. Limit yourself to the present."
"Humans have to fight back to reclaim our autonomy and free will from the machines."
"It's very easy to drive people crazy as a manager, and you may have experienced that with your managers when they don't let you have autonomy."
"You must have a team that doesn't feel like they have to ask for permission to use their imagination."
"You can actually create paths that feel good to you. You don't have to wait for something to align."
"If somebody else has control over your body, that means you are the slave, and they are the master."
"The only thing that we ever have control over is ourselves."
"To be mentally independent means that you trust your own mind."
"People don't want freedom; they want autonomy."
"Everything's our choice. Every moment of your life is a choice."
"Religion...is the oldest enemy of our intellectual freedom and our moral autonomy and must be met, and must be challenged, and must be overthrown."
"Look at the trends which has been more and more toward the autonomy and liberty of individuals to make their own decisions."
"This is why you're meant to lead. Just lead. Don't ask questions, don't ask for other people's opinions, just lead."
"No one acts in your best interest better than you."
"The voluntary option is superior because you just get to choose."
"People should be allowed to make that choice."
"I believe in personal liberty and bodily autonomy."
"Financial independence unlocks autonomy and freedom, allowing you to do what you want."
"Financial independence in your 40s means doing things on your terms, where, when, and how you want."
"I became an entrepreneur because I was looking for a way to get back my freedom and autonomy in life."
"It's okay to decide this is what I want my life to look like, and that's okay."
"We deserve to have this kind of freedom of choice."
"You do have complete control over the choices you make and the ways you choose to respond."
"Body hair is not something you should ever feel like you have to remove or hide."
"There's something sacred about individual autonomy."
"Imagine if you could build a robot that could do what this kid and many other kids do...help you out around the house without having to be programmed or even really instructed."
"You have free will to do whatever you choose."
"Don't let the state decide what happens to you or your children."
"I'm the one who will decide what the plan for my life should be."
"The kind of freedom that matters most is freedom from unreasonable domination by one person over another."
"My life should not be your life and your life should not be my life."
"You are the creator of your own life, nobody else can decide for you what you choose where you decide to go."
"You have your freedom of will; now, what will you do with it?"
"Imagine this: you're playing a game of chess, you get up to go and get a glass of water, and return to find that the game has continued without you."
"The best way to have your own thoughts and imaginations is to turn off all the devices around you that insert thoughts and imaginations into your brain without your permission."
"I am equipped to handle whatever decisions are necessary in my world and in my space."
"Marry someone you want, not someone that you feel like you need."
"Whether our destination lies before us or behind us, the decision is ours to make."
"Change is scary... but it's always better to go out on your own terms rather than feeling like you've been forced out."
"If you want to see what you're totally capable of, you have to decide for yourself what's okay or not."
"Well, this is my money. I earned it. I'll use it any way I like."
"The definition of success for me is autonomy. How much control do you have over your life?"
"I think that life is complicated enough that people have to be expected to make their own choices."
"Don't wait for anybody else to tell you what your sense is supposed to be; you have to find a sense and give a sense to the things that you are doing."
"A person with depression is still very much capable of making autonomous decisions about their life and improving their circumstances."
"Autonomy is commonly conceptualized as the capacity to make decisions that reflect our true values."
"Part of the autonomy is one's own right to self-governance, free of external coercion or compulsion."
"The shock that plucks people out of static patterns and reimagines them as autonomous individuals is what I live for."
"You cannot be forced to commit your bodily resources to the livelihood of another person."
"From a utilitarian perspective, the respect for individual bodily autonomy is sacrosanct."
"The government can't manage every hour of your life and tell you what to do every hour of the day, but we can ask you to listen to the information and make your best judgments as you care for yourself and your family."
"You don't have to use your autonomy to value it."
"The right is grounded in the liberty component of the 14th Amendment, but it promotes interests in autonomy, bodily integrity, liberty, and equality."
"I think autonomy is something that is inherently valuable and deeply important."
"The biggest predictor of job satisfaction is autonomy and control over your work."
"The development of this continent lies in the hands of the Africans, not in the hands of foreigners."
"There is no pre-given and predetermined purpose to things; what we make of this life is up to us."
"You don't need prisons if you can turn people into their own wardens."
"Rape is morally wrong because from an axiomatic point of view, I believe that people are entitled to their own bodily autonomy."
"You don't owe anybody an explanation. If it feels right, then do it."
"You don't owe anybody an explanation for who you are, what you are, what they think, or anything else. You don't have to defend yourself to anybody ever."
"It doesn't require artificial general intelligence to build autonomous weapons."
"The question isn't who's going to let me; it's who is going to stop me."
"The fact that I wanted is enough. I don't need a reason. It's my body."
"All the decisions related to your private life... a range of other decisions... it's a fundamental shift."
"You cannot control other people; take control over what you can control, which is yourself."
"People should be allowed to make those choices."
"People deserve their humanity and autonomy to be respected."
"The government should not be telling us what to do with our bodies or our lives when we're not hurting other people."
"If a choice affects you, you've got to be the one to make it. You're the only person who can make that choice."
"You just need to give them the information and they can choose."
"Whenever a game tells you what to do, it robs you from the sense of accomplishment that you get from figuring out how to do it."
"Players don't like having their handheld; they want to feel like they figured out the path forwards themselves."
"What is at stake here is the human expectation of sovereignty over one’s own life and authorship over one’s own experience."
"I distrust governments and corporations worldwide and believe that freedom and autonomy within the bounds of reasonable laws within a society are of paramount importance."
"Stop seeking permission and validation; you are good enough."
"My concern isn't being left by a man; my fear is that I won't be able to leave because I'll be put in a situation where I can't leave."
"Our futures are ours. I won't let anyone take them."
"Disrespecting the woman's autonomy to make a decision on her terms is at the root of it all."
"Belarus's desire for autonomy and self-determination was at the heart of this transformation."
"You can become your own bank with cryptocurrency."
"The people who had more control and more autonomy stayed healthier, they were under less stress."
"Financial independence is essentially when you're able to sustain yourself indefinitely, you don't have to work."
"I believe in your individual autonomy. I believe in your right to be who you are."
"I'm very independent. I can do everything on my own, so I don't really need help with anything."
"Decentralization means that each cell controls itself but is interconnected to the others without a central governing force."
"Success is doing what you want, when you want, how you want it, without anybody else's permission."
"I like to enjoy my life and rather than let life run me."
"I am pro-life, but once again, not my life, people have a right to choose."
"Are we just supposed to lie down and die because some machine decided it? Is that our fate? Yeah, well [__] fate."
"People have agency; they pick what they want to do."
"At the end of the day, this is your career. I have to let you make your own decisions."
"I would say that the life of the woman who has her own rights, and autonomy over her body would supersede the rights of a fetus."
"Government wants to make those choices for you. They want to take away your freedom to choose."
"You have the ability here to think. And you can think anything you want."
"The difference between a sheep and a human being is that one is assigned a purpose, and the other creates their purpose."
"Control over your lifestyle and schedule allows you to realign with your nature."
"Everyone has a right to silence. You don't need to be at anyone's beck and call. You have to get comfortable with other people's discomfort so that you can take care of yourself first."
"Free Will is the scariest thing because we can really do whatever we want."
"It's not called freedom if you have to ask for permission."
"It's not called Freedom if I have to ask for permission."
"Dragon is completely autonomous, so it is flying itself."
"Let people make their own darn decisions, period."
"My life is my own. It belongs to no one else and it is high time that I started living for what I believe in."
"None of them, none of us, died for you. I'm dying for what I believe in, just as they did. Your life is your own. It belongs to no other, living or dead. Live for what you believe in."
"The great thing about owning your own business is that you get to decide what's important to you."
"Try your best to retain autonomy, to retain control and power over the thing that you're doing because generally... autonomy, power, control leads to that feeling of intrinsic motivation."
"You're the captain of your own ship; steer it wherever you truly want to go."
"The whole point of this experiment is just to see what would happen if left to their own devices."
"It's your choice now what you want to do with this situation because a lot of you guys are like, 'Should I take them back? Should I not? Should I be friends with them? Should I not?' Honestly, it's up to you."
"Focus on you and also, you know, don't let anybody else control your life."
"If the rule doesn't make any damn sense, then break it."
"I think people just want to be able to carve out paths in their life."
"You have to feel like you have the freedom to make the choices you want."
"Quality of life is so important, and being able to create your own schedule... I'm going to do it like I have that ability."
"The way that humans work together is when everybody's allowed to pursue things they're interested in, when people have more control over themselves, their education, what they want to do, I think that it tends to produce human flourishing."
"Listen to the voice in your head, not the voice outside."
"I know the risks; I'm free to make my own choices regarding my health… it's called self-determination, look it up."
"The only person who can say what I am is me."
"Don't let others coerce you into a decision you know in your heart where the right choice is."
"I remember that you can't force a cat to do something."
"Autonomy is one of the core drivers of intrinsic motivation."
"I place a very high priority on human liberty, the ability for people to act independent of coercion, with full autonomy."
"I don't respect it. Nobody can twist my arm and force me to respect something I don't respect."
"The freedom to just wake up whenever you want and do whatever the [expletive] you want with your day, you're going to naturally be more happy."
"At the end of the day, we're all going to go out alone. We're all on our own journey, and the only ones that can control our journey are you and you alone."
"The most important right you have as a human being is the right to control your own body."
"We have as free will, nothing is set in stone."
"The only person you can control is yourself; you can't control anyone else."
"Children should not feel the need to perform a certain way to get these rewards. They deserve food, they deserve love, affection, and bodily autonomy, whether their behavior is correct or not."
"I work minimal. I work what I want. I work when I have to. But nobody controls my schedule."
"We gotta learn to leave each other the f alone."
"We all love the Stanley Parable because it lets us stick it to some snooty artist who's trying to tell you what his art is supposed to mean to you."
"Essentially, a F-35 pilot will be able select a geographic area and allow the missile to pick out its target as it closed in."
"Did you know that you can choose every single one of your actions? I think sometimes we act as though someone else is making choices for us. It's not the case."
"Don't let anyone else live it for you. You have this; you have this under control."
"Maybe they're not the right decisions, but they're my decisions." - Abby, on her control over the restaurant.
"You can only do what's best for you and figure that out."
"You get to make the rules. Your job doesn't define you. Your industry doesn't define you. You define you."
"You have to figure it out for yourself; nobody else can figure it out for you."
"If you make the other side feel free that they can say no at any time, then it respects their autonomy."
"You could argue that someone in that situation might think it's worth the risk if it means possibly regaining some level of physical autonomy."
"You protect people you believe in their right to choose."
"She will never follow those rules and regulations that you have put her into."
"They want to control us, they want to decide our futures for us."
"It was the invisible hand of the free market... a thousand autonomous decisions operating seamlessly all at once."
"At some point, you gotta decide for yourself who you gonna be. Can't let nobody make that decision for you."
"Freedom isn't just about freedom from. It's about freedom to live a life of your choosing."
"Real democracy involves every worker having autonomy and a voice in their workplace."
"Wouldn't it be better to have more mechanisms of control in the form of democracy and ensure a world in which everyone has more autonomy in a place where they spend 80% of their lives?"
"Genuine art has a kind of autonomy and spontaneity to it, but the culture industry tries to suppress this, churning everything out according to a totalizing plan."
"You have to make the decisions based on your own financial decisions."
"You get to decide what the next 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 years look like; no one else."
"You learn a lot about people when you declare that you're not going to live your life their way."
"There was nothing doctrinally or specific about abortion in sacred texts... nor was there anything that prohibited women from having control of their lives and their bodies."
"At the end, that's what we're committed to is giving you guys the flexibility to do it yourself however you want to do it."
"Every man should choose for himself and make his own way."
"We envision technology as if it were autonomous, as if it were simply outside of human and social experience."
"You can't force respect. Respect is a gift, if somebody wants to give it to you, they will, and if they don't, they don't."
"If you don't design your life, somebody else will design it for you. We should always be in the driver's seat of our lives, not in the back seat, not in the passenger seat."
"You can't truly count on anything that you don't directly control."
"Intermittent fasting... it's a lifestyle, it's not something that rules my life."
"I believe in personal liberty and bodily autonomy personally."
"The only way for you to actually do a budget that you stick to, you need to build it. Not someone else build it for you."
"We want to be our own sovereign. We want to have a say in this and we don't want God to have full control."
"Life is happening somehow I'm already about to turn 23, there's just no reason to follow a life path just because I kind of thought I had to."
"Financial independence... the ability to not need to work to be able to live."