
Personal Challenges Quotes

There are 1806 quotes

"Your entire life is a storm, so chase it out of town and fix it."
"Master number 11 years are filled with inspiration and creativity, facing challenges to master new skills or talents."
"You don't need to fight them, you don't need to slay these big dragons...because every head you cut off a Hydra, a new one just comes up...but if you just accept these things, what will happen is that you'll just soften to them and then naturally these things will just melt away and fall apart."
"You can get through it, but I just think you get through it better with faith."
"Strength is overcoming what you didn't think you could."
"What is working against you is your own mind."
"Face something that you've needed to face for a while."
"All of those experiences in the darkness and challenge is what creates the healer within us."
"I just wanted to disappear, but I didn't because I realized that this is a problem bigger than me."
"Challenges bring our belief systems to the surface, demanding observation without absorption."
"I was scared, insecure, jealous, fear of failure, fear of success."
"The ultimate adversary is the enemy you harbor in your own heart."
"Standing your ground is a tough place to be in, but just know that...it has nothing to do with you."
"These sabotaging behaviors can add years to your spiritual awakening process and really make your life a living hell."
"We all have our own personal ragnaroks to deal with, and this story is about how you process that, how you own it, and how you make it a part of yourself and grow from it."
"Acne was my biggest burden, and it has turned out to be my biggest blessing."
"Welcome to my ADHD, where I can't even just take this test without getting sidetracked."
"The bigger the dream, the more fear you're going to have."
"It's awesome to have a personal challenge to work towards where it's not about depending on a group of others."
"I pray for four things: courage, wisdom, tolerance, understanding. I'm having a hard time with the third one right now, because it's me, tolerance, I have a hard time."
"It wasn't Alzheimer's that destroyed my relationship with my father; it was my own fear and discrimination around the disease."
"He shares that he's also feeling an existential crisis because he has never played this game without trying to speedrun it."
"If you cannot defeat what is controlling you, what is controlling you will defeat you."
"Willpower is not just the ability to resist temptations; it's also about being able to propel ourselves to do what is uncomfortable or difficult."
"The NeverEnding struggle, the uphill battle to be the best despite his own demons."
"You have to reconcile a lot of [__] when you're in that bubble. It's like trust in God."
"The problem of opening the doors to the inner self, to the reality within us, is to come to a little better understanding of the problems that we face."
"It's not the things in life that cause your problems, it's the story that you tell yourself about them."
"Your battles are going to be internal; they're not going to be external."
"No matter how long I do this, I'm going to be embarrassed to film in a store."
"We all go through a lot of trauma in our life, people got their own issues we're all trying to overcome things."
"Rick is destined to be a true leader despite how broken he may be feeling right now."
"People can take everything away from you, but they can never take away your truth. But the question is, can you handle it? Can you handle my truth?"
"I know it's an irrational fear, but I can't shake it."
"The only person standing in your way is you. It's time to let her go. Lose yourself."
"Probably the biggest thing I overcame was the judgment of self. Like, am I good enough to do something? Are people going to care about what I have to say?"
"The extent to which you have to overcome is the degree of who that other self is."
"She's been at the center of an absolute firestorm... all while recovering from surgery, managing a spate of crisis in the royal family, and... fighting cancer."
"Can you challenge yourself to turn your curses into a blessing?"
"We all have our own challenges that we must go through to be who we want to be and to get to being the best versions of ourselves."
"Did you ever make up your own silly rules like don't step off the white line when you cross the road? It's called having OCD. I struggle with it every day. Thank you for bringing that up."
"Your biggest enemy is not Satan, it's not the world, it's you."
"I'm not doing so well at this whole friend thing, but like, these are primary school friends; they ain't gonna be there forever."
"The purpose of life is not to get through it; the purpose of life is to be honorable, courageous, and good. And it ain't easy."
"Do something every day that sucks. Get outside your comfort zone."
"Your own brain will totally destroy your life if you don't take control of it."
"Sometimes, what keeps us imprisoned in indulgence and madness is our associations."
"This is my strongest battle, and I'm going to stand there for that."
"Despite all of these challenges that she had been dealing with, she was bubbly, she was kind-hearted, she was the life of the party."
"Good luck to the next guy who's gonna break down her walls."
"A lot of cats don't see it that way, man. That's the problem. A lot of us ain't got nothing but pride and ego."
"I have a really hard time controlling myself. It's almost like I black out."
"Just think of it as conquering your inner coward once a day."
"I was evicted at six... and then we were evicted the second time when I was just turned 18."
"Being dyslexic and stuff really, you know, I could have been very different without that."
"Muhammad: Overcoming challenges with the world's largest hands."
"Thomas was caught up in the confusing and shifting politics of the day."
"Faith is a habit that must grow in your life. We need faith to move mountains that block our progress."
"Embrace your shadow side. This year is going to be so hard for water signs."
"You can't escape your fears, you can only confront them."
"If in the situation when you couldn't have children... you'd be looking for your alternative."
"If the government stifles this, criminalizes it, and sways public opinion, we're concerned for the future of Canada."
"But on the other hand, when you're doing something that's tough, when you're facing your weaknesses, it can feel like, 'Oh, wow, I'm good at this.'"
"Tell me about a time when you overcame a challenge at work."
"I mean, there's no question that there's been historical injustice. The question is, what are the obstacles to your success right now?"
"We hope that you face your own challenges with the same drive and passion as JP Morgan: honest and sincere, in whatever you pursue."
"But I'm not giving up, I'm still holding on to the hope I can figure this out and get past this."
"You didn't know how strong you were until you were challenged."
"I'm just trying to be a normal person and reintegrate myself back into society."
"What if your problem was not sent to attack you but you were actually sent to attack your problem?"
"Be easy on yourself because it's not your fault if certain things are really just not working out. It's not an issue with you, it's that you're meant for something different."
"What if God gave you the weakness to show his strength?"
"He can see how not just difficult how impossible it is to actually be in this."
"We all got these things in our lives traumas incidents and it's like whether you're going to use it or it's going to affect you in a positive or a negative way."
"There's something compelling about watching this lonely, depressed guy try his best to teach us how to cook, even when he doesn't know how."
"Success is never guaranteed in anything in the world. But I like to put myself on the line and I will bet on myself all the time."
"Despite facing some personal challenges... Lark is still a beloved figure to fans of Saved by the Bell..."
"The most difficult part of this whole process was not any technical thing, but really it was fighting self-doubt."
"It's a big deal but it is not a insurmountable problem."
"Liberation ain't exactly the first thing that comes to mind for a lot of us because liberation takes risk and strength and self-esteem."
"Sometimes the thing that you're a little bit nervous or afraid about is a good call to action to actually do that thing."
"Whatever is yelling at you right now is scared of you."
"Of course, they're against me. They're against everybody."
"I've sacrificed a year of my education, put on loads of weight, and my mental health has reached an all-time low."
"Your life has not been made harder by the color of your skin."
"Even amidst the chaos, finding Polaris within myself was the key to reclaiming control."
"I think that's gutsy for him to publicly talk about it."
"You're looking for a way out of your situation."
"Whatever you're struggling with today, until you finally understand what's driving you, you'll continue to wrestle with that until you die."
"Challenges are such an integral part of growth in our life."
"The egoistic false self is the cause of all our trouble."
"The very thing that people have tried to label you as... is the glitch that God wants to use to make you great."
"A lot of us were forced and cornered into facing our mental health this past year including me."
"A person who does this is most often uncomfortable and sometimes fearful of what lies ahead."
"Never mind that this was my third attempt and the first two ended in utter failure. This time would be different."
"Nine of Pentacles: Strength card overcoming the challenges."
"The Widow of Windsor as she was known struggled with public appearances because she was shy."
"If it's coming from this critical voice saying 'if I don't do that to that degree, then I'm not good enough,' then I think that's why you run into problems."
"I'm really excited about all the chaos in my life right now. There's a lot of chaos and conflict in my life, and I know it's here to teach me some stuff, and I'm really looking forward to tackling it and learning from it."
"I'm almost addicted to doing things that other people assign a high level of fear to."
"I fell right through the cracks. Now I'm trying to get back."
"The hardest thing I had to do was to please my dad. The rest was nothing for me. Not disrespecting anything that happened in my career, but that was so easy compared to what I had to do in order to please the old man."
"Yeah, dating during a PhD is tough, no matter what. And especially if... but if you're already older, I imagine that this woman must have spent a few years outside of academia if she's only starting at 31." - Starship Vega
"I just wanted to prove to myself that I could."
"All of the things that are lacking from my life also seem like little challenges that I'm excited for."
"None of us are perfect, we all have something to overcome in this lifetime."
"I was afraid to ask for help, but the biggest accomplishment was overcoming that fear."
"Hard hard is living in your car for three years that's hard hard is losing everything you ever owned twice that's hard hard is not knowing being on a school lunch program that's hard hard is not having a father that's hard."
"Your hard things can be among your best things so may I validate and empathize and help you see things with a Divine perspective."
"You're built to walk uphill, and when you reach the pinnacle of the hill, you want to stop and appreciate the vision. But the next thing you want is a higher hill in the distance."
"Make a stand for what you believe in and do what feels right."
"I make these simple products to try to lure people to just like make a really delicious salad and at the same time I'm trying to like sneak these like incredibly medicinal plants back into people's lives."
"Honestly, I went through some things, man. It was not a good time, but I made it through, I persevered."
"There's so many things I can't do just because, realistically, this is how my hand kind of constantly always is."
"Dreams don't always exactly work out, but that's life."
"Solar eclipses are a metaphor for our own lives. We have to face our shadows and work through them to let the light shine."
"When you are weak, he is strong. So use his strength, use his might, no matter what comes your way."
"The greatest challenge you've ever had comes from conquering what has hurt you."
"Now is the perfect time to examine your shadow, to look at the things that may potentially sabotage your happiness, and to just be comfortable with them."
"Honestly, it's kind of my biggest like gripe about the industry and the thing that I shall go with the most when I feel this way I have to remember that tech at the end of the day does sometimes just feel like websites and code and apps and stuff."
"You never want to get in the trap of oh I can't build muscle this isn't gonna work."
"No matter how high up you go, your problems will also diversify and match that level you're at."
"God, I don't know how I'm gonna do this, but you do, and I give them to you."
"He just never been knocked down, he's always been getting up."
"When you don't deal with your devils, they become your daddies."
"Life's challenges begin because I think life begins to test us, not because we're doing something wrong."
"It's not the difficulty of the thing that you do, it's how you beat yourself down mentally."
"A petty tyrant specifically acts almost like an agent from the movie The Matrix."
"It was Bonkers that around the world trip nearly broke me."
"It really made a lot of people very happy; I had fun, it was frustrating, but at the end of the day, you know, it's the adventure that I go for."
"There's never been a time when you have been more tested than you are now."
"Sometimes I feel like I've earned a bad rap."
"There's a big world for self-doubt, a massive world for self-doubt."
"There's such an attack on confidence and knowing your worth that people will constantly attack you on the most menial things."
"Confidence was never an issue, but acceptance was." - Deb Roach
"Balancing home life and work life is difficult."
"There is no habit too great for God's grace."
"You really do only have yourself to get through those situations. You can have loving people... but at the end of the day, you are literally the only person who can pull yourself through."
"Your best life is living on the other side of that mountain."
"Face your problems fearlessly and accept the awakening of your own power."
"When you're reduced to the point in your life where you're doing this kind of stuff, you should be embarrassed at that."
"It's the battle about you and your self-doubt."
"I'm doing okay. I'm lucky to be alive, which is a good thing, and I'm still in therapy. I can't really walk the way I used to walk, so it's a bit frustrating, but I'm dealing with it."
"Letting God mold us can be painful but necessary."
"I suffer from really, really intense imposter syndrome."
"She gets involved in so many things because she's so scared that people feel the way that she feels."
"Having a borderline person with borderline personality disorder in your family is devastating."
"Nothing will bring you to the end of yourself faster than a sick or special needs child."
"His father, who apparently regarded him as a wimp, insisted on sending him to the tough regime of Gordonstoun, where he was deeply unhappy, and wrote that his life was literal hell."
"I mean I've had to abandon my shopping cart at grocery stores because of this, I've had to bail on DoorDash orders, I've ruined dates by not being able to eat inside restaurants."
"You've got to do exactly what your gut tells you not to do. That's the hard part about this."
"Your struggles, my friends, are much like this soil—they may weigh you down temporarily, but they are also preparing you for breakthroughs."
"Faith in Jesus Christ increases your ability to move the mountains in your life."
"It's going to be the hardest thing you ever do for real."
"Everyone comes to face the abyss at some point in their life, but when the abyss looks back, some of us blink."
"We all have things that we're insecure about... we just have to get used to living with them and everybody's got things that they don't like."
"You're gonna achieve things that other people would find difficult."
"To walk yourself back after a while is really really almost impossible."
"For my children, this is reality now. I've married two women. I haven't filled my quorum. It's three wives. I gotta figure this out."
"Being different isn't a bad thing. I'm different, haha, and I have issues but I can accept that because it's who I am."
"The Olympic all-around gold medalist but now she's trying to do the hardest thing anyone can do: get back to being where she once was."
"If you're hurting that much that you're doing what you're doing, then it's gonna take some work. But if you look at things differently, it will come around."
"Life is meant to be lived on the edge, where you are challenging yourself."
"When you have somebody that breathes life and possibility into your life dude I guarantee you and that stuff went down that went down in your life you've never been in a darker place."
"You're really going to have to figure this thing out."
"I wasn't dealt the best hand of cards when it comes to family circumstances."
"Stand your ground and confront your fears and challenges."
"She had to have a major operation at three months old. She's a warrior."
"Well, they'd rather had you get really whooped and say, 'Did you get a lick in, though, son?'"
"There is always a part of my brain that's going to get knocked into thinking about work."
"I realized that I couldn't possibly do it alone, if I was gonna get through this I'd need emotional support and companionship."
"I feel like nobody is talking about how hard it is to be a Nicholas Sparks girl."
"Before you can even enter awakening on the highest level, you've got to go through a dark night of the soul which is where your world, your reality, what you believe to be true is shattered right before your eyes."
"Stop running from your pain and embrace your pain."
"You never want to see anybody go through that especially publicly."
"How do I find time to balance everything, be a mom, work, do things for yourself? It's really really hard honestly."
"Looks like I need to answer another one of J's stupid videos."
"This has to be the hardest storm I'll ever weather, but damn it I know I'll sail through it, if not for me, for my children."
"Listen, this situation, y'all going to learn some serious lessons in order for you guys to bring this together."
"Find a way to live with it or let it ruin your life. Those are your choices now."
"That would have broken a lot of people, man."
"I'm struggling to make up that time that I lost."
"You're brave enough to confront your demons."
"For the rest of the day, I go through everything that happened over the past two months... I just get more and more upset."
"I'm so tired of losing. I've been losing the last two years."
"These [__] been praying on my downfall since '95."
"To love one's fate and to willingly accept that the days that you didn't sleep too well or failed at something or got hurt or feel lonely are just as much an integral part of what it means to embrace the human experience."
"As you start to challenge yourself, you gotta understand that you have a goal, you have that end thing that you really, really want. It's super important."
"I may have had a tough break, but I have an awful lot to live for."
"The way you win with some winds is through resilience. It is through making a conscious decision that one of us, the storm or me, is gonna quit first, and it won't be me."
"do things that scare her because oftentimes those are the things we actually want to do the most"
"My ego as a man is too fragile to be in there with another man having sex with a woman that I have put so much time, effort, and energy into."
"Peter's problems have leveled up and matured along with him."
"It can be said it is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves."
"I will get scared I will cry and call my mom to come pick me up it wasn't what if I do that it was I know I will get to Catalina Island the sun will go down and I will instantly start sobbing."
"We can win with our weaknesses by the grace of God."
"On my bad days, I know I will conquer because I have to."
"In order to get to a happy relationship and peace and love, you have to go through the thorns, the difficult lessons, and the pain to awaken and strengthen yourself."
"It helped me recognize it forced me to push forward like two negative magnetic fields shoving against one another the catalyst for slow reluctant progress and besides all that it's just really really good."
"We don't know our internal strength until we are hit."