
Social Good Quotes

There are 259 quotes

"It's so cool when you can entertain and do good at the same time."
"Football is for everyone. Football can educate, entertain, and be a force for good."
"This is leading to innovative new approaches to doing good which are redefining notions of altruism."
"That money is lined up for a charity, and it's going to assist good causes."
"It's in the interest of the social good to have safe transportation systems that people survive."
"We're on that path... using technology not just to make money, not just for entertainment, but trying to do social good with it as well."
"I think you should try to do good things if you can. You should try to have an impact on the world if you can."
"We're very egalitarian. We believe that these chains should work for people."
"Those who helped those in need, whatever they believed, they were the people who were in the right."
"Everyone has their own dreams. I'd like to do something good for our society."
"We should aim to make actions of good and integrity so culturally prominent that they influence global trends and political landscapes."
"It's exciting to be part of something that's a vehicle for good."
"Unions are generally a net good. They're the reason we have weekends."
"There's nothing that can do more good and benefit more people than capitalism if we get it right."
"Together we are changing lives indeed, every single day."
"Doing good and doing well actually come together. If you want to create a $10 billion company, solve a problem that affects a billion people."
"For the goodness of the society, we can work with people of different faiths, different nationalities, and different races."
"I think teaching people to read and write is a good thing."
"The actions that we take should always be towards the authoring of some sort of good, personally for ourselves and for other people."
"Politics can be used as a tool for good. Now we don't see much of that these days."
"Fundamental things like social good contribute to our long-term survival as a species."
"Profit and power should be married to social good for a sustainable future."
"It's just nice of 2021 to see that so many of the good guys are doing good."
"We should do things that benefit the people as a whole and increase the probability of the future is good."
"Our mission: we exist to eradicate food deserts, to bring fresh and healthy access to all."
"I'm very encouraged just to see the people who come out of the woodwork to help on these sorts of things."
"Let's help these guys reach their goal of 100,000 donated meals this month."
"The world becomes a better place when individuals act for the good of the group."
"Let's come together and actually do some good in the world."
"We need ordinary people to join with us to make it for the good of society and the good of individuals."
"We are trying to make the world a better place."
"Making money while helping people - it's the ultimate win-win."
"We're going to help the most amount of people."
"With the grace of God and a willingness to work together in the cause of good, the ends we seek will come in the fullness of time."
"You're an entertainer, okay? And you can use that platform for such good."
"It's a bummer because this should benefit everyone."
"Now would be an excellent time to either volunteer or start donating money or doing things that you know contribute to a greater, a better world."
"I would like to know what it is. But if we do find out, I hope we leave it alone."
"Robert Schwartz believed that it was possible both to do well and to do good."
"Frame the argument through positivity: which system allows for you to do more good?"
"Your investment and support are making a difference in people's lives around the world."
"Finding a cause that is really worthwhile where you know that you can do a lot of good is probably the best thing that you can do."
"Making a difference for another human being."
"We're doing good when we see stories like that."
"You want to stumble around and be useful to other people... it's useful to be useful to other people."
"I believe that doing good is a fantastic business."
"If you can use what you did for good you can change the world."
"You're a good person, you want the best for yourself, for your family, for your friends, and for the rest of the regular decent people in this country and around the world."
"If this video leaves you wanting to do some good in this world..."
"Sometimes you have to vote for the greater good."
"We have to harness the goodness and the decency for political purposes because what we did in the nonprofit sector can be done in the public sector."
"Life is about community, so you take the friends that you make and you do good."
"If we all did this, the world would be a better place."
"Sharing the success, the more money you make, the more good you can do."
"He was a secret angel giving back to people without receiving any credit."
"There are so many victories out there doing the good work."
"I genuinely love being able to make a positive impact in the world."
"Make sure you go check on somebody today because you never know what they're going through. Make a change in their life for real."
"Never underestimate the power of small acts of kindness."
"From startup to scale up, leveraging blockchain for economic and social good."
"Proof there's still good-hearted people out here."
"The common good balance sheet is meant to be a visible hand."
"What they did was a very good thing and I think it is something that should be encouraged."
"Those truly inspired by their favorite fictional characters may even leverage their dedication for good societal deeds."
"People make money from doing good; it's a wonderful thing."
"Teaching people to read and write is a good thing."
"Positive atheism is what we want to show. Hey, we can build these communities together, we can do good works together, because it's the right thing to do."
"A business can actually do more good than a non-profit."
"If somebody does something good and it helps another party, both sides can benefit."
"They saw somebody out there in need and they were being a decent person."
"That's what it's all about here - using our power as a community for good and for helping the people."
"The creators who lift up those communities and give them a home are doing an incredible amount of good."
"I want to personally raise kids that are in unfortunate situations and put them into a better environment."
"It's amazing to see that a company like XLM in the Stellar Development Foundation is moving this smoothly when it's not even for profit. It's beautiful to see."
"Every little bit helps. There's nothing that is too small. You have to remember that."
"Providing information that helps people be a part of making the world a better place."
"We really appreciate that if you join us in spreading a little more kindness during this time of need for so many people."
"He that can give to his city any blessing, he who can be a good citizen while he lives here, he that can make better homes, he that can be a blessing wherever he works..."
"Freedom and security, not meaning free markets and police, but freedom from coercion and unjust hierarchies, and security as in providing for the social good."
"We can do more and do better if we're thinking about the greater good."
"They do the greatest work. Over 93% of the end dollar goes to the end user."
"They basically are helping make the world a better place."
"We never dreamed we'd be able to help as many people as we have."
"The Duchess uses her royal status to do good."
"This story really does go to show there are amazing people out there."
"When footballers actually use their power for goods, that's quite cool."
"A hundred percent of the Mafia shirts go towards Cars for Heroes," promoting a charity initiative.
"life is short and it's the only one you're getting so enjoy it and do good while you still can"
"For now I can just appreciate people coming together to support someone so deserving like Corey kitchen I just wanted to talk about this briefly because I think it's a great thing overall."
"Let's do a good deed every single day and the other person shouldn't know."
"Can a group of people just get together and do some good?"
"Diana found a way of being compassionate with people she'd never met before."
"Their mission is to help build hope, resilience, and a path to a promising future for young people."
"Good karma, you're spreading that for someone who may actually really, really need it that day, you know, and that small difference makes a huge, I mean a small offer makes a huge difference to somebody's day, so you may find yourself doing that."
"Everyone has the power to do some good." - Commentator
"In making that connection between how we care for ourselves and social good."
"For every dollar you spend you will do 87 of social good in the developing World."
"Being more humble about what you claim to know is an intrinsic good and I think it's also a social good as well."
"He's not afraid to use the cultural cachet he's earned for the greater good."
"Vicky Lawrence's Journey from Hollywood success to CIU advocacy underscores the importance of using one's platform for social good."
"I'm so glad that I can recommend a company that really does so much good for so many people."
"In the search for the right idea, the willful search not for what's going to be best for me but what's going to be best for the community."
"Learn to do well, seek justice, and contend for the widow and the orphan."
"Replacing free-market capitalism with businesses that benefit all mankind is truly breathtaking."
"It's about what the money can do for our communities."
"I have an interest in leveraging every part of my influence for good in the way that I can."
"Tell people to use their money to do good."
"I feel like with such a large platform that I have, it would be absolutely pointless of me to not use it for some kind of good."
"Philanthropy has a lot of benefits."
"It's not just about social good or morality; it's also a potential way to bring down inflation."
"Amateur boxing is a force for social good in this country."
"I love talking about and being associated with companies that actually just do good."
"It became frankly addicting to do good, to do good in the world, to bring help to people who otherwise maybe would end up in a situation they would regret down the road."
"These are resources for the people... we're kind of like doing it for the people."
"Conscious capitalism is... you can run a business, it can be profitable, but you can do good with it at the same time."
"I'm always very aware of the fact that I need to use this for social good."
"Every pair of socks that is bought from that machine is helping someone in need and that's something to be praised."
"Social good is very much valued in Canada; it's important to give back."
"All I look at is what they've done and who it's helped."
"You also have to align the incentives of corporations with the greater good."
"How can we learn while we're here to do the most good, which I think is an admirable thing."
"I want to do more good for others."
"The public good has to do with feeding the hungry and giving shelter to those who don't have shelter and giving education to people."
"You have to have personal piety and you have to have social Holiness."
"100% of the net profits from the sales of this pen goes to help a charity called Equilibrium."
"We employ and empower survivors of human trafficking through gemstone jewelry."
"One little thing I might add to that is the helping of people. Helping of people."
"It's a good thing when you're able to make a positive impact on people's lives."
"It's not just about us; it's actually good for the community as a whole."
"You need individuals who have courage and who are committed to do social good and who are elected and responsible to the people who have elected them."
"Tiny houses are being used in some good ways, in particular in terms of homelessness."
"Being kind speaks volumes about you and makes the world a better place."
"If we can stop these 10 people from falling for it, that's 10 lives that will be a lot better off."
"For every pair of glasses you purchase, pair eyewear provides a pair of glasses to a child in need."
"If I can use this channel to make the world a better place and bring some positiveness to it, that would be so incredible."
"I think a bunch of guys like us should team up and do some good. Intriguing."
"Both sides really are just trying to make the world a better place."
"Every donation benefits a great cause supporting the work of Meals on Wheels."
"You can shop their charity collections."
"We want the platform to inspire other people to do good in the world."
"It's a social enterprise not-for-profit all about helping autistic people get into work, which is fantastic."
"I want to give away to those that are in need."
"Could I invest my life this year in creating the common good?"
"Even if we can make someone's day a little bit better, then it's worth doing."
"Doing the greatest good for the greatest number of people."
"The sole purpose of this amazing organization is to build safe, decent, and affordable housing for families in need."
"Politics has become a ticket for power, not power as an instrument of doing something good for society."
"For every good person that you impact, how many good people do they impact? You don't know how many people's lives you make better through the people whose lives you make better."
"The Prospector Theater... provides meaningful work opportunities to those with disabilities."
"Explore classes to unlock your creativity for social good."
"The key thing here is transforming lives first."
"We want to do massive social good and build a big successful company."
"We believe that doing well is about doing good."
"Florida, you have got a real chance to remedy a mistake and do something genuinely good for over a million of your citizens."
"Goodwill provides jobs to teenagers and people who might not always be able to get a job."
"If you want companies to be socially responsible, you have to make it in their financial best interest to be socially responsible."
"He believes in taking capitalist principles and applying them to social good."
"He's helping so many people on such a large scale in a major way."
"With every membership of Thrive that is bought, they gift another membership to a low-income family, veteran, teacher, or student."
"If I could help one person, then I did good."
"If you're not going to do something that's really good that doesn't do something good for someone artistically or making them better or stronger or braver, screw you and do something else that does make the world better."
"Studying business isn't all about the bottom line; many entrepreneurs have used their expertise and knowledge of the marketplace to create products that improve on age-old traditions and do so in a way that tries to make the world a better place."
"That would be making positive change, that would be doing something good."
"Baraka believes the business can be and should be a force for good, integrating social value, business value, and environmental stewardship."
"You help people because it's kind to do."
"We build software to fight human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of children."
"It is possible to make money and to help others to do good and to do well at the same time."
"The Gospel of Wealth is that they had an obligation essentially to donate their large fortunes... for the greater good."
"We try to have a positive impact on people's lives."
"We do something that everybody knows makes a difference."
"Some of this money is gonna be donated to either the homeless children or the military, so it is for a good cause."
"We're doing affordable housing, and it's the right thing to do."
"I am all about building quality products that serve social good."
"One side wants this: an end to homelessness, employment, proper development and care for the environment, industrial growth in a way that works towards the population."
"The world benefits from treating people equally and giving them equal access under the law."
"It's always about the people in the end, right? The things we do like this and also what we talked about in terms of spillovers."
"By sharing our videos, you are joining us on a mission to make the world a better place."
"There is some good that comes out of it, so help your community out."
"Unlock your creativity for social good."
"I hope it arms you to go out and be good to people."
"The companies that can do the most good are often the companies that are most profitable and valuable."
"Think about starting a nonprofit, so that's why I'm going through all these sites."
"I'm gonna give this company a 10 out of 10 because, you know, I bet it tastes good and it smelled good, and they're doing good."
"Community supports community, and it is a sign that there are good people out there."
"Pledges are simply an invitation from the government for citizens to voluntarily agree to do something that increases social good."
"Can you do me a favor? Can you be kind to someone today?"
"Something that is socially good can also be economically beneficial."
"Good science is itself based upon alignment with the social good and with democratic processes."
"I like to help out the less fortunate."
"Many people want to put their hard-earned capital into companies, organizations, and funds that generate social and environmental impact."
"We're gonna put some positivity in the world."
"I would like it said that she made a difference, that she used her platform for good."
"Providing jobs to felons who have trouble finding jobs is actually a very good thing to do."
"Ethics... doing something to create positive change and social impact."
"We have partnered up with World Vision to contribute to their initiative with our own social initiative."
"We are talking about real good values for the future generation, for Humanity, for example no poverty and quality education, quality healthcare and well-being."
"Power is in the service of discovering more truth and advancing their rights and advancing genuine good in the world."
"Doing well by doing good is part of our mission statement."
"This is one of the few win-wins we have; it's better for people experiencing homelessness, it's better for us all."
"Helping people was right. We haven't done that for a long time."