
Health Myths Quotes

There are 190 quotes

"The idea that all of the pharmaceutical industry is holding on to a cancer cure is very skeptical."
"There are oh so many ideas out there about what one could take or do in order to avoid getting the cold or flu or more quickly get relief from a cold or flu; however, many of those are pure myth."
"Fruit has been inappropriately villainized... people that consume more fruit are less likely to have diabetes."
"Your metabolism is not ruined. Your metabolism is not damaged or destroyed. These things right here do not ruin your metabolism; they actually make your metabolism more efficient."
"CrossFit Games athletes have healthy bodies. What most people do when they see those athletes is go, 'No way. You can't look like that Adonis, you can't look like that type of a fitness model without being unhealthy, without taking performance-enhancing drugs.' I've seen firsthand that you can."
"Air conditioning does not make you sick; germs make you sick."
"You don't have to do some crazy juice cleanse to detox and clean your body... Your body cleans itself."
"Always less product is better than more product, and we know for sure that hats don't cause cancer."
"This is one of the first myths to go: that drinking a lot of milk as a kid is going to reduce your risk of getting a fracture in adulthood. And if anything, it's the opposite."
"Everything you know about diet has been ingrained into you by a society that is unhealthy."
"Eggs have been unfairly demonized and the studies overall prove this."
"Fasting is not some hack to create muscle growth and anabolism."
"Always read the reviews; the website rug photos be trifling."
"There was concern that food being cooked in it would be poisonous."
"The studies certainly blow away the myth of bad genes... We cannot cure this disease until we address the fundamentals of lifestyle."
"Carrots can help your eyesight. Were you ever told that as a kid?"
"Saturated fat was not bad for you, but actually protective against heart disease."
"I really want to put this myth to rest that African Americans don't want to take the vaccine and they're afraid of it."
"Saturated fat is not your enemy, and it's not linked to the incidence of heart disease."
"but there are so many people out there who've been brainwashed into thinking that fiber is this essential thing that they decided it was a necessary product this was necessary poop like a champion"
"I think the message though that you have to do it to improve your longevity I think is wrong. I don't think it will aid in your longevity at all. I don't think there is, as a general rule, a positive netted effect of aging or of fasting."
"You will not ruin your brain, you will not run out of fuel, you're not doing something unnatural to your body."
"The sodium is another one of those things though where everybody's like well if I eat too much sodium I'm going to get fat is going to cause bloating not the case on the ketogenic diet."
"Salt is not your enemy when it comes to high blood pressure."
"There's just no evidence of soy having any feminizing effect on people."
"Masks won't give you CO2 poisoning... masks actually do work."
"Nothing magical is happening with a 16-hour fast."
"I would say there's loads of myths the probably biggest myth that frustrates me is that Dairy is high in saturated fat and therefore increases your risk of heart disease and it doesn't."
"All fat people are not unhealthy and miserable, each individual has their own relationship to health and their bodies."
"Masturbation is bad for you? It's actually good for you."
"There is no evidence whatsoever that people who crack their knuckles are more prone to develop arthritis."
"To blame cholesterol for heart disease is like blaming the fire trucks for the fire."
"We've been led to believe that a strong plant-based diet is the way forward for optimal nutrition and that there's these super foods which are just fantastically good for us."
"Fasting does not slow the metabolism, it repairs it."
"We need to put an end to this DHA mythology."
"It's not about the weights... Diet culture is toxic."
"Natural or organic doesn't directly translate to being safe or beneficial."
"Is the COVID-19 vaccine female sterilization? Oh, this is a big one that's completely false."
"Supposedly being dangerous to your health... we may all be immortal."
"Coffee isn't really as dehydrating as most people think."
"If you don't want to drink artificial sweeteners you don't have to but to say that if you do it's going to make you fat it's nonsense."
"Your body is really good at getting rid of toxins."
"If you hang around five people who are telling you quito is toxic helios gonna cause you to have heart attacks and they're broke and they're poor and they're unhappy you're gonna be the sixth person."
"You cannot be fat and healthy at the same time."
"Promoting alkaline water as anything other than water hurts people."
"Everything you know about weight loss is wrong."
"You have to lift weights you have to get this mindset out of your head that cardio means you're losing weight no cardio means you're burning calories weightlifting means you're burning fat period that's home period yes."
"Cholesterol is not a problem; that's a myth."
"You're not gonna immediately disintegrate into a pile of ash if you have a bunch of promiscuous sex."
"The evidence is clear that's not how it works. These diets work for some people, very few people. For most of us, diets just don't work."
"There is no one with any blood type who needs meat, who needs to be eating cholesterol, who needs animal fat. That's a myth."
"The 8-hour sleep myth is incorrect. Individual DNA determines how much sleep you need."
"Skipping breakfast is not an effective way to manage weight."
"Wearing a mask doesn't reduce your oxygen saturation."
"Raw food isn't always the healthiest form of food."
"There's absolutely no health benefits to colonic irrigation but loads of reasons that everybody should absolutely avoid it."
"Vaccines are not made from aborted fetal cells. Unfortunately, that is a myth."
"Do I believe in diet things, light things, half-fat things? Nine times out of ten, they're probably doing any more harm than good."
"There is no posture that has been definitively shown to be good or bad or to keep you free from injury or pain."
"The biggest scam in the diet industry: zero calorie and fat free."
"Your number one supplement is your daily intake and diet."
"There are zero supplements that you need to be successful."
"Sugar is not evil, fruit is not bad and will not make you fat."
"I've definitely gone through like an emotional transitional phase over the last month or so and there are parts of this apartment that actually make me want to cry."
"Stop eating females; if you eat too many females, you start to become a female."
"You have high cholesterol and high LDL cholesterol which more and more research is coming out to show definitively that that's probably not the huge risk factor that we all thought it was."
"You can't absorb that vitamin they're telling you if you go in the Sun... if you don't go in the Sun you're gonna get wrinkles."
"Growth hormone commonly referred to as the Fountain of Youth."
"You don't need to eat a side of bison every day as some of the carnivore folks would have you believe."
"Fasting doesn't slow down your metabolism nearly as much as caloric restriction does."
"Birthdays are good for your health. Studies have shown that people who have more birthdays live longer."
"The current research shows that blood cholesterol levels are not related to your dietary cholesterol intakes within normal ranges."
"Can you out cardio a bad diet? No. That's why it's a myth."
"Wrapping your stomach with lotion and saran wrap for 45 minutes won't actually make you lose cellulite or drastically change your appearance."
"If you really want to raise your cholesterol, eat a lot of crap shoot food from McDonald's and the likes."
"It's like when the tobacco companies used to tell us that smoking was good for our... just a little bit, right? Just a bit."
"There are no medical benefits to vaginal steaming."
"Your body does not need to reset. Words like reset, refresh, cleanse are buzz words that we hear a lot in the marketing of wellness and nutrition products."
"People tend to worry about a lot of things, but plant-based eating is extremely healthy."
"Fat is a necessary part of any diet; eliminating it completely will never be healthy."
"I mean who doesn't love bacon i guess there's a few people you know things like that they're satiating they're healthy even though we've been told bacon is going to give us a little heart attack"
"Salt does not cause hypertension, it does not cause heart attacks or strokes."
"Given these clear findings were published 55 years ago, it's quite amazing we persisted with the misguided notion that seed oils could ever be healthy."
"For the simplest idea that all vegetable oil is inflammatory or all seed oils are inflammatory, that doesn't seem to pan out."
"Misinformation about the healthiness of plant-based diets drives me mad."
"Fat isn't bad for you but rather sugar is the main issue..."
"The likelihood of you getting sick and actually sick and dying from eating food which is expired even well past its expiration date is incredibly low."
"Cholesterol has nothing to do with heart disease—it was just kind of a patch that was patching irritated spots on blood vessels."
"Parasites put out a chemical into your bloodstream that tells you more sugar, more sugar, more bread, more pasta."
"You're going to find out that disease doesn't actually exist. We're going to do an entire health talk on this."
"Is this too good to be true or is there something special about hanging upside down that could potentially lead one to spontaneously getting taller?"
"Being skinny doesn't always equal being healthy and vice versa."
"No the damage of heme iron is not just an association with carb consumption."
"Cholesterol was never the problem, cholesterol was never a marker or indicator for disease and particularly heart disease."
"There's no such thing as a magic food, a magic supplement, or a magic workout program."
"You don't need carbs to build muscle... it's just not true."
"Cracking your knuckles can be bad for your joints."
"Sodium bicarbonate can destroy a tumor in one day."
"It's testimonial that it's not that the genetics and the load wheats a lot of gluten in which is the culprits not like they grow more ancient stream no well."
"There's like actual quote-unquote doctors now saying that fat equals healthy."
"Skinny doesn't equal healthy, vegan doesn't equal healthy, but constantly doing mukbangs certainly does not equal healthy either."
"There's absolutely no evidence that meat or dairy are essential for health."
"There's no such thing as universal healthy food... universally bad is absolutely true... sugar is just bad for everyone."
"You're not gaining weight from diet pop, it's impossible."
"Don't let the Instagram influencers fool you, don't let anyone make you feel like you're broken, as long as you're in a calorie deficit, you can absolutely still lose weight."
"Wi-Fi radiation causes tumors, damage to mitochondria, and a leaky brain."
"Anything that's supposed to be beneficial to my body can't be causing all negative." - Dr. Hampton
"Just caution them and just say hey look, LDL isn't what we thought it was."
"So unless you have specific medical conditions such as insulin resistance or PCOS, you do not need to worry about spiking insulin and preventing you from losing weight."
"The biggest myth about osteoporosis that you hear: that it is an inevitable consequence of Aging."
"It's not clinically proven, right? Well, you know what else isn't clinically proven? That smoking causes cancer."
"You should not have to cut out certain foods from your diet."
"You know, just guzzles a bunch of milk and his tooth just magically grows back."
"If you don't have gluten sensitivity or celiac disease... you don't need to be on a gluten-free diet."
"Frozen vegetables have more nutrients than fresh vegetables."
"Do you really need to be drinking eight glasses of water a day?"
"After all, tearing through the brush like that would make a ton of noise, which on a quiet night in the middle of nowhere can carry quite some distance."
"The concept of an alkaline diet isn't complete garbage."
"No grains are heart healthy. That's a marketing advertising, that's what that is."
"It does not take seven years for gum to pass out of our system."
"...if people could have seen this graph in 1961 no one would have ever suggested that saturated fat could cause heart disease it just makes zero sense."
"Don't be afraid of butter... far worse for you than butter..."
"Sunscreen myths are probably the worst thing, especially when it comes from someone wearing a lab coat, because this is something that can save people's lives."
"People say, 'Oh, I can't have big muscles if I'm a vegan.' It's just all those myths about animal protein are just myths. They're just not true."
"We need to revisit these ideas that we have accepted to become true that dietary cholesterol and saturated fat are harmful and high cholesterol is harmful and it should be reduced all the time."
"...this was a question I got recently are oxalates unhealthy so oxalates are something that are found in uh leafy greens uh not also in beans soy foods and beets among other plant Foods..."
"...ultimately a lot of people are worried about oxalates because they think well if I eat a lot of oxalates in my diet I'm going to have problems with kidney stones..."
"I think the eight-hour message is terrible. You've got to get eight hours and then the second part of that I was like you know that message that if you don't get your eight hours you're gonna get Alzheimer's or cancer diabetes, it's terrible."
"A dog's mouth is not cleaner than a human's mouth."
"There's quite a few misconceptions about what's healthy or not to eat during pregnancy."
"Soy doesn't cause cancer and it doesn't accelerate cancer growth; it does the opposite."
"Chocolate is bad for you? That's a myth."
"We think of stroke as a disease of old or mature people; however, about a third of people who suffer a stroke are less than 65 years old."
"Saturated fat is not the enemy, it's the high processed sugars and carbohydrates that's causing a lot of the problems."
"Don't believe or buy the snake oil and the bad advice; it can seemingly go away, but whatever you did didn't make it go away. It is not a cure."
"I think there's a lot of foods that are marketed as healthy that certainly are anything but."
"Carbs clearly don't always make diabetes worse, and we have to question whether they cause it at all."
"Sun does not cause cancer; sunscreen might actually cause cancer."
"Soy doesn't cause cancer, it does the opposite, it reduces the risk quite a lot."
"The saturated fat myth is a myth."
"It's a myth that you need to drink all this water, especially for your skin."
"I'm going to dispel some of those myths and let you know what to look for in good quality vitamins."
"Parents thinking that you'll die if you go outside with wet hair and that the air current will make you sick."
"Health at any size is a complete myth that's not supported by science."
"Healthy at every size, it's a myth, sorry, it's a myth."
"Eating meat will clog your arteries, it causes cancer, type 2 diabetes, and will take years off your life, right? Well, no."
"Eat butter. Scientists labelled fat the enemy. Why they were wrong."
"We've been told for so long that meat is bad for us, it's going to cause cancer, it's going to kill you, the fat's going to clog your arteries, and all these things we're finding out just aren't true."
"We have a lot of suggestions, somebody asking about soy, does it affect testosterone? No, they've done giant meta-analysis, looked at like dozens and dozens of studies, and it doesn't have an effect on men's testosterone or estrogen or anything like that."
"Does your age affect fertility as much as we have been led to believe?"
"We don't have to restrict, we don't have to do cleanses, all of that rubbish. We just have to eat how we're meant to."
"Cracking your knuckles too often will give you arthritis? No conclusive study has ever backed this up."
"Throw out the diet books and magazine articles that offer you false hope of losing weight quickly, easily, and permanently."
"There's no correlation between cracking your neck, cracking your knuckles, cracking your back, and developing any osteoarthritis."
"The relationship between weight and health is really exaggerated and oversimplified."