
Men's Health Quotes

There are 137 quotes

"Varicocele... it's a very common condition probably about 15% of all men have it and it's a very common cause of infertility."
"I went through primary school, high school, and university without even once getting told how to check myself for men's health problems like this."
"Suicide is the single biggest cause of death for men under 45."
"Men are victims of three-quarters of suicides in the United States... because of traditional stereotypical standards of manliness."
"Self-prioritization will change 80 percent of these men's lives because they don't prioritize themselves."
"Testosterone is not only key to men's physical health, not only to your bones, not only towards your muscles but also your mental health."
"This study involving 102,000 men has found that men between the ages of 20 and 25 have observed a 37% reduction in testosterone levels over the past 15 years."
"We help men become better men through fitness, finances, and understanding female nature."
"Lead to some very positive outcomes in men's lives."
"Manscaping: opening up the conversation about male grooming."
"Men's mental health doesn't mean much to other people, but it does to us."
"Therapy is essential [...] it will prevent depression, the anxiety among men is off the charts."
"That's so amazing to see more guys getting into skincare and understanding how important it is."
"Listen up skincare brands... you need to stop putting menthol, eucalyptus, peppermint... in your men's targeted skincare lines."
"Manscaped - the global brand for men’s grooming and hygiene products!"
"Blueberries offer a natural Avenue to mitigate Ed symptoms."
"Lower testosterone levels in men are associated with depression, lethargy, weight gain, decreased cognitive ability—nothing like this has ever happened to a population this big."
"Regret to inform you: the men are not okay. The men have no friends, no girlfriend, no college education, no money."
"Men's problems should be taken way more seriously."
"Hot flashes and night sweats can occur in prostate cancer."
"Men's mental health isn't being prioritized, but you also say that prioritizing your mental health isn't manly."
"Talk to your boys, it's okay to have emotions."
"Join over 8 million men worldwide who trust manscaped."
"The key thing that we were asked after here is if they had a shorter AGD, did they have a lower... did they have poor statement quality? And the answer was yes."
"Men do live shorter lives and that's because of a repression of emotions."
"American men are failing in body in mind and in spirit this is a crisis."
"There's a lot of people that face this issue. Millions and millions of men, but I've got the solution for you."
"The best carbs for men: berries, sweet potato, rice, and oatmeal."
"Red meat has creatine and other nutrients that support testosterone levels."
"Fenugreek increases testosterone levels by up to 46%."
"Zinc doubled serum testosterone levels in men."
"Men benefit from being around more masculine men."
"Erectile dysfunction, that's low testosterone, that is a deficiency of zinc."
"Literally the biggest killer of men under 50 is suicide."
"A lot of men do and it is nothing to be ashamed of."
"Testosterone is not only key to men's physical health, but also your mental health."
"We investigated the rather sensitive subject of whether cycling can impact men's sexual health."
"I'm normalizing the dialogue for us as men to be able to say this is what the [__] I feel and this is what I'm feeling and you're not going to shame me into not feeling it."
"As guys, sometimes we need a little bit of help."
"It's Movember man, exclamation mark Movember in the chat if you guys want to support our fundraising efforts for men's health."
"Take care of it. Go to GetRoman.com now and make your [censored] get back in the game."
"Step one is actually acknowledging that there are some issues men particularly experience."
"Men should express emotions and feelings when necessary."
"Men's depression rates are skyrocketing, men's suicide rates are skyrocketing, I'm not making these statistics, I'm just drawing light on this topic."
"Make sure you take care of yourselves, gentlemen."
"I can see how this type of product would be appealing for dudes because uh it's nothing too heavy or crazy and honestly it's sunscreen so if it can encourage guys to use more sunscreen that's always a good thing right."
"Is that what men's physique is? It's supposed to be for sure."
"Men have to turn off games and have to turn off porn."
"It's okay for men to show emotions. It's okay for men to feel vulnerable."
"Men win by staying in shape and having a fun outgoing personality."
"One in three men are either a virgin or haven't had sex in the past year, that's brutal."
"A game is an all-natural solution for men, and you take it, and it gives you energy and libido, and Your vitality will be on the roof."
"It's good to have spaces for men to vent their frustrations and to talk about their male-specific issues."
"There's nothing sexier than a man with confidence, and BlueChew can help give you that confidence where it counts."
"Women say there's nothing sexier than a man with confidence, and BlueChew can help give you that confidence where counts."
"It's hard for men to talk about their problems."
"Men need to eat broccoli because men are exposed to too much estrogen so men listening me right now and watching me you want to eat broccoli on a regular basis."
"Mental health is no joke, and I think more men need to be open about it."
"Men's health also declines after divorce: weight fluctuations, depression, anxiety, insomnia."
"The suicide rate for divorced men is nearly two and a half times than that of married men."
"Fifty percent of men over 50 have difficulties. Men of all ages will have difficulties."
"It is a step in the right direction for so many men, and that is such a good thing."
"63 percent of cancer cases among men preventable."
"My goal and the goal of other specialists like myself is to remove the stigma of ED so that men feel comfortable seeking care and restoring both intimacy and confidence in their personal lives."
"It's aimed at dudes, dude, and it raises awareness of dude-specific cancer, which is an important and not frequently enough talked about issue."
"Men can regain a huge amount of vitality... and really improve their overall experience of life now in a very in a fairly safe way."
"Most men should consume about 3 to 5 servings of carbohydrate per meal."
"Rex MD, the authority in men's health."
"52 percent of guys will get EDY. A lot of people think, 'Oh, that's just the way they're built.' But it actually can be a sign of something more serious. So it's not just something to joke about."
"Men shouldn't think that this isn't for them because it absolutely is. Saturated fat affects your sperm and affects the emotional and mental health of your offspring."
"Some people might not know that it is also uh to help raise awareness for men's health and fight cancer."
"Men should be screened with PSA early."
"Embrace the Luck of the Irish and join the 10 million men worldwide who trust manscaped."
"I just want to make a change, like I want to help as many men as I can."
"It's time to put your stick shift back in drive, regain your confidence, and skip the uncomfortable doctor's visit with a little help from Rex MD."
"Men have their choice of occupational therapy."
"He has his own Instagram now: sirhunterthedal, so go ahead and check him out for prostate cancer information and men's health."
"I hope that makes a difference in preventing what happens to so many other men."
"Not enough men are out there prioritizing their comfort and taking care of themselves."
"It's arrived that takes place all over the world, far away as Australia, and it's in aid of Movember which supports men's mental health awareness and prostate cancer."
"Just trying to stay on paths, that's like our only thing that we do as guys to monitor our health."
"Mental health is something that we all struggle with, especially as men."
"'Cause I hate prostate cancer! I'm bringing awareness to men's health."
"The greatest risk reduction was for vegan men by far much greater risk reduction than anyone else."
"The National Osteoporosis Foundation really wants us to look at the risk of a man having significant morbidity and mortality."
"If you have any man in a men's health clinic, regardless of prostate cancer, if he's had a vertebral body or hip fracture, if he has a low T score... think about putting these patients on some type of medical-based therapy."
"All proceeds generated from this channel for the month of November end up getting donated directly in support of men's health."
"I want men to feel comfortable opening up about their feelings and expressing the struggles they're going through."
"Men typically are happier and healthier when partnered."
"If you are a man over 60 or if you are the loved one of a man over 60, it's important that this group is coming in for skin cancer screening."
"Over the past couple of years, I've pretty much been exclusively creating content on an evidence-based approach to supplementation in order to improve men's health."
"Men should check in on their friends, it's very important."
"The purpose of the channel is to create a community to improve the lives of men through shared experiences, knowledge, and learnings."
"Movember is about speaking about your feelings for men's suicide prevention."
"Tea makes my life uncomplicated; it's uncomplicated skincare for men."
"These tests are useful for defining risks in men, primarily with localized disease."
"Movember charity for men's health... is all the time that I spent with the charity because it lasts the entire month."
"It's best to be safe than sorry because I know most guys don't get their blood work done, they don't get any type of thing checked out so it's always good too."
"It's an incredibly important message that men shouldn't have to be battling these things alone."
"My goal definitely is to inspire more men to pick up the practice and integrate yoga into their life."
"How can men and those who care for them better educate themselves regarding prostate health?"
"The big question is this: How can we shift toward getting men off their medication for an enlarged prostate?"
"It's really important that men don't ignore these symptoms."
"I really enjoyed sharing my experience about this very important men's health issue."
"Men don't want to talk about it, and I think we should."
"Movember is upon us, that magical time when men around the world grow mustaches for charity in support of men's health research."
"We're just men advocating for other men to live happy lives and do well."
"We absolutely need to have a conversation about men's mental health."
"All I want to do now is try and encourage other men to start conversations much sooner."
"Suicide is the biggest killer in men under 50, not murder, not cancer... it's suicide."
"Push men in your life to actually go get themselves checked, to go to the doctor."
"Most of the factors that promote early death in men are caused by the environment and, often, by your choices."
"Estrogen is important, men need Estrogen as well. It's important for brain function and also it's important for bone health."
"The overwhelming majority of men who use finasteride have had great success with the drug."
"One of the major goals of my platform... is to give men the information to live a joyous life."
"You're so welcome, don't be silly, often men can be a little bit more reluctant to come and get things checked out."
"Men need to express themselves more, they're bottling it up, they need to be more emotionally expressive."
"Men's Health Month was created to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys."
"While we're all arguing about this, more men are suffering because of it."
"Men have mid-life crisis, it's called andropause."
"You have the charity Movember, one of the leading charities for men's mental health and suicide prevention."
"It's so important that guys take time for their self-care."
"Movember has been held annually around the world every November men around the world stop shaving their mustaches for a month and collect donations for research on men's health problems."
"Men die earlier... from purely preventable diseases like heart disease, stroke, and food-related cancers."
"In the end, I hope it helps men. Thank you so much."
"The most common prostate problem in men is BPH."
"Self-care as well, gents. We don't look after ourselves enough."
"Don't let anyone tell you that skincare is not a thing for guys, cause it definitely is. Take care of your skin, guys."