
Ideology Quotes

There are 2933 quotes

"Fascism is not a political ideology; it is mental pathology in politics."
"We must rid ourselves of the ideological leaning towards perfectionism because it is driving us mad."
"Your ideology is maximizing individual liberty as long as it doesn't hurt anyone."
"It's a competition of ideas, a battle of ideas. Our idea, America's big idea of a democratic society and human freedom versus China's idea that a communist state is stronger than a democracy."
"Fascism is naturally anti-empirical, and stupidity makes it very easy to be that. Fascism is just a stupid ideology."
"If we want a movement or revolution to succeed, action and ideology must go along together."
"White supremacy, white supremacist means like you're a person who believes that you're superior because you're white."
"We want to create a social club where people who have similar ideas and ideology can come together and even not similar, you know, debate and discuss things."
"The key characteristic of ideology is that it tells half the story, and the best way to immunize ourselves to the corrupting effect of dogmatic thinking is to listen to the whole story."
"Any time a person uses the term 'wrongthink,' you know for a fact their views are indefensible."
"Parents send their children to school to be educated, not indoctrinated into ideology."
"Don't let your dietary ideology take the reins of your biology."
"Social justice has become scientifically illiterate, logically unsound, deeply bigoted, and openly supremacist."
"Bitcoin maximalism is the most important ideology in the world that nobody knows about."
"The idea that the red pill is not political...everything about it is super political."
"We are now living in the fully subjectivist, hedonistic, silly ideology of self-fulfillment."
"The gospel is not only a message that saves; now receive the ideology that transforms."
"We can all agree that regardless of where we stand politically and ideologically, if you're not part of the big club, you don't have a future in politics right now."
"Science isn't just another ideology or belief system because it progresses based on the scientific method."
"Racism came with a whole ideology about the superiority of whites, supported by appeals to religion, similar to justifications for sexism and speciesism."
"Our era is run by religious fanatics who worship the god of progress."
"Social planning based on ideological principles massively backfires in practice."
"Civilizations are always driven by two ideological spirits, one of which is masculine and the other is feminine."
"We've got to be careful we're not being useful patsies for dialectical materialism by using language that continues the divide, increases the divide rather than bring people together."
"Science as I understand it has testable hypotheses and is not ideology."
"The basic idea, the core idea of anarchism for most of us, is the elimination of hierarchy."
"Any ideology that doesn't inspire you to take ownership of your life or give you inspiration should be dropped as they're just worthless."
"We need to make a shift towards solutions and away from blind following of ideologies."
"Individualism is often defined as the opposite of totalitarianism."
"Economics is actually a field of ideology and not really a science."
"America was always great if you think of America as an idea. If you think of America as a set of Americans, there were some who sucked and some who were great."
"The America First agenda does not belong to any one man. They are bigger than any of us."
"The world economic forum is not about some new world order ideology; it's not about the speeches being made. It is about the deals being cut in back rooms."
"A good deal of this comes from a lack of a coherent ideology or religion that makes life worth living, and second, is lack of community."
"Religion, like any ideology, can be used to promote good and bad."
"It's dangerous because it's a radically anti-democratic ideology. It rejects the principles of pluralism and equality that represent the best of the American promise."
"You don't submit to a person; you submit to an idea. You submit to a union."
"People don't have ideologies; ideologies have people."
"People cherry-picking from Roman history to support some modern ideology is a particular pet peeve of mine."
"Science is not meant to support ideological positions; it is meant to be an enterprise which works absent of any ideology."
"Technologies are not in themselves ideologically oriented... they are always a battle, like what is going on now is the big battlefield of who will control the digital space."
"Liberalism is a worldview, an ideology, that thinks that the source of all authority and all meaning in the universe is the individual human, the individual of the species Homo sapiens."
"Ideology is, of course, not in the sense of big worldview vision to impose on society, but ideology in the sense of complicated network of ethical, political, social, whatever prejudices, which, even if we are unaware of them, still determines the way we function."
"It takes a ton of hours to become an expert at the skill set...we only get one chance, we can't afford when we're young to buy into the wrong ideology of how the game really works."
"The naive faith of the proletarian requires necessary illusion and emotionally potent oversimplifications."
"It’s the fact that the trope is so common that its underlying ideology — that we need one extraordinary person to come save us — is so deeply rooted in the ways we think about social change."
"Heterodox thinking is the way forward, not accepting an ideology that has been handed to you."
"Beliefs change with the wind, you know. They're fads most of the time, ideological fads. But you don't fall into these fads when you have principles."
"Don't personalize debates unnecessarily. Give your ideological adversaries the benefit of the doubt until proof to the contrary."
"Communism, whatever its stated intentions, leads to evil."
"National Socialism allows people to earn a living, but they're all working towards a higher cause: the race and the community, and the race and the state come first."
"Science is this incredible endeavor that has unlocked the mysteries of physical reality for us, but there is this ideology built around science... philosophical claims but because they carry the prestige of natural science, a lot of people think well... philosophy, religion, metaphysics those questions have all been either answered in a definitive way by scientific inquiry or supplanted where they're not even necessary."
"The reason people are stupid isn't because they're like that fundamentally; they're stupid because we live in a society of ideology where they're taught things that are contrary to their class interests."
"This ideology is not sustainable because it is full of contradictions."
"America is about the pursuit of a more perfect union. The pursuit of happiness. America is about the pursuit."
"America says the sweat of your brow belongs to the poor, Russia says it belongs to everybody, and the church says it belongs to God. Andrew Ryan says he chose differently."
"The point of queer theory could be summarized in a single sentence, which is to abolish the concept of normalcy at all."
"We sort of live in this like ideological cumulative tyranny where it's not as obvious as the tyranny that we were taught by Hollywood to fear."
"You can kill the man, but you can't kill the idea."
"Extreme ideology, on both sides, by the way, left and right, is what gets a nation to be divided."
"Eugenics is the opposite of the pro-life ideology."
"The fourth political theory is neither liberal, communist, nor fascist, offering a unique stance against traditional political ideologies."
"I want someone to come in and say, 'These are the principles that I believe in, and this is how I'm going to try to govern.'"
"It's easier for the right to move left on economics than it is for the left to move right on identity and culture."
"This is always it, it has been, it is, and it always will be a red herring because look, I'm a conservative and I care about the environment, I care about migrants, and I care about poor people, all of which I think are part of what it means to be a Catholic."
"The only way that you know this is an ideology that's fundamentally a lie, the only way that a lie is sustained is by silencing opposition."
"Speaking off the cuff at the end of his remarks, Francis also warned that another genocide could happen again, how? By following what he calls warped ideologies that claim to save a people and end up destroying a people and humanity."
"Knowing yourself is the way out of an ideological trap."
"The ideology of human rights went hand-in-hand with the situation."
"Every political philosophy is based on a certain conception of human nature."
"One value system is going to have to triumph, and one value system is going to have to lose. There is no neutrality in this particular battle."
"Sometimes the enemy they face is not an opponent; it's an ideology, and you cannot defeat an ideology so long as people genuinely want to believe it."
"Every individual Marxist tests their own vision of their utopian future."
"Nicholas Karinski saw himself as the heir of a noble ideology, a legacy that could, in time, save them all."
"The core of socialism is deeply individualist in all of the best ways."
"We are not fighting against men and women or parties. We are fighting, dare I say, princes and principalities."
"Every facet of every ideology has a form of extremism, and extremism is bad always."
"Ideological polarization is now a mainstay of American politics."
"Capitalism isn't, to me, it's an ideology of capital... It puts capital, the most important thing is the concentration of capital and it means that we seek and prioritize profit and the accumulation of money above all else and we seek it at any human and environmental cost."
"If you can't handle having people that believe in different things in your community, then you can't handle your own ideology."
"The spread of what we call Communism or Marxism has infiltrated the entire world, including the U.S., especially through our academic system."
"One on human nature vs nurture – or better yet – how much would you change, would your world view change, would your moral compass and identity – change if you had two versions of yourself – cut between two systems, two environments, informed by two differing ideologies."
"The specter of communism did not disappear with the disintegration of the Communist Party in Eastern Europe."
"The sad truth, however, is that a stealthily transformed communist ideology has instead taken hold and entrenched itself around the world."
"Communism is a devil bent on the destruction of humanity."
"Communism is the ideology of the devil at the core of the evil specter."
"Welcome to Ideology Review, the only show where we review political ideologies in a desperate attempt to find which one will fill the hole in our souls the best."
"This is political belief and ideology over rational scientific argument."
"You're not an oppressor for refusing to accept an ideology that teaches people to hate you."
"It is a form of changing the minds of small children, that is the goal. It is ideological grooming."
"Any ethical system that isn't grounded in a transcendent metaphysics is going to degenerate into a propagandistic ideology."
"I think fascism requires some kind of national plot; it's important to believe you have enemies within and without the state."
"Ideas are extremely serious; if young minds marinate in a single ideology during formative years, those ideas will follow them into influential institutions, shaping our culture and discourse."
"Crypto is libertarian, then AI is communist."
"Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo."
"Austerity cuts are not simply a policy response to a particular economic situation; they are an ideology and a political choice."
"This is a war on our schools and our future generations by the right to indoctrinate them to their incredibly dangerous ideals."
"They called themselves the National Socialists, or Nazis."
"If a guy is writing love letters to Marxism, maybe he's not the best candidate to be a federal judge."
"The government is supposed to represent all of the citizens. I don't know why you would fly flags of a particular ideology that's not directly related to government entities."
"Freedom of expression and freedom of speech should not only go as far as your political party and ideology."
"Any ideology can be used as a force for good or for evil, and that's why we should be reigning in authoritarianism of any kind, even when it's your sort of authoritarianism in charge."
"This is what happens when you use children to front an ideology."
"The Power of Ideology and Subconscious is ABSURDLY powerful. Your very inner desires are manipulated."
"This means this ideological framework, a sort of classically liberal framework, means that I find racism to be as abhorrent as any other kind of generalized bigotries."
"The moment we think of ourselves as free from ideology is likely when we are the most fully immersed in it."
"It is possible that in a fight between Nazis and communists, everyone is bad. It's possible that both ideologies are vile."
"All Nazis are fascists, but not all fascists are Nazis."
"Comedy is my true ideology, my true religion."
"What we believed in for the last five years shouldn't be ripped up into shreds; it was possible, and we should fight for it."
"I think what we should be against is not each other, but I think what we should be against is maximalism. I think maximalism is toxic."
"Religion gives you the ideology in which you can exist; it enables you to explain your daily life."
"Apocalypse's belief system of social Darwinism, survival of the fittest, only the strongest deserve to survive, is both a platform by which he makes his case and his own prison."
"Faith, family, and freedom is what it's all ultimately about."
"Whatever Johnny's ideology is, it's worth dying for, but it isn't worth living for."
"The problem of a dangerous divisive ideology that is causing even normal people to support violence or even engage in violence... that's its own problem that we have to figure out how to solve."
"The whole world is locked in an ideological battle right now."
"This rivalry didn't place in our number one spot, but for its realistic representation of ideologies clashing, Alexander and Alucard will go down as one of the greatest rivals in anime."
"Capitalism isn't moral, it's like religion; it's just a lie that keeps people going."
"We must reject in an extreme extreme ideologies that seek to divide Americans wherever we find it in society. It is antithetical to who we are as a country."
"I reject the acceptance of junk science and superstition to advance ideological agendas. I reject hate."
"Liberalism has been co-opted and absorbed by the very characteristics it claims to fight against."
"Good and god become synonymous in any meaningful ideology."
"It's liberating to be honest with yourself, and it's liberating to have a sincere interaction with other people without it being mediated through some ideology."
"These people hate America. They are the Marxist, the racists, and the perverts."
"The Democratic coalition is not based on fundamental principles about freedom."
"And so to your point it's like well then what is the argument for it and it's some kind of ideological correctness that treats voter responses as secondary or irrelevant."
"I don't want you to be safe emotionally. I don't want you to be safe ideologically. I want you to be strong."
"They fear him, but it's too late. They may have killed the man allegedly but they couldn't kill the Idea."
"Ideology is driving this not facts, not science but ideology and control control control and power."
"You can be a really smart person, but your brain can just be dunked in ideology."
"What is the ideological purpose of policing gender and sexuality when the historical conditions are so different?"
"Is it fascism? Is it a new brand of conservatism? Is it classical liberalism? I don't think so."
"They're willing to burn the entire house down just for the sake of their ideology."
"Leftism is social Decay. That's what it is. Societies break down because things tend to over time. We're a fallen species and leftism is the ideological rationalization we give to our abdication to uphold our institutions. The chaos is the point."
"I think that today in many universities there's sort of a crippling sort of left of center left ideology."
"It's one that serves quite a useful ideological purpose for this conservative government."
"Disney's ideology is ultimately pretty hollow, and yet its cultural reach is so expansive."
"Creationism isn't a universal aspect of religion, it's religious extremism requiring a degree of reality denial in defense of doctrine."
"Solution they find is ideology... ideologies offer destructive outlets for resentment."
"Critical race theory is then in a very real sense a counter-American revolution."
"They want to take this ideological stance and that's what happens when you're fiercely ideological and you throw away your logic and you don't look at things like a logical chess game you just only care about your ideology."
"Are you going to be a person who's pro-family, pro-child, pro-church, pro-holy and good liturgy?"
"The AOC wing and the new liberal Wing are going to have to find ways to get along."
"When there's not this love holding it together, where ideas take precedence over love, we've got a problem here."
"This is the West... it's an idea, it's a concept."
"It's totalitarian Chris because a totalitarian society, in the barest definition, is one in which only one ideology is allowed to have power."
"Conservatives are calling out this radical ideology."
"People who defend evil ideologies justify themselves with constant expectations of catastrophe, as if we were in an endless state of war-like emergency that required the suspension of moral order."
"Not everything has to be an ideological war."
"The left has moved significantly more radical over time."
"Nationalism is dangerous, patriotism, there's nothing wrong with patriotism."
"Ideology is more important than actual education of children."
"The deliberate scrubbing of the elements of fascism that make it so vile and horrible."
"Print money, it's a whole political ideology now."
"Extreme Protestantism, along with extreme enlightenment belief and extreme a lot of things, is part of the problem."
"From de facto to de fascist, the GOP refuses to come to the light."
"Learn how to interact with people who don't necessarily share your woke ideology."
"This is a contest between... a part of the country that believes in liberal democracy and a part of the country attracted to fascism."
"Foucault would have a lot to say about social justice ideology."
"I am a free speech absolutist and I think we need to go back on the left if you consider yourself on the left you need to go back and start embracing the freedom of people to think for themselves."
"It's a great example of how an ideologue's brain works they think that they purely do what is right everything that they do is just inherently good and everything that you do if you disagree with them is just inherently bad."
"Ideologues never blame themselves or their agenda."
"Not fully understanding each other does NOT mean that we have to reject one another, and that there is no perfect ideology."
"It’s extremism and a dismissal of those different from us is the true enemy here."
"Aimless ideals are futile, but a truth without meaning is cold."
"It is a totalitarian belief. It is the wish to be a slave. It is the desire that they're being unalterable, unchallengeable tyrannical authority who can convict you of thought crime while you are asleep."
"Pushing back against radical ideologies is an active good."
"The reality of global geopolitics: 'There's no such thing as the super race, the superior race. There is no American exceptionalism.'"
"People should have a right to free speech but that doesn't mean the government should be pushing things that are ideological."
"Changing someone's ideology is tricky; focus on inner transformation."
"Enlightenment is detaching from ideology, experiencing actual truth."
"Maybe it has nothing to do with the words liberal or conservative."
"Political power is not derived from the barrel of a gun."
"The number one killer of citizens from innocent civilians the last 100 years has been the very idea that you shamelessly wear on your sleeve every single day: Marxism has killed more people than any other ideology over the last 100 years."
"As classical liberals and conservatives, you want to prevent disaster and deliver prosperity and joy."
"If you have to lie to people to support your ideas, change your ideas." - Andrew Klavan
"The spread of those ideas is God's plan. The violence and the cruelty and the corruption that come with it, that's us." - Andrew Klavan
"Seek the truth, whether it stands for radicalism or conservatism."
"So I agree with you that a smug, self-righteous, intolerant left-winger is no less dangerous to the emotional fabric of our country."
"Conscious politics is about going meta, going beyond ideological positions."
"Rationality can be harnessed to completely different, dangerous worldviews."
"Fear, lack of education and ideology, all three bad ideas when it comes to business."
"Language embodies and instills a powerful multi-layered cultural orientation and impetus, and even to some degree an ideology."
"U.S. soft power is projected now through to put it very crudely wokeness."
"Small pockets of anti-fascist violence are in no way comparable to an ideology that promotes the eradication of entire groups of people."
"We're not going to do the best science that we can if we are constrained ideologically."
"The world is on a mission to make you woke, but our good friend Dennis Prager is on a mission to make you wise."
"At its core, this entire charade is nothing more than a method to indoctrinate children into a perverse ideology."
"The less attractive you can make these ideas seem, the fewer people will join."
"Socialism and communism has been a failure wherever it's tried." - Redeemed Harvey
"These apps are direct marketing machines for socialism and communism."
"The idea of an ultimate evil using the legitimate grievances of the lesser races to attack the higher race is the bedrock of almost every modern fascist conspiracy theory."
"They're claiming to be the true heirs to Karl Marx and Frederick Engels."
"Communism provides a seductive vision and narrative about humanity."
"Put in his ideology, whether it's accurate or not, you know, he's... he sees Ukraine as a natural part of Russia."
"Marxism is there and when we have a Marxist Progressive Party they have two primary goals: the redistribution of wealth and the transfer of power. That is your wealth and your power."
"In a world that is abject, crazy, cowardly, and mean, there is only one truth, only one love. And that love is Fiume."
"Feminism is not a practice, it is not a cause, it's not an idea, it's not a group of individuals who share an idea in common, it's not a handful of ideas or concerns or causes, it's an ideology, a system of beliefs, a set of theories."
"The ideology of the terrorists is a white supremacist ideology. It is fully evil."