
Fascism Quotes

There are 358 quotes

"Fascism is not a political ideology; it is mental pathology in politics."
"Once you start censoring freedom of speech...that is what the fascists do."
"Fascism is naturally anti-empirical, and stupidity makes it very easy to be that. Fascism is just a stupid ideology."
"Teletubbies does have a lot to teach you about fascism."
"I think it's important to call out fascist behavior, fascist actions."
"Fascism is a social disease, but it tends to stem from sort of preconditions which arise in capitalism."
"I kind of regret that 1984 has been maimed into oblivion because I actually think it's a really intelligent work that lays the groundwork for a lot of interesting analysis of the way fascism takes root, the mechanisms of social control."
"The fight against fascism requires vigilance and a deep understanding of its subtleties and disguises."
"If people in a nation are being invaded and conquered by fascists, then I am okay with them preserving their national sovereignty by defending themselves."
"Fascism rejects in democracy the conventional lie of political equality."
"Fascism can perpetuate itself best in conflict because conflict seems to justify a lot of the more extreme things the state asks of you in a fascist system."
"Fascism is not an opinion. It's an existential threat."
"I don't know if I have the power to convince fascists to stop being fascists, but I can convince people who are not part of this fascist movement to accept that this is a fascist movement, that we should treat it as a fascist movement, and that avoiding the term 'fascism' is unhelpful, even dangerous."
"A humiliated nation drawing on a past that does not exist and being promised a return to greatness if they follow a strongman authoritarian is the model of a fascist movement."
"Fascism requires the majority to believe themselves the true victims, the true oppressed people, being forced to share power with minorities."
"If we have ever wondered how we would have acted when threatened with an early 20th century fascist movement, the answer is however we are acting right now."
"Fascism is often said to be capitalism in decay."
"Most people are anti-fascist, even if they don't know it, and even if they don't know what fascism is."
"Fascism to the left means something I don't like. It's whatever I don't like."
"Nobody actually shows up at the front door making the case for fascism wearing the shiny boots. The shiny boots come later."
"I think that fascism is broadly defined as being highly nationalistic, very much oriented around a populist figure, very much oriented around a 'for the people, for your country' type of ideology, and it's always authoritarian in nature."
"I think that he [Trump] wanted to be a fascist, but the American institutions wouldn't really allow him to do that."
"With the rise of fascism right now happening across the world, we all have to stick together and stand up for each other."
"If fascism ever comes to America, it'll come in the name of liberalism."
"The fascists of the future will appear as anti-fascists."
"Despite what classical liberals like John Stewart Mill said about truth always defeating error and falsehood in open rational debate, the historical evidence sadly just doesn't support that idea when it comes to fascism."
"I'm very sorry, but I cannot write a defense of fascism or any other ideology or system that promotes authoritarianism, discrimination, and suppression of human rights."
"Fascism is widely considered bad due to its association with authoritarianism, discrimination, and the suppression of human rights."
"Fascists' process of constructing justifications for their attacks on marginalized communities is a process of strengthening in-group identity."
"Unity in religion is theocracy; unity in politics is fascism."
"The moral of the story is that even if you have dangerous fascists that are causing a ruckus, you can't, you should, if you're going to punish them, you should do it in a public and immediately evident way."
"An American art form is being criminalized because of the people who engage in that activity, otherwise known as fascism."
"Stakeholder capitalism, that's what I told you, that is fascist. That means fascism."
"I think fascism requires some kind of national plot; it's important to believe you have enemies within and without the state."
"Trumpism is a synonym for fascism, which, at its core, is an obsession with an idea, and an individual attached to that idea."
"Historians of fascism all recognize his similar rhetoric, his common themes, his tactics."
"The bare minimum and most common feature in all of fascism is powerful and continuing nationalism."
"Fascism arises from a reaction to and a despising of the left."
"A little tip: if you're living in a country that actually restricts your internet access to the point where you need a VPN just to surf online, it might be a fascist one."
"A common refrain at many of these memorials is 'Never Again,' but, even today, in well-established democracies throughout the West, societies are facing many of the same emotions, frustrations, and inequities that, a century ago, opened the door to fascism in Europe."
"Created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, his stories of fighting against fascism were simple and effective ways of communicating that America would not bend to this hateful ideology."
"Corporatism is fascism; it's just fascism with a better brand name."
"We should strive to understand history's most violently destructive political ideology and learn to identify fascism in an accurate, honest way."
"Fascism struck humanity harder than perhaps any modern political movement in terms of physical devastation and spiritual imprint."
"The monster of fascism is not dead, but the first step to killing it is learning what it looks like."
"Donald Trump has normalized fascism in America."
"When corporations take over a government, there's a word for that. It's called fascism."
"Fascism has to be anti-science; it can't be pro-science. Science arrives at conclusions that don't fit fascist narratives."
"All Nazis are fascists, but not all fascists are Nazis."
"War makes fascists of us all. If I tell the world that a right-wing fascist way of doing things doesn't work, no one will listen to me. So I'm going to make a perfect fascist world: everyone is beautiful, everything is shiny, everything has big guns and fancy ships, but it's only good for killing bugs."
"I can say right now that we're seeing a Resurgence of fascism all across the West."
"Fascism is built upon the principle of exclusion."
"Historic function of fascism: Smash the working class, destroy its organizations, and stifle political liberties."
"Do you think you'd follow a fascist government if it happened? Would you even notice?"
"We're literally on the cusp of fascism in the United States unprecedented rise in hate crimes."
"Fascism is about reducing complex systems to clear, understandable enemies."
"Fascists have the advantage in spreading misinformation at high volume."
"Fascism is a phenomenon of the left. It's a marriage of nationalism and socialism."
"People finally react, and that is how you get fascism."
"The deliberate scrubbing of the elements of fascism that make it so vile and horrible."
"The truth is these people are more offended to be called fascists than to stop doing the fascism, right? Like, you know, you don't want to be called fascists then make it so people can vote."
"Fascists hit on important topics, give intuitive solutions, and have incredible rhetoric."
"This is a contest between... a part of the country that believes in liberal democracy and a part of the country attracted to fascism."
"The melding of corporate power and government power is traditionally been what fascism has been defined as."
"Capitalism is basically a precondition for fascism."
"The heart of fascism: demonization of the other."
"The very blocking of free speech, the very terrorizing of opponents, is actually the behavior of the fascists."
"Nazism and fascism are substantially closer to communism than they are to any sort of right-wing ideology."
"Calling a vaccine passport the definition of fascism is um, I don't know, there's a lot of people that have spent a lot of time."
"Fascism is a very real danger... There was nothing that occurred like January 6th in the history of the United States."
"Don't fascists try to silence other people and you look in every fascist Society what's the first thing they do to their people they disarm them and then they begin to strip away their rights."
"Fascism survival strategy: engage in community preparedness."
"Fascism properly understood is not a creature of the right or the left, they're right-wing fascists but they're also left-wing fascists."
"I'm proof of what they're doing, it's outward fascism."
"Fascism in general is when the government works with the large companies to essentially control the entire economy."
"Fascist ideology is rooted in insecurity and feelings of victimhood."
"Isn't it interesting that those that want to cancel the referendum and break their word now claim to be on the side of democracy?"
"Fascism sucks... it's authoritarian, it's illiberal."
"Fascism must be constantly guarded against in every generation."
"Denying elections is not a fascist move but manipulating and stealing elections overriding the will of the people trampling on their rights, yeah these are actually Paul marks or Fascism."
"That's the fascism right there, they sneak it in with some bumbling old dude."
"It's very difficult to imagine the rise and seizure of power of fascism in Italy without this war."
"Slow motion fascism, now 100. That's exactly how the Nazis took over, through the courts too. They're using that playbook."
"This fight against fascism is a battle of narratives, and there is nothing more powerful than criminal prosecutions to deter tyranny and pierce through the brainwashed perceptions of a cult."
"Fascism never really went away, it's kind of already there bubbling under the surface."
"This type of ideology is absolutely fascistic and it's disgusting and it's something we need to fight back on as much as we can right now."
"How are these a person who doesn't vote is unknowingly enabling fascism a person who votes green is knowingly enabling fascism."
"The movie is in fact, in our opinion, stating that war makes fascists of us all."
"This is literal Madness this is fascism call it out folks."
"Developed by Italian leader Benito Mussolini in the 1920s, fascism was a political ideology which channelled popular frustration about economic hardship into hatred for minority groups."
"It's an important part of their history to teach about this so it never happens again that they never elect fascist regime in their country."
"Some form of fascism, which is by definition the merger of state and corporate power, would be the likely end result of these developments."
"Fascists and the right wing will never accept people who do not fit into their very very narrow view of the world and humanity."
"A unitary view of executive power... it's fascism."
"If a politician has a history of fighting for fascism throughout her life including praising Mussolini we could just call her a fascist." - Unknown
"Fascism continues to have appeal and we have to be on Constant Guard for it."
"I saw a seed of fascism there and really wanted to understand where that was coming from and where that could lead us."
"Children can be ripped from their parents, that's an indication of the shift in the governing philosophy of our nation. We are now a fascist country."
"It frustrates me to know that people think the systems that enable this sort of fascist takeover are going to save them from it."
"Maloney's biggest opponent says she's not a fascist."
"Liberal abstentionism is the bedrock of fascist growth."
"What we are witnessing are the dying gasps of a failed political party, it's just a fascist movement."
"The left is lying about people on the right being fascists because they are evil."
"We are at this moment dealing with fascism in this moment we are dealing with people who don't actually believe democracy is good." - Ilhan Omar
"Trump is the biggest obstacle to American fascism."
"The core essence of fascism: collaboration of corporate and state elements."
"Don't dismiss our democratically elected leader; a bunch of U.S. fascists who are being backed by Germany rather seized hold of the White House instead of you."
"The real fascists are the non-interventionists."
"People being fascists isn't the problem. Hating fascists is the problem."
"The people who were telling you that you got to vote for them to save democracy are actual fascists."
"The very essence of Maga is being a victim is being a loser and trying to coalesce a coalition of fascist-leaning losers."
"The thing with fascism I really do see is just honest socialism."
"The Socialists that realized this either became fascists like in Germany or Italy or they clung to the socialist or communist labels but ended up creating states that functioned identically to fascist ones like in Russia and China."
"Accelerationism will only accelerate towards fascism."
"It's like a crossroads, we choose fascism or we choose democracy."
"You know you're a fascist if you don't accept the results of a free and fair election."
"There's pro-democracy and then there's fascism."
"Decrying the equivalence between the radical left and the radical right as a symptom of fascism."
"I think that this election once and for all settles the question of like is fascism here..."
"I think there's a real possibility that... we go in the direction of like a fascist police state."
"Liberalism isn't fascism domestically, but a liberal framework is used to justify what looks a lot like fascism abroad."
"Just because capitalism seems like it's failing doesn't necessarily mean there has to be a rise in fascism."
"The Republican party is now a pro-autocracy party. They want fascism."
"These people are fascists who want to fundamentally structurally change the country from what we are and have been."
"The merging of the state with the corporation, which is the definition of fascism."
"You really do not want ex-TV show people, people who've been doing dodgy business deals their whole life, they do not make good candidates."
"People want to feel safe in America, don't they? They want to know that a Madman cannot take the presidency."
"I think it has to be a positive moment for Europe because basically Europe is getting a second chance at dealing with what I regard as fascism."
"It's time we use the f word: fascism. Oh now is the time we use the word fascism."
"Actual fascism is really, you know in this country American fascism is really the main marrying of forces of white supremacy with uh just oligarchy and unfettered capitalism."
"Fascism is not about changing people but cultivating innate qualities."
"We are basically now in a fascist culture and fascist politics is on the rise."
"Remember when fascists tell you what upsets them listen to them."
"One can be a contributor to neo-fascism without being a fascist oneself."
"The only way to combat this encroaching fascism is to vote against it."
"Italy is in turmoil and is dabbling with fascism and that should worry everyone because the last time they did that they wound up with Mussolini."
"Fascists want to take over democracies. It's not a coincidence they all support Putin and his cronies around the world." - Rula
"National socialism and fascism and Marxism are not opposite ends. They are the same side, they are status, they are socialists."
"The idea of fascism and national socialism is more and more appealing as time goes on."
"Fascism is going to bring government into it, corporatism could be like John Rockefeller owns every road."
"If the fascist is allowed to erase history, to erase culture and ideology - and replace it with its own - then it has the dangerous possibility of changing very real, and sometimes even good people, into monsters."
"Fascism emerges in the period of crisis of capitalism... and it's in this period of crisis of capitalism that fascism becomes more powerful."
"When a country becomes the servant of its business owners, that's technically fascism."
"It's a thinly veiled warning about the ever-present threat of fascism that uses technologically advanced lizard monsters from outer space."
"A vote for Republicans is to vote for fascism, what more does one need to say? A vote for Democrats is a vote for democracy."
"History has so many lessons for us on the warning signs of fascism." - Jessica Denson
"Italy invades Ethiopia and insists on doing it in a dramatically fascist fashion."
"Stupid stinking corporate buddies will hand the country over to the fascists."
"We're fighting basically neo-fascism. It's a fusion of government and corporations."
"This is not conservative ideology this is far-right fascist ideology."
"We should oppose a punitive fascist attitude."
"Most people understand what fascism is, yeah go for it. Flyers can be useful, I don't have any data on how effective flyers are at actually changing people's minds but it certainly doesn't hurt to give it a try."
"I think there's been a concerted effort to obscure maybe what fascism is."
"In such a case these are the only alternatives: either to fire the first shot against Germany or to be swept away by revolution, which the fascists themselves will bring about. No one would tolerate the sight of a swastika in the Adriatic."
"Fascism is all about preying on people's fear and prejudice."
"You squash fascist movements by winning the violent clashes."
"The choice between court packing and international fascism should not be difficult."
"The force of the state is cracking down on peaceful protesters... This is fascism in action."
"We need to understand fascism and national socialism in order to defeat them."
"Fascism really relies on this public perception of strength even when it's not there."
"On a not very cheerful note about fascism but nevertheless with the hopes that you will all help us save the world."
"America is now the quintessential fascist state."
"The liberty of democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of power to a point where it becomes stronger than the Democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism."
"You defeat fascism by making fun of it. Charlie Chaplin understood that."
"Collusion of the state and corporations merging into one and silencing dissent is a hallmark of fascism, 101."
"If people carefully explain day after day, year after year, the dangers of a growing fascist movement in the United States, maybe take them seriously next time."
"What it's called when corporations run the government... It's called fascism."
"The fascism of the mid-War period compared to the fascism today because there are many similarities."
"Nostalgia is fascism because fascism is glorifying and idealized past that never existed."
"The fascist movement is here and it is growing."
"Liberals have never been able to stand up to fascist and neo-fascist movements, not anywhere in the world."
"What's the difference between donald trump mussolini stalin and hitler all of them basically said i'm the answer to the problems of the country what's the difference see"
"Fascism is always descending upon America and always manages to land in Europe."
"If you can set up a secret police, you've gotten pretty close to a fascist state."
"It's harmful to the country to pretend that a party isn't fascist when it is."
"People trying to get a vote overturned was fascism straight up."
"Misogyny is the root of fascism beyond anything else Beyond Jews or race or nationality blood and soil ethnicity it always comes back to sexual frustration."
"We're in the midst of a fascist slide." - Sam Seder
"Propaganda is how fascism maintains and extends its authority."
"Fascism always is nationalist, for fascism is always the most patriotic thing in the world."
"Ursula's determination to battle fascism came from the heart."
"Trump's rhetoric these days is making it hard to avoid the word 'fascist'."
"Star Wars reaffirmed that the great evil of the modern world was indeed the intolerance, totalitarianism, and militarism of fascism."
"Understanding history is crucial in fighting fascism."
"Mussolini wasn't just Hitler's sidekick, he was the first fascist dictator."
"Fascism thrives on authoritarianism, whether left or right."
"Mussolini realized fascism is not going to win by a revolution. It's going to win by Democratic means."
"The fascist movement is saying, 'Well, no, our goal is to overthrow this whole thing and be in charge and no, you don't get rights.'"
"'Hurray for the black shirts!' - Lord Rothmere."
"I have used the word fascism. I have talked about an increasingly fascist danger which people in this country must begin to come to grips with."
"If we look at Nazi Germany, we can see that the function of racism can be very similar to the function of anti-semitism in promoting and encouraging fascism."
"A good defense against fascism is to consciously, intentionally, think and act in democratic terms."
"This is a new form of fanaticism being that it is religious as well as fascist."
"Communism results in totalitarian regime, equated with fascism."
"There was at that time a sign of Hope. The United States was breaking from the fascist pattern."
"The very chaos caused by anarchy creates a power vacuum that will be filled by fascism."
"The definition of fascism is that the people in charge of your life have no accountability."
"We've been focusing a lot on how our country has been kind of descending into fascism."
"He is not just some monster who eats disobedient children. Rather, he is what an 11-year-old girl sees when she looks at fascism, at institutional evil itself in all its forms."
"The ascendancy of fascism now comes from a kind of broad grief in the American spectrum, but grief unprocessed, grief that is left to sit still, to curdle, to curdle into rage."