
Mastery Quotes

There are 7263 quotes

"Every single time you find somebody who is exceptional at their craft and doing well in life, those people have a kind of intuition about what feels good to them."
"When your life becomes a non-stop prayer of thank you, you will know that you have mastered this key, and your life will be nothing short of magical."
"A kid will want to do that spontaneously because Mastery and learning are human hungers, human needs."
"Masters are always very chill; they don't show off their strength until they really have to."
"If you're really on top of something, you can do it with a light touch."
"A master is somebody who was a beginner who kept beginning."
"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear—not absence of fear."
"Once a man learns how to control his pleasures, he also masters how to control his pain."
"Movement is like a mastery and growth experience; we will pretty much always get better at it, and we will always enjoy it more the more we do it."
"Become a master of the basics, and the small wins will make the big wins."
"The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the master."
"The way you fast track it is really mastering a vehicle, getting good at it like business. That's what's going to allow you to scale a lot faster and have more money to invest with."
"The longer you do something, the better you get at it."
"Being a master of one but a jack of all trades, it will help you more than anything else."
"You're never going to become the best at something unless you're obsessed with it."
"Life is a mystery. As soon as you master it, you step into a new mystery."
"The only difference between someone who's proven to know what they're doing and a grandmaster is time."
"Great skill, great mastery, great ability comes from constant and never-ending improvement."
"If you want to be good at anything, you commit yourself and dedicate yourself to it and you become the master of your craft."
"Jurgen Windcaller's mastery of the voice eventually overcame all opposition, and the Way of the Voice was born."
"You are the master and mistress of your own destiny."
"Simplicity is one of the hardest things to master, and that goes for everything in life."
"In order to master her, you really got to put in some extra time to really understand the flow and the pace."
"Masters are people who because of their intense connection to what they're studying... they actually learn faster."
"You're not going to be a master in this world unless you know how to get along with people. We're social animals."
"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."
"Don't even worry about mastery yet. Mastery takes decades."
"Habits are...the foundation for mastery in any area."
"You have to learn to be the master of the game of the set of iterable games that repeat."
"I encourage people to... take more of a responsibility of the role or ownership over that tool and becoming a master of it."
"Consistency is the evidence of maturity and the pathway to mastery."
"That's when you become the master of your dream."
"Fundamentals are practiced, they're corrected, and then they are perfected."
"True masters rely on discipline, not motivation."
"You have to master that piece of content that you feel comfortable and that you can consistently do all the time."
"A blue-collar lifestyle is not necessarily subservient at all because you can be master of your trade's domain."
"Rather than being victims which we have believed all the way up to now, we are the masters."
"You get true understanding, you get true perspective, you get real mastery."
"Appreciating the statue of David up close, getting to see Lono Messi dribble past five players, watching Jack Nicholson command every scene he's in, it doesn't matter what the subject matter is, it's always enthralling to see an absolute master of their craft at work."
"Never follow money, focus on the master and mastery."
"The hero in mythology is the person who goes into unknown territory and masters it."
"The number one skill... human beings should learn to master [is] emotional regulation."
"Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts."
"If you want to change your life, you must become a master at visualization."
"The fun in games, the fun in learning is the fun of mastering something. The fun of figuring out the puzzle, recognizing a pattern, having developed the dexterity to make that next step in the game that you couldn't make before."
"Over my time playing it, and certainly in my time learning the speedrun, I've grown to really appreciate this game."
"Mastering your fundamentals is about reducing the uncertainty about yourself, ensuring you're up to your own best ability to handle the various situations thrown your way."
"If you can make it through that valley and you make it past the quitting point, you will get to mastery."
"Anyone can just speedrun a game; you have someone here who has taken complete control of this game, moving through the dark, manipulating RNG."
"Laughter is such a powerful weapon when you learn how to master it and use it."
"You can become the true master of your own thinking within that domain."
"The chef in the kitchen isn't a master chef because of how many recipes he or she has memorized. The master chef is the master because of their mastery of the ingredients."
"The things that I do learn, I try to learn them really well."
"Just like clay, you must shape it, you must mold it and you must make it a masterpiece."
"I control my will, not just for now but over time, which makes you a master of self."
"Learning to master our emotions is like learning to become a powerful magician."
"High performers, they are obsessive about their topic... they're obsessive about mastering that topic."
"The only way to become a master is to continue doing what you're doing but do it so much that you keep improving."
"The best way to learn something and master something is to be able to teach it in an easy way to other people."
"We need to command and master the environment of relationships."
"Remember, it's better to learn fewer movements well than rushing through too many."
"Getting good at something is as simple as just doing it a lot."
"The ability to control your internal environment with your will is the mastery of this game of life."
"Mastery takes years and years... if there was an easy way to do it then everybody would do it. If it was easy then it wouldn't be hard."
"Feeling like you're good at what you do is a manifestation and expression of mastery."
"You are what you practice. If you practice being a master or mystic, keep practicing, and you'll start experiencing inexplicable events in your life."
"You don't become the master unless you're very, very good at being a student."
"Your craft is a mosaic of mastery, resulting in an overall symmetry between triumph and treasures."
"Wuji is the only human on this earth who masters the moves of the nine suns and the moves of heaven and earth at the same time."
"The needle through glass move takes more than 10 years to perfect."
"Installing that psychology of mastery but purifying your heart, we can get into tactics so you release the past pain but you also embrace your gratitude and you stand in love."
"The pursuit alone of mastery, whether you get there or not, is a worthwhile investment and it's going to help you lead a more fulfilling, profitable, enjoyable, successful life, however you define that."
"Achieving mastery is fueled by curiosity and viewing failures as opportunities for learning."
"You need to discipline your mind, you need to master your mind."
"What you must acquire then is a reflective control of the operation of the subconscious."
"Never forget that you are the master of your own reality."
"He becomes a master not through anger or emotion but through a love of learning, self-edification, and self-discovery."
"Mastery is earned, and mastery takes time. Mastery stays until nine, ten, eleven, twelve o'clock to make sure the kerning is perfect."
"If you really work on your craft, you can become a master of it."
"Everybody has their own unique mastery and contribution to the whole."
"The inventors of the East had become masters in the art of mechanical engineering."
"What a master class in patience and precision!"
"Even if you manage to overcome each and every single barrier to the art form, neither you nor I will ever fully understand it."
"The highest art of mastery, the highest form of mastery, is to turn the worst obstacle into the most remarkable affordance."
"If you want to master something, if you're really committed to it, you push past the resistance, and that's actually where you become the best in the world."
"You want to develop technical mastery. You want to be the best at what you do."
"We are the absolute masters of our physical organism through the power of thought or suggestion."
"The sooner you accept yourself, the sooner you get in terms with your flaws, your weaknesses, your strengths, and the sooner you master them, that will be the most beneficial for you."
"We become the men we want to be when we put ourselves through the process of mastery and not allowing the dog within to run wild."
"Mastery of everything is the mastery of mastery. It's the mastery of yourself."
"Master your craft and play with what you're mastering, and those two will come together across time."
"The name of the game is skill acquisition. It's just about getting so good at something that you can't be denied."
"Mastery, self-discipline, and discipleship... the goat that can steadily day-by-day just climb the mountain relentlessly until it gets to the top."
"Self-control is strength; Right Thought is mastery; Calmness is power. Say unto your heart, 'Peace, be still!'"
"Through your lifetime, you might go through experiences that cause you to reflect a lot, giving you the ability to become a master of the self."
"A genius is someone that never produces anything bad... For me, a genius is someone that whatever they turn their hand to, they can kind of master it."
"To become world-class in anything, you need 10,000 hours of practice to the minimum."
"The emotional master is a person that remains completely detached from their emotions, they're completely aware that their emotions are simply energy moving through their body, and they are not reactive to anything."
"The intellect is a beautiful servant but it's a terrible master."
"Nothing happens, then everything happens... Mastery is the mysterious process during which what is at first difficult becomes progressively easier and more pleasurable through practice."
"Mastering one move or two moves over and over again is the blueprint and the truth."
"If you're already really good at what you're doing, it may help to find something else to distract you."
"They are trying to become a master at what they do... they love pushing forward with their goals, making things happen."
"Emotions are great servants but poor masters."
"If I saw something was difficult, I wanted to master it."
"You cannot run away from life, you can't run away from the machine; you must learn how to work the machine and then it sets you free."
"This is a time when you start practicing something and you take time to practice it every day, you will become a master at it."
"The best weapon you have is the one you're willing to master."
"Practice your speech until you can't get it wrong."
"Focus on mastery. Beethoven didn't focus on how to write the greatest symphony of all time; he just worried about the next note."
"Clarity breeds mastery. Vague thinking leads to vague production."
"It's something I talk about in mastery... discovering what it is that you were meant to do in life, which I think is the most important thing for anybody's life."
"It's crucial, you know, to do it with a sense of play. That's a sign of mastery."
"Listen for your voice and whatever resonates with you, follow that, and try to master it."
"I've been playing this game my whole life, I mastered the team game. I've been in every situation... I know how to do everything."
"Being in control of your promises and what you're making is a sign of mastery of the art."
"Mastery over misery. It's like how Sushi chefs take years to perfect the preparation of rice."
"Depth, rather than breadth of experience, is required for mastery, so it's little wonder that introverts tend to be more intelligent and creative than extroverts."
"The Mastery that someone demonstrates over a given subject domain is precisely proportionate to the degree that they can do it in the spirit of play."
"The journey to mastery is most fulfilling on the journey itself, not the destination."
"When you know why you want something, when it's desperation, you find reserves and reservoirs of ideas, talents, and a strength that you don't know you have."
"If you can master how to enter lucid dreams, your life will literally change."
"Get so good at something that they can't ignore you."
"Earners are learners, so learning and obviously take the time to perfect their craft and stay consistent with it."
"After doing these exercises over and over again for days, he masters them all and now he's ready to return to Human Society."
"The importance of practice in mastering anything cannot be overstated; it's about trying, failing, and trying again."
"It's tough but you will thoroughly enjoy mastering everything this title has to offer because it does everything so well."
"Fundamentally, if you want to be the absolute best at whatever it is you picked, you've got to focus pretty much all, if not the vast majority of your training on that goal."
"I'm going to tell them, bro, listen, stay focused, eat, sleep, perfect your craft of whatever you want to do. You can't do both."
"The ultimate step in learning where you are an unconscious competence, which means that you're able to do this skill that you want to learn, that you've already learned, but you don't even have to think about it because you're doing it intuitively. It's natural, you're a natural, and you've mastered your craft."
"If you really want to go that next level, you have to become one with the object."
"Can you master the awesome power of the Force?"
"If you want to master something, teach about it."
"Playing devil's advocate is kind of one of my favorite things to do and I know it's potentially a bit annoying to other people but it comes from a good place."
"Mars in Taurus: once they find something they love, practice brings mastery and teaching potential."
"I love the process of going from knowing nothing about something to mastering it."
"It's obvious why I want it simpler because I want it simpler to operate, but why do I want increased capacity?"
"It's so rare to be able to juggle all those different genres and tones and to nail it, and he did it masterfully."
"Master what you're good at before you move on to something else."
"When you've spent 30 years honing your instrument, your voice is comparable to a masterwork instrument."
"Speedrunning is fan-driven gradual mastery of a game, done by replaying it over and over, aiming for goals the developers may never have thought possible."
"We need to trust acting as an art form and find beauty in the many ways it can be mastered."
"Your natural passion guided you through the steps you know so well."
"Master P, he mastered that, mastered it, you know."
"You've already mastered the main moves; now you just have to use those moves in a more sophisticated way."
"Continuing in pursuits that we already have some degree of mastery over and thinking about where could I notch that up another two or three percent."
"The first two films are rightfully hailed as some genuine masterpieces."
"It's incredible to see how he's just owning the track." - From the palm of his hand or the back of his hand was the same way.
"Champions like Irelia may not be the highest pick or win rate in champion, but once you master some of these champions they're broken."
"Teach, supplement, repeat: the Tamer recalls the five levels of skill mastery."
"To give challenger, you have to perfect a level."
"If he can Master this then he can really make anything he really wants."
"Doctor Strange is a master of the mystic arts and has quickly mastered an untold number of abilities."
"Hunt displayed a far greater mastery of the fight than anyone else had until this point."
"He is truly a master, what an absolute genius."
"Understanding how the body really works is essential for mastering health."
"He's got what I call unconscious competence."
"You can never truly be masters of anything until you master yourself."
"Recognize your mastery, for if you could see yourselves as we see you, there would be no discontent, only love."
"It takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at anything."
"People that make a difference in the world are not people who have mastered a lot of things. They are people who have been mastered by a very few things that are very, very great."
"I got so adept at the combat that I finally achieved the validation I seeked five star rankings baby not just on normal but even in the new game plus hard mode."
"I believe that no matter who you are you can master the drums you can conquer the instrument when you are armed with the right know-how."
"I'm gonna do this one thing and do it really really well that's all I wanted to do."
"I want to stop dabbling and start dominating."
"There are no Royal Roads, no shortcuts to proficiency."
"Corey Anderson is right, there are levels to this, levels of understanding, of mastery."
"You're a freaking master, I appreciate you so much."
"A master class from Kerrigan, he enters the flow state with phase alongside him."
"You need to be pursuing a project on your own that will lead to you having autonomy and you being able to pursue mastery in the thing that you want to master."
"Sometimes we've just got to remember how good breaking through that wall of progression and journeying up to the peak of Mastery felt in the past."
"Released in 2008, Dead Space is a master class in atmosphere and tension."
"Obi-Wan Kenobi was simplicity itself. He may not have had a bold style like Anakin's or the ferocity of Mace Windu, but he had a mastery of economic motion."
"Awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan, mastering Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu."
"The only way to get to a point where you're able to do big things is by becoming a master of the little things."
"You're interesting because you learned a skill and you mastered it."
"He's fusing all of these abilities and techniques and nuances together into the monster calamity godslayer fist."
"It's incredible to see the art, just, you know, a master at work."
"Goku manages to completely overwhelm Jiren, managing to dodge all of Jiren's attacks while simultaneously pummeling him."
"People are looking for something in-game that demonstrates your mastery of a particular in-game content, so I do appreciate their movement towards that."
"You become something in order to understand it to its core, to become a pro at it."
"So, I when it says 'Mastered Ultra Instinct,' I think it's more so of he's actually achieved it now."
"This is just incredible. There are times when a master realizes that he is not truly a master and that there's somebody who is on a completely different level than he is."
"The true master will be getting intrinsic enjoyment from the thing that she or he is doing."
"Enormous strident. Absolutely flawless victory, that's four and this is a master class."
"Man masters nature not by force but by understanding."
"What you are about to witness is an absolute master class in how to deal with people who are hostile and disrespectful to you in conversation."
"Bayonetta is the perfect example of the easy to learn difficult to master type of game design."
"Becoming an actual expert at something takes a lot of time, dedication, and mastery."
"It's your fault that you got that good at something that hard!"
"It took 10,000 hours to learn the game but it took a lifetime to master it."
"Mastering your craft requires dedication, perseverance, and operating as if there's no other option."
"Let Luke be an absolute Jedi Grand Master badass."
"He never plays a game casually he gets good at everything he does I don't even think he's interested in engaging with something unless he is doing it at a high level."
"Master your daily life, and your future will be guaranteed."
"Beings who've mastered the art of presence do not need to teach."
"Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist." - Picasso
"Artistic mastery: transcending technicality."
"Masterful individuals draw fine distinctions."
"You're on your way to mastering something you really care about."