
Debt Management Quotes

There are 959 quotes

"Within the course of seven months, people pay off $8,500 of bad debt on average."
"The big question is the supply-demand question because we're going to have to sell a lot of debt."
"They are skilled staff of negotiators; they know how to get debt out of your life permanently without bankruptcy and without a loan."
"Good debt helps you in the future, it makes you money, it increases your value; bad debt is debt used to purchase liabilities, things that take money away from you."
"You want the right combination of paying off capital with a reasonable interest rate and a reasonable balloon if you are monthly repayment driven."
"Focusing on wealth allowed me to have all the things, including debt freedom."
"The intelligent use of debt can make a huge difference; there is good debt and bad debt."
"There's a difference between good debt and bad debt, and those that get rich understand the value of leveraging debt."
"It's how you say 'I love you' when you leave them with no debt and you've got a will and you've got life insurance."
"The average American is struggling with basic debt skills... Dave really is that ladder out of the debt dungeon."
"If you're really trying to be prepared for some financial collapse...get out of debt, pay off your house, build wealth. That'll help you be prepared for anything."
"In seven and a half years, we were able to pay off every single cent of $460,000 of debt."
"Let's say you're in debt and you're stressing. You don't know what to pay off first, right? Look at what has the highest APR rate."
"Put the money aside, invest your money, have an emergency fund, pay off your credit cards every month, don't have the debt."
"It's always good when it comes to hammering out financial issues; spending, budget, bad debt."
"Baby Step Zero was simply quit creating more debt. Like, if you can just stop, not drown and not make the water any deeper, that is successful."
"You're doing all the right things if you're getting out of high interest rate consumer credit card debt, saving money, finding ways to put yourself in a good place."
"We're out of our credit card debt completely."
"You don't have to go broke to learn to stay out of debt... It's a series of choices; it might be growing up a little bit."
"After I eliminated my credit card debt, I have been able to build back up my savings."
"I'm not going into debt for fashion anymore."
"If saving is extremely hard for you... work on reducing debt first."
"If you have lingering debt... it all needs to go toward the debt till the debt is gone because that debt is only hurting you."
"Paid off my very first property in 20 months. Debt-free, mortgage-free."
"I paid off thirty-five thousand dollars of debt on a thousand dollars a month as a single mother."
"Staying out of debt and managing resources wisely is foundational to self-reliance."
"Some hope for China's crisis-hit real estate giant Evergrande; the company rolled out its restructuring plan involving $20 billion in foreign debt."
"Debt is a two-edged sword. It's like a chainsaw. It's a great tool, but it can also cut out your hand. With debt, if you study it, it is the key to getting wealthy."
"Having a broken engine is a lot like having debt; it can be hard to fix, leave you feeling stuck, and honestly be a little embarrassing."
"I think that, for me, I'll just speak for my personal situation, okay, that pause was way more valuable for my debt than the ten thousand they were giving."
"Use the steakhouse to pay off the pasta house. Get rid of the debt."
"I went from almost £25,000 in debt to having enough money to buy a house."
"In 2016, my husband and I were over $70,000 in debt... we paid off almost all of our debt in just one year."
"If you want to get out of debt, the first step: stop borrowing more."
"I owe it to them to give them the best life possible, and that does not include leaving them any debt."
"Right now is not the time to be thinking about debt. Right now is the time for the country to be thinking about what we can do to get everybody through this."
"Our HELOC strategy teaches you how to get a HELOC, which is a home equity line of credit, and then to use that like a bank account to pay off your primary mortgage."
"Paying down any high interest rate debt... is like getting a guaranteed return at whatever interest rate the debt is at."
"Drowning in credit card debt and other high interest debt is a surefire way of staying in poverty."
"If you think you're gonna go out and make more money but yet you haven't solved your debt problem, then you're never going to get out of debt."
"The world has too much debt and not enough growth to cover the debt."
"If you want to get your life in order, you need to make sure you're out of debt and you're keeping your credit score healthy."
"You want things compounding for you, your wealth growing overnight, and compounding, but you do not want your debt obligations compounding against you."
"Each bankruptcy is unique, no one-size-fits-all solution."
"The debt ratio to gross domestic product is going to just keep going up."
"I wasn't sure what I had a feeling you were going to ask me to back it off a lot just to bang out the mortgage."
"We need to get the income up, find a cheaper place to rent, and get rid of this debt."
"I immediately took out a second credit card to pay for my first credit card, just like a responsible person would do."
"So guys take back your Financial Freedom today and pay off your debt in a fraction section of the time."
"If we're gonna get out of debt, we're gonna do this thing together."
"Make sure you pay off all high interest rate debt prior to buying a house."
"One of the things we have to break free from is... the colonization of our minds."
"Upstart... the fast and easy online way to get a loan and pay off that ominous debt."
"The U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio was 107 percent... that's a total public U.S. debt divided by the nominal GDP."
"Interest will consume 100% of government tax revenue, which means all our taxes will go to just paying interest on the debt."
"Let's take care of first things first um the debt so that I have more a greater margin or a greater cash flow to speedrun this um project here."
"I do think Donald Trump is the most divisive figure in American politics in the history of our country."
"Credit card debt sucks... it can really weigh on you and feel like you will never get out from under it."
"The freedom that comes with being debt-free... it is your choice, no one tells you what you have to put on the paper, you decide, and you are now in control."
"The global economy's biggest challenge is dealing with the massive and exponentially increasing pile of debt."
"Good debt and bad debt, you must be careful. Don't confuse the two."
"Debt can turn something powerful into a huge headwind."
"Congratulations, and because we had just gotten done paying off a debt we really didn't go on a real honeymoon so we're going to Italy in a month."
"How ordinary people build extraordinary wealth, how you can too. $231,000 paid off in 25 months, did it separately and together sort of by communicating."
"How do we upgrade a vehicle without going back into debt?"
"Now is not the time to worry about the debt; now is the time to get people back to work."
"I love debt as long as you can embrace it and manage it, it is glorious to borrow stuff that is a melting Ice Cube."
"Debt can be your weapon, make sure you can keep your credit, make sure you make your payments, it is glorious to borrow stuff that is a melting Ice Cube."
"House hacking: removing your mortgage payment."
"No one comes up to you with a gun and says, 'Hey bro, I need you to get into ten thousand dollars of debt right now.'"
"Financial peace university... where we teach them how to get out of debt, how to save money, how to become wealthy and outrageously generous."
"The shortest distance to wealth is always no debt."
"Method number one is to pay off your debt but then next best thing that you can do with your ten thousand dollars is to actually open a retirement account."
"Paying off a 20% interest rate...like getting an immediate guaranteed 20% return on your money."
"Pay off any high interest debt before you even consider investing."
"One of my goals in life is to get Americans to start treating the credit card like it's the financial cigarette."
"I can't tell you the peace of mind it gives you... coming from a person that used to be in crippling debt."
"Debt has been marketed to us so aggressively that people have begun to believe it's the path to prosperity."
"When debt is excessive by definition, that means a lot of people who borrowed money should not have borrowed money."
"Set yourself free from the burden of high interest credit card debt and get back to using your money your way with Upstart."
"Joe Biden took advantage of the Republicans' very rational fear of defaulting on the debt."
"Disney has raised another 11 billion dollars in debt."
"Debt sucks... somehow debt just creeps up on you and then you're only paying off the interest never really the principal."
"Accept your home. We're going to list our debts smallest to largest."
"This money is going to be sent to you, and it cannot be offset by any debts."
"Congratulations to you for paying down your debt and fixing your credit score. I'm really happy for you."
"If you borrow 100 million dollars from the bank and you don't pay it back they call you and say let's have lunch because at that point the balance of power has changed right."
"We started off on the Dave Ramsey bandwagon completely debt-free."
"This company has a robust balance sheet with no long-term debt."
"I call it inflation-induced debt destruction... it describes it perfectly."
"Now this is one of the best places that you can save money and use that money to pay off debt."
"Eviction and credit card bills should not be happening, period."
"Knock out the debt as fast as you possibly can."
"The faster you can get rid of these lower interest rate consumer debts, the faster you can get rid of that Financial bleeding."
"If you spend money you don't have then you're an idiot."
"I knocked out $90,000 in 2019, okay? So that is a big feat for me and not only is that a big feat for me, but now all I owe is $80,000. Like I am completely debt free except for my house and the $80,000 of student loans."
"Debt is not a bad thing if you really understand what debt is and you understand how to leverage debt right."
"Let's be weird by you not having a bunch of debt like the average American though. I prefer that kind of weird."
"I'm gonna get on here and really share the message of getting debt-free, eliminating your debt, and building that freedom."
"It's okay to acknowledge that you need help and take some initiative with your debt right now."
"Debt pay off does not happen passively. Making minimum payments for years is going to cost you so much more in interest."
"The best way to pay off debt is to pay it off as aggressively as you can."
"But it does not answer the question, what do you do with the Italian debt which is going through the roof while Italian GDP is falling precipitously?"
"Debt is dumb and if you don't have any debt don't do it."
"Getting a credit score above 750 sets you up for the best path to properly handling your finances, paying off debt, and getting some of that sweet, sweet cheap mortgage money."
"I decided to pay off my student loans month after month on the normal regularly scheduled program while also investing heavily."
"The debt ceiling is a symptom of Washington's spending problem."
"I think debt is like, you want to show off ludicrous wealth, but the moment you run into trouble, it's like a fine line. The moment you run into trouble, people drop you like a rock."
"Man, it's crazy. I have no debt. I honestly, like, my mortgage, that's it. That's the only actual debt I have. Like, I don't know, watching it, I don't have like a credit card bill."
"Why would I cause myself the harm of that payment sooner than I need to?" - "Why would I cause myself the harm of that payment sooner than I need to?"
"Debt is owing anything to anyone for any reason."
"Getting out of debt is something that will take care of you and your family far into the future."
"You're in debt, but if you use your debt to acquire assets that pay for themselves and make you a profit, technically you're in debt but really, you're not."
"This might be the first time you're ever hearing these numbers. Let's see, now, he paid a little more than the minimum monthly payment but even $122.50 of interest was accrued and purchased $188.35 of things."
"Literally two and a half years from now, you'll actually be out of bad debt if you sacrifice now and have a fully funded emergency fund."
"Are we committed to cutting the bull, temporarily sacrificing, and working more so we can pay off the debt for a better future for ourselves?"
"Our properties are performing above expectations, and we anticipate significant debt reduction."
"The only thing that's going to stay behind is the knowledge and value provided to the community."
"If you're in debt and you're trying to trade out of debt you're just going to get more debt."
"Think about being 40 years old and owing 30 thousand dollars."
"Your student loans don't have to be your prison."
"So how was this couple able to pay it all off in just 18 months?"
"We got to stop playing, we got to be resourceful, we got to get out of debt."
"The amount of debt we're taking on in relation to how much money we make is still relatively reasonable."
"If you don't do the ish yeah the ish we'd still be paying so yeah maybe another five years yeah."
"The world now sees the amount of debt and money Printing and debt Spirals and interest on debt and everything else it's like this is not sustainable."
"Suddenly our negative 1.8 million debt is completely removed, and now we're into positive 1.9k."
"It's important to not be debt-phobic, but to be very debt-critical."
"If you borrow for immediate consumption with no long-term benefit, you're actually deteriorating your financial future."
"No credit card debt in less than half a year. That's awesome."
"If you can earn a higher return on your investments than the interest on your debt, you should invest. Otherwise, you should pay off your balance."
"The fact that we've got higher debt levels today and we're potentially going into a global recession in 2023 means that we're now at risk of something disastrous happening."
"When you have large amounts of debt and a slowing economy and a reduction in revenues then that means that you can't service that debt that you're going to potentially default on it."
"Dealing with collections can significantly increase your credit score."
"If you're late and maxed out on credit cards, you're losing over 350 points."
"Just because you get a car note doesn't mean you're going to be in debt forever."
"Even though he's still got the car, Alex has managed to clear 20,000 pounds worth of debt."
"The level of debt is so huge, small changes in interest rates destroy large amounts of value."
"I'm gonna show you today how you can legally, morally, and ethically pay off all of your debt, even a 30-year mortgage, in a fraction of the time."
"Pay off that credit card debt, move the balance to a zero amount."
"I just want to destroy all my debt as fast as possible."
"Debt should only be used if you know what you're doing, you use it strategically and you use it towards something that makes you money."
"The company has hundreds of millions of dollars in cash and very little debt."
"There really isn't a worst magic investment."
"If you use deficit spending, debt-fueled investment properly, correctly—that is the obviously good thing to do."
"Paying off your debt will give you a significant instant return."
"The borrowing has gone crazy now... It's like you spending way ahead of what you're in, even if your income is going up, you're spending so fast that your debts are going up much faster."
"Make sure you understand what you're doing and make sure you understand the risks associated with taking on any more debt."
"Football is the only business that you can get away with running up debt like this."
"But the most important thing for you to understand is these long term debts and all the debts and the loans of a company is all going to be broken down here in in kind of plain English here."
"My gut feeling is now that I want to get out of debt."
"Inflation-linked debt has immediate effect of bringing some calm to the markets."
"To the extent that China wants to control the growth in debt, then that has a very marked implication for both savings or for either or both savings and investment."
"The debt stops here and your life becomes free from burden."
"The faster you get out of debt, the faster you're going to have a legitimate emergency fund."
"There's no such thing as being in default no more if you don't want to be."
"Higher rates times bigger debts does not make for a good mathematical equation."
"The e-book covers mortgages, credit cards, student loans, and IRS liens."
"In the end, to paper over a debt crisis with more debt is not the answer."
"Pause attacking our debt... and start saving up."
"The key to getting out of debt is all about focus. Put your focus on your sights and stay single-track minded."
"It's gonna be a lot more fun to pick stuff out and make decisions, not with credit card debt hovering over your shoulder."
"The debtor will be the slave of the creditor."
"You make too much money, you can pay this off, man."
"The Fed will find a way to perpetuate the debt cycle."
"Stick with it, see it through, and see that snowball effect."
"Be scared of debt: use it wisely or not at all."
"There is no reason that you need to live with an enormous amount of credit card debt for years."
"Debt is a way of pulling tomorrow's Prosperity into today."
"Loans that are past due on a state-by-state level have been skyrocketing."
"They want inflation because they can't afford to repay the debt and they're going to inflate it away at the cost of your hard-earned dollars."
"Let no debt remain outstanding except to continue to love one another."
"These steps are so simple, yeah, they just work: get out of debt, stay out of debt, have a fund for the emergencies, for the future, and save for retirement."
"We're not intentionally trying to tank your credit, however, when you set down the path of paying off debt, you're also simultaneously saying not only am I paying off this debt but I'm not going to borrow money in the future."
"Would I do this to just become debt-free? No. Would I do this and become debt-free because it's a part of an overall strategy that I want to do to make my life better? Yes."
"They paid off $100,000 of debt last year that's credit cards car loans and some student loans."
"It's honest, it's fiscally responsible, and by the way as the experts will tell you it reduces the debt, the federal debt over the long haul."
"A little inflation is a damn good thing if you have debt."
"Keep your debt utilization low and pay all bills on time."
"Paying off your credit card entirely by the due date then there's nothing left to pay any interest on."
"Paying off a 20 interest rate credit card is like getting an immediate guaranteed 20 return on your money without any risk whatsoever."
"The highest probability chance you have to building wealth is to be debt-free."
"Getting into debt is super easy but getting out is hard."
"Don't go into debt, stick within your means."
"If you have any debt over a five percent interest rate, pay it off. Invest the difference if it's under a five percent interest rate."
"We are done with debt, we're taking debt off the table, no more."
"Blueprint to pay off your mortgage in 5 years."
"Interest never really gets a chance to accrue because it's like a credit card."
"Keep hustling this money that you're paying 15 16 17 interest on is so expensive and it is destroying your wealth."
"Debt is a wonderful tool to accumulate and multiply capital."
"Debt is a killer. If you have too much debt, nobody's coming to save you."
"My husband left me and I have car loans and a mortgage that I'm behind on."
"I think it's a good just mental exercise for you guys just to get you've been carrying around all this stuff that's equated to carrying around debts and just getting rid of some of it I think it's going to bring you a lot of peace."
"Debt is a double-edged sword; it can be used against you, but you can also use it to your advantage."
"Do not spend money that you do not have because it will snowball."
"If you're paying off your credit cards every month, uh the credit card perks feel like free money."
"I can stop paying the 65 bi-weekly and I could just put that straight towards the collections and just get rid of that quicker."
"Once you get your debt gone, you can find a way to live off very little."
"A positive for the club because the debt goes, that's a positive."
"The key to getting out of debt is never giving up."