
Personal Finance Quotes

There are 3696 quotes

"Within the course of seven months, people pay off $8,500 of bad debt on average."
"I am content. I know I can make 150 a year, but the amount of work that it's gonna take... I'm cool at 75."
"It's simple, low cost investing, the stuff I talk about in my book. Automate it. Move on with your life."
"Rule zero is mental health. If you want to improve your financial situation, rule zero: mental health."
"Stop wasting money on things you don't use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions."
"Yes, it is awesome, and I love that feeling that you get when you first get even a little bit of passive income."
"You have to create a financial system or a budget that works for you."
"The majority of people are broke, living paycheck to paycheck, drowning in debt, have zero to no investments, are unhappy, miserable, and do not like their jobs."
"You can use your money as a tool instead of as a fool."
"Focus on you, building your wealth. You can step out of average."
"The thing that differentiates a wealthy person from a broke person is not just what job you have or how much money you make... it's what you do with the money that you earn."
"The fifth secret to never being broke again is now you got to put your money to work."
"Personal finance is 80% behavior, 20% head knowledge."
"The problem with my money is the guy in my mirror. If I can get him to behave, he can be skinny and rich."
"Put money in stuff you understand and you love. Don't put money in stuff because it sounds sophisticated."
"Learn business. It's going to help you so much more in life and it will help you with your investing and your net worth."
"I'm surrounded by thousands of books on happiness and money investing, and I'm super happy and excited to do this."
"You need to make sure that you have your own strategy and look at the indicators for that and follow your investment goals based off of your strategy because if you don't, then you're going to go down this rabbit hole of never knowing what to buy and when to sell."
"It's much better to have $1 million dollars in cash than have a net worth of $1 million on paper."
"They see how much they're paying at the grocery store, they see how much they're paying at the gas pump, they see the results of inflation, they see their 401(k)s."
"Investing in yourself is the best investment you can make."
"Having a strategy for your money is one of the major steps toward reducing stress."
"Keep your household needs 50% or less of your income."
"I was living very small. I wasn't spending money. All I was doing was buying real estate."
"More money doesn't make you happy... If you can pay your bills, support yourself, and love the people around you, you're successful."
"You need to understand how money works and how money plays a part in your life, that way you can use money to amplify your happiness."
"It doesn't matter how much money you make, it's what you do with the money you make."
"Every dime you make goes right back into entertainment."
"I'm over sixty years of age and I've got no superannuation. No bank accounts, no assets, no visible means of support."
"A significant part of achieving financial security is making sure your investments can replace your expenses and potentially your income."
"Personal finance is 80% behavior. It's only 20% head knowledge."
"Your loved ones deserve a financial safety net, and you deserve a smarter way to buy it."
"Your investments have to be greater than your car payment."
"Debt is stressful. You can go to bed thinking about it, you can wake up thinking about it, it can ruin any given day."
"My credit score is about 810. Yeah, um, is 807 on one platform and 810 on a different platform."
"Once you realize that your time is so important...you realize that your time is more valuable than the money."
"The total amount of income that an individual makes or has, does not seem to directly relate to their level of happiness."
"Well, this is my money. I earned it. I'll use it any way I like."
"It's very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances."
"The only investments you should make are the ones that earn you money."
"With respect to money, friends, and family, be very careful."
"The more designer items you buy, or really anything that you buy, the more of your life you're trading away."
"There is so much information out here about personal finance, but there's also such a lack of common understanding about those subjects."
"Everyone would be better off if we all did understand more about just your basic concepts within that domain of personal finance."
"She taught me three lessons about money at seven that to this day I still teach."
"There's a distinction between being broke and being poor."
"You are someone who's very financially disciplined; you make wise decisions with your money."
"The best investment is an investment where you invest in yourself."
"The Barefoot Investor... takes the boring topic of personal finance and investing and actually turns it into something that's a bit more enjoyable."
"I wish that personal finance were a course that was taught in high school. I think it's essential, I think it's fundamental."
"Make sure you have an emergency fund of three to six months."
"There's good debt and it's bad debt, and if you're not fully educated, you think that all debt is bad."
"The number one rule for personal finance is so simple. You need to save more money than you spend."
"The sooner you start, the better off you are because of compounding."
"80% of financial success is psychological, 20% is mechanical."
"Your job is not your enemy; you are your own enemy when you sit down and say, 'Great, I'm on board,' and you're going to take that paycheck and only pay bills."
"If you haven't figured out what your money dance is, you've got to figure out what your money dance is."
"78% of Americans die without a will. That's just stupid. It's not expensive and it doesn't take a long time. There's no excuse not to have one."
"If you have enough assets that 4% of that amount can cover your annual expenses, you can consider yourself financially independent."
"I'm writing for people like my daughter who knows that it's important, but she has other things that she'd rather do with her life than fixate on finances and investing."
"I think the main thing that was working against me at the time and that is working against everybody listening to this is there is a large industry-- Wall Street-- whose drumbeat is counter to our best interests."
"Investing in the index and you're getting the average performance of the market, you're actually getting the best performance that you can expect by a long shot."
"Investing should be simple and to only invest in those things that you understand."
"No one cares about your money more than you do."
"This is the beginning of a new and exciting journey in your financial life."
"Money is just the tool; you're going to find if your goal is just to get a big pot of money... you might find it's emptier than you planned if you don't have a purpose."
"Improve your financial literacy...it will pay you dividends for the rest of your life."
"A budget is the foundation for anyone on this journey towards fire."
"You've gotta learn to make money work for you and that's the art and the science of investing."
"You probably don't actually need as much money as you think to achieve financial independence."
"Whatever money you have, a dollar, a hundred dollars, get it working for you."
"There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all plan to financial independence; everyone's situation is unique."
"The first key to building wealth is awareness."
"It's not about how much you make. It's about how much you save."
"Financial independence is not about deprivation -- it's about choices."
"In seven and a half years, we were able to pay off every single cent of $460,000 of debt."
"Live like no one else, so later you can live and give like no one else."
"Figuring out how much you need to retire and figuring out the best way to get there is going to be something that you have to take the responsibility for."
"You can have your own gold standard. You are free to take dollars as you choose and buy gold as much, or as little as you want."
"It's your money, it's your life, and only you can make it awesome."
"Financial planning is about understanding your situation and making choices that suit your income, tax rate, and future expectations."
"Every individual's financial situation is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution in personal finance."
"The minute that you can get your hands on your own money, you become financially independent, and nobody else has the power over you."
"I like my money where I can see it; hanging in my closet."
"Money wasn't the problem; it was the lifestyle."
"Your clothes are liabilities; they take money away from you."
"My philosophy is to spend extravagantly on the things you love but cut costs mercilessly on the things you don't."
"The less you understand about money, the more money your bank makes."
"Learning the basics of personal finance and money management will likely lead to you being financially successful."
"Americans are saving only about 4% of their income on average each month, that's about half the long-term average."
"Every single person I know who has invested by picking stocks has lost money, and every single person I know who has invested by just investing in an index fund has made money over time."
"You cannot beat the market, so let's just invest in the market directly."
"We never taught kids in high school about investing, nothing about debt, nothing about credit cards. Huge mistake."
"Stop spending money on jewelry, clothes, designer for the next two or three years; it's not worth it."
"I treat every dollar like a worker. If I had to work for you, now you have to go work for me."
"There's a difference between being financially independent and having financial freedom."
"Financial literacy is the possession of the set of skills and knowledge that allows an individual to make informed and effective decisions with all of their financial resources."
"I'm going to be the Warren Buffett of women."
"Getting your first $100,000 saved and invested will change your life. The quicker you can hit that milestone, the better."
"If it were my own money, my own savings, would I do anything differently? And I can tell you I wouldn't do anything differently at all."
"Luxury purchases are something that are very special, can be used to celebrate milestones in your life, they can be gifts, and that being said, you do not need luxury purchases to feel fabulous in the world."
"The goal is not for you to live small for the rest of your life; the goal is for you to live bigger and expand your means."
"Understanding financial literacy is very important. The majority of people can't even understand the basics of financial literacy."
"For the first seven years I started making really good money, I never paid anything in taxes."
"People spend 16% of their earnings on housing, 14% on transportation, and 12% on taxes. Almost half of their income is literally going back out the door."
"Saving makes you poor. Money is a tool, it's not a trophy."
"Budgeting isn't just some dull number-crunching exercise, it's the best practice for achieving financial freedom."
"Pay yourself first... You want to make sure that your cup is filled before pouring anything into someone else's."
"Keep your hands out of your wallet or your purse."
"Even today when I do spend more money, I don't spend it unwisely."
"Your income is increasing. Manage your finances with love."
"Financial minimalism is amazing; I owe a lot of my financial success to recognizing the value of $1.00, delaying gratification, and being mindful of the type of spending and experiences that add the most value to my life."
"Build the life you want, and then save for it."
"What if instead of having a car payment, your car payment was going to invest in you, that way you can become wealthy?"
"Your car is a liability, it's not making you any money."
"Freedom in finance means not having to chase after money."
"You can't keep writing checks if you have no balance in your account."
"Right now, I'm getting 4.5% interest on my money."
"Having a budget is 99% of people just don't have one."
"What gives you the discipline to save your money is hard because when you're young... you want to shine."
"The goal isn't money. The goal is to spend your days as you wish."
"Don't ever let a man, don't ever let anyone, control your money."
"The poor say 'I can't afford it.' The rich ask 'How do I afford it?'"
"Rather than saying 'I don't have any money to invest,' say 'I don't have any money. How do I invest anyway?'"
"Financial freedom is when your passive income exceeds your expenses."
"Money at its core is just a tool. It allows you to do more of the things that you want."
"The first thing you got to do is you got to get financially educated."
"How a pretty normal average guy that knew absolutely nothing about finance growing up...was able to generate thousands of dollars every single month in passive income."
"You need to build a financial system that is going to now make sure you pay yourself first."
"There are three things that will determine how wealthy you'll become: Number one is the dollars, how much money do you invest; number two is the return, how fast can you grow your money; and number three is time, how long do you have for your money to grow and compound."
"Are you living the life you deserve? Stop letting your finances ruin your success."
"I'm here today to change the way that you look at money and banks for the rest of your life."
"Spend money on experiences rather than on things."
"Money has been created to serve you; you must always remember that you do not serve money."
"Don't lower your standard of living to meet your income. Raise your income to meet your standard of living."
"If you don't have any payments, you have money."
"Everyone a lot of people have a huge number of expenses going down."
"Personal finance is 80% behavior and 20% head knowledge."
"Personal finance is very similar, it's 80% behavior and 20% head knowledge."
"Crazy times, so today's a video I'm going to show you exactly what I'm doing, how I'm making $143 dollars mining out of my house and my garage."
"Your finances should serve toward bigger goals."
"Closing out your budget, analyzing your spending, looking at where your money is going, and asking yourself if your spending is aligning with your financial goals."
"Adulthood is not gonna look the same for everyone financially or professionally or romantically or even in the basic day-to-day life choices we're all gonna make."
"We are not going to judge you if it's your particular financial situation; you need to support your loved ones."
"The idea that we should all be financial experts is a crazy idea."
"It's really about looking at what holds true value for you, not just financially but personally."
"I'm not here to keep you from having nice things; I'm here to keep your nice things from having you."
"Only take money from friends and family if you know that they can afford to lose every single dollar that they give you."
"It's about challenging you and changing your perspective on where you're throwing your dollars."
"When they get any shocks, like somebody gets sick, you are much more likely to deal with the shock with your own money rather than by borrowing."
"I'm really fortunate to have been able to hit 100k net worth pretty quickly in life, and I wanted to share with you a very practical step-by-step guide to hitting 100k net worth starting from zero."
"At age 27, I was able to hit the 100k net worth mark."
"It might be a free app on the app store, but it's one of them, it's the most expensive app that you can have."
"The only way for you to actually do a budget that you stick to, you need to build it. Not someone else build it for you."
"If you do that, open up brokerages. You can do anything and everything from there. That's where the fun conversations start."
"Invest in that which increases your earning ability."
"Avoid investments of time or money that get in the way of earning ability, health, and skill acquisition."
"Focus on building your wealth before you focus on building everybody else's wealth."
"Live today like no one else, so later in life you can live like no one else." - Dave Ramsey
"Stay true to yourself; don't lose becoming the person you are meant to be, and that is someone financially free and someone that is in control of your own money."
"Respect your account, whether you have $50 to your name or $50 million."
"Being smart with your money is not about the size of your account, but how you manage what you have."
"Money was always a stressor in my family... I had this fear that I wasn't going to be able to support myself financially or worse, be able to support a loved one financially if they needed it."
"Being poor, especially when I was living on my own, being poor is very expensive."
"You should always park your money, whether that's your checking account or your savings account, into an account that is FDIC insured."
"Money management is the one thing more than anything that determines whether your bank account goes up or down."
"Your rich life matters. Don't talk yourself out of it."
"Frugality is not about deprivation. It is, however, about choosing when, where, and how you're going to spend your money."
"What's everyone's favorite subject? Money? No, yourself."
"The best way to give yourself a pay raise is to spend less money."
"That is what you earn, what you spend equals your income."
"Become debt-free... If you're debt-free, you have freedom to choose."
"Once you're on a budget for long enough, the idea is to make those good habits innate."
"To stop throwing away your money and cancel all unwanted subscriptions and manage your expenses the easy way."
"If you want your money to make you happy, the best thing is to give it to somebody else."
"I love budgeting... it's like permission to spend. It gives me the ability to spend money without questioning it, or guilt, or shame... I have control over my money."
"A budget is not to limit your freedom; a budget is to give you freedom."
"I work too hard to be broke. I want my money back."
"If you're creating and trying to implement a budget... it's a game changer."
"Everyone knows I am a huge proponent of budgeting. You have to budget if you want to get good with your finances."
"It's about facing the facts and facing the realities of how much money you make and how much money you spend."
"Don't bother budgeting, do keep track of your spending, set up automatic savings, and then spend without guilt."
"My budget by paycheck method is not just for budgeting; it's an overall financial plan for your money."
"No matter what's happening in the market, it is so important to take control of your finances."
"There is no way to make your finances recession-proof, but there are things that you can do to make your finances more tolerant to uncertain financial times."
"It's never too late to start getting smart with your money whether you're in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, or even 60s."
"If you have lingering debt... it all needs to go toward the debt till the debt is gone because that debt is only hurting you."
"I would argue that get rich slow is the new sexy."
"Budgeting allows you to identify what your income is versus your expenses."
"I'm trying to help people create financial freedom for themselves."
"Learn money, don't shy away from it. Don't bury your head in the sand. Understanding it is crucial."
"The difference in your life that twenty thousand dollars makes when you're making twenty thousand is much bigger than if you're making a hundred thousand and go to 120 thousand."
"Whether you end up marrying my son or not, you should always keep your own separate bank account."
"Real estate is the number one generator of wealth...Billionaires are not made by investing into dividend stocks, but that's okay because it's what resonates with you, with your goals, and what makes you sleep better at night."
"Finance and investing is called personal finance because it is personal to all of our personalities, our goals, and the things we're comfortable with."
"I felt so rich. I had $3000. That was the most money I'd ever saved in my entire life."
"It's my goal to see money as something that we can celebrate and enjoy, but it's hard for me to get to that point because of how much it stresses me up."
"Realty Income is my personal favorite monthly dividend stock of all time and it's also the largest holding in my portfolio."
"I think that, for me, I'll just speak for my personal situation, okay, that pause was way more valuable for my debt than the ten thousand they were giving."
"Learning how to beat the bank, learning about your credit, that's what's important to me."