
Clinical Trials Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"The psilocybin...not for everybody...But it does appear that the clinical trials on one macro dose...are quite encouraging."
"Neuralink recently received FDA approval to begin human clinical trials."
"In clinical trials, psychedelics like LSD showed extraordinary potential."
"Let's hope that trial shows some therapeutic effectiveness, but it's right to do the trial because as the World Health Organization said, we have to be guided by the evidence."
"The anonymized participant level data underlying the trials for these new products remains inaccessible to doctors, researchers, and the public. This is morally indefensible."
"Emory enrolled one of the most diverse clinical trial populations in the nation."
"Elon Musk's brain machine interface company Neurolink is currently looking for their clinical trial director to start testing brain chips on humans."
"Phase three trial primary efficacy endpoints seem to have been met. So it's looking good so far."
"Wow, that was quick! When you know a drug works, you have to let people in the placebo group know so they can take it."
"You certainly couldn't know that ivermectin works if you don't have randomized controlled trials of a certain size."
"Institutions must build relationships with black communities to gain trust in clinical trials."
"Lord Catherine can help. In a recent clinical trial, Lorcaserin reduced fatness and its symptoms by over 50 percent compared with Placebo."
"This is record time, this is the fourth vaccine candidate in the United States to reach the final stage of trial."
"Forget the clinical trials, it's ongoing data on a daily basis that's still being collected, still being accumulated, still being analyzed."
"Clinical trials.gov lists all FDA-approved clinical trials for anything."
"Interestingly, an interview I found with some of the trial participants who were in the sham surgery arm, who didn't get the real procedure, but remember, still derived a symptomatic benefit, actually felt quite empowered."
"The experience of millions of users worldwide is backed by clinical trials."
"We're proving the therapeutic benefit of microdosing through clinical trials."
"Alleviating symptoms within four days, compared to seven days with placebo."
"As a senior clinical project manager, your job is to oversee the clinical trial from start to finish while staying within the scope of the budget."
"Three vaccine candidates have now moved into phase three trials."
"Even maybe a generous interpretation from what we are now seeing about early results out of the Pfizer trials."
"All results of all trials in humans must be made publicly available."
"The good news is this was allowed by the FDA to go to clinical trials."
"Ethical arguments against double-blind placebo studies for vaccines lack scientific basis."
"So far they're we haven't seen really any adverse effects."
"The double-blind trial is one of the crowning achievements of scientific reason."
"MDMA has gained traction for being very promising in psychotherapy in human clinical trials."
"We need to do clinical trials on women because women have different bodies."
"Dexamethasone improved survival in COVID-19 based on a very large trial."
"No trial-limiting safety concerns were identified, supporting further development of this vaccine." - Moderna Vaccine Trial
"The question of safety is still there, sometimes the true level of safety doesn't come out until you get into phase 3 trials." - Mitigating Vaccine Risks
"The strongest case against most of these things is that if you really took those things and you randomized people to that or sham controlled the effect sizes go to as close to zero as you could expect."
"It's a system that absolutely demands a big RCT."
"Extending big numbers, Solidarity trial, trying what they believe to be the best bets."
"No trial has shown ivermectin-based therapy to be ineffective."
"We need human trials, and we finally got them."
"There's a lot of hope that clinical trials with these compounds will continue to show large long-lasting positive effects for people with severe mental illness."
"As a CRA, you're basically the key person for clinical trials."
"Phase three provides investigators with the most complete information about a drug's effectiveness."
"It's probably something where we're doing clinical trials in the end of this decade or beginning of the 2030s to actually have something that really works to restore vision for patients."
"The crystal lens had positive results in clinical trials."
"In certain conditions where they've involved people with lived experience in the research, they've had a much better success rate and recruitment for clinical trials."
"Informed consent is the form that informs the patient of the purpose of the trial, as well as possible risks and benefits of their participation."
"Continual reassessment method: a more flexible approach than 3+3 design."
"The importance of precise estimation and assessing potential efficacy in phase two trials."
"We can't do all the trials to demonstrate that the interventions that we're proposing are actually going to be beneficial."
"Patients that don't have the biomarker should still be offered opportunity to participate in clinical trials with these approaches because they still can absolutely benefit from these drugs."
"The combination of nivolumab and ipilimumab had the highest survival according to the updated five-year results from the checkmate 067 trial."
"Those are already in clinical trials and I think cancer immunotherapy using ips cells is very promising."
"We have the ability to offer clinical trials. We have other clinical trials that are open, and we will be recruiting even more."
"So we will have there what are those trials called uh the uh the name the lanam ab trial is called ahead uh and the daab trial is called Trailblazer 3."
"When we do these big phase three studies before FDA approval we may get hundreds of people into the clinical trials, however after approval thousands of people are likely to take the medication."
"The differences in the biology between the kidney cancer subtypes, in particular, are so remarkable that I feel that we will gain much more and our patients will benefit so much more if we develop and they enroll in trials tailored to their disease."
"Clinical trials have really been the hallmark of what has improved survival so much in multiple myeloma."
"Hopefully, that will provide an impetus to move forward on stronger clinical ground and really do the science. And so that's what I'm looking forward to as an opportunity to have a continued conversation, hopefully that has more data to back it up."
"The reason clinical trials have failed is because we assume that a therapy we have with marvellously wonderful data on safety and efficacy in mice models of Parkinson's will apply to everyone with Parkinson's."
"So we can really focus on patients who have early onset and atypical Alzheimer's and offer them the opportunity not just to be involved in research, but actually to have access to these new, potentially very impactful therapies through clinical trials."
"...clinical response rate similar to the best antidepressants without any of those side effects..."
"A quality CTMS essentially tracks each step of the clinical trial process, from study startup to study closeout, and serves as a central depository of Clinical Trial Management information."
"A Clinical Trial Management System, or CTMS, is a technology solution that’s designed to help companies manage all non-clinical aspects of clinical trials efficiently and effectively and, thereby, reduce time and cost throughout the clinical trial process."
"So even a drug right now in phase 3 trial, you know, all the patients have to be enrolled."
"The FDA wants to see clinical outcomes improve function for the patient and reduce mortality."
"Clinical trials or volunteering for a research project can help us move forward."
"Patients who had past complete response had a better outcome, and this supports the use of past complete response as an endpoint in clinical trials to evaluate new therapies."
"The trials that are planned are somewhere between 30 and 50,000 patients because you have to have enough infections occurring to show that the vaccine works better than approved than the placebo."
"To demonstrate the efficacy of a new treatment or therapy, we must compare and show that patients who take the treatment or therapy are doing better than those who don't take it."
"The outcomes of trials that have been conducted for psilocybin, including for alcohol use disorder, psilocybin for nicotine cessation, and there was a small trial I believe that was done looking at psilocybin for cocaine dependence, all are pretty amazing."
"Statistically persuasive and clinically meaningful."
"Patients on the trial did experience life-changing improvements."
"I am grateful that I was accepted in the CAR-T cell clinical trial. I'm living proof that it improved my quality of life."
"We saw a modest but consistent effect and benefit on the six-minute walk test."
"No randomized control trial has tested government dietary fat recommendations before their introduction."
"When people have been studied in the context of a clinical trial, and they're getting a drug, and they don't know if it's a statin or placebo, there's no difference in the complaints about muscle symptoms."
"We have to show these medicines to be safe and efficacious, running large scale clinical trials and tracking safety data."
"Clinical trials really offer tomorrow's most promising therapies to patients today."
"If we can see a difference between the results of the placebo group and the results of the real treatment group, then that tells us that there is something actually going on besides the psychological effect."
"The brutally selective, hugely expensive, life-saving trials of immunotherapy."
"This was really a paradigm-changing trial."
"With digital, we're bringing the clinical trials to participants with capabilities like wearables, remote tracking, and telehealth for an enhanced experience."
"Metformin has been tested now in several trials and has been shown to reduce the risk of cancers."
"Nitric oxide is currently being investigated all over the world in hospitals and universities as a possible treatment and intervention for COVID-19."
"The importance of clinical trials for these new medications cannot be overstated."
"When you have access to participate in clinical trials, I really encourage you to do so."
"The study that we're doing is going to be accessible to people in not just in BC, and I would really encourage you to participate; it is for symptom relief, not about trying to cure cancer."
"All clinical trials have to be registered."
"Large, rigorous double-blind control trials are needed to shore up the evidence base."
"They're not meant to hurt people; they oftentimes provide hope where there was none."
"If the FDA knocks on our door a few years from now and says, 'You got a hundred thousand people that have had this treatment,' we'll ask for approval at that point, but we'll have data for a hundred thousand people, so we should easily get the approval."
"For the most part, these trials demonstrate significant early benefits towards decreased mortality, decreased morbidity, lower blood loss and transfusion requirements, and a faster recovery."
"Most drugs never make it to phase three, and if you make it to phase three, that's very promising."
"All recruits of clinical trials will receive full information disclosure."
"We badly need clinical trials; this is the one thing that physicians insist on rightly so."
"CBD has turned out to be an extremely interesting compound and we should know more about CBD after clinical trials are done."
"The best evidence we have for safety of vaccines come from phase four trials."
"Depression was not found to be a side effect at all in the initial randomized clinical trials for both drugs."
"Clinical trials are important, can't underestimate that enough."
"They give us information the trials could not."
"And being a part of these trials, meeting these people and knowing that I'm helping has been one of the biggest positive things that have come from it for me."
"We're really excited about clinical trials bringing new treatments to our patients."
"The focus in the course that we are teaching is in the first instance, assays that are under a GOP GCP assessment of drug safety efficacy."
"In a superiority trial, researchers are trying to demonstrate that the intervention works better than the control."
"Which industry-sponsored trials are suspect? My answer is all of them are."
"Participation in clinical trials and clinical research is critical; it's us and you working together as a team to get answers."
"We have really sound clinical trials now showing us that acupuncture manages symptoms."
"Participating in clinical trials is critically important because when we're talking about doing something better, better means a lot of things."
"We want a different future tomorrow than we have today and that's really where clinical trials get us."
"In clinical trials, it showed that patients lost five to fifteen percent of their body weight while taking Contrave."
"The study met the VF12 primary endpoint, demonstrating remarkable clinical benefit."
"If you go to clinicaltrials.gov... you'll pull up about 250 different trials."
"What we've learned through clinical trials is IMRT significantly improves the five-year overall survival."
"The idea that a compound can be created on an academic campus and then carried through all the way into clinical trials without the need of a third party pharmaceutical partner is quite unique."
"The C-DASH standard recommends not providing actual coding dictionaries to the sites for adverse events, concomitant medication, or medical history to avoid biases."
"CRF completion guidelines are essential for ensuring the integrity of clinical trial data."
"After animal trials have shown efficacy and security, extensive research on humans was started to ensure safety, increase efficiency, and determine the optimal dosages and delivery methods."
"The FDA has approved this device for clinical trials."
"Allocation concealment is almost always possible, even in studies where blinding is impossible."
"Protocol is a plan, nothing but the roadmap to conduct the clinical trials."
"Phase one trials are designed to find out if the drug is safe rather than if the drug is effective."
"For me, an MSC in clinical trials is excellent."
"The hallmark of trial design really is a multi-regional, multiracial, multi-ethnic clinical trial."
"Given the compelling interim results from ORIENT-11, we decided to pursue FDA submission."
"We've heard clearly from all patient groups that they want faces like theirs presented in their clinical trials."
"There has been a tremendous outcry for diversity in clinical trial representation."
"...every human being walking around is a clinical trial unto himself actually, and n=1, the power of any kind of one, but the power of n equals all because that information actually can inform the entire world."
"Clinical trials are key, and we're always thinking about how to provide new approaches that are very specific to each individual woman."
"When we do placebos, neither the person giving nor the person receiving knows, which one's the right drug and which one's just an inert substance."
"Clinical trials often involve patients with specific health conditions who then benefit from receiving otherwise unavailable treatments."
"Volunteers that do enroll in these studies are absolutely critical in order to help improve the therapies."
"The main goal is to prove that the treatment gives the desired result while being safe in an even larger group of patients."
"The IDSA guidelines really stress the importance of clinical trials."
"We're very actively reviewing and trying to get studies up and going."
"Randomized control trials... make the treatment groups comparable, which is good because then you can get causal effects."
"Clinical trial can be done under very strict testing conditions in a lab on various people."
"If me participating in this trial can do anything to bring that end closer, nearer, then I'd like to do it."
"If dutasteride did cause problems, we would have seen them by now in the clinical trials as well as in the follow-up data."
"So, what we're gonna do is we're going to split our patients into two groups."
"The drug's efficacy should be shown in a trial to forestall the chance of unaccounted effects, placebo effects, and experimenter's bias."
"We now have clinical trials showing really impressive efficacy of these vaccines, suggesting that maybe even within that variability, the immunity is still there against disease."
"...to connect patients to immunotherapy clinical trials."
"Some advice I would have for someone considering enrolling in a clinical trial is to think of it as just as valid an option as any other protocol that's in the standard of care."
"Look at it as an opportunity to not only help yourself in finding a treatment that might work for you but also helping so many other patients out there."
"We're seeing many hundreds and even thousands of clinical trials ongoing, looking at novel therapies for patients focused on immunotherapy."
"If this contrast is significant, then we know that it represents the difference between Placebo and a dose of Viagra of some description."
"World's first drug to regrow teeth enters clinical trials."
"Small randomized trials represent the preponderance of evidence in some specialties, including most perioperative medicine trials."
"Looking back at the last decade, you'll notice that there have been nine published phase three studies, seven of which have actually been positive."
"Clinical trials don't just help you... what they find out and they discover by treating you is not only going to help you but it's information feedback for them that's going to help hundreds and hundreds of more people."
"We can't use a clinical trial for everything; firstly, they're incredibly expensive and time-consuming."
"We actually raised over sixty thousand dollars last year and funded a clinical trial to help the research group that's trying to find a cure for that."